m limn Until ; in Hie Uniuii.im, ( about 85 t fi-iit v and REMINISCES Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 26, 1953 I Kirnt r on timi: I Samuel de Chatnptain, the LIONEL ! Official announcement that Davlifiht Saving will be In 1 1 effect within another few week. i plorer who died more than 3m u IfijpMiaent aally newspuptr devour to the upbuilding ol WUio. Hupwi nd Northern nd Central Brltttn Columbia. Wrmtxc of Canadian Pre - Audit Bureau ol Clrculatlou. Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Publl-shed by nhe Print Kupert Daily Ne Limned 1. r. MAOOrTdcnt H. O. PERRY, Vlce-Praaldan. TRAIN As I See It l fr rt Who Wants Hutter? concluding in September, in; finance minister has slresiJv told us about surpluses and ull that. I5ut surely a convenience, such as an oversupply of daytime surplus up north Is e carrier t-r weeK, 2ftc; per rr.o.ah 1 S. pe ' ,ouo i years io Is ri'i.laclng the tru- ; iditiomti srai li t coated Mnuntl-?'. 1 on the cover of the rr.piiiila, Uimri.sl guiiie biHikli t. This jbi eli lulgely ut til' U l-'a'-fe o! I tin) mayor, Charlotte Winttuti. ;wl decluccl OUKt hid ith r ACCESSOR!! rly mall rwi jioi.ui. l"f T""', - - e t) Port OWoe Department. Ottawa. r,i.v. utnoruw! u -fond clas n ail rc. i I OIT RfiAl fOVK WAV Everybody's Business tuu: ist attrm tUms sixteen There will soon be 1 IS newly H-onstructed and orcupimt j LADY, take a good look at these three items. SPEHSIONS and accusations against tfritisn dwellings at HeiU covt aim. iy i fS'? . Iri ; . ? :(1WA Policy olumbia teachers and the provincial system tenanted. A snua little com- 1 Mr. Gardiner tells parna- Now In 5fod Oil Cort Troint Crottoveri Auomaic fet Bridges up at trie la OSF. OF CANADA'S most noUd father and son political teams i "'yetTdiZ r,H vi. it doesn't si cm so inii'i i . , . is Harold Winch (left! and hi father Ernest E. both rnembera r ihi ar 1 jiBisliitnre. Hardd Winch is leader of CCF Opposl- ithat in order to gel there, on- . f OmnilllPP I had U) hike all the y out ii.l J I II I llllww j all the way back. merit on February 5 tnat our Liberal government owns 30 million of the 40 million pounds ;f butter bought last year to ; keep the price paid to farmers ; above 58 cents. Yet. new butter ironies on the market, even In ! winter, in larger quantities than can be sold in Canada. Established tion and member fur Vancouver-Kant. His father represent Burnaby. They have attended 24 legislature sessions since their election In 1933. Canada has Just concluded a . -'u" 1 VANCOIJVKH A tHJfrf com By NORMAN M, MocLEOD OTTAWA DIARY Sorry n0 "027" trock ovoilobi,. ut a fmirt sinitleri elunce it velonment miRht be to some has dawned upon the Capital .Cabinet circles inclined to be MlviniP nivrr riiwwii ; - - - . reise Bulldos," under Mai.- rottu-e ill be set up by the i General Vuke. It was clos as ; ItiU-rnalmnai WikIw..i Iters ut iil)le to U genuine artUile j America CIO to liniullu Ha-Mj and that can b pretty dashed joontrart nrotitttion. do, a many fellow ran ti'H I Th couimlttee. II .. d 'ritleii you Yet, tlere' no other way. at the final inn Unit of the in-if it la to b of service nual convention ln n ouriim t!u-f rrll-lid. l!l wl a work Mip- The Red D ai la being hnwU J ; juge date if a i.i-w cci.ti net U and cow-bt'lled from the puliSlo not signed by Jui.e ISdeaUiii, lectur platform In this Dumin- ( jt ww tiM ucrliied ticre would ion,. Inubility to listen is tut .not be "no MHitrar-t-tKi tk" valcran IV) IKVll nnservers mai i lp.l ( US Ol UUrumn o aw'i-13 of education comes at a time when the wtioie 01 Canada is preparing to concentrate a week on education of its children. While irresponsible -even slanderous remarks of it man whom citizens had every reason to believe was responsible can be discussed with a shrug or the common day vernacular of "crank," education cannot" be dismissed from each Canadian's carefu. attention. Education Week opens March 1. Its purpose is to fut-UH the attention of all citizens n the important business of education. Our .schools are