r PAM'OUa TOW'hK X f received subscriptions totalling McLeod. John Currie. E. J. Smith Ror-ond World War in 1939 con i rji , i r,-.nnrt the church with new Eiffel Tower in Paris, 084 feet1 Th 1.-4. I- . L ! Thmsdiy, May 1. 19,"2 Prince Rupert Daily News friend of mine anu u'srM,"t ri-iriaryi. $10,000. A good Good Story, Willie-Roy high. Is the world's third tallest! spires ar. t j h'he3! ca- ' -cccucu uy Uie tm-;ral 529 (Pi w "oiD pire State and Chrysler build-,edral. 512 1 T .Coi 190 to 1952 Incrs in New York. of another church; and who was very fond of a joke, told me he . Dr. Grant was called to Fort build William in October 1925, and, oave gave his nis money money, not i.ul to much tQ thp rpgret o ( the new church, but to pu.i grPgation decided to accept the clown the old one. T. H. Johnson call Hls departure was a dis- was in England and was cabled ;tinct loss to the church and the . .. . Cn.. 1 1 ..An..- t 1- 1 A good story in Frank Graham s -new book "The New York ; Forty-Five Years History of problems which it had to fae and to which it had to adjust; itself. Many of the young people of the congregation joined the armed forces, thereby depriving the young people's or-iani.ations of .their active and zealous support. Mr. Funston1 ministry lasted until 1941 when, at the annual meeting, he announced his decision to accept a call to Cooke's Church Chil-liwaek. Mr. Funston was succeeded by Oiants." tells of the nrst time young Willie Mays of the Giants to for his subscripUon. BacK it rul Jus e naa Presbyterian Church Here V,JV IU IUI VIIMI W w w moftM.lminisl('rwl t0 tne congregation ui u.wj told .... me after- . cable. He came came by uuu.c. c -.. uy uh untiring ntirin zeaj ,ni nnrt and devotlon came to bat in Brooklyn last year. Roy Campanella, the Dod- i gerr-' groat Negro catcher, asked ; Willie what he thought of I '' wards his rrienas mere uiuBm Hig broad christian sympathies Tin Sundav next FilNt Presbyterian Church will it a strange procedure. He to!dWOn for him the regard not only - v ' them that was the way things of his own people but of the have as truest preacher for anniversary services ke, Thpr( entire community. ' . CIC UUilC iu n h. .IV.... ... . ,-, A. F. MacSween wno was t a m r mmm-il cnpvpt'iiv nf thp o ..or, .ihn was wpii i During Dr. urants pastoratfa J. A .uumu, .u.v.., K .. -w.,, v u..c ; " "ith(, vpxpd ouestlon of rVlnrrh nnnnimouslv called to the con- Hume Mission Hoard, Toronto The occasion recalls the early good amount, but when I tackled lurdon came before the congre- grcgation from Wanham and him he began to tell me how Ration and, largely due to his inducted under exceptional cir ¬ cumstances inree uuys aiirt iuj attack on Pearl Harbor and ' ( Priory 'ftfflSJ you , Ik-'il Preacher Roe, who was curving 'em lor the Brooks. "He's a mighty good pitcher, Mr. Campanella." Willie said. "You're lucky today." Roy said. "Wait till you get Don New-comtj tomorrow. He hates colored rookies. He'll blow you down!" Graham, probably for lack of 1 space, neglected to relate how the mischievous Campanella kept tossing dirt in Willie's shoes just ! ar. thj ball was delivered. Willie Wednesday. This member was C. V. Bennett, a lawyer there at the time and an old university acquaintance of mine. I told days of the Presbyterian Church in Prince Rupert. It was the lirst Sunday in July. 1907. when Rev. W. J. Kidd. B.A., BD, o: theTHome Mission Board, waj hard up he was. I turned to an-' innuence, me question was set-other tack. I told him they were ! tied amicably in favor of re maining in the Presbyterian saying we Presbyterians could : never build our church. We ' Church of Canada. Following Dr. were too ambitious. His denomi- Grant, Dr. A. G. Cameron sup-n.in.i nrirtP was hit. He said, plied the pulpit