" ' PVI;;ciAL LI.:--vf ORMES DRUGS to 1T: CABS DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Conodo's.Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" vol. xli, No. 103 Prince rupert. b.c. thurshay mv i io . ... r'lll r .i ,..,(, DIM " mite, f 4V. L.,JNiC ' . i , r r " n q)IL SfeB Plamfts LbvaTIVE PLATFORM 1 Workers Still Away POPULATION It I 101. 1 i milium DOLLAR BALANCE unit 100 miMut nation of Co-insurance, (949 1950 19$ I MALAY in-Sectarian Schools, Forest r FJ :MAL A YA From Their Jobs Today . WASHINGTON, D.C. (Canadian Press) The United States government had the steel industry back under federal seizure today but it remained an 4-: -INDIAN ; CHINESE l I H INDIAN 151 11 i i i i gement Review Promised j open question whether Philip Murray's striking CIO steel workers would return to work. Tin X('0UVKH (Canadian Press) A new plan; rnmeiu hospital insurance on non-compulsory i .monopolistic basis with elimination of co- a- was proposed yesterday in a 12-pointj !n presented to the Progressive Conservative; uu um n Reds Riot : In Japan . First May Dance Since Independence Marked With Wild Violence TOKYO (CP) Twenty thousand Communist-led anti-Am-crlcan rioters today fought police with clubs and stones in front of the Imperial Palace. , United States troops armed with machine guns, fanned out through the city to protect foreign lives and property in the worst riots In Japan since "the end of the Second World War. The tumultuous May Day demonstration came only three days after Japan formally regained her independence. Americans were attacked,, stoned and mauled. But none were seriously hurt. , Club-swinging rioters charged 1000 steel-helmeted police. Thty clubbed 218 officers to the ground, Injuring 51 seriously, Each time the police' beat back the human waves with tear gas, clubs and guns. .. Uncounted hunurejs of rioters were also injured. One was reported killed by gunfire. Riots also broke out in Kyoto, former capital of Japan, where 3000 Koreans stormed the city offices and fought with police. They were halted by tear gas. United States Army radio here said tonight that Tokyo police had intercepted a copy of orders from underground Communist leaders ordering an attach-on Japanese factories making munitions for United Nations E M PLO YMENT i It was considered at least pos-! slble that the government might ; seek to lure 650,000 strikers back ' to their jobs by giving them the 'pay increase which Murray had i tried unsuccessfully to pry out of the steel firms. Murray withheld comment but World's May Day Rough ly of government lawyers, in getting the federal aDDeal court last WASHINGTON CP Riots, MID KMCll INDUSTRY WDUSIKT party convention here. j The platform, presented for approval of 250 convention dele- f gates said: ! "We recognize the wldspread dissatisfaction with the hospital j Insurance service as presently ! carried on In the province." j The platform also pledges a I review of school finances and 1 affirms the party 'belief in a j ! democratic system of non-sec- ty , strikes and rival demonstrations ! night to restore President Tru-i by Communists and non-Corn- j man's seizure temporarily, said i munlsts flared around the world I tney may have to seek a back-! this May Day as workers of the ! -C0UJrt Injunction against the i world-far from united-showed ; Umted steel Workers of Am- b Claims Pru-C'ons Party t ( F ami 0 Too Socialistic ! their colors and shouted their . erl?? ASPECTS OF MALAYA Half the people of the Fetation of Malaya are Malays. They supply more than 68 per cent of the indigenous arm -d forces-iicludinj the police and Home and Village Guards-while Chinese and Indian la or is predominant, in the tin and rubber indus-tr.es which have made Malaya the largest do! ar-earner of the Commonwealth. The tin and