' thai able once option ends We of outrapoous overseas aRSres- uvea to rue the au u,ey lu.d Japan. 0 will not sion. done so' or JuPa in Asia, ex- how that this process . .,h ! pti.ee and d AS f SFF. IT i Continued From Page 3i REMTVIF.NTES (Continued From Page 0 .11 "5 Prince Rupert Daily News Thui-suf.y. May 1. mi result in the consequences ioi Britain ana wic actly as Germany in Europe is b nait t iat japan a yum. ti k,, t ur jaDan mimaijii... - ,.,..v, ,.., li j ! Pa: ... " m tm'J r - uv.,.i u twui, uiauiici UUIlKtT WflT W Vw...i, lnL and naval potential, back at the j tnan Russia evpr cou)d hgve a , " upp0rl o thing known in previous exper- be on the sending and receive ience on stnse or screen. It may j en(j3 0j "smuggling" opera- o. ftn vt it. does News of the District turn o' tne ccmuij. mi ureuinr, unuuw oi me sneer f.nf, ivc WH . ' :'Q a; w.. . noi,,, I,, uu' - tions ... , Minir f t,t. . .JAPAN na& always, m , lire ;;. , , - - .... . pose the ,.th. ; " matter how you look being re-armed now tnai is vo u.j, i,a . way oi repa;-;- wnti all i our " "'uence and ana Affairs, Lester rearson, touchea'at nrr Sne has alternated be- clwkmate Russia's expansionist 'b str(,ng(h Japan, with about as mueh territory as the State of California, greets peace with a population of eighty-three million, and with all of them to provide on the larger danger ln final tween long periods of complete tendencies. But in tne cu.se ui ; c nave taken a Knfeh in Parliamejit. ' befor- isolationism and sharp spasms both Britain and the U.S.A. they THERE ARE two tendencies in gamble. e'sar Stewart News Telkwa Brownies And Guides Busy ratification. On April he-aid: Verily, there wont be much for. time to squander any time or m anything. j TELKWA Last meeting of the Ernest Lewis, Stewart wharf -Telkwa Brownies was supervised ingor. was brought to the Mrs. George Shepherd as Ditai during the week and then It mav not be so, but there is a suspicion the wild goose that; Brown Owl. The Brownies learn- amoved to the Prince Rupei t " - lmo tQWn QJ. a few days ed more semaphore and a little General Hospital. Mr. Lewis is , . J.eumed his flight north. It elementary first aid, using band- a veteran of the First World & whiJe- ln Bin Cruirk- aids. !War and has been in Hi health shank's garden. The railway; pioneer says h3 watched the goose steering a course toward Yukon. Or could it possibly be Mothers oi Sixers and Second- for some time. fis are being invited to attend ; enrolment ceremonies which will Tom Wallace, logging opera a round about spring ; rake place on May 1 tn the An- tor eft by piane f0r tiie south, making "Of course , we must all feel, whether or not we approve of this treaty, that there are possibilities oi danger arising out of it. It Is a calculated risk we hare to take. In this ease I believe Jt is a calculated risk toward peace rather than toward war, because I do not believe this is a punitive treaty which has in it the seeds, of Xuture war. Nevertheless we should not indulge in any excessive optimism as to what may happen now that Japan is going to be free to conduct its own affairs. The Tokyo correspondent of THE ECONOMIST writing in the last edition said something which Is very true and which we should keep In mind. He said that the lacquer-thin coating f occupational reform is cracking and peeling off in most places. Japan then is i bee-Uining to withdraw Into itself. J think this is inevit- glican rooms. It is expected the naving bt.en called to Portland tour down to the late Jack investiture of leaders will take by the sudden death of his Miner s home m Ontario. j place at this meeting. , jatht,r Mr Wallace is the man 1 Ground is already being pre- j Guide? began semaphore stu- aer 0f the Western Wood Prod-ciies at their meeting. Two ucts here guides, Helen Mack and Claire ' pared at Sea" Cove for the con- " struction of sixteen dwelling; R WASHABLE! l), SUPER SCRUBBABLE ! flSi Rich as velvet., . tough as rubber. . V 5v)( i newest miracle of research yW ' Landlot. wore their uniforms to Dr g Kergin of prince houses. There's this much for them the others what properly . n char. that far east. Yo should dressed Guides should look like .nes dur, th teel daybreak first. study of recru t knotting Was J clinic at Forest Camp For Lakelse wTdVa gam; Z played ich he Silbak Premier mine, was based on the knots shown, j At each meeting, the Guides Weather during the past week learn a new Guide song, most of has been unsettled with two which ate sung to well known days of sunshine sandwiched Junes? At the next meeting between days of raw, biting TERRACE Provincial officials cinpke anrt ieans will be in order winds accompanied by J ram HEW PRICES . - .1 K. for the heeinnine of gymnastic Fresh snow fell on the maun- are planning to uxaie u tains down to the 1000-foot xvum " lessons. mirk Althm.Ph thp robins arc i-anencti ntc m oui....v . . on Forest Minister E. T. Kenney here, spring has not yet arrived. 