WOM MernbciihiO Corirnirree hAeen Prince Rupert LAjiiy iNewi Thursday, February 2(5, 19M l Rupert Trapshooters Take Ail Prizes In First Inter-Club Competition Here Prince Rupert trap shootti s wrvatlon oreanlzatlnns as Rod &ed one of a trip he made recently During the evening eards were enjoyed. frizes were won by Miss Sylvia Johnson and Mrs. P. Aiitoniu!;. Delicious refreshments were?' served by the hostess. The monthl meeting of the membership committee ol the Women of the Moose was held i the home of Mrs. R. Montgomery with eignt members present. won all events from visiting Ter- oun Club. Hie Fringe Ruimfrom Vancouver to the Haines' race teams at the first inter- zone now has five, including it j "Cut-off" in Alaska, travelling cluo competition staged on unsown, and one each at Terrace, via the Cariboo, Hart and Alaska I e v "m, ' new range here by the two Rod Kitlmat, Port Edward, and on j highways. and Oun clubs, j the Oueen charlotte Islands. In hU commentary and by Rupert No. 1 team c-.feated ! ..r. i. .... . !,.,. i. ,. Pictures, Mr. Cunningham dem- Terrace No. 1 80-62 out of a poss- " " "f " KTto oar thttt the ar and the lbte 125 each. Rupert No. 2 tie- rlasKa W1' ln r verv ln tonserv eonservaUon Alton of of our our fish luh and a1 featcd Terrace No 2 58-48 good roads. 1 can recommend V,; - ,,, j .' L.n'.'mt j Fraser & Payne BLOUSE SPECIAL Friday and Saturday what likely should be clone 'h7reT by pressing for funds to get those , EnU.rta;nment in WM provided thing, done, said Mr. Cunning-by McMU'Uni Dyke Ubby " Kelly, Beryl Karasoskl. Dancing The game commissioner show-'was enjoyed to music by Robert ed several interesting outdoor Wood with accordion and Mr. ( and wildlife film which incluri- McMillan at the piano. Mast outstanding performance j 1 however, came in the individual competition won by Prince Ku-; pert' youthful crack shot Tommy Boulter, jr., ai;a!nt Jack Willlurns game warui:: d' Terrace. Both tied in the team events, each with 20 dead clays out of a possible. 25. In tiie first round of 15 Kh'-Oi, LT.-CMUR. W. P. HAYES, 33, of Swift Current, Basic., has ben appointed commanding officer of the tribal -class destroyer Cayuga. He formerly waji staff officer with the naval member of the Canadian Joint Su&If at Loliuon. v f U' . I , , ' 1 .All City P-TA Groups Back Proposal to Award Btusary each scored 13 and were tied again. The 10-round shoot-off was run In two series of fives. Ill the first eries, both Williams and Boulter (scored perfectly. In the second series, Williams mussed one clay while Boulter broke All four of the local Parent- j Among those at the meeting Teacher Associations pledged ! were Mrs. rl. Maik, Mrs. J. Rkls-thelr moral and financial up-,)ai0 Mrs. W. Murdoch. Mrs. J them all r"'rnirlK, Mrs. J. L. W. to the cheers of manyjih. Prinee Prinm bi Ruoert Parent-1 p.,r..nt-! Webster, siwtatirs which Included Game Teacher Council whereby a bur-p. Griffith,' Mi. A. Logan, Mrs. Rary will hi- awarded to one high .K. Hardy, Mrs. H. LincL-ieth, Mu school student desiring Ot ei,icr;B. j Towh, Mrs. R. Cilmour, U-acher's trainlnK. j Mrg N Halluiay, Mrs. A. E. Carl- nils was uisri,..M.ti at me Contniissioiirr James Cunningham. , Mr. Cunningham was present to atteiul the annual Rupert Hod j ii Uuil Club fame dinner ami' dance which followed in the evening. Members of the Rupert trap teams were as follows: sou, t. S. Wilson, lrs. H. Rens- meetlnu of th.