what we as parents and citizens make them. The more we achievements and its Vnow about education-its current problemsthe better shall we be able to contribute toward its improvement. Education "is everybody's business. Through voting in provincial elections and in the selection of local school authorities, everyone can assume a .Ciu-msihi1itv in this all-important business. raiding the treasury on benair 1 2. Seattle newspapers on February 15 carried display ads of-' ferinft good grain fed halves of beef fur sale at 35 cents to 39 cents per pound all cut and i wrapped. This beef too is owned '- by our- Canadian government land sold in U.S. as part of a complicated three-way deal. 3 A fieree fight rages in par-! liament because some Conser-j vative and ail Social Credit MPi ; oppose the Liberal government's 'policy which permits entry to of his farmer friends, there is small telief anywhere in the Capital that it represents the the current Abbott budg.'t stands out almost as a museum piece amongst Its predecessors. What endows it with its truly nniniie nualitv in the eye of Rupert real explanation of the absence Radio & Elect;: .i,o , if ifim'htln( inv suecltic larm oeneuis tw bad And what cow ever mmntut this year i.,i fit ihp fnnt that voiiifinni the present budget. The dreamed of having such a us Phone 644 can read it from beginning to j general theory is the far more fu instrument used for such end and even between the lines j realistic one that the shrewd purpo. The IWA will also uiKlrrtuke a job evaiuutloii aurvey at a basis for biur aue i Uv.ifukiii.in in future' barfatutiig. The .survey may take two yews. Box 1279 Canada of Cuban rennea sugar, i which has sharply reduced the ! price here. 1 'so. MRS Ordinary Housewife without discerning anywhere ; Minister or Aancuiiurr nu awm the- fine Italian hand of Bt. scheme in mind In comparison Hon. James Garfield Oardlner.l with which the "cut" that he i .... i,r,n,r, omnnir hit farm, i mmht have wangled for the Old Marshall von Runstedf, 111 and Impoverished died In -., t a . flit- here here is is your your chance. cnance. How ituw,.r ,, jimmle." I farmers as part of the budget . ' w, FLY TO EDMONTON mould you go about selling mat - - m be maU chanRe. r w" cnvn....u.. OmUliornxmndsurpiusofbut- to nave a '- Thqere.f doubt ln Par. orders, the faUicrUnds arm, t,,r? ! by Cabinet without Rt. Hon. liamentary circles a to what, the field was formidable It I Remember, the purpose of tt. the i.j, . carvlng off a muiy-( sixcifically. Uiat scheme U The d;clared Dunkirk would have : government policy in i paying the mi'!Uon.dollar slice to be ear- absence of any specific bene'tU teen a real disaster hid Run- : floor " from the budget Pr,,-endaje marked specifically for hUito agriculture i.ttt.r to guarantee thent a livinf s h , Hrowma r an(t Hve.sttx k-,ls being accepted generally by sltu ' wage, mu.h as the city worker fMn ut .n the observers as conclusive evidence on when Berlin Ms p.iaranteed a m nimum wage, i Lalslng r ' . V...... .J!,h.. hfr. ih nrwnt session hard t,.ea, this noted soldier . . ., ...,, j r-rairies is uuyin-vurnw J '-.T-' -J fir ; . " Trl - . i uu.,i e anniin in ofwpmmr'r t win " - - - - " what would haouen if the gov-lud n.u ta nro. don, The answer was "nuke lernment arranged a one cent 1 hat " th, - d7mU. dynamu: Mlntetw Mm w ewd with tht South Saskatehe- peace " Idiot., Bit by bit we .f . butter sale-that u on . certam ; wwn r ,wn,ng shnil ,n, uu un. j day sold two pounds of butter j ' t ooanet, .cheme. ptewanlne. In addition .to exercising their franchise, citi-zerw can make their voices heard through active participation in Home and School or Parent-Teacher Associations, and as parents in direct contact with school principals and teachers. - To our .school board, local trustees are elected. They are representatives of the community and because they are responsible for employing the teachers and operating the schools, they are very important people. ' The teacher is perhaps the most important single factor in