Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, October 6, 1953 First Aiders Plan Classes r i ,-,.v J v. A am Seamen, Wrens New Mess Officers I of mess officers, plans for social activi-fiinovation in drill ceremonies highlighted n.ii.ii,.!!,.. .him i I . ' Ml " ' : ' .I''" -- - ,r Immm " Consumer Credit Praised By Insurance Company Head l 1 r ? ? t For Winter virtually classless society in By FORBES RHl'DE Canadian Press Business Editor ; wtljcb. buying piwer has been Three separate types of first aid training will be given at the 4 headed by j iiiard. spread out. and which is mu -li less vulnerable thin that of, say, 1929. when buying power was In the hands of fewer peo- pie. 1953-54 first aid classes sponsored by the Prince Rupert St. John Ambulance association, It was announced today. Training will be given in St. John first aid, Industrial first aid and civil defence first aid train I t ' ' - f 5 " j how mucn can people aiiora to buy on credit? The answer lies shadowy in the depths of the business crystal ball as observers try to peer into the future. Some believe people have bought too much on credit; others that it is an instrument for prosperity which by no means has been overworked. Carrol M. Shanks, president of the Prudential Insurance Company of America, says: "Consumer credit is one of the ereatest possible devices for raising the standard of living. ing. A meeting has been called for 8 p.m. Friday, October 9, at the city hall when arrangements will be made for winter classes. Classes will be set for the convenience ,S Jack Evans, ,,ind in full uni-the color of "dl-itham last night, iid "The Queen" u" as the colors nd the honor jd arms. The col-I will be a roRU-Jivisions on drt!l jliam. I Hopkins and AB wrre elected 'the Wrens' and Jvspectively. Oth-ted were: Wrens it. Lillian Was-fv Hazel Tweed; It Bill: entcrtain-l c. Madelene pi-verlea Matson Men's Treas- Petersen: book-nris Nell; rnttr-liitlee, Bandsman i. OS Mel Moore. I Cameron, OS B. of applicants so that persons who . . t - , V By paying as they earn, people j McFarlane, LS Pete Petersen and AS Wally Kesler. The two messes are planning three dances to be held before Christmas, with proceeds earmarked for a children's Christmas tree party to be hold at Chatham. The first dance of the year will be an officers' ball November 7. The Wrens 'also planned a party In their mess to be held October 23. Welcomed back to Chatham was ASub Lieut. Charles Wright, formerly of this division, who Is now a Junior officer under training aboard HMCS Ontario, and made the trip to England for the Coronation, aboard the Ontario. He will leave here October 10 to resume training and hopes to go into the Fleet Air Arm on 'completion of his course. FIRST NIRSE Also welcomed back was Nursing Sister Ada Smith who has been to HMCS Naden, Esquimau, for a two-week training course. She ts the first nursing sister to be recruited for reserve work at Chatham. Lt. Dick Wilson also is back from training, having completed a divisional officer's course at HMCS Naden. enjoy things while they are young, and with their children. How many could save $2,000 or $3 000 for a car If they couldn't CLARE BOOTH 1.1'CE (wearing hat). United States Ambassador to Italy, relaxes with friends at Capri Beach where she temporarily escapes the heat of Rome. have set activities on certain nights of the week can also take advantage of the first aid classes. The meeting will also discuss sites of future classes. INSTRUCTORS APPOINTED Six qualified instructors will be In charge of the three types of first aid work. They are R. E. Eyolfson, W. N. R. Armstrong, LOVELY IRIS MAXWELL uses a toy bucket to wash the sand off her feet before putting on her slippers after a dip in the ocean at Miami Beach. Looks cool, doesn't she! I Tailoring, Sewing Classes Get Underway at Centre Albert Blackhall, Percy Bond, Thomas Elliott, and J. C. Ewart. W. H. Hill, civil defence coordinator of Prince Rupert target area pay for It by instalments? "Such credit is quickly paid off and gives stability to the economy." Mr. Shanks, in reply to questions at a Toronto press