9 F.. - . J- .' ,z Tue.Mtay, tfc'tober 6, 19M r.r.Ofcr.F. DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red in a Twenty Records Broken During Six-Game Series f 1 W , NEW YORK AP World Se.r- both clubs, one series 80; Yank-In mark fell all owt Yankee ees 41. Dodgers 39. ! Stadium and EbbeU Field In the . Most left on bases, both cjubs, , 50th annual classic which ended one series 90; Dodgers 49, Yank-; yesterday. ; ees 47. Billy Martin, New York Yank- Mast runs, losing club, one ser- ' 1DLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 ees second-baseman, established ies Dodgers, 27. ! two and fced four. He had the! Winning most consecutive ser-! most hits and the most total ies Yankees, 5. tJ,fff mr'tr nut tut Club playing most series Yan! THE DAILY AUTOMOBILES j . i 1949 FORD 5-passenger ' coupe ! in good condition, equipped ' wlth heater and defrosters. Good "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3612 LAST YEAR 3308 ruhber. Priced for Fnor e Green 699. BUSINESS PERSONALS LANDSCAPINQ AND GARDENING Rock walls, rockeries, flower boxes, lawns and fences. Garden keeping. Free estimates. Phone Red 806 - (235p BURNERS cleaned. Chimney building, repairs, cleaning. Painting. Ceilings, wall, windows washed. Blue 2145. (236p) NEED your old tires. For a liberal trade see KNUTSON'S TIRE MALES ti SERVICE, 811 Fraser St. Phone Red 548. THE ELECTRICIAN D. Qiiyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9lh Ave. West. Phcne Rod 165. 241 1 bis idvcmsemcnt is not publiihtd or displayed by the Liquor (.octroi Hoard or bv the Government ol British Columbia. DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe t nl ? ? nl IIIJLJUUJ I ..t 1 rJsil tm Ik baa 1W4 W tW On ba.ses and tied for the highest. battinipercenta;e in six games, . most runs batted in, most triplesj and mast long hits. ! The records broken based on a , six - game series: Individual ' Most base hits, one series '; Billy Martin, Yankees, 12. TvIaI totai ba.-ed, one i Billy Martin, Yankees, 23. ! Most. strikeouts, one pitcher,' total series Allie Reynolds, Yankees, 62. Mast trikotits, one pitcher, game Carl Erskine, Dodgers, 14. Team Most base hits, both clubs, one merles 120; Dodgers 64, Yankees 56. i Most home runs, one club, one scries Yankees 9. Most home runs, bjth club's, ! one series 17; Yankees 9, Dod- ! gers 8. j Most total bases, one club, one series Dodgers 103. ' Most total bases, both clubs, ' one series 200; Dodgers 103, Yankees 97. 1 Most total bases, both clubs, ' i game 47; Yankees 27, Dodgers 20, fifth game. Most long hits, one club, one series Dodgers, 22. Mast extra bases on long hits, one club, one series Yankees 4k Most extra bases on long hits, Nirut HPLAT OOftUTS CAXMjOM 1 WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US Dibb Printing Co. kees 20. Club winning most games, to- tal series Yankees 71. Largest receipts, game $387,- 574.74 first game. Largest receipts, players' pool first four games $691,341.61. Dally News Want AOs (Jet Results BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe a CHOPSUEY... , ...CIHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Tuesday) Hollywood Cafe If For Outside Orders Phone 133 WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 90S Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 ( SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER fcLECTROLUX. Prion Bine for Parts Sales Service. (d PLUMB1NO, automatic oil heat- Ing, Sheet metal work. Phone Call 30 6th West. Letour-neau. (c) I PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk, Stone Building. Red &93. (20m) Ossified Rates i 4 30 p m. day prevlotu icnlicn. , rents oi-r word per In. minimum jliarKe 60 ccnu. llltH, 50 cent: Cnrda of i ueatli Notice. Funeral Marriage, and Engagement ferments, WW. faiplav dniible prloa). i No Rflunds 14, I not nccfot riponlbimr leii ads Inserted lncorrectlr wrung ciusslflfatlon . ptm c hi mien mom t received hours ul nrt insertion. rock r ANT AD REPLIES WE jre holding replies $ following News )xes: I 78 1 803 807 pplies must be !cd for in person 470 I)Vll.N(i EVENTS ! Bazaar, uciouer i 443. jiiil.st Rum RmrnnaK Bale, fcext to Stork Shopi. n Tea, October 10 Auxiliary card party, Mi n's Tea, Civic Center 15. Star Dance, October 2 Ill Fall Bazaar, October : ( Card Party, Oct. 22. 