acceptably for him I would not accept the can. during a complete blackout of the entire city. One prominent member walked from his home through the pitch darkness of the blackout to attend the service a.id. seeing no light in the building, returned home with- appointed missionary in charge in "How much do you want?" I many months, but the next .mori nnri larse sum and ducted minister was Rev. J who labored Frizell. B.A., L.L.B. complained to his manager. Leo 1927 and 1928. ' i PKii. ti'd. It was now time to during The first services were held on He went away out came Daih. that date in the mess hall of immediately to inform me that Kenny Munro who had the con- the committee still stuck by -.ract for building the wharf and their choice and would stay with n the mess hall of the sawmill it. I then saw the question was .t Seal Cove. Later services were already settled by a Higher neld in the dining room of the Power and I surrendered. I have out entering. The war continued , Durocher. and next time he came vacancy rPt a loan. I went to the Pres- i Following a a lengthy lengthy a call Was extended to the Rev bvterv and asked them to en rinrSP a loan from the church W. D. Hollingworth, B.A., of Grand. Trunk Pacitic Hotel, never regretted my decision and manse committee for $15.- Knox cnurcn, iaigary, in janu riiirini. Mr Kidd s nastoraue a rather the decision mat as to take its toll in tne service and sacrifice of our young people. Ralph Morin, Mike Hudema, Clarence Finley. William Had-den. William Brown Jr. and L. i Sonny Keays made the supreme sacrifice. Mr. MacSween left in September 1947. Between September 1947 and April 19f0 i when Dr. E. A. Wright, the up told the bulky backstop:. "Mr. Durocher says If you do that again for me to throw a handful of dirt in your face, Mr. Campanella." "That's fine, Willie," Roy said. "Any time you feel like dying, you Just do that." Willie, it is recalled, went hitlers his first 21 time at bat in the big show. 000 Now this was away above ary isji. wnicn can was accept-the percentage of the cost of ed and Mr. Hollingworth nun-the building the church law al- istered to fhe congregation from lowed One man got up and be- 1931 to 1938. During his minis-gan to tell me this! I - stopped try In Prince Rupert Mr. rioi- jf CANNED FOODS J him and said. "Mr. , I lingworth was granted a years nm miite well versed In the' law ; leave of absence to make a sur present minister, was inducted church tent was erected near made for me. I was inducted the GTP Hotel Annex site. It the week before war was declares later pulled down and re- ed. Prince Rupert was a young built on the present church site, man's town then and at once Approximately 25 by 60 feet, it there was a great rush to Texas known as the Sunday cruit. During the war the popu-School Hall. An organ costing kit ion fell to about 2 500 and (120 and chairs were installed the natural effect was a smaller .and paid for. church attendance. We at once Some years later when relat- commenced our services in the Ing his experiences in Prince Sunday School Hall and wor-Rupert Mr. Kidd wrote: "I have shipped there for ten years. of the church, and need no In- vey throughout the province of the services were conducted by struction in it. I came to break the possibilities lor cnurch ex various ministers in supply in-the law, not to observe it." I pansion. During his absence tlv eiuaasg Rev. A. F. McColl and got my loan. The contract for . Rev. J. W. Stevenson ministered Rev. g. E. Sendall, also Mr. building the church was let to, to the congregation. Murphy. Under the present min- Mitchell & Currie and the build- Shortly after returning, Mr. j;;U.r lue church is showing re-ing is a testimony to their skill ' Hollingworth received and ac- nt,wcd vigor