- P-T monthly Council. ivold and T. O. Baternan. i J't held Next meeting will be March 23. 4 . Team No, I Al Munson. cap FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 f As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. - tain; Tommy Boulter, Harold Thorn, Bill Wotxl, V. T. B. Williams, Team No. 2 A. J. ifXiml i Domlnatg, captain; Hans 8eh-i ml.lt. Earl Becker. Frank Pur- Representatives from each i P-TA brought news that the plan 1 fur the buniary had been warmly received by their memlwrs and each P-TA Is now making ius (own arrangements to provide the money. I The bursary will not necerear-f ily k awarded on the bar.i.s of i arhohtst ic standing, P-T cun-ici; members deetoed, but will go lo the student whom it is felt ,ll make the best teacher. lette, Gordon Reade. fit r Ml ill KltlK MOltfiAM and his pretty bride. Myrtle !i. honeymooning in llomilulu. were ruught by the ii. lupry niood shortly after they were married hens They plan on being away lor a monin. IIKIDGE KKPAIIUJJ Terrace: Team No 1 Bill Mathews, raptain: Billy Koch, Cecil Blake-j burn, Jack Williams, Bill Den-' bow. Team No. 2 Ray Jones. Ken' McKay. Jeff Lambile, Harry Koch and Fred Groom. Official storekeeper was Mrs Bob (Tonal Armstrong. Mrs. Hill nlal Clinic Report Shovs H u made known to the P-T council that the dangerous wooden footbridge near Sea! Cove School had now turn tepuired and waa usable. NYLON SHEER - NYLON TRICOT NOVELTY NYLON FABRIC Ploin and Assorted Colors . . . Various styles to choose from. Children Attend Dentists J. S. Wilson informed P-T Wood and Mrs Oeorge Robinson pressed by the work of the Iserved coffe. louiwu oi nw octaiira pmuram, t the salmon-elk-moosy din- planned for Education Week.) uitj TI P. irhme fiurs of the nm . a soeclal oeroslon was mark- - i3uc un vin . House" at each of the city's ; local health unit, also was pres- im with presentation of a life imimh,,i,in in ik. u.,.r schools en a different afternoon, nt. $2 98 S3 98 $4.95 & Oun' Club to its president. 1,1 tne eek' a radio Program j Jim Bacon , Sponsored by the local Pulp and! Harold Thorn, vice-president. Sulphite Union and featuring It is hojx'd arrangements will marie during the coming Himmcr lor bcginiicri in ine i n piri of the Pre-( 4,nir presented, ling of th.f M,cd that since lir.B of Die KhooU III a 1. Ul of 143 h.l-lid the denims 'HI id had their r I .1 li d i .vl.rd'e that up- Mli had been ! r'it With four ! ii.i e and each 'i - k n a week . the ' hi, a very worth- in the rummunlty r the meeting for the : r,,re lmade tn pwwnUUon of a hujte '' 'ualfri ,r(,",u eacn f nCK", " ' ' school med - h examination "hZZ I It is planned lroll on which were inscribed ; 2 ral the following words: j Tuesday, March 3 over Station (CFI'R. R. O. Moore, principal of King Wttereaai we recognise your riergy and perseverence in Edward School, will be chairman. to have a few rhildren from Dlgby Isiand included in the dental clinic In the near future. Allowing fur the ratio of one jre-schtioier to iive school pupil up to the picx nt 17 p:e-trhookrs have been attended to. Fraser & Payne Another feature of Education , ine ariivum oi inis riua oi i which you have been a mem- t ber and efficer since Its for- ' i apiKiintment i. (t.:-i-, I.: of the . k t n t was D' ; welcomed b) J !I vVllscn ' .is favorably Im Pres'-ttt at the r.iectln were Mr O Grc-n. King Edward 8chol P-TA representative; Mrs Murdoch, C?onrad School representative: Mrs. Pinniger and Mrs. CHdlvle. Borden Street (Week will be a public meeting In -King Edward School on Friday,, March 5. which will feature Items j of entertainment by pupils from 'each school, as well as a panel jdiscussion. f.mI RFCORI) j "Princ Rupert ha an out-Istanding record for interest and enthusiasm displayed during past Education Weeks," Mr. Wilson j said, "and there is no reason why (this year's observance shouldn't lie as good or better." 