Prince Rupert Daily "New: Tuesday, October 6, 1953 As rSee It Clntore - . A OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. V.acLeoc Few policies have created the era! economist. . sharp division of p o 1 1 1 i c a 1 connection ,.ks. thought in this Capital that has economy , been caused by the government s From the bin proposals to make it easier for point, the rtK l' the average Individual to finance son Pwllanr l"1 the building of a home. forsee in the ilLr' On the positive side of the ar- likelihood that ft ?"r An Independent dally newspaper devoted to trie upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia Member o Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupt rt Dally News Llmlwd. J P MA OCR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: fcv carrier Per wee, 25c: per month. 1 00: per year. $10 00 by mall Per month. 75c: per year, as 00. Authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department gumeni mere is a general agree- , generally hither tT ment amongst housing author!- rate. The him. ?r,M Ue that the government' plan lulrly ul b J i ol making the funds ol Mte mittal tna ,L.f M Home of Your Own iTIIE announcement by available for chartered banks In a scheme. Th.. "Villi k.' ."' ii mortgage money will result ' ' ..,. that .... . i th the oharp Increase In home building. the current M prime minister that L ere is to be an entirely the Fishermen Must' Make Choice is taking shape in B.C. a labor movement THERE of hiehest importance to all those who make a living from produce of the sea. Prince Rupert heard about it first-hand over the weekend when repre-H-nfatives of the Pacific Fishermen and Allied Trjrties Union explained why they were forming a Politically, that's the point demand is luttlcieau upon which Liberal MP's, who all the money the)-1,, were taken just as mix h by sur-1 able. As wonoimsu new system of financing home-building and home-owning i.s the best news inducement as were the bankers huge pressure for ,.") and building trades Interests, money on top m I propose to concentrate. They're mand for bankiin ! understandably jubilant that th bu-slnesi purpose, ,k government has come up at long le"1' P iun imetntjif in many a day. It's a great );tj organization to combat the United Fishermen step forward. It will enable tens of thousands measures a furrow as he practices for the 40th fcwst with a solution for a prob- ; "at would be n inf MAYOR JACK Bl'RNET Meft) of Cobourg, Ont.. Internationa, p.owing match to be held 'm- WZmZton r"7 also of Cobourg. Some 750 plowmen from all parts of the world will compete. ammunition ever since (economy. World War II. ! nut despite the 1, Hi. I rm tho Ii.o.illv. !.) f,f ll i lne kperU, ttlf at , of people to build new homes. Also, by giving a great stimulus to house building, it provides a .strong bulwark against another depression. Best news of all Is that the banks are to be allowed to provide mortgage money. The whole credit of Canada will back them utn ,.., I nolltlrallv DODiilar nJ VICTORIA REPORT 4 J. mists, who have been studying -"ralMPs. TheCO, the government plan objectively ' ' ' 5lru,w VlC'lUHlA The more MLAs- the p-upie, in a pieoisoiie in isjj, win-ii . .1 , 'PC's while th thev like it -that is. as Ion. a.: 'asked tor. and what the Stevens- Mr Winch uM the result ef t rather than from the standpoint, ,7e, - r . . . ... , . .iu,.- nr i boh; rut ru offnc rnei uui m m u tins s making niHKine sure sure mat mm. - me uie .'even me opiMisiiionLsus siuav iwiujr eiquiry ctunniLian rec- i, umu rwniyw- r - " ran Thiv taii-n bank, assets are kept liquid and nmmended - cocktail bars, and Dl-a.v him, but he find ronV considerable to be said. They l, ..,.,.u ,, i.UIn Vtt ... I..,.L. uf.AP f ten O nil t I lin ' ' "... . . .... bier and wines in restaurants solution in telling him.self it was point out that home-building at!., , ' ' " iirLI ThT h' .there has to be a liquor bill. ! Oppositionists are astonished, hard Uquur by the glass at ju-st an out-oi-season frast. and the prese.vt time Is ; estabUshing 1 k and i.mewhat frustrated tha cabarets. Thus latter should en- that summer will surely come. new records, and that it is close P"" some id rti.t Xv can nd so little in it to Ulv outlaw the disgraceful "We're having summer now.", to the maximum made possible , Z,; Lre iwttie-ujuler-the-table fashion sakl P.