conference, said undoubtedly credit could be overdone, but he didn't think today's figures unrealistic. Taking a generally optimistic view of the future, he said North America Is developing a i 4 cup finely chopped tmry 4cwpt ftniy popped cobbag 4 cup firwly chopped onion Vi cup Cl"wi' Mustard 1 cupt u9or 2 tooletpoortt flour 14 tabloipoon tvrmoric , , . t cups diluted vinegar Cover celery, cabbage and ooioot with brine Vi cup to 1 quart water). Allow to stand overnight. Drain well. Combine dry ingredients with vinegar. Bring to boil. Add chopped vegetables and boil for 20 mins. Put into sterilized iart- Cool and cover with hot paraffin. CK4H will supervise civil defence first for the next three weeks. The classes are Just about filled to capacity. However, Miss Classes In sewing and tailoring got Underway at the Civic Centre yesterday afternoon with a dozen women getting a start on making aid program. Of. V ylur The instructors carry out their work free of charge as a public Cross said today that persons Interested but not yet registered can i nquae tonight or tomorrow. service but there is a small fee for the courses to cover admin istration expenses. f M J liralia lAI'i Mrs. In the sewing and tailoring classes, the adult "students" are being taught tricks of the trade as they make their own clothes, The SL John first aid course IillliUl.e.Vli Important Badminton Meeting,'' Sunday.- October 11. 2:30 p.m. AH players are requested to attend.; ' , 235 C.WX.; Bazaar and Tearoom, Oct. 7 and 8. Added attraction: Beautiful upholstered chesterfield chair made by Rupert Upholsterers., (234) NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES -Night school begins tonight. Registration and payment of fees.7:00 to 7:30. Classes begin 7;30. " Subjects available: Art, bookkeeping, dressmaking, English tor new Canadians, mathematics shorthand, typing. (233) There will be no drill sessions f. a 315-year-old , iive birth to quad- j IThe latest arrivals. 1 OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 takes approximately eight weeks and the industrial course Is scheduled to take 16 weeks and nt Chatham next Monday. ire girls -gave her i i namtsgivmg uay. , cliiklren. j t the Gilgandra : their own suits and dresses, Eileen Cross of the University of Biitiyh Columbia Extension Department, Is directing the three week series of classes in .ewlns. ana also In "Home Rejuvenation." The latter starts this afternoon, and already the small gym at the Civic Centre is stacked with chairs large and small, and other items, to be refurbished. Sewing and tailoring classes will be held afternoons and evenings Mondays, Wcdneslays and Fridays and home rejuvenation, afternoons and evenings Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays includes training to qualify a person as a first aid- attendant in keeping with the Workmen's Compensation Act. The St. John course is elementary first aid Krjlag Day Nets and picking up a variety of household hints on the side from Miss Cross, who is full of home-inaking Information. In the home rejuvenation course, students are shown how to make over furniture, re-upholstering, refinishing, making slip covers and so on. Close to 100 Prince Rupert men and women are registered for the two courses. B' unuift wiic iiui- - r and babies were p I , fr rCi giving over a 3'i- j Z)QQ KBuQlS 4oUO ie babies weighed i lomicis, u ounces : a report on the S'a Cadet I flirce pounds. 13. tag day held last month, which l 1.1s been living in . netted the cadet corns S308. i Indies out Of Oil-, hltthliehtpd a meeting nf the' training of benefit to anyone In any walk of life and can be added to if added training is desired. In cases of women first aid work can be followed up by home-nursing work. Executive of the Prince Rupert St. John Ambulance association is made up of T. J. Boulter, honorary president: Mayor Harold Whalen, Dr. W. S. Kergln, W. C. R. Jones, Dr. D. Black, J. S. Wilson, honorary vice-presidents; mm i Women's Auxiliary to the Prince I have to buy an- Rupert Sea Cadet Corns in the IhP father, E. R. ' ward room Ht HMCS Chnl hum SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 1.10 Gal. Tank $ 55.00 Gal. Tank S 75.011 375 Gal. Tank $ 90.00 550 Gal. Tank $110.00 -'.' 