i ' .. . r African Krince KuperT Uoily lNev ,, Thursday, May 1, 1952 Liberals "Radical" ! Newcomer Impressed ! By Women's Freedom j SASKATOON CP Canadian! : women go out a lot more without tlwlr husbands than do Nether-j land women. That's one of the i Impressions Rained by Mrs. A. A. ! Srliryver since she rmii;ratri 1 ability , - X . X X-Y XW 'a ,v w Zs,v ; v 4J enina . . Lure SiiKKestion Made That British llcsijrnation lie Changed Ey ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer here from Holland about a yvar j Tall, -.lark and attractive ! mother of three boys, Mrs. ' LONDON (CP) A proposal that Srhryvjr thl iks Canadian worn P.T11UR GAVSHON WN iAPt - Western , . they ure begln-Z that deepening ,,s trouhled land may ,hc West' plans for tost defence if FRONT YARD FLOWERS GIVE BEAUTIFUL FRAME TO HOUSE Planting about a house should coration for th? house, many an-be a decoration, carefully plan- nuals are suitable for cutting, to ned to enhanc-e the beauty of the be used in the house. - x s MM x. zjf- fn have much more spare time , l snoma ca" than Ih-ir counterparts in Z- e,l 1 Party'.' land. '1 hey go to more tea , """um ,e Ulnl assP'l))y May 15-17. parties, belong to more clubs and I building, completing an attrac- j Tne fftshin for flower in the ! spend more time shopping she! The resolution, which comes s watctuni; f. . ' i from liberals in Salisbury. Is in envov in contrast sh. Howrih.. fi,!not like'y to receive much sup- Duloh women as home bodies !port' allno"Bn the same word ,,on have iiiiuii'"" ! governments that, If i.s iu do her part Put defence, she first more Inclined to limit their social i crop'i uiujjs up in me radical program" which the party leader- I activities to mixed functions. her nome-Biuw i!u m, .. hink. u isnip says it has nrenared fo- T T ' ' " .'Tj , y -j'' J- - tive picture as it is viewed ' from f ront. yarcl k spreadi-ig rapidly, the street. Ar example of the" effect which When tall trees drwarf the they produce is given in the il-housf. and over-larg-e shrubs lustration. The line where house and evergreens hide H, and pre- wall meets the ground is planted vent the occupants from seeing with a border of zinnias growing out of the windows, the planting two feet tall, bearing single has not achieved its purpos-e. j flowers of richly varied pink and- Only low growing plants should yellow. be planted in front of low hnmp; 1 py'pc this border is a row o and the brightly colored annuals dwarf marigolds. There are many of dwarf habit are becoming other combinations which could popular as the most suitable be used ln a similar way to pro-plants for this purpose. Their duce a pleasing effect, in har- rnv. which has jn" the assembly, court trywomtn at nome are more j union s wl ite and tne u.rosted ln nnlinK s,-,wing and j If a Radical Liberal is a left-wni( h liuve lniiam- ,embroidcry than C a n a d 1 a n win8 Liberal, the Salisbury pro-ffhites. women. "They always have'P01"' would perhaps run coun- PRAIRIE SAILORS -Although parts of vstern Canada have been plagued by severe fiootu.. .lot all the spring run-oifs are regarded as misfortune. Three adventurous boys set sail for parts unknown in the flooded highway ditch south of Lethbridge, Alta. CP PHOTO) Ont., chairman and acting agent . that when aggression has ceased AIRPORT EXPANSION jui U coinmiuen f j somctmng on the Itct-Ules," mie'tcr to preaent trends within the rrd troops to the Mid- : sald. , parliamentary Liberal party. Of w;r flares. It Is also j Mrs gchryver believes this is : tne tnree members who met de-n supply air, land and , lne rPun 0f f arly training, j f,'at at the polls in last Octo-to eiiard its own.! Dutch children are instructed i bcr's election, all were to the I In handicrafts from the first !left of the party, leaving only rrnew sll' llM'y fl'f'r ' grade on. Sewing and knitting ! six "moderates" headed by nit too busy trying to ; are ns important in Dutch schools Clement Davies to carry on the color gives a welcome touch, a:id mony with the colors of house th-ay leave the view from