Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 1, 1952 ONE WEEK ONLY Papers Boycott Newsmen's Parley EDINBURGH (P The Natlon- woodpulp and pulp sulphate ana machinery." Cuba $20 500.000 ($8,300,000). "Business outlook favorable." Dominican Republic $4,000,000 ($1,100,000). "Taking a wide ranjie of our goods." THIS SPECIAL OFFER GOOD TO MAY 8th Latin America Brig nmrrmses al Union 0f Journalists. repre-puicnabc. M some 12 00.0 ITnitprt Km (Canadian sugar For Canadian Export? v? , irohi both Cuba and Dominican dom neWspapermen. concluded a situation, the Scotsman said: "The matter is not merely of internal concern to journalism, but indeed, involves a principle of public importance. That principle is that a newspaper shou!d bo free to send any vepuse r, i-tive it choosos to report on its behalf. The action of the N U.J. interferes with editorial discretion and freedom of choiae, by dictating that only a representative of which it approves, namely. on of its own members, may report to the public what happens at its meetings." The editorial adds that the union's action imposes a form of censorship on the press which nepuDiic coiiMue.auiy """" three-day annual conference : trom wnat tney iormeny weie., h without a line being pub- press 1 i uuatcujam .,iUu,u, nshed in the Edinburgh S000). "Good outlook for sales oi i about its deliberations. By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor Latin-America is a bright spot for Canadian ! some or world s best couee irom ; The boycott was imposed when On Any Purchase of CANNED FRUIT OR VEGETABLES t J J i. iPPmaps largest crop on ie..u iu. unlo1 officials refused to , , 4. . u u. t m-i admit exporters and promises to become brighter. In 19ol political situation not too prom-! any but NUJ reporters Canada sold to those countries $208,710,000 worth of isi"S " fiPnoooo ,$3500 : The Edinburgh Evening News, roods, up 45 per cent from 1950s $143,500,000; and ooo"port figures swollen by 'ltX&'Vt lonsisnng 01 iz nnsoi Any une Kind lought from them $273,090,000, compared with 1950V; sales of ships to Panamanian naU &n organization but steady mante. 1.1 registry; t ,h closed.shOD nrinrinip i mignt coace ivauiy isuu lu uu at 11 m, ( pH0NE PHONE 755 EST I tempt to censor reports Dciore they are published. ! BURNS B 213,300,000. These figures are given in a ountry-by-country study of the EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY A DELIVERY C IAHGE WILL EE FAMOUS PASS The Peace River Pass throuuh last four vears for me im , , . , found itself unable to cover the second biggest tu buyer from t Can- classifications of goods. proceedings ada, against our purchases of Peru $5,500,000 - ($5,600,000). ; v A D ' Mackie ecjitor of the $18,000,000. Our sales included ."Sales up in almost all of some;Evfni DiSpatch, and himself a $5,700,000 for automobiles and 300 classifications. Virtually free f0rmer member of the NUJ trucks, compared with virtually 0f import controls." ; decided he would not report a none in 1950. ; Uruguay $6,900,000 $3.800,-,conference hls compeutor was Canada's biggest purchases 000 1. "Big jump in sales of alum- unabie to cover, were in oil-producing Venezuela, inum, automobiles, farm ma-j Then J. Murray Watson, editor ADE FOR ANv ,-, !EE DEUVEaY ON ORDEHS J UNDER $3 00. WE SHALL CONTINUE TO OF.-'E."