v r I r-f prmce Rupcii Doiiy Non3 Thursday, February 20, Wyi Percy Bassett Wins Parts Bout , The .M, W..1--I. a U.t ,o, it Hi Jul piaueu. ncluding the earth, have uM- heights are seen through tie-- hiu a diameter of 3.K.O. lltes or moons revolving about copes them. i mil,,s- . ' Joe Louis to Attend Snorts Celebrity Dinner nima api Perry BttK.;ett of i Help yourself to ,y i f ? ! J- t r- is h, nj -Di.:.? Philadelphia scored a technical knockout over Auguste Caultl of i France In the fifth round of ; their actwduled 10 round bout at, live Patau de Sports. Bait-lt wished 130 V, and Caulet. former French lightweight champion, welKhed !3f V TORONTO (CP) Joe Louis, whose lethal fists made him heavyweight boxing champion of the world for close to 12 years, heads a list of noted athletic figures to attend the March 5 sports celebrity dinner of the Ontario Sports Writers and Sports- BASKETBALL WEEK-END FEB. 27 and 28 Bassett won We worm iim-inu , tatlierwelt;lit c h a m p I o u I"P here two weeki ao . (. .casters Association (Foch fafce provices bron, nalwe't Ian for one room or every room Reg Stone Again Seeks Curling Title The association announced today that Louis will be a guest, coupling this with the news thRi. the $25-a-plate dinner Is a sellout. Close to 600 persons havs bought tickets for the nfrair which serves the double purpose of promoting the country-wide nan now to see the Alaska teams New MeUakatla, Ketchikan nnd two top local teams play for the International Tournament Championship. Reserve your tickets now at the CIVIC CENTRE or ART Ml'RRAV'S MENSWEAIt B GOWANtOCK. veteran of thousands of Ice competitions, will lead his Dauphin, Man., rirk in the Dominion curling championships a t Sudbury. Out . next month. Oowanlock s rink won the provincial title In the knockout lmspi-l ul sale of Easter seal and raising un Oi-;ituVi Pnlnmhiii mrl- V, innfiil--- L-'- "V- , i OLUHC, Uic uiiiuii w ; mrtiinir fur the Ontario Society ing master from Trail, enters hisj"'"""J for Crippled Children. All pro third Dominion final March Z (Toasted in Kelong't fK(iofi ceeds go tu the six-it'ty, which received $10,820 from the first dinner a year ago. , The 39-year-old Louis, who ruled as heavyweight champion in Sudbury. He's a four-time British Columbia champion, but the Dominion curling playoffs were a war casualty in 1945 when he won his first provincial cham Lach Leads Cancdiens To 2-1 Win longer than any predecessor, is RADIANT ELECTRIC PANELS These Panels are permanently oit-IUU-cl. provt'Ui K niixtern electric heatim! in Hr most ttticiei.t ttuni No funs no fumes no cotU, boiliM-K. piping or Installation. Plug in anywhere 'inialler' m o d e t ; may be moved from rnum to room. Meat for the hard-to-he-nt n in Thennohtt eontiol pionship. . .jjone ol many toi nai'. .tvlS to the" more Others include Wi.iie Hoppe. orthodox draw and knockout! (or years the world billiards .style of play, Stone has been In ! king: Otto Graham, quarter-he monev in both finals. I back of the Cleveland Browns By The Canadian. ITvn Old-timer Elmer Lach flew like a rookie and scored what proved I ,r, i. Timmv orofessional football team; Hor- 'Secret favoring deveoped by W. K. KA Watson's champion Winnipeg ; ton Smith of the United States rink in the 1049 final in Hamil- j Professional Golfers Association, ton and tied for third in the and Marshall Cawsldy racing t winniiw last vear. ! starter on New York and Florida l . KING.OCONNOR to be the wiimlwj Soal M Montreal Canndtens defeated ToronU) Maple Leafs 2-1 before a sellout crowd of n,"M at Toronto Wed- ' nesclay ninht. The victory virtually gave the rnmidiens second place in the Prict-E front. tfd?ora'JM Li j ;jy 7 Winter lint, r uorten ' u . i