the success or failure of any educational system. Canada needs to have more of her best young people enter this profession. This can lie aided by maintaining and in some instances improving present teacher education, salaries, w orking and livins? conditions. With characteristic vigor. With unlimited Gardiner has refused to concede promise Chnstion ter. Or would it mean that ir.a " ordinary type would be out of NOS-Bl DGET ITL.il luck in the following weeks? i Acceptable though such a de- any value whatever to the recent Royal Commission rtiport eondemnina the South Saskat Science knocks at the door of every human chewan project In terms which FOR YEARS past, I have ham-! MILESTONES me red away for a new iracte could be describes reasonably as "w holesale." His attitude has rather suggested that the td deal wun Britain, unurr wlu, ( M we would accept sterling tor evervinuus bne uuj. . sre other way of holding Canadian! 40 Yeors Ago 0loy 1 riv-rt lime t I limanlun In aUslied I M houv Hiilitt M.irulav. Mfilnrsiljy and lriit.i. via frkit tiemsie and drantitf i'r ilric. (Olrrcl limnuMBr nis I'rirwe ltunl-lerre.. njii t aimiUan I'acifu's friendly, rotirleoii wrmt, lllM. (N-lltlWi-Mi: .I.Sj !l 1 A Km. I'rimr Rupert, 4mUil. Vanroinrt-li.iily ei-eit Sunday. CrmMtit your Travel Aitet r Canadian (Padfc AIRLINES verse verdict of the Royal Commission was all that wai needed to confirm his own seal of approval upon the scheme. Some markets and hence Canadian letter to the editor from an irh , intarDclorf I I i i o n limeri the auo the possibility mat t, ,.: i it i . n-, , d,,, tn firm i weeks I ne rsnu.-u tjmijitf nrru au utuujr 01 riuivi- vui''. v.fi . - , the butter, salmon, meat, we ' a booster club and appoint a top i wn opinion raint-r .''; " now have as surplus. They also flight publicity man to fell the the Royal mmissian mltht need much of the wheat lumber j world of the advantages of this hnal began to dawn on more Pa r 1 i a m fn ta ry c i re ( e T &nd metals we cannot sell any- city thereby attracting where else. i people and money to thus part of , Plf lout absence of any lneiden- a. t But they cannot buy as things the province. , euJVnalian'ToL.Tn' A deliberate attempt .-Sr trade a.one to keep things even, dur, Phone 795 heart. Will you open the door and listen to FREE UCTURE entitled "Christion Science Healing by the Power of God" Qiven by Ralph Castle, C.S., of Belvedere, CullfortiU, member of the Board of Lectureship of The First Church of Chnbt Scientist, Boston, Mass., on , FRIDAY, FEB. 27 at 8 p.m. in the Christion Science Building, Second Ave. Wesr Your Local Travel Agent ! most notable yet. UNDER the plan I propose Can- adian commonmes woum oe i 1nV.. AnATnrlnu i shipped to Britain. They would ! be sold at competitive world Two local youths, Felix Batt Home Movies and Norman """ Kin.slor, were able i prices through the the usual usual busi oust-', n.tAnt. " In the home and school or parent-teacher organizations lie the channels for mutual appreciation of the problems of teachers and parents. In these associations lies a great potential force for influencing educational policy. And when formal schooling is completed, the nation as a whole must take over industry and commerce,, management and labor, agriculture and government services, all have a share of responsibility in the education of Canada's youth. All schools here will hold "open house" next week with teachers and pupils taking great pains to demonstrate to parents and friends what is being accomplished. The public should avail itself of this opportunity to visit the schools, talk with the pupils and with the teachers, become friends with them, find out what goes on, , y ' ''')' ' While education of our children should be among the uppermost considerations of our every-' day lives, let Education Week be a reminder and a . refresher course, for to quote Diogenes, the famed Creek educator: "The foundation of every state is the education ridis rhTiinek Ttllt the British ' conuscv ivaiiaaa v-nj " """ .