fl 1"! W-'MX-nWMWvmiUWy r .jMiii.,!,,, l.IJ,i.,. . Bur Audiene Prince Rupert .T,hino Daily News Thursday, May 1, i52 . hps Music h Artists Oxyleb hfMiibn riulilirrs From Wore ScliooL Yleecleil jJh ere J Swinft .,,,le were Prince Ruperfi ,r popular music last night? ew certainly not at the ,, of the .... Sir Ernest Mac- nl..U PIiiIa Principal Tells P-TA Convention Principal R. O. Moor tnM Fine Aris liuu t viviu Diocesan W.A. Meets a delightful trio of ehere vming musical artists . J J.J HI! x4 .Vancouver yiuviucu u MrrWORKj Men's Grev Work Socks in about 3 'lb. weight. All wool. Take advantage of this low price. vfy dHH"-"1 Thoy won the hearts and ufd the fancy of an aud- . l. lUmnrh crrtnll uoa King Edward School Parent-Teacher Association Prince Rupert's population was increasing and that more schools will be needed In this area In the not too far distant future. The Association endorsed the P-T Council In their efforts to procure more suitable shows for Annual Sessions At Anglican Cathedral Annual meetings of the Cale- 1 donia Diocesan Board of Angli-' can Church are being held in ! the city, having opened with a Menpcoals Wool and Rayon Topcoats. 40 rayon and 60' wool. In good range of wanted colors in Regular and Tall models. Sizes ?6 to 42 Anniversary Special Si f!A ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 2 pr. for 1.00 me emiaren Saturday afternoon corporate communion of mvm-! ,n its appreciation. ,i p3rty consisted of Joyce pianist; Don Oaylor, bist and Howard Pottln- :'iCll uii artist evidently not ut of the teens but already ainment of much accom- nfnt and full of future Men's Raincoats Croydon's R.C.A.F. Discontinued lines in one shade only. Fully interlined with rubber waterproofing. Regular and Tall models. S;zes 34 to 44 Reg. 45.00 , Anniversary Special 33.95 w.,. wrifwn to the "'r' at st. Andrew,, Cathedral , city council to thai effect. on Wednesday morning The S Committee reports were read. I celebrant and preacher was Rev i A survey of the schools has been I Canon B. S. Prockter, assisted by ! made regarding Scotch lights, the Rev. H. O. Bird. At this ser-as a safety device for bicycles. It vice the United Thank Of ferine 1 MEN'S NYLON SOCKS from all the parishes in the Dio "SUBSTANDARDS" lOOf, Nylon ankle socks in good assortment of fancy patterns. Sizes 10 cese was presented. The meetings were held in the ' Chen has been playing ',m fw eight years; Oay-he marimba for nine, and or. the clarinet for three, audience wondered that could attain such proflc-ta such a short space of Bat that is the progress Of 37.50 13 hoped they will be In use by next fall. It was noted that 8cotch lights have already been Put to use as an aid to navigation In our nearby waters, it was felt that It would greatly add to the children's safety on Uie streets at night. The book, awarded as monthiv i:oo to 11 Vi. Regular 1.50 pair. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL, Pair .... oamedral Hall following the i service, at which were presented j reports from each Diocesan Board Officer and from branch ' delegates. The president, Mrs N. E. Arnold, was in the chair. on a classical vein, villi, the Li it ' j. , J M included such numbers 1 . "'c Wlln me iarg- A lunch was served by the 4nr.s "Waltz in C Sharp was Pa won by Miss i-auerson Patterson s , L T ' ",e rr"re nuperi class. branches of the W.A. in the hall and Fantasia impromp- MEN'S 8-OZ. DENIM PANTS Weil mode, full cut denim pants. Rivetted pockets for extra strength. Sanforized "shrunk Sizes 30 to 44. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Miss Chen: Monti's "Czar ana me luncheon speaker was MEN'S GLADSTONE BAGS Men's embossed split cowhide Gladstones. We'll made. Complete inside hangers, etc. Outside straps. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL by Gaylord and Weber's ertino" by Pottinger. Here wng artists showed why sere honors winners In the Columbia Music Festival. 3.69 29.95 tosiuNTION REPORT Miss E. Rathbone, of Miller Bay Following the business meet- HosPital. Miss Rathbone lived lng, Mrs. A. Logan, who attend- for considerable period in the ed the annual convention of the Soudan and Egypt where she PTA at Kelowna, gave an Inter- taught classes of native girls, estlng address. She told of her ! Her description of the native trip, Including many Interesting 'people, their lives and customs little anecdotes, also dealing was 8'ven with humor, uncrer-with the wrlous convention busl- standing and sympathy and was I encores the party turned I (1 popular items as "Deep LADIES' " "St. Louis Blues." "Slow Whispering," "In the and numerous others. LADIES' ness. in a capable manner. She llstened to with great