-er.iier Bennett, all smiles, by the availability of materiaLs; - SUPPOSE Canada had not taken k ken V-.u flinr nnracclnn luinff Lite t J i 1 a L y uii.o.iiuii j"'6 lng - ... . down as we did take It. Suppose PPse- (i '. Jnjnnle rt 11, I r. ,iaws. r.f at supper dances that goes on In Mr. Bennett mLsunder.UH.d, pur-: end labor. They contend, there- , Garden Rar '"b"" .eiQiiu liniinr net ' B.C. under the present liquor poseiy, oy way 01 Kitunng Mr. lore, inai any uuumouai pres- unuMiitais, to dahlias. J nave iougni a ioreign invaaer 01 ' ':- : - ,T:..:"' wt-im Winch, whom he admires and sure ucon material and laboriTwmda mi. Allied Workers Union as bargaining agent for v.eSt coast fishermen. As those who attended the meeting know, the subject which received most discussion was the extent to which Communists have infiltrated into the UFAWU. This trend of proceedings brought some criticism on the grounds that the issue at flake was not politics but w hich union could do the most for fishermen's welfare. From the point of view that hard-headed fishermen have little time to concern themselves with political thrust and parry, the protest had some merit. The fishermen's first wish is to be assure! of a good Mving so that they and their families can be confident of comfort and security. . Preumably ii is also their hope that the industry a.4 a whole can be .kepi in a healthy state since anything less than' that will mean their good life is a temporary arrangement threatened at any minute with collapse. In this .particular case, however, it is fatuous to maintain that communism has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Regardless of how one may feel about this particular social philosophy, none can claim that it has gained popular acceptance in Canada. The aversion to it will surely react unfavorably on any organization which accepts its run u.euse evervv.ic. Ai.u i.uliii- . ....... oui land. you see, supplies will drive prices sharoly ; fectly formed, tutni Generally speaking, the new respei-U. Mr. Winch, . . iUw ni.ndMnni..tL. nrlll o-. far Suppose we had set the vast " - ' 1 iip ihn. iri H.ria,. .ir.nk. meant a CCF summer, not an SC upwards and prove highly tnfla- Jack Brand In this t of unemployed to work at - "- ' round of. Alberta d army 'd.:i'n.T'u Sut summer. tionary. And another coal-minim ta in thLs province When It's socially useful things. Suppose. . nofsi 1 C. b, e nr dHnks- Mr. Winch the,, said he's gMd inflation is the thing that Fed- flower-grower said i, J 1 first time he had sttJ for instance that Canada 1 naa RC Government Is taking 5 up eUMetM u eant ; M1 a attractive coekiail lo.inje.i .naicu uut wi.w.t Mum oii.' rarity. Z?Z 1 completely tied up by the LegW perhaps there won't be ao many r uie, ,ucii a, half exut thln a lature. If it wa-sn't for order-in- bottles sold and killed at one .Qual-pay-for-equal - w o r k for; LETTERBOX of the Vancouver Sun newspaper, r..,.,.ill (ho I uklmnra TunU 'itlimrln .. hutel herlrrHim aitli wumt n. i ut-re Ui no umut sourer . UTfST KNR j as they do in every great city across the country. Instead of finding ourselves indifferently or in spots disgrace- have to sit day in and day out, subsequent loss of appetite for 'ro, Hl,-h '" ra" get your " throughout the entire year food and demands lor another inspiration, t h u n d e r e d Mr.' si NDAY COM MITS bottle. So, congratulations to the wll'h. a,uj Social Crediters The E(laor, Bv and larue It the By and large, it aoDear, appeals me J lauvhed and lausfhed. and llie.Ti, n.iiv nw- fully housea as we now are, liquor tain win quicmy collapse, era Bomu,r for their couraee ln Ume Conservatives and the four' 1 wond,.r how many of your Canada could long since have be- anfi tne bill go through fairly rnan,,m Ule )1(lUOr uws even Liberals sat glumly, In their cor-' rfaders are aware that mime-come the best housed nation on quickly. We are likely to see the i10ueri they know a -small but nrr- ','1''''''11 ail frustrated thln(, npw has ,,Pen added with earth. We have aU the. makings, quite extraordinary spectacle of vpry 0cal minority will hate as H11" saw B C.'s new political , ri,gl,rd to Sunday evening con-Ail we lack, so far, is the "git." the entire oppasition voting sol- tnwn