' 1 Prince Rupert Daily Nevi Thutlay, May 1, 10.02 i Jersey Joe Still Champ will come as a surprise to many fans who were away on vacation at the time and who still recognize Ezzard as the champ. They say Walcott has marie Browns Down Champions 3Le DAILY NEWS By GAYLE TALBOT mlf nt th ,, k , NEW YORK (P The revamoeri ; NEW YORK (APi Fz7nrrf I nhamni f (v, . St. Louis Browns blasted out n Charles, whn i 3-4 win over the world champion weight champion any more, be- j who was not permitted by New York Yankees Wednesday Bins training for today a fight managers to open a checking ; but lost the second game In their! with Jersey lot Walcott at ; account. The old pappy fishter American League doubleheader ! Philadelphia on June 6. 1 has, however, made scores of ap- , . L Sfms that Walcott now pearances at charitable institu-. ! red ,ir-ir Williams made v., his farewell ! holds the title,, having knocked tions and before church grouns ! appearance for the Bbston Red1 out Charles in a battle at Pitts- and has in eeneral won hk ' I box a vital one, with a game- burgh in July of last year. This -laurels well, if flnnnvmAci , W.nniTTtx tttn-r.iKi V,nmA. ui J " ' i 61 v..w Ull llUlliCl iliUt ! enabled the Red Sox to defeat ' Gunners Win For Rockie ; thD Detroit Tigers 5-3. NATIONAL LEAGUE I In the National Leaune dnv "ipl favorite f ; . ! games, the Pittsburgh Pirates i j By BILL BOSS Canadian Press Staff Writer j WITH THE CANADIANS IN KOREA t One of Brig. J M. i Rockingham's war trophies is a j crumpled U.S. one-dollar bill. caught the bur Liks their ofi-c. rs. the Flgnallers too, always trrv;!i the front together. They worked out a Rimm'ck r,u one is very specific about v.hal it if; that, cut by 30 ec-ond.s tlie time lag between des- .v , - '. .... snapped out of a ten-game losing streak with an 11-5 victory over the Boston Braves. 1 Chicago Cubs nicked the Phil- 1 adelphia Phillies 9-8 on 12 in- ; nings and the New York Giants downed the Cincinnati Rus 4-1. The St. Louis Cardinals shook up their line-up and It paid off k0R PLATE-Warm spn ing mornings h lo spped training; for the Canadian-bred, three iho it and North America's oldest continuously-run continiimisiv-nm horse k, J -rlf fCrt in l-Uiiauai) ill. ifrom Lt.-Gen. Michael a I and the firing f '' jM'kc, C-Dicl, commaiider of a I . , , U.E. Corps with which the 25th! . , lt-and so do Rocky . T . .',!,. fr,.., (I n T IT C Plli l 1 O I IIUtJ tUlll till- . Seagram's stab'.e of Vati-rioo. Ont., are Game Warrtnr is fin Ino foil r..-wi Tr;..i m nreiiar.it inn fr more serious wor :s Canndlan Infantrv Brieade h.-is a,,i , OI UKWlne "AlhwHrod . - i n a ..hi, ,.,n. r 4it.. aoie nas won the famous Rni-inu riouoi m n the out it. '. 'Hip Seagram i fOURht ever s nre it. hmriert in -"" ""m uieir r as they shellacked Brooklyn 14-2 , o imira ir, me .ears. The nuioe this year Is $21,000. " un,t nam-?s Uornora s Bill in - whi t .ul - - Korea l CP PHOTO i nerion of (.ultra rv Cipnroa ixni . Rocky had quite gallerv to ; son of Hamilton h i.pVr. ' ""wB.ef. ie.. slanKey .made I witness the pay-off, won for him! r,f wntp A,' nuu"l? nome. debut as Pyer, 10-95 C CANDIDATES drawing three walks and batting ' bv the 2nd Rpuiment. RnvHi ran. i tr,.i... ,".." ' . a iwo-run aoubie. adian Horse Artillery. lean concentrate the entire divi- Tottenham Ends Second The broke hung Hopefuls, Including The occasion was a