- F OR MORE. atin-American market by John '. McDerby, Montreal manager f the Canadian Exporters' As-x'lation, who comments: "It is felt that the 20 coun-ios in this area can be reeard- the Rockies was the route taken by Sir Alexander Mackenzie 0:1 his journey to the Pacific in 1793. there chincry. Very stable political of tne Scotsman, sent one of his , conditions. One of world's ; senior reporters to the confer- 1! 1 as presenting the best field $137,000,000, against sales , Canadian exporters today in of $27,000,000. strongholds of democracy.' I DANCE Saturday Night ence, but he was turned away when he produced an Institute of Journalists' union card. at Here are Canada's 1951 sales to other Latin-American countries with our purchases from theni in brackets, and some of Mr. McDerby 's comments: Argentina $9,000,000 ($14,000,-000. "Half our exports wers farm machinery." Bolivia $3,500,000 ($1,800,000). rtually every line of produc-on." In 1951. Brazil, at $53,500 000, .is the biggest buyer from Carina, whiie Canadian purchases iere were $40,500,000, including .21,000,000 for coffee. We also spent $12,500,000 for offee In Colombia, out of total mrchases there of $13,000,000, ' . 'y ', " COVERED BY NEWS AGENCY ' Press Association, the national news gathering and distributing , organization, which normally re CAPE TOWN 9 A new South Aiiican legislative bill would give wide pow -,'rs to tax city employers who use native labor. The measure would empower the Minister of Labor to apply the Legion Auditorium it- .MONTREAL, May It ! Mm, W to now . . . inn.- clu-mi-try ,.vm J ifm , , (k'hool that turn out to In- o pradiul a ti home, tor iintance, I rciucmlwr our L-htin: ' Icii-liiT t.-lluiK us thai thrr.-'s no true hu wuho blue. N) ol n..irKe ih.- anvr to the prubica , yrllow-lookmn w.i,hes w l.uumlrv Blue. (Mymr teacher would l prou-t oi mt for puttinc an i toiiothrrt). And ln hi-vo me Hlue tip m,,U t Everybody Welcome lies on the Evening News for Its r to 12 p.m. tax or not. as he sees fit, and Edinburgh news protection, was Ladies 50c G: Us SI 00 "General improvement right also to decide the amount, which obliged to send its own men. L Modem and O'c! Time Dancing MUSIC BY THE WESTERNAIRES ompared with sale to Colombia across the board." ,f $12,300 000. i Chile $13,750,000 , may be up to half-a-crown bearing N.U.J. credentials, to ($2,150.0001. (about 50 centsi per worker per overcome the dilemma. a glorious ainoronc to yellowniz shcfl.s ami shins, table elm hi bluinse. Just swi.-h it in t.lic final rm-ine and vmir hit( fairly Bpaikle. Laundry lihu- is ;, to lino w-m't h.irm it Mexico, at $30,000,000 was the; "Jump (of $6,850,000) in wheat, week. Commenting editorially on the i ft u Ul me n-a.Ti , . . &u UN! aj, Ullll il Ol 11 as V'lll Uiil, t LosLa just 1 1; ocDta a moDtni For the tWi;(esJ wa?h, it's RECKITT'S Clue Good Netri! Now you ran buy flolirinm. (;;,(,., i,. m,; uu UiiVVl.T III' 1.1 VI.- Hi,,,..,,,, mlually wra-.(.i rinan.-ri. .V, cunwnrativ, favourite iiiarL'innc vn-ml in gaming,, llluc Honni-i Ue Luxe in;.ih-rs so nsln on; . . . appctizin?. iuI-Imi-wIIow m'ivr ready for your Uti.f.-. No s,-(,,,i,,t. no fina,. just unwrap what you b-p.1. Tin re s reai Ui ' nrofpr.tiun tch (iu ,rt,.r .. wrapped o wal in the counirv-froh Bint- lluun-t flavour. And t ran furjjet the nii JwirmK ruo ln n vou couk nli I iiat j Bonnet. The measunnu uuidf on eai-ii jark.iec fhuws cjar'ly where cut. Just think! all ih'sse "JJe Luxe ui; .ait.ig.