lubber industries have maintained a high rate of output despite the continued state of "emergency" caused by Chinese Communist gue rilla activity. The High Commissioner, General Templer, in his new drive against this terrorise, is determined to increase the numbers of Chinese serving in local defence services. The United States Court of creeds in cold war. : tarian schools as at present i O'ER it -- Herbert, established by 4aw in British i Passive Conserva- : Columbia. j , r m British Co-, Tne piatform als0 pit.dges re. uterauy rctiirrated the ; d,1(.tion hv ,n pn. th I Tokyo was bloodied with vio- PPeai waay aeniea tne plea i lent rioting : 01 tne steel companies that the j East and west Berlin, guarded : g0Vernment be ba"ed irora n" j by police and troops, staged rival i ZT "l wages whl,e tthe mllIf demonstrations within sight 6 of un?er fvernment control. each other The vote was 5 to 4. nn "Uii v. ' r - Action motto: cost of licence fees on all pas- Today's Stocks Other planks call for the ap- f , rrime Minister Stalin appear-: ed at Lenin's tomb to watch So- ;.n 250 '"-'"'Pi-jpointment of a commission of j .1 AHMfliU ncllU Wl. : InrilllrU tr rAlllonr Via nwnr.nf i Mean Men Hurt By Snowmobile (0..tirt-!.y s. i. johiiMoii to. Ud.i viet might troop through Red square. VANCOUVER New York had a parade down American Standard 26 ; Eighth Avenue with 1,800 police troops in Korea. Kitimat to Have Liquid Air Plant Another Industry for Alcan Port Announced VICTORIA (CP) An oxygen and acetylene manufacturing plant will be established at Kitimat by the Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. ! Announcement of the new Bralome 6.00 and detectives alerted to watch. BURNS LAKE Eric DeWitt aer to wuie prosper ( tenslon of tne Pacmc Greatl 'Eastern Railway into Vancouver! must be secure. ' Mr. j "Wltn tne Iinal object ln vlew , said, "so that capital of extending the railway from I can march forward in : Prmce ; George into the Peace -"b!a" "'-f "ft! River aiea." ! jvince a.s perfect, thei - ! A shouting mob of about 5.000 ! and Percy Wilkes, workers on the Lowering Oi u,uu"'ra uommuiiisi youtnsi Alcan project, are in hospital infiltrated the French section of , here suffering from injuries re-Berhn. Police drove them back jceived when a snowmobile up-over the border, with fire hose set on Tahta Lake. They were and well aimed night sticks. ! flown here by helicopter proaram of industrial ; will fail." Fish Tariff BRX 03 M. Cariboo Quartz 1.35 ; Congress 06 ' Cronin Babine , .43 Giant Mascot 99 Indian Mines 19 '. ' Pioneer 2.26 . Premier Border 26 Privateer .08'2 Sheep Creek 1.60 Vananda , .13 ' Salmon Gold ... ..t . .. ,04i Spud Valley 09 Silver Standard 2.30 Western Uranium 3.70 unian program," hich n carried out by tlir Friendly" Dispute Unsettled T Plant was niade Wednesday by 0i m3riA m lHon- E. T. Kenney, minister of In (orrrnmrnt in the Wreckage of Lost Plane Discovered VANCOUVER tCP) A plea for reduction in tariffs to aid the Canadian fishing industry waa idc, ruuld nut have lands who stressed that the fitiwit tfSTTrmrnt of the I VIIIHIIV IV f Visit Alaska made on Wednesday by Hon. R. V'.F. & A.W. Demands Company Representatives Meeting Today to Consider resentatives would be held "hereTw. Mayhew, minister of. fLsh-this afternoon. fpriei liquid air industry would actually be the first manufacturing plant at the up coast oite. Although no estimate of the Dlant'a cost was elven t.hp min ive Conservative cab-"isters. This was be-igrtssive CoiiMTvalivcs abinet had controlled Because neeotiations Union demands one-half with fhp- -cent j... .u. m..u.. V ' V if Ht i . ' :i ' 1 P J' I ! - I, .j. n If. -!, j. i' - . 1- i-ki - i t ""1 - , t 1 .It .( y ' .' " t S- ? if ' i ' v , i, wit I ,1 I " . . tl. r., f:- Vri) f1' b ., i 1- 1 1 " .... - ..'' r. ' . .Ir.t '11 r V ! ', ' , . 