4y Catholic card party, I'Sl Hrid'.'e, whist and 29 6i prize $10 00. 4 i 9 s Co-ordinating Coun-jivic Centre, Oct. 22. 1 Auxiliary Halloween 13 i 31. - - fan Legion Ladies' Aux-ill Bazaar, Nov. 4. . Fall Bazaar, Nov. 13. St. I Fall Bazaar, Thurs-inbfr 19, 1953. fall Bazaar, Friday, No- Purple Fall Bazaar, Elks ki. 21 JH Fall Baz-xar, Novem- 1 teiian Ladies' Aid Ba- ember 26. Church W.A. Chrlst- . Dec 3. ral Full Bazaar, Satur-i 5. (NGAIiEMENTS WILKORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired, tn ttAQAZlNEtl, novelties. hddle's Newi Stand. (c) .' M ITRNITl'KE UK SALE HOLLYWOOD bed complete, i vanity and bench; Rogers console radio. Phone Black 924. . (234pi A SEWING MACHINES JALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Luxury bleomt , i Prince George SAILS FOR -a 0 VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports 1 Each Thursday at 11:15 pm. , ! For KETCHIKAN" WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service 2 For reservations write or call City or Depot Ofic, Prince Rupert. B C. BUSINESS And, PROFESSIONAL KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 PHONE 458 MESSENGER Pit K-L'P AND DELIVERY : IF YOU WANT A ' CINDER DRIVEWAY, ! ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, j Rent of Trucks and Equipment J Pn. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS G. HELGERSON LIMITED , REAL ESTATE & INSU RANCH . Phone 96, Evenings Blaei: 899 ' SCOTT Mcl-AREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. I Prlnco Rupert, B.C. . I Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 1 PRECISION SAW FILING AU Types of So s . " 1 Sharpened tlS 1st Ave. W. Phone W Them? o For action try Classifieds fas P-.M. DAY PREVIOUS NEWS" j 1 47 i i I i 36 ROOMS FOR RENT BOARD and room for young quiet gentleman. Nice home. Non-drinker. Write our particulars to Box 706, Dally News. ST' (238pl TWO adjoining light housekeeping rooms for gentlemen to share. Green 906. (233p) TWO double rooms with twin beds. Board if desired. 812 2nd West. (238) NICE dean sleeping rooms, close Jn. 101 7th Ave. East. Black 977. (233) HOUSEKEEPING room and sleeping room. Phone Blue 626. (237pi ONE double, one single sleeping room available. Phone Red 784. (237p) LIGHT housekeeping room. 1141 Beach Place or Blue 433. . :,' 238 11 SLEEPINQrooms7l32 4th Ave. 13 East. Red 417. (238p) LARGE housekeeping room. Call HOI Borden St. (237) ONE housekeeping room. 937 Ambrose Ave. i23Bp SLEEPING room. Call at 337 8th West. (236) ROOM to share. Red 471. 12341 38 COTTAGES,- CAMPSITES FURNISHED two-win cabin. Tatooch Cabins, 2000 11th East after 6. 238 ' 1 39 HOMES FOR JtfcNT """ j FOUR - ROOM furnished KUite.l private entrance. Call Oreen i I 8!6 or 920 th Ave. East. (237pi I CENTRALLY located two-bed- room apartment, immediate i orrupancy. Black 277. - (2331 THREE-ROOM .suite, semi-furnished. Central. Phone Green 241 eves. . "2361 SUITES for rent. Red 684. (235) 40 HOMES FOR SALE IN SECTION Two Five-room house with basement garage, on two large lots. Modern kitchen. Phone Green 587. 234) TWO - BEDROOM house, oil heater Available immediately. $4,000. Terms. Phone Blue 710. '236) CLEAN wartime four. $1000 down, balance monthly. 1381 First Overlook. Blue 2138. (238p) LARGE family home or revenue house. 1141 Beach Place. 