-a mi Blue Bout "Le Luxe" quality, too! Vert' i Proof of the wonderful anti-decay hem fit! of DENTOCIUlj the new ptntatlm loom powiier. in a L'-v-ir iof mong ccbool children, Dentorillin ttdwi ..! an average ) 65'', ! Thai's S times the n.luniiin reported - for a famous university's -am iii(d formula. And, becau-c- penicillin fw!it il. imv uu to 24 hours (cimparvd to oniv about h-mr for initrlienta lined in other d uiiirici si. I), noK-illm is effective with ju mornrnc and cvenitiit lim-4i:ne. Start your family on Urntorillm, mln. nw.iv. Sue, recommended by d-ndats for n-'ailv '2 vi-ar Tv : ":: . ., r, ''""''N ''CT 1 LB- MARGARINE s wrm'lcrfuL C teeth clean. 3 Bionths' supply, 7.V. So pa-H-nptmo nn-did. Try The "Tiuue Trtl" for I'm Skint Are The Tii 7 Hi Sm mer . . . i of J i D e o sure that until you do, you 2 won't 6 ?' e '1 ,,,4. lijth'.wf ici I- .i;iL'.nn... In iUtBB cleansinit wawl co;tr: crisp, (jiii nil . . (L with a flan (it w , blouifi rrs-am". i.oveiy screen star, Alexis Smith, took the "test," and discovered that there's (i7 difference, jihe cleanivi Icr fat-e "thoroughly" willi her rr-Kiilar cream, then cleansed it apiin with WOOOUntY Cl. I) CHK.W! and when sho looked nt her facial tiaaue, she found that Woodbury had loosened huiili n dirt co it was easy to wipe away. Why is Woodbury so different? Because it contains Peiialen, a new miracle ingredient that actually pcnelr.ilej deeper into pore openinxs lets Woodbury's cleaning o,U loosen every trace of dirt, i'enaten helps Woodbury smooth away little f tigue lines, too. Ask for Woodbury Cold Crnun 23c to $1.13. a', is the f"' k annin-l. V WMIll a ' 'in'f of Aitt.' milliner nil "f tlf'ti l'Jiiti! lined iih I.IUHTMN0 sl.i 1 ASTh.Mdt.v Why Uikr Ilecait-e this f'lm-iua Hi?cf f. vou i tnrO.ii what you n'. Vnit'h. si.- (Si vie No. 8Ui s-kiriM "id coleiir. Bfcaw n an ex-iusn". aulnminc l (l- v cc ... ail I-iithtamj Faitu l,-k r ik.fMr. -of SH-uti'.v.) : a Sine I.iiimti l'rner aw t f,',r vou - the m-i-r fw the "linisliine temli" that ra. a, h out lit look "?'' nnht ecry time I wtar Most sensational boon to housewives since spreads first put on bread! Another cframatic "first" for J-J-. t the 1 Top Of The 14 like You to compare Blue Bonnet! Be sure you enjoy the exclusive You'll Be "On World" when . .. i I't.eMIl-" b.iltle s you vc ciuuwu f. ths "Glooms" DE LUXE advantages found only in the new Blue Bonnet... 1 5rJ of II E I N T o M T 0 K V. TCIU'I' With llie 11-onnce 1"'!' 1,1 S.Ulie 1,1'ilivl?. )iw little extra it cn-ts for llemi! aiuc away with sparkhnir HAL HLl'ATIC'A. Yes, s bubbling pi ass of Sal llepntica effer- so ri't till! M-iii v Mil ', . . .. . ,. Innir w iv ' "'"lv m ' ahis ,1 U t ..., .leeS f C e' v. lv-trliui;.Bi;" II, inz 'I'om.T iiiniatt. u A Never before such Convenience! DE LUXE quarters go and look right on the dish . . . appetizing golden yellow margarine read) for your table! No scooping, no slicing just unwrap what you need! For individual servings quarters cut into perfect pats! And forget the measuring cup when cooking with DE LUXE Blue Bonnet handy chart on package shows exactly where to cut! ChniirV-kJI" W l-ia.