in several forms, and workmanship. It was open- cepted a call to St. John's lne various church organiza-ed by Principal Miliar of Rob- Church. Medicine Hat, from tions are actively engaged in orwuen jusi wno were on mr tHl KCn uriLDIXG JflrsfcHbard of Managers but the fowl Kere'$ a new taste thrill for you-just try . CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP "At that time we had a mortgage of $7,500 on the church we ertson College, Edmonton, on which he later tooK leave o; renewing some of the furnish- property. It was suggested February 1, 1925. The day was absence to serve as a cnapiam mgA and aiso refurbishing ihn issue bonds for that amount and iv.o.'t useful ones were Sandy ;Turnbull and Sammy Wight I from Broughty-Ferry near Dun-1 tiee. These two with a friend named Struthers and another good man whose name was hvans built the church with Mr. jwi. xiumngwoi ioiiingworin ui sell them to the members. They one of our worst winter days ; overseas, whs church prouerty all of which is were sold and not one presented but the church was packed at an able speaker and during his bping one in a spirit that has for pavment. This was done both services. Principal Millar ministry new organizations for not boen apparent for some when things were at a very low was an old university friend and young people, both men and UlJie nvAWl the outlook for voluntary vunuiL.il y iduui labor in in one uiic week cca. , " - . . a. i w i . .i v. ..ifiii; ..,ai. . . 'onp pvpninr ?mmv wioht wpnt ebb financially. In the winter ot l was giaa w nave mm wit.-i h women. wumcn. wnc iuuim.,5 the future very promising had, 11124 we started raising of funds US." ... wnicn me congregation FREW. down town and collected mostly from working men enough money to pay for all the material." , The communion roll of Sep for our church. The board of 1 The board of managers dur- needed for a long time-managers went in pairs. My ing the building of the church Mr. Hollingworth was succeed-partner was George Muro. My was G. H. Munro (chairman i, ed by Rev. H. C. Funston of recollection is we did not receive F. G. Dawson, D. C. McRae, J-. Stewart, who was inducted m refusal In three nights we L Christie. Joe Greer. Jarvls-April 1938. The outbreak of the . on onvour 7 your cereaJ cereal M-m-m Gooi! tjL f ifj I w ! CBH-4 BABY'S HOTLITTLEHEAD W H KN your Bnby i hfAd fwl hot to rsur hrnl it may be beituM ot itmpte tvrr common tv Bunie minor bahy ailment. If , itithy't Own Tuhlt-ta Hill lp rt-du- ti.i aim pi fevr r by clearing harmftti One Mi. Maud, (lnirn Mother hat this to say: "My littte ha by whi ffvenh ami but. 1 krave hpr ltaby's Own Tablets and by T.ifchl-1 ime he was up and around strain. ' If baby's ft-ver is nut promptly relieved consult your phyaiian. Ilaby's Own Tuitlcts ar Bwet-tat i n gr. cany to tuk and bav bfrn iwt-d wilh conftilfnt'e by mothera for over ,ry year. N "l-i.y" sniff no dullinir ff-ct. Ktmai-ly e-xiti fur ronstipat iun. ift'thinc !nu(l,lt- tiM-t atnmiti'h ami ith-r minor ailnienift. Vet a, package Unlay at your drug int. . . . Get (arnation fiSi MOST -PeOPle 1 nLrr& ES- -mo!tW U,;- rlnn. There must V 1 , On. . in rsons is . .1 reasons'. Unc .;,,,, be god rnmlMrid Carnitmn 5 iVAonoATED that these PP ' mmj 0rnati..n i i. ...IS si it - hi 1 1 , V ..I ;; 1: - j- r - ' ; .an f ' ,f; Hi "V .p .J LK ,h other Dnu. ' fllcr-W:d Classified Ads Pay 1 , llf .Ji-Jf SAll J smoother. 1 hey , ,nd result, Cct Ciiriuun better e,v.aU-rcHind !MOST Pl-OPI E DO. -r n AY TE51 one week, use for iu Carnation M.1W u present b-J. V- hive ueJ . . .. .,( oliet btumlw'11 tember; 1908 includes among a a pothers the names of D. G. Stewart, Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Reddie 'and M. Manson now Hon. Jusfic. Manson, .who is still a truterf They were followed by L. WT Patmore, Mr. and Mrs. F. Stork, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Millar. 