win- wall and roof. In planting near In Esher, Surrey. Mrs. Scott 'in Asia "all the non-Communist 1 CH uAcT-tri.rKT ARLOTTETO WN (P The . o i fm r a ( ov,ih k ,tm houses simple color a"1,e .na,r 01 etow" d.ow? """ted. Seed may be modern 1947. ognize the Chinese People's Re-a.ys airport may be doubled in length. ; I started early in seed-boxes in- schemes, two, not over three. The Liberal assembly is to be'pubhc as the effective govern- Mayor J. D. Stewart explained doors and grown to a size suit- harmonious colors, are usually '" nrthe obll'- ' "'V 'u at Hastings, Sussex. Apart from! mcnt of China, and to give . ,t to fuiliu mr.v e mi H(.r husband was a Nethsr- The result has been a ereater Uh i ,vt k ' moDer weisht to its views on the the federal government has pro- able for transplanting. There are considered best. Any of the.iun- mised to do the work if the city many varieties which will grow loving annuals which grow toa council purchases the necessary ouickJy from seed sown directly suitable height may be used on land. I in the border where the plants the east, wast and south sides of Uandf army officer and an of fi, show of Liberal unity in parlia-1 should be rechristened the chief settlement of the grave nve expressed fear rial of the Dutch Trading Com-1 mentary divisions, in contrast 1 resolution will probably be one ' cal problems of Eastern Asia." casts ... "" ii" i oeiore meyu n.e spin wmcn Developed in 0n International affairs. This in! Full reports on the progress I are to grow, a id they will bloom houses: but on the north varie- ., j until freezing weather comes in ties which are known to endure opf,.( '"',"- '""I "urvivea previous parliament as the general supports the cold war of the reorganization campaign a Britain, France, more than three years of intern- ; left-wingers led by Lady Megan rIni!m flflinst. hut says v, i will will also also, he oe marie maae at t Hastings. Hastings, , irv uany news Tranr Mai the fall. Besides providing a tie- shade must be chosen. . nd others would de- merit in Japanese prison camps Lloyd ucorge went their own .... - i .. . . ..rtiiiit' These people, ana they arc deeply appreciative way. 10. WOUIU w: K-.-.S wii.-.w. .v ... v-a.iauu. i Tnp tiK.rn ,,,l r. ov. L ball with a western But they still note differences. ; tremely weak force numericallv .ncluding a country ( i hey miss the relaxation, the in British politics and they points such as South KMsurely life, that ts found in j know it. The party machine is some other countries. -You Can--now in process oi recondltion-. who touched off thrj adlans play as hard as you ng. Teams from London head-,i his racial policies work. tor. Schryver noted. -You quarters are out In the proved! move to set uo!"0" take time to enjoy and mces, working with local offi- r f f-ntary irmunai oui- - dais on a three-point reorgani y$7 Mmjus country's court, ap- ; "u""s ana your Diesis not share this,lnW" zation campaign. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE nis'cr Diniel F. Ma- rauscd new cleavages. i Under supervision of Philip In some areas long latent an-: Fothpr'eil1' party President, and exDrossed conviction nuiiK tsyers, cnairman oi tne afjin.st the Coiuinu- , tagonism between English ani Africa's Alrlkaans has come out into th. : -"". it-ui garuzauon :es, South teams are checking up n mem . lornot their dilier- open. rally lo the country's One example: !DersmP and finance in "grass-7 unit a i J Parl5roots" areas and setting tareets Provincial Councillor Alfred r. for increasing the number of Every, discussing how to fight i In the old days a lofrpin . amp was often a collection of flimsy tar paper shacks at the end of a muddy trail. You stripped the hillside then moved over into the next valley and started again. There Mas no permanency, no attempt at conservation , . , just the urge to move on-to stake out new liuiher liiniU vhile the going was good. the Nationalists without break--j TZ IJ T, , & 0 belns made t0 Ing rules said- - lmPr(ve co- ' ! ordination between headquar- ..i.r We must use the same tactics iters and the local parties, they use on us boycott them in i , . bu-slncM. Onp of the local officials help-,, ostracize them social-:. . . , ing in the campaign in the ly. have nothing to do with ; south of England is Mrs .Agnes tnf,m " . Scott of Toronto and Hamilton, i agreed that white u?fi split on the way ries out his policiei, iihind his opposition But they are un-llic clash between .tiuiuli.its and the :.'0jp.v to leaders say pri-: tli'ir fi(;lit against :!HiU may iiave to "be ' . . , -; - : ! ; ) ' , -. , '' i 1 ' i . .! ; , f - " ii , .4,. 