-htoned, An-llhat'tfif ,11UIA HC ' jll.i rue i ..XT' 1 '!'" "! main flavour (..'He! Vrsceut salts taken before breakfast or "upper Will woik quickly, yet gently, to relieve that shwtiish, uu-'onif"it-able feeling in your stotuneli. .Sal Ilepatica laxative salts arc trusted family latalivc for young and old to just sweeten sour stomach as a pM laxative or a more thorough remedy for constipation. They help to restore normal bodily f unci ions safely and pleasantly. Next tunc you're shopping, u.-k for a bottle of Sal Ilepatica and (hen tend the box top or lahrl, wi'ii yrour tiuinf and aililm: to me Baibmu iirent, 1411 Crescent St.. Montreal, P.Q. I'll lend vou, postpaid, a tree, 2.e n'u jar of MLM Crram Deodorant! .j.loI.V i ,-M-iil-lve rerilir nis to W" the mif-'l i lull mm: I . f. CI'"" ' il:,j-ani, aniHilll' ol ,t .... I,',. imp w ' ' Z,cd. it''-' 2 Keeps fresher far longer! i I !. i ,..,n II11T Wll- a "- " e J cle'i temi flau I' 01 lic-t" niicn y" ' . - T. .. - ,,.( w flnn'i Vou Iva That Coi. tdent t " -' " .., J UK kii null r.thc o,n w" ,-.Mw - . . ri.cil inndookiiur. ,1 tl -. , ii, in .,( mclt-in- to nave mc . , , XJ ,.jr fii-t .l ,...,im over the I'll he'"-. o,',,l. tender and d. Im"' '''j-' ,vc.d thai vou thank your stars , jre nc of DOUN CAKK HAH ' . ' , ' , 'Diud. mof l, Each quarter individually wrapped to help seal in the delicious country-sweet flavor . . . seal out ice-box odors! The DE LUXE Blue Bonnet you don't need right awaf stays factory wrapped, keeps fresher far longer. DE LUXE Blue Bonnet is always tidier in your refrigerator . . . more attractive on the dish , . . fresher on your table! - 3 Exclusive Ve Luxe duality! J The moment you taste DE LUXE Blue Bonnet you know that here is QUALITY! I From ingredients to package a truly DE LUXE margarine! And you can prove I this premium quality by test: you enjoy the same delicious country-sweet flavor when DF, LUXE Blue Bonnet is melting hot on vegetables or toast as when fresh from the refrigerator! 1 1 , i .. u in ' i .n lll.i'i I in""'- c;'k7. 'mi!ti4 IUCKV wiiliii ii texlure'l. Unify and .Swans Down, because Hour, in.iht - 27 times as line as ordinary coins WK i when H rWrfc is ? Tluit s an imp ''- r slave ,ie ... .i -.i i i: ...... a t,i.o.-e- Ml ue. -" iiik l ie nuni iviiit mi - e Tiy ii youf leailiuit brands the Mre.inii-tai-ie i sl one elici t elf I l.'sn an oi.bnarv 2-ply Hn-u'' l,,r ho Xnte liow kly a 3-plv t At IvtJ.iav ior me '" T?. ell. i' .. l.-.l.l l.wrfllief 11 II Ipll1 the tt-ft?3 raI-LUC llSMie Iltu'n ' 1 1 ,,.,111 without muss or fuss. Contrast , . wlth shreds casily-tln't lets liiiKer-ups p-ki m i,..i,. ...ij,; Tl.ere. surelv. is com Hi';1.'1-. , HI, 4 appetizing 6 olden yellow Color! oi the rtlm slrength of l'ace-UU s ' y.u.,.. f the o,.(V 3-ply tissues in Canada. ' ', C(,n.M Elle is ,o(r. Ask for Face-Kile and I " Blue Bonnet DE JLUXE Margarine hoks every bit as good as it tastes! And Blue Bonnet's rich inviting color as well money. Hittr The Bride The Sun Shiaee On as its delightful flavor and splendid V nutritional value is the same every month of the year! yJISIW" vCood Housekeeping ) 'who knows about lie in ,,(,.,, ny less, slainless. snovv-ulu' l,ol povveiiullv so very ii w And rlehcaie Utiles. ,V"1?l .Itl" rJ?C " ,N,N'S YEAST WAGIC BAKING POWDER W other fine food product, ' ' - vW (. WWW eonvenieiit lo u-e -y ,,,, li;,, I tomorrow -nno , ' ...i ui Montreal. 1 A nit tieseeio .-. ,L givinft frank fads on leimume Lyaieii'. plain wrapper. .---'".v. Daily Ncwsw- For quick results try a