'it,, -I , " .5.' X 5 ' , t rr; , , ,,. tt'M". . ht (I1 ' 1 , '"I ' ' ' i . 1; i i ' t s .... . ' . ' , y H -. X. 'T ' ' , t, " ' t , " ! k. . . , -fe. . t I . ' " ' i , i: ..l ' , . I ! companies in connection with a increase across the board for sole L" I VICTORIA 9 The Canadian I MIAMI (CP) Wreckage of a ( cruiser Ontario will leave here i missing Pan American World i in mid-June on a training cruise ister said the establishment i )"s ""J T Z a0ne2',lnl"CogniZed that consumption of Anglo Canadian 7.50 Airways luxury stratocruiser was to Alaska, the Navy announced 10 or 11 pounds of fish by each. finite results. United Fishermen range from four to five and a w sot to see that dcvolpnient in British proceeds fast.ir than I sighted near Carolina, Brazil, ; Wednesday, i today, and reports said there I would be "extensive." Much of the product will be used by the Aluminum Co. of Canada's smelter at Kitimat. " 'und Allied Workers' Union, at a nalf cems for sole, and five rents person in Canada was too small to support the industry. "The protein value in fish is ! meeting !a..t night, voted that , Ior ,ln cod- 'iiome twenty boats, already tied! . . iup here, should remain in port.i rAn crmr-ir n program we have got "he said. I something we need In our diet," he said. were no signs of any survivors. A plane disappeared on Tuesday with 50 persons aboard. Pan American Airways officials in Miami said messages indicated the aircraft had split More Foot And Mouth Disease an program. Mr. An-aw such things ars old "is and other social RCAF Crash Kills Two In two and burned. ! WEYBURN, Sask. Tlrere has gest to the companies that they i LONDON (P Dr. Edgar Cyriax, I Outlining handicaps confront-; send their principals here or give ! 73' is a manipulative surgeon in I ln8 the industry he said one is authority to their local repre- one of London's more' expensive "that there is no New York oti ! sentatives to negotiate. ! districts but he can't get used to ! Canada's east coast, and no San ' Word was received from van- automobUes and stui rl(ies a 'Francisco and no Los Angeles i 1914-model bicycle. ! on our west coast. Canada would ! couver that boats there and at For the bene- . Ivirtnria wm.M rAfrain frnm fih fit of wealthy patients he usually i like to see more level crossings ogrctoive Conservative A P Con 57 Calmont 1.71 Central Leduc 3.50 Mercury ', .28 Okalta 4.25 Pacific Pete 13.00 Royal Canadian 23 TORONTO Athona 13 Aumaque 19 Beattie DuQuesne 55 Bevcourt 1.12 Buffalo Canadian 29 Consol. Smelters 32.35 Con west 3.95 Donalda 41 Eldona 23 East Sullivan 8.10 Giant Yellowknife 9.50 :it would take steps to' i.iu.uuu crun uiaap- been a second outbreak ol loot r.iHnhrt Eastern i peareu on a ihbiu uoui ouchuj an(j mount aisca.se in tins area, Pacific Great Aires to New York. ' it was announced today. w Vancouver imme- ing northern waters or delivering Parks tne bike some distance in our levels in our tariff wall ltd fr nfp Hllllprt. nr nv fl pit no "c nam. TRENTON, Ont. Two occupants of a Royal Canadian Air Force Harvard training plane were killed Wednesday when the aircraft crashed into a swamp 18 miles northeast of Trenton. Those killed were Flying Officer Victor Morgan, Toronto, and Flight Cadet R. O. E. Emmett, Oakvllle, Ontario. Japanese Fishermen to Invade N. Pacific Waters siv(v lti!if llciirlinir Out as Now plants pending a settlement. j Tom Parkin of United Fisher- j men's and Allied Workers' Union i I said that vessel owners and crew members were co-operating in j negotiating. I Companies i.