I l I'-C '-! L .. I, , ; February a), ,n4 Thursday, Annis Stukus Appointed Manager-Coach Of Vancouver Football Club Entry F. R. Hunter Former Rupert Man Dies WE PREFER A, The Toronto sport swriter an former coach of Edmonton Eskimos of the Western Interpro-vincial Football Union expect, o arrive in Vancouver "by the first of April." "We do not intend to disclos salary terms," said Mercer. Announcement of the agreement ends weeks of speculation jver the managing-coaching po- VANCOUVtR CP) President Art Mercer said today the Vancouver Football Club "has come to an agreement" with Annis Stukus to become manager-(Jcach of the club . Mercer said the agreement vras made by long-distance telephone conversation. His contract will run to the nd of 1S55. Mercer said. WHITE HOP. I Word has been received here that a former Prince Rupert resident. Frederick Robert Hunter, 57, died in Victoria, after a lengthy illness. Coming here 30 yeurs ago, he was employed for some time In the fishing Industry. He was a veteran of Uie 102nd North V C. Regiment with which he served throughout the Second World War. He was a member of the Legion here. Mr. Hunter left here a year ago to enter the Victoria Military Hospital. He is survived by his wife i Such V- N ition for the club. Vancouver was admitted Into .he WIFU at the annual meet-ng in January, and will play ts first game in the 1954 season. Stukus has been connected ith Canadian football for more than 20 years, first as a player, then later as a coach and writer. Stukus was in Vancouver on Monday and Tuesday, flying back to Toronto Tuesday night. Before departing he said he was interested In the offer by the VFC. A Vancouver sports story on Wednesday said the new coach sought a three-year contract, at i salary ranging from $10,000 to $15,000 yearly. There are only two other manager-coaches in Canadian football Carl Voyles of Hamilton and Frank Clair of Toronto. Stukus was highly recommended to the VFC when several delegates visited Edmonton late last year. Six-man high school "touch" Mi i I 1M- l. (-ihrllitrv 2wli Ajta-cltOOl Hits H Y. tt i tamlv the time of vear for mze an.l w!.i:fs so what better tune to give you my favourite err,, for a coklf Here it is for all of you to keep Print Florence; a son James: two h.iu.lv iluriim these suiifly 1 liruary day ;U a Smooth I Scotch MeJ'ow i -m the juice ol one lemon in a aAled very hall teaspoon of bicarbonate ol Mils . i Do ilu eveiy f-lowlv. Drink as the loamini; quiets dRURhtera, Miss Marv Hunter and Mrs. Oeorge Fogden, all cf Nanalmo. Burial was In Veterans' Cemetery, tsqulmalt, B C. or four hours at the first jiuns ol a eoM and t vonr avnlem and VOU 1l better. Vo oe ilk oe how tjui tvi n : wire 10 uso srXkl 1' 1.KM0NS . . . they re the tinest, juaiesi grown. I've iotiu.l, to keep a supply always on nana. It s a gotxl 1J1.1 Do You Marrel at vour neielibor's snow-white wash? Let me tell you ,.. i, ...n whiter than hers! j football was Edmonton's only THE WATERFRONT OF NORTH RAY. Ont . on Lake Nlptsslng, has been staked almost solidly by an army of veteran and amateur uranium prospectors. The fever follows reports the diamond-drilling crews of one mining company have uncovered ores bearing uranium, tantalum and columbium. Tantalum and columbium are rare metals used in making highly-tempered steels. Shown are drill rigs between Rankin and Newman islands, about five miles from the North Bay shore. Von know oi coui-r that for a really clean wash T r FINAL WEEK OF OUR ANNUAL STOCK CLEARANCE Reductions Galore veil sinr. lv mu-i hum- at hast onre. l or the wtuiesi Wash smu'.ly put a d.-wh of Blue in the water. Blue Uvlk . i i helps l Really Great. inn in' There's no pure t while while . n 1 vj-vg . u f 193 Ford Fordor Every exti-. without blue m it. '1 ean n inemlxT that Horn my V-Jp.V uk that smart two-tone $1775 ...i Ll.i.. 