interest. CIRCLE SKIRTS re it was over, Master of said that If anv at th. m-,hr. She illustrated her talk with NYLON BRIEFS Mies Rowland Miles had ever had a chance to attend a obJects ard articles of native : the small audience Into a ; convention to do so. It was In- .clothing, pictures and maps. I umi.j jMny an lne ino , aeea A "marvellous" exrriiw.. At the fiftprnrw, c0c , i their hair down and into a generous presen- Following Mrs. Logan's ad-'speaker was Rev. S. C. Deacon, dress, delicious refreshments Rector of Ocean Falls, who was Ladies' full circle skirts in new American screen prints. . . . Good range o coles. Come earlv for hest selection. Limited quantity Szes 12 to 18. "Irregulars" 100'i Nylon Tricot Brief Style Panties in White, Pink, Blue, Maize. This is a new low were Brrvea vy Mrs. W. Petersen formerly a missionary in South and her helpers. America. The study of the W A current pops on the 'ely lighter side, !of -ght, before they sail on '"urn ?o Vancouver, the I be heard again in an f music after which there Mrs. Kenneth Hardy was chairman of the meeting. , price. Sizes S-M-L. Reg. 1.95. NNIVERSARY SPECIAL 3.98 100 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL. Pair n t 1 an hour of dancing. By s, the word will have got 1 what a really delightful this Is and the audience be as large tonight t$ It - ersonalA for 1952 la on Latin America, and it was Interesting for the members to have first hand information of the work In that continent. Mrs. H. O. Bird sang a solo, "Correct Me, O Lord," by Handel. This is the first time the members had heard Mrs. Bird, who has a most pleasing trained soprano voice. A number of delegates from out of town branches were wel- DEAR FRIENDS: At this, , the commencement of our 25th year of business in Prince Rupert, we should like to express our sincere appreciation for the happy relationship that has existed between the citizens of Prince Rupert and district and-ourselves. - Our progress through the years has been due in its entirety to tht loyal support accorded us. We, in turn, have constantly tried to be worthy of that support by ottering merchandise values that would stand comparison in any market. This sale is the first of a series of events have planned for our Silver Anniversary. Yours sincerely, -all last evening. Mr. and Mrs. V. Orant are Mirn, Civic Centra rtl. introduced the narfv onH ; sailing tonight on the Prince LADIES' d hope that there would GeorS tor a trip to Vancouver. LADIES' 6-' uuuirnce lonient. . .. w ,,. .. .. 'mmKdk.Mn I A N. Potterton FANCY SLIPS hT "f and famlIy returned to the city the rpP'y wa given by Mrs. X he rem nded. that.' .1 . . vr ninr-hiiff. r o,uk. NYLON SLIPS wnni. ,n d.i v. : Wlc rnnce itupen yesteraay," ...". """"tn. Uom ft trlP to Vancouver. I All those attending the meet- (pressed tpressed the the h hope would u , nted here. b... . , lings were tfte guests of Bishop Paddy OOorman. ater spend- and Mrs. Gibson t0 tea at Bisn. lng two weeks in hospital, was 1 0D S rodee Exceptional values in Nylon net (rimmed and dainty Lace trimmed slips. Several styles to choose from. White only. Sizes 32 to 40. (able to return home a few days FRASER & PAYNE The sessions will continue to 100'f Nvlon Tricot Slips with dainty lace trim. You w.'f have to "ee these to appreciate the value. White only. Sizes 32 to 40. ago. Violet Arrivals Jarvls MacLeod Is sailing to- Frince Runert night on the Prince Rupert for 2.98 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 3.98 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL f aith. G Burns, A. E. Allen Vancouver enroute to Vernon morrow. The visiting delegates are: Mrs. Spears of Hazelton, staying with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Black. Mrs. Finn of Pouce Coupe, representing also the branches at Dawson Creek, Cecil Lake, Sunset Prairie, Fort St. John and Taylor. Mrs. Finn is staying . J Simpson, J. Sorko ! nere ne attend a game 1 Ritchie, J. Houston. J i meeting. , 0 '-. Deacon n Fos- S. C. Thomson, who " has " been Pottin D. GflVlnrrt . ger. yce Chen J A lJrr v 1 m lne cuy Ior lre Pa,t few days NYLON HOSE DENIM JEANS Mrs mo; Returned by air today to Seattle. D Bow, I with Mrs. A. E. Evans, of Beach Esmond. J. Strathern B He exPecU t0 be back ln the citv J Meerton. Vn.n,.. a Ladies' full fashioned 51 gauge 15 denier Nybn J. O. Oeorgerson, sales man- nose in hrand new bprmg shades, bizes 8V2 to 1 1 -..w , 1,1 mis Ladies' 8-oz. Sanforized Denim Jeans. Well cut. Zipper closing. Sizes 12 to 18. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL, Pair J, Williamson, Victoria;! yesterday's plane for a trip to Rliw un and Mrs- Mh Queen Charlotte Islands on t Buliale; A. Q. Solonluk, 1 business. 