-.volved are B.C. ! ; Packers, Nelson Bros. Fisheries ! ! Ltd.. -Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd., ' j and J. H. Todd & Sons. I Speaking from the operators' j i anele. Harold Thorn, enpral : BCHIS Increases Rate For General Hospital Co-insurance Also Upper by 50 ' Cents to $3.50 per Day , Hardrock Harricana ! Heva Duvex Joliet Quebec Lynx .13 .11 .11 .83 .50 .14 Agreement Becomes. Operative Mill Rlacf vt g'U to realize that tl miH have a place "A a Place to finish." "'"mb said hat the ' Conservatives will 'fir best to extend the tn the Peace River 1 the ProKrcs.sive Con- Sf'd, is so far Mat nobody would iii'm vM "MATH KNELL" )is the death B,1!'sh Columbia." he f Credit, he said: "I to say about it be-ml knows anything , ,e party had no ;c(nd, -as far 0 III! TOKYO (CP) Japanese fishermen Wednesday; j prepared for a mass invasion of northern Pacific jn3KeS lOWn (manager of Canadian Fishing i Co., said this morning that ne- j Per diem rate of payment by British Columbia gotiations were proceeding on aiu , T 0 . . t, . , , , very friendly" basis. The pro-! Hospital Insurance Semce to Prince Rupert General waters forbidden waters since the war. ; fitchburg. Mass t- - An , The Kyodo new news service Pxnnslrm ln thp npin'nB Pn said about 60 boats are getting Manufacturing Company plant ! iposais of the union were being i Hospital has been increased 90 cents to $11.40, ' ef- considered nnH it was pyiwtnH i Madsen Red Lake 1.90 McKenzie Red Lake 42 McLeod Cockshutt 2.85 Moneta 45 Negus .60 Noranda 74.65 Louvlcourt .27 Pickle Crow 1.67 Petrol Oil & Gas 1.20 Senator Rouyn 19 '4 Sherrit Gordon 4.20 Steep Rock 6.90 Silver Miller 1.62 Upper Canada 1.82 Golden Manitou 5.85 reauy io leave hukkuiuu pun i Wednesday caused damage un Hakodate in time to start cast- officially estimated at $750,000 a meeting of the operators' rep-1 fective May 1, D. C. Stevenson, hospital administra IWA Seeks Conciliation Ing their nets May 12 and shook a wide area of the tor, announced today. ,; The newborn rate remains at WEATHER- city. Some 300 persons had left the plant only a short time before. One employee was injured. Stalin Hurls Germ Charge Vancouver (CP) Negotiations On that date the three way fishing agreement, between Japan, Canada and the United States becomes effective. Japanese fishermen were restricted to home waters under occupation. Party was rlrtft.. i fr mso fr.rtrv inrinst.rv waee Synopsis Gale force winds were still blowing in north coastal waters GULF ISLAND Prince Edward Island, origin this morning although the storm MOSCOW (CP Premier Stalin, ally called St. John's Island, was ine temole at Euhesus. one of , ,v,i k.r-j t,.i. -oiher fnterpriso contracts ended here Wednesday Uley miht anl ulllon officials said they will so i i ""ifTn in one form seek a conciliation board. dy tl The International Woodwork- .'rmn . .' ruls miKM ers of America demanded a gen- looking much as usual today, .w.....u ... . , ii WHIUII11H..1V; me ocvcii aiicieni wonners ni in.? i uin . . i o0,6 vl?! Kentl faUler 0fWl01Aad U? marble columns ; Irnorthward into the the annual May Day $4 per day. . , The co-insurance rate is being upper by 50 cents to $3.50. Mr. Stevenson took the increased allowance as an admission of the increase in hospital operating costs. The increase should at least help the hospital in financing' repairs that are chargeable to hospital costs. ' However, with the patient days ln hospital showing a tendency to drop, the ration of hospital day operating costs might go up. ... ' c l)u' On Moij.'prnl ii'iro InnrensA of 35c an Gulf of Alaska. The gales will parade of Russian labor and ;ify run fa The current basic hourly it h,. r . e"ugn, hour. May Day But Wintry Still armed might from Lenin's marble tomb and heard one of his There will be scattered show ers in coastal and northern In Crucial Truce Talks Coming up in Korea Sl' .rate ta $1,294. omh o Pledged the Pro- The operators' have proposed , S(,rv'alivfs to free a ten percent wage cut for some n tlfieedom of the classifications