1 ELICWA announces that tlw young woods workers will clear and develop : a section of the north shore of : the lake which belongs to the government and is earmarked lot a recreation park. , ' ! A permanent puoac ramp site ! with bath houses and other facil- ALKS .. Big Bulldozer Seen at Telkwa A card party in aid of the lib This week Blondie 1 ities will be built this year.ac- rary was held last Wednesday ; TELKWA night. Mrs. Joe Thompson and Tennant created quite a sensa- coi ding to the plans. i.,ur ,.n an" m -M!ahf ......... . "c a wnin-i .m it mm n p'-Mi.' t,wrr ,..;"''?. h i a,a uu r: ,.!, I General Electric APPLIANCES O F90 Steam Iron 24.95 F80 Feather Weight Iron . 14.50 K42 Kettle 14.S0 T22 Tooster 2 stlee 14.50 Tl 2 Tooster 9.95 Tl 9 Toaster 9.95 Q20 Heating Pad 9.95 ..till 1 t 111 " . .. . -"Mill. II ti.. . . U .1. ,.11 LCI " 1 . Mf j "- 'js (int. ., i, mh en si iiuir'ii'"- e Hugh.. McLean won the first yor Wjln njs enonnous new bull- 1 Youth Forestry Camps, staffed prizes. The consolation prizes dozer wilh attached carry-all by students from 16 to 2 years, went to Mrs. Hinchcliffe and to craper which loads and unloads were located throughout the I.L Piitchard. . by hydraulic control. province last year. ' ir7in ' There' was quite an army of j Headquarters of the tamp. M,-'-mrt Mis. Jo,. Puls-bakke Mi. und FuUtbakkt.sidewalk superint91lclents and w h uk wffl . hharbe interested sPeCtat0rS When W of 12 boys, will be the present K m oons ?, Theira .ni m nl? n demolished part of the big hill forestry branch cabin at the lake. Mr, old to Mr. and Mis. Ralph behind the Hiway Garage, level-; Hu-.sman w-ho have moved on to n h u Tw.oa" week- NIGHT FARMERS !Vls . Madigan Bros.' parking lot is; r. 77 u i u quite a show place for those in- PETERBOROUGH, Out. (P Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoops terested in the sevfin b, 1rac. Combattlng tne capriciou.s April returned from visit .south. They a t3rs and four iarge pick.up bal. weathe, EOme Iamers ln thl, import, the roads in Dad shape - er wUh frQnt e ld loaderg Also, district turned the headlights on III YES - fitfteZ (ffX'fifc WILL AMAZE YOU! 'the ' r ri ir'pa side delivery hay the tractors over the land to beatitilully, in minutes . . . has no M. : and Mrs. Hilton and Spike rake is ouite something to old make a long day of it. On one timers, the kind to which we day recently some formers were u.ced to hitch old Dobbin. seevi working- as late as 10 p.m.' Arnold left by car for Vancouver. They return next week. Supe r Kt in-'I one conns ready to use. It needs no primer or undcr-coaicr . . . applies easily, erle( tly on wallpaper, paint, plaster, wood or metal. It dries evenly, offensive odor. One coat covers most surfaces. Made by the makers of Kcm-Tone and Kcm-(lo $7.85 PER GALLON. ...... J 'f V 4f- .1.3' 1 Mi .. i it , , I. p HI tl . -i ' 0. . '4- -".,' i , s "1 tt' I ' 4. -A - -it i i ft ' I '' Mi. and Mrs. William Camock have returned from Saskatchewan where they visited relatives ovei ithe Easter vacation. iSSEr-Syl "Pocked yYZ. inB.C"' frm r m e j:ss sm m m M ae v - k. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bussing-er and C. P. Bussinger left by car for Vancouver. Jlie Wjirca wee KF.Mf.L0 W W. Noonan is a patient in the Smlthers hospital. Tom Thorp has gone to Kam-loops for a visit with his niece, Mrs. Spain. CS11 Floor Polisher 64.50 o . Northern B. C. Power Co., Lid. PHONE 210 Prince Rupert, B. C. Stewart, B. C. The mirachl !re on-amtl for fcitchwn and botV9om wallt. lool ond wehj Uk the feoked eiiotweJ your w refrigeiatfl. $3. OS uort. v - -"Vr K2 "V .. . S6.29 gallon. Th original oil point thai mixei with water. On gullon, iftinned with water, mati on and one ho galloni. So your actual cost per gallon is on! $4.20 these great home decorating oids ' The Martin-Senour Company Ltd. The Sherwin-Williams Company of Canada, ltd. The Canada Paint Company Ltd. The Lowe Brothers Company Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. A. Irving motored 'o New Hazulton on Sunday. They were guests of Mrs. Barbara Sargent. Mr": Wiley, Social Credit organizer, paid a visit to Telkwa last week. - - Distributors and Dealers from Coast to Coast - Says Mrs. A.. Butler XC-. On Saturday Miss Eileen Cross j finished the courses she was Riving ln the Anglican rooms here. The ladies were unanimous in their praise of the efficient way Miss Cross presented the :esons. They are happily re-j'ricing ln the new well tailored saits. dresses and blouses which Miss Cross taught them to make. .v'l : , t K "You can' bea f ' - ill ? is I Aylmer lor true tomato flavor. ' T That's why Janet, Barry, Dad ond I Women know.. . . . how sM'nliul in quality in toilet tissue and discriminating women choose Purcx Ar that sc ial kiml of soTlncss . . IJou'ie k nicfit ... jfP eniov it often. ' t t a JKSSWB-.. HORNSEA. England 9 A vicar' in this Yorkshire town Sound so many gtUf bails in his warden he asked authorities to ,-uppli protective netting. He ciinijiaioed of golfer climbing ; ittr th aalls and trampling j riov.err in pursuit of stry balls, j r I"' r V - -.. A tltriing cifctr coMm pt by Ttiomoi Moore, England, 1 757. A vaJud pt99, now in fht O. 6. Allan colfetNon, Vancouver. LONDON DRY GIN LONDON A distinguished product of THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. Nets Westminster, B. C Tnt wtvert'tttment tt not puDMshea or aitplayed by the Uquor Control Board or by the Government of Brrttati Columbia