ol. lt ; allii'iiment SC and CCF- hiWfe.t! Hitherto it has been en- . idlv with the government on a n,,,h'. r-r-ip m, urin In full action. They no doubt ,,,,.';,. t,wn hv local tm- 1 A TEN PER CENT down payment of legls- wondered if the day will rnmf major piece government was in hls suul orrn wnPn nP pnt Now a prnfes.slonal or pro j on a new house is quite suffi- latlon. That will be a tremendous nmdp ,lls SpP0cl, He announced awlooh. happy day v. hen psslo!H hllV(. u-on brouwht In oient. Indeed, I am convinced victory for the Bennett Oovern- lnat ne refu. s to Judge ;iU age 'ty'" be at ach others' polili- whn do not work for nothing. UlltrtLUJII J 1 17111 LllKJ.C Ul ilMIlll.Ull.;"L i'CI i'ua. lwn lilt 'that the time win come wnen any ment. - ,VPr 70, hv the daie nn his cai inroaw, one as tne govern-1 Ti,u u sten In the direction young married couple-will be able, n must, In all fairness, be said, biith certificate. This sentiment menl- tllp MwT as tl,e 8unday commercial enter-to walk into a bank after their lhe Government has not was heartily endorsed by other llon- A lot of P'0P' m: 11 talnment which, when it comes, wedding and say: ' footed in the new liquor bill. It MLAs all of whom, except Mr : never wi" fome u?aln' an'1 ,lils will tie the hands of the the- "We would like a loan for a has faced fact.-, hmiwht In what Unhlll are far vnimcer than Mr.'fP""" 011e n,na.i.nUnt and thev will CALVIN BOUOC Ui t t . iieann ana wenare Mini-ter he no lonaer ab e kindly to u-na new house." If the young man and the, young woman are of good char- Martin got up when Mr. Winch j the ' theatre for, charitable and ... t..... t I.,... .-.,,t ... r. little Support Given Proposal to Lower; 1 11..W11. ne i.iiu h ii.i-.y pic-: non-profit purixises on ouuuaj pared speech, all about hospital; nnl), xhey will be in business, insurance and health fcervi'-es ; An(t w a mtle more of God's Age of Voters in federal Elections uut he couldn t resist going after rMt on Sunday will' be, traded iacter, and in good health, there I is no reason why they should not borrow the entire amount. True. I fhere might be a tiny fraction of , f:ich young people w ho would i turn out to be duds or frauds. UFAWU experienced this recently when it was .suspended from the Trades and Labor Congress. Other effects of distrust will be working against it in many less obvious ways. In making these observations, we are not trying 1o balance the new union against the old. The iiii iiibers alone can make that, comparison... Our point is merely that the discussion at .Sunday's meeting did not appear so far off the track as some tried to picture it. The Communists were there in force and spoke with eloquence. Clearly they felt the meeting was sufficiently to the point to merit strong debate. But there were others present of unidentified Mr. Winch a bit. He said Mr.',n for a (PW more dollars. How Winch talked nonsense when he do vou It? Kv JOHN E. BIRD , Ion election act committee. CiuiuiiiHn prs stair Writer He told the committee that If t ad Ho' ial Credit geti all II in-S BASIL S, But the net effect of such a plan would be to provide the most OTTAWA Proposals to lower Canadians are "mature enough "Pj''21'011 from the CCF. What ih ninf iiii.ii.ia w... in ... .1.,. .... . i,..i. , .. . o oiler rot. said Mr Martin, what ji solid basis for 'amny aUbiuty. ' , ele(.tlolls below 2i naVe been : years' ,.f ae" they are old en- i 7 t-canaua coma ieaa tne worm miglven ,HUe support In Parlla-lough to vote. He .said extension' 'Heaven help the world. If this ' j I. av tfllno.h ment and there is nothing to in-i of the franchise to persons 1 8 should be so." thundered Mr. . mrougn tne rountry., maln politi-1 and over would make the youth i f lrlll. he ran tlmn.ler 113 i h v local banner. ,cal grou, nave reiaXed their ; of the country "politically con- j well as Mr. Winch. "As the dead "Yes Mr. and Mrs. Young opposition to the idea. sclous earlier in life " hand of Socialism creeps over a Canada. We have faith in you. Granting the franchise to free BOt'lety 11 Paralyses all In It Tne members who ooi)aed lhe t'e u'ill will nmv provide rip the the raonev money to-!Canadlani) to-' T . . ne memoers wno oppo.,t.o ine ; pa,n. Daily Passenger Train Service (EXCEPT SUNDAY I , political t.iai beliefs ur.icux who vuu remained 1C1114111W silent. puciil. The 4 ne ultimate uiuiiwit; jWe under 21 has never 1 decision lies with the group such as this. While the build you a new home, or for you j n , major issue , tne Com. ' IranchllS'to niembew ! Mr Winch wondered aloud how ! tc Buy one which is already built. mons or Senate aithougn lt nas ; "V"" ".ardleM of i anyf hi" tl,at H dead can c,w"-i You can pay back the cost of the been d!rJatwl Drlefly at 1 However SLd Tern- " Mr- Martin knew, he dld.rt rif'w union at this early stage is largely an unknown , nouse in your worRiiig .uctiiue. 