the Canadian sector bv'U01 rU,7y " 3 t3rget With" victory S fo7 cV a three-game s aid a by Gpn. in 65 s.cconds. threp ram for mannew a. Kldffwav. suDreme o """, oavui the Dodgers. DEB shoes by Savage . . . Imaginative New York stylings . . . these little smarties with their rich colours, comfiness and flattery are a "must have" for Junior Debs. Come in and peck! jtfs, in Vancouver Trials LONDON (CP) Tottenham c"iniander of the Allied forces. ! Hotspurs, last year's Finnish wiUl Ridgway were Gen. James ICOL'VKI: (CP) A bonus number Of cham-;League soccer champions. Wed-'A: Yf" Fleet commander of the , ,i r, . - ... iiesuay jinisnea second Ui Man- ' " u""ru oiw nniiy in nana S ne.Xl Wivmpic oames DOXerS Will i Chester United In this veai' - Korca- OTtanlel and Ma j .-Gen .NORTHERN LINK PEACE RIVER. Alta. P The Ncrlhvrn Alberta Railways has completed a new 1. 200-foot trestle bridne made from 865.000 board feet of timber. The bridge is on the line about four miles out of Dawson Cre;k. VOGUE SHOES LTD championship by d e f e a 1 1 n it JIm -asseLs. commander of the Bor G38 Green 595 1st Commonwealth Division. ifrum more than 50 hopefuls in a combi-mch tournament which starts here to- cneisea 2-u. Two points gained from their At Rocky's observation post, overlooking the Chinese posi-t'ons. the Brifj.idier .-iimi.tiv Ull'rt is represented by Mouse Mor-jlast match season enabled the nice . .1 - .... . . ... "V ' ""J iul Andy Marshall.) v Cail-'ii (iiutapuis to ousi arsenal, soccer i menuoned that the brigade ar- .mis. ru'W wi'H;ht-in and nw fares will1 jcup finalists next Saturday, Ifrom second spot on the goal average. wueiy could engage any target on its front with all its guns within 45 seconds. n-irl?! said it was impossible ;.'.E three-ni'ht com- 1 I i .nwi.-m. . jian boxing cham-4 Olympir trials. ! j j SUPER-KEEN, MIRROR-FINISHED EDGES I I I 1 r;-,er hand, defending Start Trail To Helsinki Local liuxns (irt Away To Vancouver After Nearly Missing Date ; Sunday May II is Mother's Day You are sure to find S'liiabie Cards and Gifts for Mother at j GIVE THE BEST-LOOKING SHAVES EVER! on the ALLEYS I I r ana mat he had money to back (Up the opinion. I Rorky. sayi lg "You're onone dollar." invited Ridgway to select a tarsct. S Lt.-Col. Geoffrey Brooks of Philo, Man., alerted the regiment : that a target was coming up. ! Ridgway selected a ridgwtop, 9.000 yards distant, Chinese posi- i !;( li- which had been under dis Ml XEI) LEAGIE till be scar'-e. Till:; S:s Canadian box- .nships since i'.rM. officials, in rejiort-1 -I received, said the itast rruistered is Buy Kfim.in of the only outside nave a lull entry in . Qurbee is expeet-ei;iit. B.C., without i t.vp n.se worries of Failure yestvrday of the Can- j A IMvision aiiian Pacific Air Lines service : Fashion Footwear 4 Can. Gen to get through to Vancouver be-' Electric 0; Penguin Hobby 1 cause ol h'gh winds on the lower 'Headpinners 0; Wallaces 4 mm is mmmm cussion minutes before. iv e. ' n ! a n d. grounding direct urcat west Liie 0; bhentpn's in 42 SECONDS l ihL- for the day made it look S M- 3- Cook's Jewellers 1; Can-j Brooks relayed the target. It lor a time that young local box- aa Life 3. Hill's Shoe Store 1; was plotted at regimental headers would miss their date for the Pushovers 2, Cantel's 2. quarters by Capt. John Crowe, Olvmpie trials at Vancouver.