3 Prov. Tax Extra ". All tanks made of " 12-gauge steel Industrial Welding nr-old fencing! Mrs. T. MrNelee who was In TEA BAGS Revised Bible Sets Record In 1953 Sales . Icelandic Lovelies Set Contest Rules ! charge of the taff. rennrted the j R. E. Eyolfson, president; W. N. ; jrw South Wales ; results. The funds will be used Iter. Chve Evatt, ' to purchase equipment for the liiurh-e n 1 a r g e d corps. r:. s?.'!!,.1!l President Mrs. A. F. Davidson! R. Armstrong, vice-president: J. Green 8K4 225 First Avenue f. presided at the meeting which t r.inH Gilgandra and.r,....., ... , launched the first full year of activities for the auxiliary, or till be allotted the led. I NEW YORK I API The latest C. Ewart, honorary secretary-! revision of the world's greatest treasurer: an executive commit-Ibook has sold more copies in Its tee includes: John MacLean, J. ! first year than' any book ever C. Franks. T. H. Elliott. Mrs. 1 published. ' Jessie Hoff, R R. Strachan. K. R. j This was disclosed when the plater, Jock Davidson. Miss F. 1 National CouneU ot the Churoho, Pynwffldv i ,, ,. , . i ! ot Christ in the U.S.A. announced i ganized last January I The members planned a Mark' . Ing bee next week at the home Lefs Entertain Mask. f Alice of Mrs. McNeice to sew crests 1 student, has a on Jerseys for the cadet basket- that 2.500.0OO copies of the new j revised standard version of the i Lesser Evil CALGARY (CP)E. S. Huestis. to keep up. For ball team. jars she has had a I Tentative plans for a dance fattendance record, i for the cadets, to be held No- And Don't Forget Bible have been sold since the I first printing Sept. 30, 1952. j I As far as can be learned, the I book which comes nearest to j e day. ' t ' vember 6, also were discussed. Alberta game commissioner, told Calgary hunters that many farmers would rather have, wild fowl feeding off their crops than entertain hunters. In 4he sr-. yw I first-year sales of the new bible t REYKJAVIK. Ireland i Reuters "-Icelandic lovelies gave a frozen stare to Inquisitive males trying to organize Reykjavik's first beauty contest. The girls refused to break the Ice and only six turned up at a mueh-publieized polling competition in the capital's Tivoli Park. There the six Insisted on appearing in 'evening dress Instead of the usual bathing suit, refused to be photographed and demanded a guarantee , of anonymity for (the, five-loseri V Eventually 42 per cent df .the 7.000 spectators gave the winning Vote of Miss Stgridur Arnadottir, 19-year-old baker's assistant, and set off a violent controversy about beauty contests in general in the national press. Miss Arnadottir won a complete wardrobe of clothes, a camping outfit and a two-week vacation in Scandinavia. Gone With the Wind.'' , The , Pencils f fjrst iweek f the duck-hunting late Margaret Mitchell's romaliee cr.oann Included five CKWOODon of the southern United States. I neiferSi three milk cows, one pumisnea in iajo. sum purebred bull and a pig. 3r EncL Although many persons insist t,hat sex and violence are topics A5LEY BLACKWOOD which create best-sellers, tne ail- j time hard rover best-seller I. aside f i om t he bible published ! in the United States was Charles Sheldon's "In His Steps," a book with an inspirational religious , theme. i In a half-century, "In His j Advantage of Confusion Cagey Declarer Knows a commendable oractice but in deienu Stepj" is estimated to have sold at least 8,000.000 copies. Ironi-! eally, Sheldon a clergyman, never copyrighted his book and never m don't have time to be safe. plarer like Mr. realized anv great financial return from It. Sows the advan- Dispute Starts Over Meeting Oueen Elizabeth g his opponents to go wrong. In lie ducked the f king of clubs, pve wun the first f arc and later led I'll to set up that flw in conceding v CANBERRA I API The ques- j lion of who gets first chance ti 1 greet Queen Elizabeth when she j arrives next February has set off a small-scale cold in Australia's higher government levels. Ihc