236l FOUR-ROOM furnished hous, Phone Black 551. t235 "I 42 m WANTED TO hi? NT ' GARAGE With llht cement I floor. Contact Mr. Collins, Savoy Hotel. (234pl ROOM and board for quiet gentleman Apply Box 800, DailV News. 237p YOUNO couple desire five-room house or suite, unfurnished. Plume Red 835. - I237p) ROOM and board for youn? man. Phone 223. (234pi LEGAL NOTICES "XOTICK TO 'Ri:ilTOIlS in the matter ot the estate of f'HARLES MATHIA8 CARlKN. olherwlsfl known1 as CHARLES M T H I A 8 KARLSEN and CHARLES MATHIAS CARLSON, Inrmerly of Prlnc Rupert. British Columbia, deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims ..7nin.il the estate of the above de- censed are hereby required to send them to the undersigned Mrs. Maude Campbell, co 208 GIB Howe Street. Vancouver, B.C. belore the 81st day of October. AD. 11)53. after which dutt! the executrix will distribute the said estate among the parties en titled thereto havini! regard only to the claims of which sh then has notice. DATED this 24th day of SepMMU . ber. A D. 1953. MAUDE CAMPBELL, Executrix, by Ntmrti. Oervln V Co., Her Solicitors. (H) 47 AITTOMOBILKS 1946 CHEVROLET sedan for sale. Fair condition. May be seen at Frlzzell Motors. Please direct bias to uoaara vajusi- ment Bureau, Prince.; OeorRe, I BOX 2253. . ?33) Sewing Centre. Phone 864. x (c) FOR SALE MISC. MUST SELL Easy washer. $45; electric rangette. $;10: con-verto and chairs. $30; buffet, $13; or best offers. 430 Bowser j Black 169. (235pi HOUSE trailer, aluminum, fur nished. insulated. At CP ! Dock, Best offer. Box 806, Daily News. 233) BLONDIE Toilored for Size Bv CHIC YOUNG , ,'-tL - XiCANTOMeN M i -If II I'm 4rC,cOy AND (MOW -JUST SLIP IT UNDER) I (J j ,.N U I heVerJ (NoeoDVHOMe. S-1 the door jZZ , , LJ J iT1w' auick sale. 1233) 1952 CHEV coach, excellent con dition, radio, air conditioner, undercoating. Mr. Stone, Blue 923, eves. 1237) MUST sell '49 Customline Ford sedan. $1100.00 or nearest offer. Phone Black 837. (234) RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 KUucycle xSuhlecl to Chasr TUESDAY P M. H:tMt Miipper SwniMle k 6:30 Public Ev 7:00 CBC Nft 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester 8(Uur to Broadway B OO A Word In Your Eur :1S Crvlng In the Wildemeas :30 Musical Protsrain W:00 Mr. Bhow business 9:30 Vanroxiver Theatre 10:00 CBC New 10:10 CBC New 10:15 Mountain Women 10 sn Here Comes the Band ll:IM Miialiul MaMerpleteii t :tlt Mnl- Till Miilillfhl ) 61gn-oB WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 B C. Fishermen' Bd;t. 1:I.V Milhltnl link . 7:30 CBC News: WatSier Report j a.vMii.i Hl Inek H :00 CBC Nt n :10 Here'a BUI Good H:l.i Morning peiultoitt 8:30 Record Album 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9 15 Musical March-Past :S0 Morninn Concert 0:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 111:1.1 mux mlix -l"e- l:3it Kej iMtaril and 1'intMtle 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11 00 Your Oood Neighbor 11 :15 Kindergarten ot the Air 1 :Klt Mesnaae period lnixram Keiiine Hrcorriinstf , 11:4.1 ferHlldhiatian Melodies ' :4M rurn eurs li himiii P at. 12:16 CBC News 12:25-CBC Showcase - .V He-. Int. :00 Afternoon Concert 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee .1:!.-lte4'rd lor nu 3:45 B.C. Request Koundup 4:15 Other Voices Other Places 4 30 Jubilee Road 4 45 Music Picture Lady 5 ;00-!-Stock Quotations .1:10 t willlH 0:li tut Cointy. g 30 CBC Nea s; Wen tin r 5:80 Movie Scene 5:55 Nesbitt Rejxjrtlng Today's Stocks , " Vancouver BraLT.!!:!".d.::: Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Congress 04 Cronin Babine 06 Indian. Mines. - . . . 04 Premiei nuttier uo Privateer 04 Reeves McDonald 1.05a Sheep Creek 50 SiibakPremier, 11 n,,, ns -m EJiieuu . A P COn , 28' Calmont 1.05 M,curVl::::::: To . Toronto Aumaque Bdona Eldona ZIZZZI 21 East East Sullivan Sullivan 4.15 Olant Yeliowknife ... God's God's Lake Lake ..... 