't,,n"l n.l hen vou thill Whisky 1949 Plymouth Fordor Hh:l !rrid fare in 1949. when the ex- j : Toronto Argonaut star moved j I into the oil capital with an am- i bilious selling program that j converted Edmonton into Can- j I ada's most fanatic football city. ! i A great advocate of minor j league farm systems, Stukus ! also installed junior and full-; ' scale orep football In Edmon-! ton. The 'juniors have been In; the Canadian final twice in two ! ; years. j i On his arrival here If he won value, low price 1141 1 Don't Just Say Blue rosi's iu-t a 'l. w cent a month; ' eertamly worth it. .n t u. "o" Blue is as S..1C a, can le tor your truest fahn.-an.l keeps them " yes, for the whitest wash, use RECKITTS BLUE. for A Wealth Of Wonderful, Legless Veteran Described As a 'Remarkable Canadian' I94C Plymouth Fordor Radio -" heater, seat covers. cservrrsr Drive-away price $793 quick - to - make TRUCK DEPT. mean ... jusi nemi for Uiii free c fa OTTAWA 0 Walter Callow, blind and legless invalid who 193 Studrtukrr Pickup. booklet "Oren- fit- 'ii . - - : - Ask Fox... Motor overhaul, well finish my w : the tob Stukus told the meet- j spends his time ..i a Halifax vet ed box AU for m"n Baked Bean Kr-eipet", written .for your r njny-m e n t by Ibin. M-mmm . . . fin U 1946 Ford J-Ton. Long W' B new paint, good machine. Flat deck Included $825 a lot of good en- itiir i vnilra lin n " double thai ;...iilcr In the United States. The bill, already pusseu uie Senate, was sent to a House committee for routine study. Terrace Boxers May Meet 'Saunders' Boys : ing he would commence selling i the game and building a title, contender immediately. One of the most important i "lings is the forming of an in-i termediate league next season," I "xpkdned Stukus who played for ; four Argo Grey Cup champions. Ftukus added he would call erans' hospital planning the comfort of fellow crippiei., w as described in the Commons a, one of he mast remarkable Canadians of our time." The tribute came from Gordon Graydon PC-Peel, one of a dozen speakers to support a bill establishing the Callow Veterans' and Invalids' Welfare League. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR RARfiAINS AT A-l VALIT See Bob Parker Ltd. Phone M The Home of frl.-nill S-rlif ,' llt Ei sf IH H I HI Ml I x meeting of all Junior and high ehool coaches, and map plans 7f's Reett A Long Time inre ihn-n"r ... so bvc a srwx! hr.-akfast. Haw h.,1 Civ 'U ..f Vie at for hreakfasi t'-morKw :nd e'ery (lav. It uiv-.s m,u a i!mk1 tfl irt a n !'! start far 'he day. Qui'k CREAM (IK WHEAT i-' not onlv tooti to eatit s s "-l for you. It ets-Ps you qui k-t:i.t:nit tooi earrsv,' plus iron for red bloe.l'. and fjleiimi and phosphorus for diet d. i'i' 'ii io in these elenents. So take my tip treat vnur iauniv to l"-t Cie-uu of Wheat for bitakias:; uiu a. They'll aj'prove. vou have a e'i supply of HKINZ OVEN-BAKKD HI NS (ail live kinds!) plus ihi- iull-of-i.ieas booklet. Just serve H ni lVans some evening soon and see what a bis hit they make with everyone. Mellow, mealy, mou'h-waterin.n . . . they're oue oi the most versatile foods in your kitch en. Send for this reeie liooklit and see for vour If! Mmplv terite , wlariiara Bu-nt. 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, i for your free copy. This aiivertl.M'mriil in not publkbed or dip!avrd b tl Ul 4'ontro! Hoard or by Ihe flovernmrnl of I!rilia rr-l for an energetic spring training Samuel Balcom iL Halifax!, program. sponsoring the measure, said it T hive .-!! Uie confident in will allow the Callow organr.-a-lie worl." In kids. Give them a tion to further its work m pro-chance and meet of them will viding hospitals with speml in- f boxing c ard In w hich Martin Snunders' Boys Club here will be pitted against Terrace boys Is 1 valid coaches uitie Ihrcush," lis said. The coaches, designed by the 58-year-old invalid, ha'.e special rar.ips for loading wheelchair A veteran campaigner who is ramiliar with every pitfall of Like Other ISeK.poper Reporter, I atippo I have ' a no for news ". lint tins Rood news coueeras vur nose It .s 'f'."