1 tim(. - uniorm Mr. wincli. Mr. Martin quantity, the reasons for its formation are a matter r.f immediate attention by all fishermen. " r ...... - . v.. .,. v,,,,,, , 1 optlv like tne ahove In our own to know, but nobody told him. ion- Liberal, Progressive Con.ser ,i,. in, like o a .ha,n. charm. j family, and it -vorks vative and Social Credit parties HAVE AN IMPORTANT J TO DO IN Tl FliOM PRINCE RUPERT JASPER and' Intct fm '110 Utstitlois 1( BIO INCREASE Mr. Martin, having a fine time, Extension of the federal frnn- i expressed great happiness beehive to la-vear-olds would odd ! cause the Ctenservaltves had Jcriplure faMuge for JoJay ' The joy of the Lord is your strength." i '1 b secret of a successful home1 oppf)SPd it onlefly 0ll grounds j fiii inre plan is to have the total tnflt np,..,, is not legally re- about 641,600 persons, to eligible ' routed the 8ocialLst.s In Britain. ' llioritlliy ciiarcs ennntihio fr,r Vtia al lAr-,a ittil ha i . -r-Neh. 8:10. ij I ; r i k.j- iiii:,(v v rwiiuin . n iiuwanus ruriun ta&rtuiMnm : ' voter is in iwnuua, on hip oaw ot w .m v...-. and. Liberals to themselves' DCCI CfTC iworkstoo. much' oi her salary rd -Thr mmh 'olumbia ?0 wel'midded VW ni,,-f'nt that -Kluw that, .SorW I iillMl lTItlCe KUHTi: 8:00 p.m. .... Should go to the reduction or tne r,.prt1t im..nm.r,(1, . btr would be about 428.800. iv... ie .mif., vom.riva- R.Ci (RESERVE Kay r j TivAain riitriiica 1 - t- ir 'I'ii 1 i principal debt. ..... 11 i& , n 1 1. utn,,..n... c r...n ....n u.up Llic Se,ulllU 10 in pio- ,, , vn....UUU y..n- .j ,. Torlt,s ... . and REMINISCES Almost before the young couple ban Una n.V, n f ic hannanini. i 1P V :""! "" """-""'B W n..Or J 1 1 I. ., , . . vintial elections, said any similar 1 dlans were entitled to vote in the ; , . because thev run 011 a fso-MiKgestion in the federal field: last election but only about 1 1 would be rejected, They said It 5.230.409 cast ballots. Home 105,- Mr wlncn; had whe ,ie nrobahlv would receive nnlv the null members of the armed er . .... . .. . ..... . . . ,'ii Via . . 4 ! , , ' e " 101 01 Pt0- have the principal down to a i, available while dlnln in B.C. pie living on pensions or other whieh mW. ihem In Any "m tiiiawinter. along with a lot 1 fixed incomes are Convenient connection at Ja'Per lur puliiui eaxt anil west. BUS SKIIVKTE from Prince K11-peri B:iio a m , (Sunday and Friday (Prince Kupert-HniUhers nly 1 . All tlinea shuwii are ntandard. For Information, call ur wrlie K. I,. KOIIKKTSON, O.A.P.U.. '.28 3rd Ave. W.t frlnee iiert, Phone 2110 a innnnciy ;sei) that particular house on the ' " 7 1 PS"' "P. mat ne ceruiuuy nopeui support of the , Commons' 23 CCF vices were ellKihle ,. ,. , and , 52,?34 mm. u,. he wouldn't ,,,H., talk ,,,,..,,',, '.,,.1 the moif unemployment expected. 1 worse Financial Po.t. as long as regular market whenever they There's nothing new about; Minister of Trade and Industry, ! . want one bleRer or better. Their either. Mr. Chetwynd, who was more; i KNOWING WHAT HE WANTS i eouitv In the first house soon .he IW K,K(f.irci. "' (j.dl il than an hour. Mr. Martin said hej A . ' Beverly L.:.u.