1.29 rIRST QUALITY ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL, Pair 3.69 Place. Mrs. Morgan, of Terrace. Mrs. A. Hinchliffe, of Smith-en;, representing also the branch at Telkwa. Mrs. B. Francis, of Burns Lake. Above two ladies are the guests of Mrs. N. E. Arnold. Mrs. Robinson, of Ocean Falls, staying With' her parents, Sgt. and Mrs. Potterton. Othere visitors are Miss Quppnip Cnlvrrt nf Tnvlnr TIP SNUGGLEDOWN During last week-end. and early this week, quite a few hospital ' patients, particularly on first floor wards, were able to leave. 3)ance rctl ANKLE SOCKS a air C. E. Salter, manager of th -. nf Mrs J r nihsnn- Mrs Inn m.V,t., nn Co.'s ' Wnl local . - . Canadian Fishing TWIN SETS Standard Wardrobe and O'Nite Bag1 in attractive fabric coverings. Here is your chance to buy good luggage at a low price for your summer vacation. . . . PAJAMAS and GOWNS Lodies' soft, warm Snuggledown (Brushed Rayon) Pajamas and Gowns at real savings. All sizes and good colors in the lot. Values to 4.95. E. Hodson of Terrace, guest of Mrs. Hoff; Mrs. E. V. Bird of dance for the purpose J farewell and God-l IT Rupert's on Crmcn was held c,v- Uv" Centre auditorium ; under the -SlllP Of the Prin- n.. Hazelton, guest of Dr. and Mrs. Fiddes; Mrs. Frank Skinner sr. ; life member of diocese of New , Westminster. Put up in attractive packages in ; colors and plain wnite. ,,' ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL LADIES' CHILDREN'S 3p,t89c 4 T 1-00 ANNIVERSARY 1 QCJ Anniversary Special Fi;hermi SPFCIAL en s Co-operative Set lion's memhprcHin -i RUhnefij ECIPES I i i i i v m" wnmittee. tt0T0t thronB the to rnake merry to the Ke clussi's accordion cmmittee Dlnnmn t EinarT. Hlpp' Norman cannery, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday after spending some time In Vancouver. Mrs. Bea Grant left by piano today for a trip to Vancouver. G. P. Tinker, who has been In the city for the past couple of weeks on business. Is sailing by the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to his home at Nara-mata In the Fraser Valley. Douglas Frlzzell returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday after attending the British Columbia Liberal Association convention ln Vancouver. Mr. Frlzzell was elected one of five vice-presidents of the Association. Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, Bish-of Caledonia, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on ecclestiastical duties. He attended the consecration of Archbishop H. E. Sexton as Metropolitan of British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mills are sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for Vancouver where they will take up residence. Mr. Mills, who has been with the engineering department of Canadian National Railways here, Is being transferred to the foreign freight department ln "u"BKOK- Thai- paddle .u'f tin tiny y canne. cttnoes to .u. li fin,., W1U I J "T"8 mark markets there ku an ui- , " wnas or suDDliea TUNA OLIVE PICK IPS 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 tablespoon flour Vb cup milk Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated onion Dash tabasco sauce (6'i or 7-ounce) can tuna Vi cup chopped ripe olives 2 tablespoons diced pimiento Pastry (basis Hi cups of floun Melt butter and blend ln flour. Stir in milk and salt, and cook and stir until very thick. Remove from heat and stir in onion and Tabasco. Drain oil from tuna and flake. Blend tuna, olives and pimiento into sauce. Cool. Roll pastry very thin and cut into 212'-lnch squares. Place a rounded teaspoonful of filling on centre of each square and bring two opposite corners together over filling. Fasten with a pick, Bake m very hot oven (450F.) about 10 minutes. Serve hot. Makes about, two dozen. ers MEN'S, DRESS PANTS Oddi and ends of men's dress pants. Discontin- Assorted check patterns. Sanforized shrunk. ued lines. Sizes 29 to 38. 1(1 Ql Sizes Small, Medium and Large. 3 QC ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL lU-"3 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL J.7J COME IN AND . , ) r -I" S-v , 0rf . YilRS ; f & PAYm Yins PRINCE RUPERT'S OLDEST FAMILY SHIPPING CENTRE 1 I j ; ; UNDER ONE OWNERSHIP 2ZClalmeetinK rsase May attend. (103c) l:iy 2hist a"d dance Fri- . (He) 1B.A. Chlnest Hall, Tea- Odd- s r;? Saturday t p.m. ( lnio ' May 2 b -"8mers fWce, Mother's ' marrM sn 'Dment. (104c) U:n Home and H. Mays i, r sale- DEEPEST SPOT Greatest depth in the Atlantic Ocean has been charted at 30,246 feet, north of Puerto Rico. ANCIENT COLLEGE The University of St. Andrew founded in 1411, is the most venerable In Scotland. , (I04p)