- - would' .terUw tor ! r away stations on their ama-i owning 16-millimetre movie pro-them buyers pa y Iteur receiving set. j lectors ean see movies In th- ir . . i . . . i own homes at tow cost. The T - The Bank of Canada would , Canadian National Rail-1 onto and district film council hold all monies so paid i in . ftbolii.n(;r, the oUlct of haa trofjuced a plan wheirby fi.,S,iUtJJ special account, im ta an , ; engineer here with the f m0vi may be renl for a sellers would be paid by the j . " ,,, e r.,tvu.tinr. , . i j -'icinuvni yi t? . w- . v., . i w si.i j veil" uuiiiv in vauau.i.i uui.i.i, M. Bremner toi .. i haugh and ine regular ui rjiimusr. . i Also the British manufacturers 1frJ' iwho shipped products to Can-;, jfl xw Years or'3'' Aao Todov ada would be paid off.through . tllff Bank o! Canada, in pounds Alan Davies was elected deputv Uterllne Orand Master of the Orand , ' Lodge of the Orange Order,! v., v. r a in any year ln which Canada distinction to thlsj ! had a surplus on this trading : "1B 188 I account the Bank of Canada jcuy- , . , it ? ' . J P o o BIT gaWMoooMW of its youth." j would simply buy mortgages. , new memben Joinf(i tnt property, or stock and bonds ; m ,naugtrlal , al , from somewhere n the sterling ; . . area. They would sell these in ; Canada, if desired. 1 0 Yeors Ago Today ' A triple funeral was held here r A r U ! vOlfl WOSh !fnr ,h. .hrpe victims of recent 'General' Townsend, Louisiana's lasi Survivor of Civil War, Dies KINGSTON, Ont. (CP) Theft ( accidents on road construction of $49 In cash from a local bev- work on the lower Skeena River, eratre room was reported to , ... police, who found theives had i Members of the Oyro Club smashed the glass in a rear door, gathered at the home of Arnold Next Pereinher, lie financially ready for Christmas. The- unrest way to iht it it to tart a xpciiil Ituva! lianL Christum Kaying uint, now, ami tin n put away no nmch euch week. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA i OLLA, La. AP) William federate veterans held their last The money had been maaen in naten lor one oi uie ciuos a refrigerator for safe keepln?, 'periodical stag parties. Auwllbvuu, luu-yeai-uiu vuuicu- ; I cuuiuu jii iiui ikjia, m., iwu yriiis erate veteran who became recon- iago. died with Yankees only twoi Townsend was 15 years old SALE OF HANDBAGS years ago, died Sunday night, it.jn X851, he told reporters: was disclosed Wednesday. My daddy didnt want me to a' last SUr" ."6 v.t go, so I wrapped the only suit of ' 1 vlvor of the Civil War. , . . , . . . . . ..... clothes I had ln a big handker- m The "general who actually ....... , . . chief, put it under my bed and, a a private when he wore Con- j federate grey, was s t ric k e n ! about mldnitht, sneaked away suddenly. ! and walked all the way to Nor- 1 !, '1 A. " . His death leaves only four Con-1 w0a. w iom UP- Wounded in the siege of Vicks- federates and two Union veterans still living. Tnumtenri Is survived hv his burg, Miss., he was captured when the city surrendered July 4, 1863. Released as a naroled war caD- fourth wife, about half his age, whom he married in 1940; one tive, he returned home for the Lovely Selection in ql Colors 1.95 WOMEN'S SLIPPERS also i v v son and two aaugnters oy nis first wife, and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. One of his daughters had 17 children. i Townsend, who gave up farming several years ago, attributed hia Innff life to the "will Of the rest oj the war. "I do not remember whether I took an oath of allegiance to the U.S. government, but I do not think I did," Townsend wrote in applying for a Confederate pension In J9S8. "If I did, It was under duress and while wound Liird, three tablespoons of whisky a dav and a pipeful of tobacco 1.95 ed,", "v. The Arctic Island of Green every 30 minutes." The "general" said he only re- wntly became reconciled with Yankees. "I spoke to three of them at Norfolk," he admitted. The Con- land. onz a possession of pen Fashion Footwear V . ... 4. mark, has an area of 847,000 square miles.