-., born a Can- 1 builds up to the point that they The Manchester Ouardian re- ! Uck and allced Knplishman ' never again need to worry about: rorts that the proper pronun- i recently tourru Canada He 1 Where do we get a place to live? members. ; voted. The Canada Election's Act stlp- j Alberta was the first provincial ulates that only iiersons 21 or government to lower the voting over may cast a ballot. There! age for provincial elections. It are some exceptions.". All- mem- 'extended the franchise in 1944 to bers of the regular forces on ' persons of 19 and 20. adding active service may vote provid- about 30,000 eligible voters, lng they are Canadians, lnelud-j Saskatchewan's CCF governing 16-year-old apprentices merit lowered the voting age In the provinces, 21 also is the ! from 21 to 18 In 1948. On the tiauuii 01 1.0s Aiigeies is "Uise- SDPnt. a riav or s.n in Mmnninn I during v.hich he pave on ad was happy to announce that Mr.! Winch had captured the lonitest-speech trophy from Mr. Chetwynd. And then Mr. Martin, having thus broken the legislative doldrums, said he would return legislative debate to a high plane by discussing his department of health and welfare. dress- touching incidentally on sport, remarking that In his (mg-ha-Less." Cracks back the Ottawa Journal: "We take this badly from a paper in a cotin-tiy where Cholmondley is pronounced 'Chumley.' " Charge Laid i ! ! After Body Found ill judgment, cricket was a far faster camp than l.mfil.all WaV. legal voting age except in Alberta I basis of 1951 census figures, there nd Saskatchewan where it is 19! were 39,915 persons ln Saskatche- like to know if Baxter went over i KIMBERLEY f.-RCMP laid a and 18 respectively. The B.C. 1 wan ln the 18, 19 and 20 age I 1 to wait for the world series. l n!'rBe 01 muroer aunaay againsi haW""" obio"""""" proposal to lower the age to 19 groups, or about 7'2 per cent of unrwin L,arvenere suiiivan 01 Anyway Edmonton didn't agree. Is not yet law. the total of ellitlble voters. Kimberley following discovery of That much i.s sure the half-buried body of a 19 Teaching In Canadian schools is described as "horse and buggy In an atomic age." Yet we can-1 ot but help think the horse and buggy saved thousands of lives. Roads had deep ruts, carnages were flimsy and bumpy CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ! year-old youth in dense woods, twenty million Rndv of Edward hnelen 19 nf Half of Me The CCF party made two attempts In 1947 and 1948 to reduce the federal voting aae to 18, E. B. McKay, former CCF for Weyburn. Sask., a motion to the 1947 Domln- Lowering the age In British Columbia from 21 to 19 would add about 28,000 persons to the voting list. ' In the last provincial election 710,207 persons were eligible. women working in the United I Kvinnmo B.C., ' wa3 discovered NOTICE RE VOTERS' LIST States are married or the do!- night by RCMP searching lar is able to buy more than It for the driver of an auto that and there was a whip. It took a day te drive 30 miles, but no one 1 was ever hurt, let alone killed. Registration of Householders and Llrenseholders for the had been parked nearby since September 21. Municipal Voters' Lisl closes at 5 P.M. OCTOBER 81st, 19!3. Householders are entitled to be registered on payment The youth apparently died from a rifle bullet in the back. does today. Several millions w)'l go looking for residences. For home looks pretty good, you bet. The bulk of the world's supplies of nickel come from the huge ore deposits at Sudbury. of $2.00 on or before October Slst, 1953. Llcenseholders who have previously registered and who Police said Coelen left Kelowna about the middle of September, planning to drive to Calgary. . Not only are a fool und his money soon parted, but they find it hard to get together in the first place. 60c SALE 60c on RECORDS have paid a trades license fee for the current year do not need ft y !TH.MCi" HSbf i. A tc re-register. New licenseholders should register at the City Hall between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. All registrants must be British Subjects of the full age Press despatches tell of a chill iey fog In London. Is that news? 78 RPM 'of 21 years, and in the case of householders must have 78 RPM From North Hollywood Valley Times: "Her cooking is the best I've over eaten," said Alexander. resided in Prince Rupert continuously since January, 1st, 1953. for the added convenience of new Registrants, the office CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street of the City Clerk will be kept open all day Saturday, October ,31st, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. POPULAR STOCK LARGE SELECTION RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 644 PUTTING IT PLAIN! 8ome weird and wonderful economics were aired before the convention of the Canadian Congress of Labor ln Montreal. Few of iu ar much btter off R. W. LONG, CITY CLERK.