84 Harricana Harilcana " Heva HevaOoid Gold 05V Duvex Joliet Joliet Quebec Quebec 23 Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake ... McKenzle Red Lake MacLeod Cockshutt Moneta ... v Negus Noranda Louvlcourt SMALL frig, good condition, $80. Call between 8 and 9, evenings, Apt. 3, 648 Fulton St. (233p BEND1X washer; Hotpoint 9.5 cu. ft. refrigerator; chest of drawers. Red 820. 234j Oil pot burner; washing nn-chine; coffee table. 426 8Ui East. 233. KITCHEN range, oil or wood. Oood condition. Phone Blue 377. 1231 good : ' : - r 5 4 - . -- . king of the royal mounted : bv anl gki-y. . fii-. rf SCfH of X LAMP rurAaci') Ycu- I Vneee fAiitHTl. th4t doom' rii4H wee V-l 1 p-l XPi. Tt n-r'r vi-rrrr 1 y mmiix.-km vcufzame ivtm Wiie) wBovfoix,t'nTC'''tDe'tJ. I ltwiTirtA oxr to J MOOSE 'J c,ifffwfiswifiuWMce; f cfFicfT A,rjT SW fJ iSaniKMmce Ih. ?'m'1" i CIRCULATING heater YfZfu , $5??-U I I rL'rHfrriiMe!MM' 1 lr j Jj r?''A I Nt ir .vottmtwsfc V 7' r M' ttjSl 'l f-o'iB. ou oi iwr. aim r, uashimo iM...liln: Run- , Ci . . vw y I J- ?'-V J-Jf. ,,s'., I ' ' SM;R M' -KC r H Z1 r-'M-JX -Mi' I Cti' VV ' ; 'fWTVwv f i iTK' r 1 ' t?T VMLilw?? Vs .-V'M ti2 YA1 frV f ' fh t?U WW''' M2 WU' SX jjJP i HJA ftp7 Hf3 ffvl ? ' r' LI LABNtR Niqhtmore Alice in Wonderland bv AL CAHH . am H ' III . m '' m I ... . II 1 . lsaRe CAIN'TtilV tOUE BABf AKLL CHANGE IT INTg T B-BUT, I AH LLTH-WILt I HUBUKI J rre awhil g X OUTA THE DRAIN PlOE ASPIDtR-ANTTWu TrHtal-rO LLl I AH QONNA 41 1 "v" . A-ttf AMV NATCHLRAL WAN, ) CHAVrl. CXIT gei CHANGE J I NE.VAM BIN ABLE F TAKE NO 11 I MEPK'S SOME MCE LETTERS 2 i5?Sl MOH-WAL-cc1t'-y m CArKLE." Ji ITRIGHT,a I TO CHANGE 4J CHANCE, 1 I FUM LI'L ABNEKS FRIENDS '-iiSlX let;tiwsomrthin JS Sfts Xubac I Inothin'BACK. Vwifmah y Itellin'himhowtosafecv y rc-' tvvi kWrrxn ri i 4 1 Ki i y mmnm w. mm: - 10-i j NaK - I V.KtVd V A Wxzk&Fm beam Mixmash r. Phone Blue 688 i2..' BABY buRsy In very good condition. Box 812, Daily News. OIL range, good condition. Cheap. Blue 360. I233pt COAL and wood healer In good coudltion. Black 853. (23K 34 WANTED MISCH.LANEOU. WANTED TOP MARK 1ST . PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd;, 250 Prior St Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAciflc 6357. (H) CASH FOR Scrap, conper, brass, battertt's, radiators. Phone 543-Call 630 8th Ave. West. ic) $2,500 CASH plus 1952 Plymouth and monthly payments oller- ed for ttve-room house, close in. Box 811, Daily News, (238p) USED pot burner for kitchen stove In good condition. Box 808, Dally News. (233) HOMES for three nice kittens, three months old. Blue 915. (234p) PIANO In good condition. Box 810, Daily News. (238) HOME for two-month puppy. Rd 417 (234p) SO ROOMS FOR RENT TWO-ROOM apartment, also one room. furnished and hented. Call at 522 Fulton St., Apt. 3. (234p) hr Wung of Oalnsbor I. The wedding to take li'lier 17. i Hoi r'HtSONAL TENTION ! ! DANCE ilOAY.OCT. 9 :,Mn Amlltorlum 'ti'iisiun $1.00. I'aiiclhg IU-2 Miihie ,y F MOUNTAIN BOYS (ltd Alcoholics Annnv- '0. box 343. Phone (234) ESS PERSONALS P'jr classified ad in this fl me economical six P 15 wnrris for S mn. I'luys cost $1.35; 15 And remember, you your ads Just call Mews. (tf.nc) t. Machinery Co. Lim-wtrlbulurs for Mining, U)8Blng and Contrac-"Miment. inquiries In-'vllle Island. Vancau- at) f 'or Canadian Liquid I all Welrllnt? Rimnllaa r, -ca ( m Car wtage & etorage I'fybody uses uu. .3 You THE HEART OF JULIET JONES Bv STAN DRAKE ' T'-ZL.'faH what w N i) I .' I. ' - hs watamanw.tmaw J h&ki&'l 1 I JP VMm6t A. ZJ I IjiiV600" -V.&-L, J A LVs A P7aeKr...vfS(( ounp just a,t,n T . 'V' t-TiCif -ti.' t'-fi lflSs oto an$ still jVMV for a joe... J i N VIAJ h if : iMfettA' Wtl La 'i if 1 fc .12', lm4.xt-k4 " i lr--WrT-M-gj.jy. -- ;- 5 1 ;, Ir, .taa-,rr:;-4 Read The Classified Ads Regularly - Why Mot Use