! , & better kind of tissue han.ikerchiei If ACE-ELLL. beinv pianr.ea in me near iuiurr to lake place in the neighboring village. The Terrace Civic Centre Boxing Club has been very active recently. MeHuiwhlla. Saunders has been keeping his club of young li:ng a" new entry. 6tukus of-; patients for oattr.fw Stretcher ff f J Here's a soiter, more sbsorbent tissue kinder to the nose. Even when you have that l heavy doesn I e-id-ra'id vou 11 hnd thai tace-t.ua eted realistic advice to the di- i cases also can oe taxen. octors , 1 Mr. Balcom. in reply to que- ..xr' ,hin'.,'K..t tions. said 8 600 invalids had mate ... never .auus to me aunmirai -- nose-Mowmii. That s because race-raie is cellulose tissue with -no harsh fibres to been carried in Callow coaches in 1952. It was hoped through a r.iee idea. But when you see it cause redness or soreness. Its sutr aosorwncy ;rcw into reality, it's a great ati0nal campaign to have ap ceiing." - coaches in Canada and perhaps h'-lps too since tLrres no ecd for vijorous mwin wnen u r tins with EK-e-Eiie does it the easy way! As for streneth, iare-l.l,e ,.L-. ("n,la' onv 3...IV tissues and thil extra thickness is such a boon for hrad-roM u-e. Get 3-ply Face-Elle m the 'pink box .Vnlv Man-one Eaee-Elie . . . or 3-ply tinted iace-Llle in the En -. . s - r m i .V . " 6- --. ..- Ar- colorful, stand-up ' Blue Bonnet nlfjlM Pastels'' bos. Talk About De Luxe Flaroart You really enjoy it when you si fo BLUE BuNNET DE LUXE MARG.Uil.VE. Its boxers in active condition. Last Friday, for example, an exhibition rard was staged In the Annundatlori gym, drawing a capacity crowd Results of the fighu, were as follows: Hobby F.mlih brat Orrry Dom-Inalo; P.illy Saunders beat Bobby Good: Riliv Smith beat Bobby Orlmbie: - Dli:k Bury beat Billy VYatmouuh; Vic Prystay drew with LHiuk letourneau, Billy Uir.Uh bal Glen Flemmlng; Ait Turcotte ! t John Dumas and Vic I'ryrt ty beat Bob Dumas. The trtwd was specially entertained by a 4-rnund exhibition bout b-tween Elks Club boxers Bid i Mouse i Mormon and Andy Marshall. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Kstabiiahcd m MOVING .'. . PACKING . . . CRATING SII!?ri:G . . . FORWARDING . . . 51 OK . OF. Experienced handling Local, Natlon-vide and World-wide Shipment. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY S Ageuls Allied Van Lines 60 or 68 l or. Ind and Park Ave. eweet, fn.-h Hawour tthe result oi qnain mreui such as fresh farm produce, freih pasteunied skim milk, etc.) will dclieht you. Ue Luxe Blue Bonnet is nut nt ions. too. Besides the natural mitnnon ol Rood imtndKnts. 15.i.0 units of valuable Vitamin are addeil to every single pound! ioull had 1J Luxe Hltte Bonnet extra convenient, too. Just un-urap hat vou need and serve. No slicing scooping or Te-wrai'pmK- And vou ean forest your measuring nip when von re cooking witti ue i.uxe ciue ixuutv. - The 3.an.ly chart on the package shows where to cut for recipes. of Bridge or Alter An Evening Hare You A Fussy Enler in your Canasta, treat your guests to coffee and cake. But do be sure the coffee vou serve is INSTANT CHASE & BAXliOR X iamily; 1 Know a "way to get her off to a good start at the be-pmnini: of thfl meal. Just serve I'tiv one of ths ri licious HEINZ CONDENSED . Tfpnt taste-testi SOUPS. In atoorie ero'ips of di .ticians. house-workers, men H'liii'ii office f.