1,000 PAIRS of matliin Mrae 35 years ago. "Whereas we honor yur understanding in foreseeing the problems familiar lo this district relating to wildlife and your fellow sportsmen, -Be It resolved that this life membership be presented to Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Aaron in arknowtrdgrment of these facts. Therefore we do hereby set our hand, this 25th day of BchcKil representatives: Father i paoers SHOES Rayrter, Annuiiclatio-n Schmil representative. Dr. Carr, MiM! H. Boehnie, F. Di-rry. scntary-treasurer and Conrad School representative, and J. S Wilson. Parent-Teacher Council representative and chairman of the w February, ." Game Commissioner Cunning omo s i Church tea and ik:ng. Saturday. 2 t 5 pm. Mill . ft' ' , ! - ham told the 150 sportsmen and j ladles attending the dinner that this year, anyway, the past gov-ieniment'a aiioutiem of "5 per krry-Roy .1 ; clinic. Friday H9 ' ..Ki neiiing toy only 49c. cent of game licence revenue to the game commission was not changed. iniitii i.tti m Home Community ' ik, ,ale Macljiren en In fact, the government has seen fit to grant a little more. '". Saturday. Feb. ( HI iPaqe Winners Must Be Moved Off ; Our Shelves AT THE END OF THE YEAR OUR INVENTORY WAS TOO HEAVY. NOW OUR SPRING SHOES. ARE COMING IN AND WE HAVE TO MAKE ROOM FOR THEM. SALE STARTS FRIDAY said Mr, Cunningham. He en couraged formation of such con- whist ind d; nVjGet, Tickets "7 Whi 1 ("KKl iHiws"--Re v ' lv Mike Co-i Mssjy welcome. H9I n l III PRrVf'C BCiiCDT IN'S Ctl-OPKRATIVE j f 1 A meetlnu will h i me Oddfellows' Hall f'1' 2. lit 1 pm. HOI 'its ' Th tnri-..HIK!., m BpckJJpnnt Three winners on the community page contest, a regular Monday feature of the Daily News, are as follows: Robert Held, 747 Taylor Bt.; Hans Hagen, 1128 Hays Cove Ave.; Lome Stevens, Seal Cove. Their names appeared in the advertisements of Van's Bakery, Prince Rupert Upholstery, and Ideal Cleaners All three, have picked up their theatre tickets, which are for the Capital Theatre's showint; of "Thunder In the East," starring Alan Ladd. opening at the Capitol tonight. . If i JSF mm k i ' by Bruce Hutchison J 'i c.illid Peter," by M o shall, are on hand ! :' (hit Slmppe. (it) ' '' tiv j entries jj,)X M 'iHl I Kilt) y forms 11 Hie Fire Hall, Civle " fl"m the StTretary. (Mi kV 0m mWm. Jmmlmi WALKING and AFTERNOON SHOES, TIES and PUMPS ", PUMPS HIGH HEELS ALL COLORS $5.95 $6.95 and $9.95 SANDALS ALL COLORS $2-95 $3.95 Ren. 5.956.95 $5.95 $6.95 and $7.95 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY LOAFERS - OXFORDS - DRESS SHOES All At Exceptional Prices ALSO DISTILLERS Or ROCK MOUNT LONDON DRY GIN ANn SOLE AGENTS VOR CATTO'S Gold Label and Eura Special Finest Imported Scotch Whiskies FAMILY SHOE STORE ltd t V r - slbeuta distillers, limited Box 633 CHARLIE ROBERTS c I N E 0 FOODS Phone 357 Ml Thit dvrtimtnt Is not publishfd or displayed by the Uquor Cont'd Solid ei by the Government oi Boiith Columbia t j