1 1 7 .k ' ... "' H; " t' " "ft , i . n 1. 1 i I ' 1 i' 1 I !.-' ' 1 I .... f I f it 1 ' . a it K ' ; "i " i " 5 , v s "it rv - v , It . , ' I " ' j . , . I f -f .1 I' 1 ,i r , " M 1 1 - 6,, t C , t - . . ' k t t S ,i T-j , . . , I It I t : Hi. 51 t ! nnnnn CMinn ! its "lopiral conelu- Hillll IS1IU 9 rrs.2 .mt civil war. ! Anient, a gloves-off i : s Wednesday between J -racnt and the United ! ' opiwsition parties'! 1 k -k i;'s btu to turn all Uv: Rut we're NOT moving on! Columbia Cellulose Company is iu fuc IVino-Rupert and Terrace areas to stay. Our forest properties will always he green -For every tree we cut a new seedling must grow. Our camps are plea ant buildings with comforts and eon veil ien-es undreamed of a few short jea'-.i Permanent roads are already heginiiing to link our operations opening up new Menie heauties and providing speedy access fur fire protection. And, these eer growing, evergreen forest remain open to hunters and fishcrim-it to enjov, This is a new kind of logging operation ... a planned long-term dcvclopmcn " policy which will j ield greater hencfics for every one of us with each pasi.ig jcar. No, Ccdumhia (Cellulose is not moving on we're moving I.i- l the senate and as- o a supreme court to V, ether parliamentary nstitutional. lation, winch passed 'ading last Wednes-lalans answer to th? 'ft. hleh threw out iru'ling voting rights " i people of mixed vith BARRETT fpl W Cape province, wis now are in a 0 swing eight or nine in the Cape party, Malan's lamontary opposition. ; divided union, al-r;s they hold a balance ROLL EIQOHHG mm V -w nased tension has ('olumbia Cellulose CaniMtny In tltejirst unit if h ;i)iv exnuuling Cuiitiiliiin industrial organization. If ithin a few month, tltiswuuiza-tion hi' be corniiinins timber from British Columbia with natural gas derivatives from ' Alberta to prmluce a wide range of Jibres and other aretale product sf or Canadians from coast to coast. Our rogram of continuous forest yield ensnrse lasting full-time employment for thousands of Canadian worLers. COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, C C. Strip Out; ttlaleslThing ,llnal but long un- ' nystlfymtr strin of jr travel on two or i aX lines became a r--. ...uujr nun vne " V the Canadian E 'ays of anew intcr-h'fh is about the Collar bill wmiom B Cftieral agent, pas-Mar mo,, . "v, announced , "H offers several 5 l travellers. In i 'approximately three s;'t is easily carried bt ?.r .purse- Unlike W it has two to six Znuing a page of pin ticket would "ks in a strip, V No Exposed Nails V Complete Double Coverage V Fire-Resistant Mineral Surface , V Comes in RED, GREEN or BLACK n urm reach liss ssengcr's d with .ic new llCKCl r rnnnrm . . -..b are maae jr 'quence to the m f'y the ticket was ln fevers? nrH. .u- "to be detnphrf ki n 'he strip-' TAKE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS -uneo portions of r5 also ktu.oHoj i - Contain. TO YOUR BARKtl I ucmixh H th complete j fcTl-iV MlP-1' if CL.P AND MAIL TODAY 1 fJry-l SS " fel1 ' , S ' fl,,..larj..i.,,.a.,a. IU. ... , - rii ' . .p ; ,:,y .... r,r , , " 'ute and fare fional aspects of eo hPlC,e(1 on the f toJl er .y a Passenger I., " nJtn8 of arms of the Provinces and' 11 Arnerlcan States b?me avail" I offices acros8 Besides roll roofings, your Barrett dealer has a complete line of roofing, insulat.on and , , weather-proofing materials. IHI BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED 9250 Oak Street, Vanco and will - " " mailable In all I .-