and no change for other workers. Jcismh Rillinirs head of For- terior regions today but clearing '. marshals publicly accuse the is expected in southern sections United States of germ warfare tonight. Clearing skies will re- in Korea and China. The 72-sult ln colder temperatui-es and year-old Soviet leader halted Rainfall continued through much of the night, and daylight showed snow to be appearing quite well down the mountain sides. May Day undoubtely has a wintry look. Despite the un light frost Is expected in interior once on his way up the long ! ,n t...j . MUNSAN a Truce negotiators will hold a crucial session tomorrow to hear the Communist pc Bomb flight of steps, waving to the j est Industrial Relations Limited, isald a deep basic change had occurred in the lumber market-I tng situation. $13 per day here. This is "all It will be c a little warmer in Russian spectators and foreign reply to the United Nations ' tu. ";'"I"' .t: 7" .,?" delusive "taking care of X-ray. Roy Thomson CP President kindly look, and "feel," the nfirKntrp rrrrsn n 1 frt rnaihinn at r ... . Marines laboratory, operating room and case room service as well as :Be V?1 Ior reacning a morrow witn sun skies ln a from the sunlit stands. "Apparently, the union does growth of flowers in plenty of not realize the seriousness of the garciens is well advanced. " ttrnlu"ce- ' I but northern districts. , Marslal Leonid Govorov. war- I drugs. "ie tteas toauy as&ca ior a ' ....,. ume tuuuuauutr oi niu i.enm-i TORONTO Roy II. Thorn-: son, president of Thomson Dall-;IUU aress session after studying!"""" grad army, in an anti-western; aiwmuuii. ne mu, unu, wii. 'S IfD " Au atomic tlie realization comes, as it will, i'm JlT o tne Nevada 11 will be quite a shock." il( Kir 8 fh. ye united States During the co-Insurance period (ten days after entry) the government pays hospital only $7.90 per day. Probe Under list. . 'War. . v1i" "P.nce in A "I lies,, was on Wednesday elected a secret Allied plan for three North coast region Gale warn- sPeech to tne troops massed In president of the Canadian Press. ! days- There was no indication ing - continued. Cloudy Witn Red Square said: He succeeds Herve Major of La ; whether the Communists would showers today. Variable cloudi- "In mockery of international Press of Montreal. reJect, accept or make a counter j ness Friday. Cooler. Wind agreements, American barbar-Vlctor Slfton of the Winnipeg : Proposal. isoutherly (35), shifting to south- ians are carrying out the great-Free Press was elected honorary : Blocking progress in nearly ten west (20 this afternoon and de- est crime against humanity- --v.uvieS. ' wrainrif r i n t Ma , s watched' Lomo nes mci sat, of shel tn .. I j -i r . . o into Friday, May 2, 1952 -ers as Cbfroman OTTAWA H. Carl Goldenberg (Pacific Standard Timet president; R. J. Rankin, Halifax cow newspapers have made the charge repeatedly. The United States has denied the charges and proposed that the International Red Cross make investigation in Korea and China. Communists refused. 7:06 15.6 feet 0f Montreal has been appointed High s"'n in Las mil, Mail-Star, first vice-president, and D. B. Rogers of Regtna Leader-Post, second vice-presi. months' old negotiations are is-1 creasing to light Friday morn- making use of bacteriological sues of prisoner exchanges, Rus- i ing. Lows tonight and highs to- weapons in Korea and China." sian participation in armistices! morrow at Port Hardy, 42 and Until now, no Russian marshal and rehabilitation of military ' 55; Sandspit. 40 and 55; Prince ; had accused the United States airfields during the armistice. : Rupert, 38 and 58. of germ warfare although Mos 20:34 16.0 feet a special commissioner under tine r09 10 9 feet ; Combines Act to Investigate the 13 46 7.2 feet wire industry in Canada. dent. - i