- R. Ford of CGE rolled a new of Guelph, Ont.. the adjutant! however, they got away this . high for the season with a score ant 'he fire orders given. Fisst ovinces. will Try tur l.al oil ch.uiLM's put morning as the storms subsided of 410, also the high three for.s"ells 'ere away within 42 sec- and flights were resumed. Special! the evening with 88. arrangements had been mad i for Team high Fashion Footwear of the Amateur ion of Canada in ike their natiunal- d"'jut. .'of Ivui 11' Weight tlieir weighing In to be delayed ! nr.c nnrt ,7,.,, from the scheduled time of 10. . V. , 1 . f -. I . . --'.;. v. ' ' ' 1 ; ki , . ( - .. f ; ... ; t ' ' ; ' ! . . . r j - t '11 U K ( . 9 : "H., r Ik V'- until thev anive.i tt ; iaaics single ana mice-1'. a 111. fWVW'II They They 6ive Give You You Smoo1her Smoother Shaves Shaves And And f 1 ' M'lmii-J l0S lost For For lon3er longer Thon Thon Ordinary Ordinary Blades Blades j i I fiil jhf Gillette Gillette Blue Blue Blades, Blades, 5 5 for for 25C. 25C, are are sharo. sharp, I 1 I l7-gSL'J "f.nty plenty sharp sharp and and Rive Rive a a fellow fellow the the best- best-looking, J ' 71 ' I '1 lool""8 most most comfortable comfortable shaves shaves possible. possible. f I M No Now to to save save time, time, save save fuss fuss mid mid make make f ;',;;1.,AVfl blade blade changing changing easy, easy, ask ask for for Gilletto Gilletto Blue Blue I f . U-.T .v...r.t I.i 1 t ' A ilOIll O-Sflll ZU U11U lUil. ' lifi.i -Writer MUSIC TUITION RATE INCREASE n.-i'.'r.r, September 1, 1952, the music 'teachers of Prince 'p3;it are increasing their rates. The tuition for Junior : TX-r.r Grades I to IX inclusive is $80 a year and for f-Sr iv ; i.; 1 . Grac!-.'s X and A.R.C.T.lOO a year. These rates e-jj 1J n pupil to twe half-hour letsons a week. -"j Signed : ' j Mi s M. v,"ay Mrj. H. O. Jamieson J Mrs. C. Anderson Mrs. E. J. Smith . . ' Mrs J. Bowman jisters of St. Joseph Mrs. C Gilker .- - onus. 'i.i-y feU richt on the target bang slam on. 1 Raid Ridgway, as an amaz-d O'Danlel paid up: ' "That's a mighty fine shooting artillery regiment you've got there. Colonel.'' Secret of tha RCHA's speed -coupled with its traditional accuracyis its communications. Rockingham and Brooks have so teamed up to improve them that, their personal signallers I f Blades oiaues in in the me modern modern Gilletle Uilletle Dispenser Dispenser f that deals 'em out unwrapped. You pay just the regular price of the blades alone. The 10-blade dispenser is 50?; the 20-blade size with built-in compartment for the safe, permanent disposal of used blades, $1.00. noon. I lie bouts start tonisht. standings: v.'aiiaces ,10, Fash -T.a ner Joe Ward ant! his boys. ion Footwear 24, Canada Life 23, swr.jorcl bv the Elks' Boxing I'usliovers 22, lull's Shoe Store Cub we e full of hopes about'2-- Can. Gen. Electric 20, Can-sui mounting the first hurdle oi!tel's 20- Shenton's SM. 20, Great the trail to Helsinki. I West Llfe 19- Cook's Jewellers Leaving today were Tiny Carl-: . Headpinners 14 Pcnguiii son and Andy Marshall who will Hobby 10. I f I I I .ddlc Tl).'.,- ;ire ji, 'h UMial iiveit;l"i!-..t divisions. rpRuiatkn conerrns lance and travol ig a break for ouf-r. Ail toxe:s re th.