il . Xj Accept Offer ' Janitor Forecasts Correct k ST. JOHN'S. Nfld. CP) - A VANCOUVER i A 35-year-old 'Vi Abolition of Supervised Strike Vote Requested rlc'rter. strike by NewXoundland Ilsner- Experts Plan Neighborhoods In Kitimat Jan Klklena made a perfect forecast m , Hi football games played Sept. 28 and took ih. i.. . 4 Prince KuperT Doily News Socreds Heckle Opposition Speakers in Legislature 'J Vancouver Province's quiz. "I em such a happy man now I will "'t law hard." he said. "Maybe I'll get married.' men for higher prices htih almost ended Monday when the Newfoundland Federation of Fishermen accepted n offer of. a 20-cents-a-potind top from ex-: porters. Price b 2 j cent." a pound lower ( than last year's but half a cent higher than previous offers. The federation recommended that locals accept the oifer pending further representations to , the federal government for price 'support. TORONTO (CP) The town ol Kitimat will be one of the best ' planned communities In Canada, J. S. Kendrick. company t engineer on t:ic project, said 1 Mondav. Mr. Kendrick told the Cana The B.C. Federation of Labor presented a brief asking 53 changes, while the Trade Union Congress asked 12 amendments and made other recommendations. RECINA Cf Residential construction has bectme one of Retina's biggest Industries this year. Value of 1953 home build-insr permits currently exceeds $10,000,000. By The CanHdian Press VICTORIA. Opposition criticism was with Social Credit heckling and demands for LINDSAYS CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD Established Idle ' dian liiaii Club viuu hen.- i.v r."v town pian VANCOUVER KP) Abolition of Labor Relations Board -supervision of strike votes was demanded at a meetini between Labor Minister Lyle Wirks and BC.'s two main labor organizations. The strike vote demand wis among: 65 amendments to tho Industrial Conriliation and Arbitration Act proposed at the meeting here by the B.C. Trade Union Congress, representing all AFL unions in the province, and the B.C. Federation of Labor, representing CCL unions. Both labor organizations boy-rotted an earlier conference because the labor minister invited local groups rather than the province - wide, policy - makine. councils. withdrawals Monday as the throne speech dehate m j nig experts are laying out the legislature went into its fourth week. sues lor a communis y wmi an ultimate oonulation of 50,000 IvtWINU . . . rALMNlj . . .CRATlu 1 1 1 1,411 V- l.-fll,'.r, ...... .Tim i.m . . . rirun.inill.lj , , . " STllHlli t.'v,i,rl.i,w.,.H hnnrfli,,. I 1 .. . ....... inuuiiii! nai. nauon-t " in) World-wide Shipment-: Reasonable Rates for HUNTING PARTIES Season open for Deer, Omit, Bear. Ducks, Ocese. Kor arrangements telephone Green 8110 pensons, whicn. woma maw Kitimat the third largest ci:y in the province. The site wil- be d.vided Into neighborhoods of about 5.000 each with its' own schools, shops and indoor and outdoor recreational facilities. YACHT Charter Service "MOVK Wf I'll KASfi . . . SHIP Vl UM) it 1 Asents Allied Van l.inrS Lid. I'lione UO or K8 ,.. .. . mu rir. premier Bennoit. is expriiru w ; speed up the debate by calling j the first night sitting of the ; I session today. j j Two speakers, P. A. Glbbs iL-; Oak Bay and Arthur Turner (CCF-Vancouver Easti uspd up the wnole 3'2 hours of Monday's i sitting. C. A. Parker iSC-Pcace ; Riven ) did not have time to de-i liver his scheduled address. j 1 Mr. Gibbs was ordered by the ; j speaker to withdraw two remarks ! and said he did not have to withdraw a third. At one time i he described B.C. as the test! : province in Canada for short- i ; ages. ! B.C. Roundup KIMIHItl.l V (CP) RCMP said Monday that Darwin Lavrrne Sutherland of. Kimberley has camitted that he aceldfntally shot 19-year-old Edward Coelen, Kelowna motorist whose body Was found buried in dense woods near here with a bullet wound .in the back. Sutherland, who gave himself up to police here Saturday, was remanded without plea to Oct. 12. djuyvULlJyl i Attorney-General Robert Bon-1 VANCOI'VFK CP) Daniel iner demanded two of the with-! O'Brien, 63-year-old former i drawals, one of them accepted,' union organizer, went on trial and Health Minister Eric Martin In assize court here Monday demanded the third. j charged with conspiring to kid- j Early in the speech, Mr. Gibb.r nap a woman who lived across , said if interruptions from the j the street from him. government side of the Walter John Tulley, a mech- continued he would turn off his anie and first crown witness, j hearing aid. testified that O'Brien told him I Both Mr. Glbbs and Mr. Turnei ATP' he planned to kidnap Mrs. Mar- i criticized speeches made by gov ernment ministers week garet Pritchard and offered to pay S500 for his help. ( i Mr. Gibbs said the health minister, by saying that ho.spitl costs must go no higher was telling labor leaders to "get theii wage costs down, for he knows as well as 1 that hospital costs can only come through wage and VICTORIA (CP) Premier Bennett said today the freight rates changfs announced from Ottawa Monday were only a "preliminary step." The changes increased rates jost of the Lakehead 10 per cent and reduced them five per cent west of the Lakehead. "We look forward to full equalization and hope it won't be postponed too long," said the premier. salary deductions. " "But ... he didn't have the spunk to say so." j Mr. Turner said the sole right for wholesaling and retailing! natural gas in B.C. should be in ! the hands of the