dispute came into t.h' open today as a result of a South dealer East-West vulnerable North (Mr. Ahrl) 10 7 8 4 2 I K 9 a V A J 6 f-l lu-t (.Mr. MiiMtrrs) (.Mrs Krrn) B--K 6 a S A J a H-A 6 '4 3 1I-.7 D-J 10 1J- 8 7 5 4 3 CJ- K 10 4 C- 7 0S Milllll (Mr. ( Imiiiplmi) 8 3 H K Q J 10 8 0 r--A Q 0 C 8 3 ThB bidding: Houth Weiit Nnrtli 1 11 Phhs - 1 H 2 II rsa a NT 4H Allp.'tiis question in the federal jkhisc oi Representatives. The questioner asked Prime Minister R. G. f Mr. Masters on! l.v-befure he had II v to gtt a good S lwnd. Mr. Masters i"rls ''tactly the right lwo or the con-" made. He made 4fl after thinking fl9ing lines, f'ared to him Mr. as soon as he M. was to fines ir f"bs and pitch a f? of elubs. Whut A for m rarirtv nf pcttcti Ent I Men.les whether the state gov-Phs eminent of New Siuih Wale. Fa1 i believes its local premti r. nthei HAVE A WORD FOR IT . . . Wt mean the ftwgic vard thiK tells a mule to get foing . It probably worked better th usual, recently, when Greek mule-drivers had to transport into the isolated interior, roofing materials needed for the construction of refugee shelter. The government purchased 2,000 tons of ala-minum for the purpotc and incidentally licked the trantporu-tion problem. Another nice thing abwrt aluminum's lightness it thai a given poundage goes two to three time as far as with other metal. It often mean that aluminum, mh all it advantage, actually can, less, too. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). Tfctpr tend Hi for m cot of the trcu- edition I i "HERB'S "HERE'S ONE ONE WAY WAy 'tCW of ' ( uhuarr Art" t9 . Ret kill e C olmjft (Canada) I imtied. Department Hi-.-10OO Amherst St., Montred. Good Companions: the taitiest '18 International h-ton pickup $775 '48 Anglia Coach $400 Ml Chevrolet Couch.... $500 50 Plymouth Sedan $1425 3fl Hudson Sedan $325 '41 Packard Sedan $350 4!) Ford Tudor $ 350 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LIMITED s" Planned to dls- a diamond or a 'i'. Masters eoukl h:m Men jes himself, should be first to greet the Quc( n Canberra is in New South Wales. Mrwics avoided the, lsue o( disagreement, but " admitted he was mectm? Premier Oosepl Caliill this week. "The pfoP'0 no cl,'-ct New South Wales pailiimen ?re the same elertors who elcc fhe Commonwealth Parliament.' Men-Mrs sM, adding acidly: "I' eould Ivudly be accepted that the Au4rnli in government take second place to any other gov eminent In this country." l,n but he won! lilon did have the ace and Mis. tteen the jack, there would still be a chance to get a spade trick if Mr. Champion guessed wrong and put In the 10 from dummy. As lt was, Mrs. Keen went up with the ace and returned the suit. Thus the defenders won two spades, a club and a heart. If Mi. Masters had not shifted to a spade, Mr. Champion could have discarded the jack of clubs, got rid of a spade on the ace and made his contract. j and easiest of snacks can be I ' planned with ready-cooked and I canned luncheon meats, cuts j from the left-over roast and . cheese slices with white, brown, i . rye bread or rolls. Use plenty -of French's mustard as a lively relish. HillticH. He' could oiamonds In his I jt -- t rutin,., y P'y. It was thcre- Mr. CllHmnlnn 'om a diamond as rnanv n i.ui llnnd and dummy. always Insist on.. "'mea Mr. Cham. shorter in o.... IT'S TIME .rv v rv Dttiflt f... . . v V "am the closed piaM tT ' II t mustard r I 5C"EM SALAD ' 4 Wl"wiinintiiirfi.; ii '" ".ii J eiso tin. .L . I Lr J French's Prepared Mustard is smooth and creamy, and brings out extra flavour in foods. Smart hostesses always serve French's because they know, their guests prefer it. TO IM5TAL STORM WINDOWS . The fall rains are here and winter is not far behind. Call us today to instal storm windows in YOUR house. ALL TVPHS OF WINDOWS AM) SASH MADE TO ORDER f had not shown! gt in playing K then. Mr. Mas- F a'"'cmt but nee- . .foremost in frozen food GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. spade. He 'tly belter 1ji I to s Sli I Ol,( Ollt- H.H.... i. Phone 09 215 First Avenue West ih,. ,. c' vnan GOIDIN APPEARANCE GOIDEN flAVOOt GOIDEN aUAlITt r'n n Mr Chi J