-n ciyht hours a twu-l,o..n,, ei'.'lil "ill v.'i.i apply on y oniy. There-alter make the required I look ft fee! ,f'!ln',,"nsCii!etteSIu Blades I join Mouse Monison w ho is al-i ready In the south. j Larry Stanwood of The Daily News staff is also making the trip. 1 1 iV For quick results try a Doily News Classified! will be ch da What Percentage of Total Sales Should Be Spent Oid Countiy FOOTBALL 15 Division P. R. Plumbing 4, B. C. Packers 0, Rupert Butchers 1, Pioneer Market 0; 383 Cabs 3, Sun3 of Norway 1; Van's Baki-ry 3, Hi-Gold 1; Conrad Soals 3, Miller Bay 1; Red Devils 2, Btoth No. One 2. Team ,single-383 Cabs 1208. Team three 383 Cabs 3315. Ladies' single N. Mitchell 275. Ladies' three B. Petersen 635. Men's single D. Holtoni 312. Men's three I. Keays 781. Standings: Conrad Seals 27, P. R. Plumbing 26, Sons of Norway 23. Miller Bay 22 Red Devils i;ln BC branch of :l 1 1 e 1 p a ; 1 n brj -fiifjun d tlie tour-f .00-M-at Ex-"-i. the first line-' t!l-'l Ha- Imilulng fn f.s the site for .as. EiiKlisti LeaRiic Division II Brentford 1, Doncaster 0. Scottish I-eaitue Division A Hearts of Midlothian 2, Motherwell 2 (tie). Other Mutches Blackpool 0, Hamburg 2. On Advertising? . 7 .: i.MMfjGs Van's Bakery 22, 383 Cabs Crew Alexandra 1. Derby 22, pail Scoi js County 3. 21, Rupert Butchers 20, Booth No. One 19, Ill-Gold 10, B. C. Packers 13, Pioneer Market 7. s-tiun:il i English League, First Division ; Tottenham 2, Chelsea 0. A S! I-oiiis 14. Ciiiciiiiuti 2. Huston -, nu r""ileliiii,i 8 (12 j ft garni 1 Suedes, Bcnqalines, Plastics, Reptiles and Leathers at ' f'Wriiaii !!"' New York 1-4. ATTENTION ! ! HARD OF HEARING! DANIEL SMITH OF aico Hearing Service Will Be At Prince Rupert Hotel, Prince Rupert THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 1, 2 and 3 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fashion Footwear 'droit n. ; Washin-ttm 3-3 1 Philadelphia 3. !lill'riialiiin,i Salem 9. at Vietnria, Yak- ','r- Sjiokane al, Wiled. ''if t oast ks Aiig..,.s 6 0(1 d L- . ... Here are fibres . . . compiled by the Bureau of Business Research, Harvard University, for Retailers: Line or r.u: inc -s Percentage Auto, Accessories, Service Stations 2.6 Electrical , 1.1 Florists ,.' 5.0 Drugstores 2.5 Grocery Stores 1.5 Jewelry 3.9 Men's Clothing . :.. .' 3.8 Shoe Stores 3.7 Department Stores , 4.3 Hardware .4 Beauty Shops'... 5.3 Cleaners ' 3.5 Luxury Class (gifts, clc.) 8.7 Women's Apparel .... ... . 3.9 Furniture Stores ' 7.0 Building Materials ; l.Q MIL DANIEL SMITH has USED CA I1S with him ail the latest ad- vancements known to th'- f hearing Aid Industry. f ' , . I . Sac Raw;. 'aiiiento 5. Oakland post- inuw ! ivje now you can wort:- your hearing on your 3 iiiiiXi mil mmiiiiiium i -ssSSSi f- ! ' ' 1-' I p-r , 3 wrist or as a brooch on your lapel. Banish clothes noise. Inc. pe-c live of Ihc make or your aid, bring it in and have it clean-Jd and checked without cost or having to travel miles and miles! Appointments can be maelc at, your own home or you can call at the hotel. r-ilee.s range from $50 00. VOVERpRlCES'BElTK euY? Tone a iook at these: 1950 Austin 1949 Austin Panel 1943 Ford Sedan 1936 Ford Sedan. t And wc have more tVd Cars, at aUrailive prices BIG SPECIAL 1937 Tcrroplcne Sedan Any reasonable offer. Superior Auto Service LY MAICO HEARING SERVICE LIMITED OV'FICEti: NEWS Limited i m il l Merrick Blel. Ilelnioiitim n. 7S1 CiraiivlUe uiicmiviT, SAsk. M.WniHlV Hciiitseman Bldg. ' 'Kiwer YMg. riiivkilliimi tnnl;is (A20.MI-IU Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 J . ' ' t , j..-i t . 'i -. r - -