B.C. Power Coin- ! mission. He said public ownership would prevent the "monopoly and ex- j ploltation exercized In the pub-1 lie utility Held by such corpora-! "' , k. ... VANf'Ol'VKR (CP) More than 100 photographs were scrutinized Monday as Mr. Justice J. V. Clyne opened a hearing here lions as the B.C. Electric and the ; into two landslides that dam- i B.C. Telephone 'Companies. Rig, burly l ord Economy Trucks' have plenty of muscle and stamina i. take the hard knocks of modern sptcd-hauling. Rugged dccp-uW frames are desioned to resist back-breaking torsional strains . . . repacked V-8 engines hustle big loads fast, over the toughest routes., every working part, every body and chassis part, is built to stands: aged the S5.800.000 Whatsham "Unless B C.'s natural resour-power plant Aug. 1 and 16. ces are publicly owned the same The photographs show views : thing will surely happen as what of the plant site before and happened to electricity in thLs -fcftr the slides, which covered j province." the plant's switch building an3 j later wrecked part of the main . hydro-electric building. under the punishing wear of hard, steady driving. Ford Trucks art :m and they're thrifty, too. V-8 dependability and Power-Pilot ccononr- Father Tells ! Of Attempt To Save Boys mean big, worthwhile fuel savings ... and Ford Truck tngincenc. means extra ton-miles of pa) load hauling for every penny spun & Jy Vm ,... - j'" "' 1'.. ... .' .11 . ' it! -U : re, v . , - .1. 1 ;..'!, -i.V" .4 ' ' ', . : - a ',".-;i,-.,:',r.; '4 ' ' T ; fe -f! "V- . :i "j ' -4?" tK Get a two-fisted, tight-fisted truck . . J, , ' J V '-J ' upkeep VICTORIA (CP) Incidence of paralytic polio cases in British Columbia this year is far higher than in 1952, the provincial health department reported on Mondav. He-alt h officials said a total of 474 polio cases had been reported uu to the beginning of this week, including 288 cases involving paralysis. They said this represented a 100 per cent ; increase over 1952. j 'The number of fatalities re-' silting from polio Is lower this ABBOTSFORD, B.C. (CP) Five minutes of terror were related j Monday by a grief-stricken father whose three children I died in a fire that destroyed I their home here. . I Killed in the blaze that early j Monday gutted the two-storey frame home of Mr. and Mr.i. vi ar with only 15 deaths re- ; James MacDonald were Karen, i ported romparid to 24 deaths eight, Patrick, six, and Gordon, i la the corresDonding period of three. An older daughter, Marie, I 1952 when 371 cases were re- 13, suffered a broken arm when i ported. ' she Jumped from an upstairs I window. ; lifiiiiitoiAirK.ntn..ii '. 1 V t-d M . a 7 Z that . Mrs . . Mr- MacDonald said he Monday re,., Ag- ; in when h(. was was 1 awakened by a noise downstairs ; elly shot and killed Saturday by Vi'-r 17-year-old son, Billy. , 1 he two were on ia hunting U. 1(il)ce reported the gun was accidentally dischurged as Billy W4S lnading it. ' ' jf'rj') ffi' " " v - 4 n 1 vv;;BVsv-d - h:',"'--A ' r t rjlr . . ... . , iT'i" j it ,f v i N, - 'if I ? . - 'jZz? 4, .v- viC-y fe ikp M-4trs( ' fl, - u r 'V; f -nA Tit r f? . . Ucfe W ;M V i .a 1 1 y J 1 , . , il l t ' , and started down to investigate "but J never got there." j "When I was half-way dowa the stairs there was a 'poof and the fire seemed to jump all ' j around me. I rushed back up. .: i to the girls' room and shouted ' for them to jump and then went ; j after my boys in the other room. I j "I had my boys in my arm;,; VICTORIA (CP) Beautiful hranuiids may adorn B.C. res-t iuinnts serving beer and wine jnder the province's new drinking .system. Government circles have Indicated no objection will 1 then the Tire exploded in my ; ! face. I "I can't remember what hap- i be raised to women serving liquor. A group of non-union j ,nHlT nex: 1 them some way I can t remember jumping . Waitresses will meet with Attorney-General Bonner here on Wednesday. from the boys' room wir.i .-,v but 1 I must have, because the next I thing I remember I was on the ground." j The northern white pine, among the best-known North American timber, is valued for Week-end Deaths By The Canauinn Press WINNIPEG Charles Henry Dahl, 65, transportation mana-l'ltl"""''"1"lt 1 it I mm . I ger for the Greater Winnipeg transit commission. ' j TORONTO Chester Brown Hamilton, 69, president of the Hamilton Gear and Machine j Company. j BERLIN Dr. Friedrich Wolf,; "A, prize-winning East German, author and diplomat. Johannesburg Johannes' Jarobus Venter, 57, president of trie South African Trades and Labor Council. TORONTO James Patrick Hynes. 85, prominent architect who designed many Roman Catholic buildings throughout eastern Canada. To VANCOUVER fiavelimcl Save moneyJ 'SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER via Waypoints FRIDAYS: SS Coqultlam, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: SS" Chilcotin, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm Chilcotin, Saturday, 6 a.m. To North Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 7 and 21 Midnight 88 Coquitlam To South Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 14 and 28 Midnight SS Coqultlam FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent PRINCE RUPERT B.C. ; LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirts Ironed 'pRKSS-WHILE-YOU-WArr Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black 27 744 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) "The Home of Friendly Service" MP mm 511 Third Ave. Phone 568