-K-turv COFFEE. It's quick and eay for a busy hostess to make. Takes no longer to make than boiling the water and it's as easy to take ten cups as one. And Iustart Chase A Sanborn is so irmi'ier-u! economical. The ngular-sim jar of Instant Chase & Sanborn gives you the same number of and nmnibers of Heinz Soups he most popular, a "taste-test" of younj: i-ciphs ( were hr jir t Why not in. ike cups as a pound of ground coff. A oorry lad ir, schoolboy Bill, Who chews his lunch so glumly; "With snndwiches as dry 83 sticks, Who wouldn't? he asks dumbly. t and what a difference in price your own to hnd on' why? Buy v t end vnrties o! Heinz Con-densf d Roups next time you shop. Contt'jre thetn at the sume meal with any other brand. I'm sure you'll discover why Heinz Soups are the ta-te-treat U) make "fussy eaters'' sit up and take notice! Costs 10 much less for the most delicious '"instant" yu've ever lasted. You nee, Inptant Chase & banbom is made by coffee ex pena . . . the flavour's th;re and the body and the real uft. Try it and seel BVERy now attached to If e AU Agreed Ai BriWjje the other dav that those grand new chemical soaps make dishwashing a pleasure (well, al- ffr (Vw most!). And we agreed, too, that JEIiGKNd " A J J VT LOTION is ideal for ham Is rouzhened and dried m ; -r : i "y these new soapa. lieeause it s liquid, Jcrpeni IjjXA :Xuuicklv penetrates to aupply the soltenmi; mois- V C Inrp ti,i,t. trv thirfrtv l;in nppdi Kppn a hntlln it- package Blue Bonnet margani of JcrKctu Lotion hanlv in both kitfhcn anil Imthioum. Vse it aflor every watery chore to keep your haivls always wjf i fciiiiooi h and lovely, wiih that cared-for look that only Jerns can KivUiem. Vo, it'a goxl advice to remember Jerttens Lotion because you -care lr your buud.-f. Costs just 15c, 37c, 65c and SI. 15. The Cate Of The Miating Pigeonhole I used to have to solve this niysUry many tmica a year, Homehow or other, But Mary's mom, with wise foresight In Hand-e-wrap preserves 'em. Her sandwiches stay fresh and moist. wttiiftluriR jinpori'int always got left out of my bu'liiet. It w:?s either a case of not enouch pieeon Such fun for the thil6 nd absolutely Jr":0'' little Blue HonnttSue in choice of several f kling color combinaii'"' Intl. or not f tioui:h money, but now, with the same amount of ncmr-v, 1 find I have enough to iro around A school-miss sure deserves em ! Sfes pin wime to put into iy BANK OF MONTREAL Stimuli A'rnufil as wll. I hat's because I discovered Vtrmmd Vlniimnf. It's taught me how to make my Ijii'lf.-t anticipate :mil meet all my most important ncedsflnrf Kive! Ji g a grand and glorious feelinz 13c sure to pet htf "" for f tlifTcrini colors Hand-e-iura II HEfiV V UIRXED PAPER and one I d like yon lo have. So why not go around early tomorrow to your neiUoihood branch of the Bof M and ak for your free copy of their 'personal Planning" booklet? Speaking from persona! anil linppy c-xprncwe I ean a,wure vOu that Personal PlmmnQ will how yon how to m-tke the most of the money you have no matte how little or how much. 'children. Do '""u" the supply Inn. P"' Are Vou nnnPi Mamarincon) In The Dark" about feminine hygiene? It's something cverr woman should know about . . . and nmnv have shopping list ioJ.')! found that the most satisfaetory method of feminine' hygiene is. Z0N1T0H8. Zonitors are greasw IT nmarl Litelirn ceoniiiny ( rap your meat, TimIi anil vrgetalilrif In heavy, floulilt;-MMKfd lland-e-'iwrap. No other product tut C4ifiipl tcl preertcs frnx flavor and prevents wattle. SL AW Hon, y" c;, niiiinie;?. 8nowwnitQ vaginal supposilones that are i jiuwi imiy gi mil juai y ul nuauim r iv Biiiu hi ut'ii- tirttiiPR And ihfv'rf an vrrv duintv ml con Cu I t in it lid te . learn quirkly and ewily. You'll find a doll on very poefcoge FIEISCHM ANN'S enirnt to u?c! Ask your drucmst for Zonil.ors to- ' morrow and write lo we liar ha ra iSrent, I4U Product ej the matert of YIAST nd MAGIC BAKING CiCRcrnt tit., Montreal, P.O. for free booklet giving facts yon should know about feminine hygiene. It will be sent i you in a x-I.jIq wr?pprr. 1 .