'W. Brown, Daniel Jabour, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, John Currie and ;;J. R. Mitchell Mr. Kidd was succeeded by Rev. A. M. Ross who had for- '.merly bee nmissionary at Atlin. After Mr. Ross's departure the congregation extended a call to . Rev. F. W. Kerr who was then taking postgraduate work In Marburg, Germany. Mr. Kerr accepted the call and was the first inducted minister of the Presbyterian Church in Prince Rupert. ; STRANGE APPEARANCE j ltry. "letter written some years latQi'jrom Montreal, Prof. Kerr wroW 'Prince Rupert presented a strange appearance in those days and blasting operations tootr-pface ail the years of my ministry, in order to make the -..rooked places straight and the rouah places p)ain. I have never known people with greater courage and optimism than those men of the early days. Everyone was brimming waih fcajT5;ntss. Lots were selling rapid. said we were laying plans .or "V-vcond Vancouver. Xh; P:e?-byU-r:anjs met m a hail but fcoon thi bet-am? inadequate so tr.it during my er.tire ministry rented the theatre t,rr. press , lor Sunday evening!.. At the -.-quest of the managers one Sanaa' I announced that we would have a it on Monday night to W-ar down the old hail in order tr.at tfe lumber might be transported to our new en It seemed to me a if hundreds of . men werebere and in the course of a epupie of hours the entire . hall' ,as taken to pieces, the boards carried up the plank road . . anUJie next day hauied out to the site of the present church. . Another thing that I remember vividly was my arrival in Prince ; Rupert with my bride, two years ,. after my first arrival. As the ' boat came slowly into the wharf I thought I saw every Presb-terarr down there to welcome ! us'p.' C. McRae took snaps of that occasion and I keep them ', among my treasures." '' During Mr. Kerr's ministry the tisty you. offers more for your money than ever before now 1!,5I Green Velour CHESTERFIELD SUITE CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2-PIECE 2-PIECE reg. 249.50 . 269.50 145.00 J i.r-rffririi m m Mruaii---nn-- i . . - ' - J 1 1 sr:ir--T?:'.L r m,v-JiS& ,, j jj Write Them Yourself on this Hondy Form Green Brocotclle 1151 ONE BILTA-BED In Green Velour FULLY GUARANTEED CONSTRUCTION DISTINCTIVE STYLING AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD SPECIAL VALUE 5-piece Grey and Red Chrome Suite 139.50 115-S ,1' town had a rapid growth of j population and the church soon became, self sustaining. Dr. H. ;',' R. Grant writing of Mr. Kerr ''' stated: "He was a very popular minister and a brilliant preach- " er and the congregation sus-tained a distinct loss when he . went to New Westminster In 1914." .... Mr. Kerr was followed by Dr. '" Grant who related the circum- ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE 4-PCE. GREY BEDROOM SUITE 254.50 M Number of Times .. Enclosed Please Find j nfnn.fii nv- "ui'j p'-1 ii ivyi i .y- hupiiuci j nuiuj Aj, t-tjsi .ji,. ix t insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) j Add four words if bo number required i J Name ' I '11 1 jiddress - Phone No ! ,,, s'-OASCS of his call as follows: " In May (1914) the congre- i gajion notified Mr. Woodside of if Mount Pleasant Church, Van- cofver, interim moderator, that .,i. they were ready to extend a cajl. He was away at the time i,!i and t.was sent in his place. I " had to preach two Sundays to I'.', pay expenses of the trip. After the first Sunday the committee ,';; sent one of its members to tell SATISFACTION- GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Phone 312 3rd Ave. i-.me they were going to place my "name' before the meeting oil; . .