If ' r Afr J9. KING'S PLATE acn R'iifu h -f?f urjrm if aw Stairam ciluurs Distance 1 mi. 1 furlong Time 1 .56 i i - ..m.nwnwi n a -mum mt m urn mm m "slider." delivering his rocks . MG LEAGt'EKS from the bark with a sweeping. I Riixchall Is represented ny (Iperatinf rost a In as three-quarter f a tent m 4f- ice-skimming slide. He rides out ; O(,orge Twinklctoes Selkirk, the per hour. on the toe ol his risjnt loot, ngni ; r-nnndinn-hnrn outfielder '''race for the Stanley Cup playoff 1 ,1 1 KT ml Yil 1 1 Itl v ' I 171 tnnk nabe Ruth's place with th arm strew iieii in num., nit stretched behind with the broom, and eifar almost touching the New York Yankees, ana ueorge Knees Tonorrcr. former player berths. It left the sagging la' third place, a (cant one Jioiiit up on Boston Bruins. mmm k ice. and manager who last his slt;hi 1 . - i SklD Stone began his curling and made such a nil wun a speech at the 1952 dinner tnat( The Bruin cause, meanwhile i inn ':i hmzz he Is coming back in response helned a bit as the last- career in 1941 in Trail. Younger brother Roy, ?t third, is the sole remaining member of the first champion Stone rink. Other members an Douglas i Buzz) MeGibney, second, and to popular demand, 'place New York Rangers edged The hockey contingent Is In- Boston 2-1 at Madison Square omplete. Ching John.son. who Garden. starred on defence with New j . tach scored hU goal at 9:04 of York Rangers, ia one of five in- the first period to give the Can vited. Invitations went to Ching adiens a 2-0 lead that stood up end the other surviving mem- jr the ret of the night, hprs nf the Canadian Press NHL i 1 Hunt McKay, itad, youngest member of th3 rink at 28. The Trail four swept undefeated through the "double-knock- 0 Seagrams Sure J all-star team of 1931-3'i de- out." Drovincial championships tenceman (t'ii(.:iniuil CUUII Eddie Shore, onuir, right iibiiv Commission I BRITISH t-.fl! i ?.M'VV i ll : aiu uiavsui w . i with his last rock in the final i WiK Bill Cook, left wing Busher I game at Vernon for a narrow 8-7 j Jackson and coach Lester Pat This odvertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the oovemment oi Drmsn oiuttidib. Probes Bout rick. Patrick and Cook are un- wln. able to come and the others are For lurlluT IMiftlrular wriw 1 V A. V " ! I undecided. Frank Nighbor the ANGELES AP) - Police centre-ice smoothie of the W20.-J uw CJjmmlss(on Is a possible guest. 'hav(, tvcstigation of Three Men Tie For Hidden Your taste will tell you Hall's 1 lit- llliaumn ti;iiuiiKi;in jii- heavyweight boxer Dale I eludes two modern stars: George l.i,m, that he lost a bout 8 t- PANKIIC Hl.f(Tl;llC IIKAT1NG CO. H9 View St., Vutoria, B.C. AGENT WANTED for rhii territory ice Oenereux. 8xskatoon trapshoot- lirday ,niTht becauM? of a polii in ace who was Canada's-only tine three weeks before. Bowling Score gold medal winner at the 1952 h HaU np,Mr(.utJV 0 the road to Olympics: and Ernie Howard. ,,pU)ry , a matfh '" Willie Toronto bond salesman who . .nnnm in ih C. Erickson of Sedgwkks l"oWOn the U.S. squash champion- c, nl'h r(UI,d Referee Abe Roth ihe men's 5-pln bowlers thU week ship last week-end. j awar(itHl (he fight to Bean via a in both hign score divisions, roll- Canadian fotball wilt be rep-j ...-hnlcal knockout. resented by Vince Mazza of tlu i If- D.l M nrlnl Trn. In lSol thtT WCrC 1 42f WO- ing 321 for a single game ana ! adding up an 801 triple count, i There were four bowlers to ! hit the hidden score mark of 1 183 Bill Shearer of Family Market Wilkinson and Watson Is- phy as the most valuable player! men police in Eiv.lar u and Wales in the Big Four last 'season. and 149 in ScoUund. m Tried ottiers? ti : landers, Dyke McMillan of the j Moose and Ian Dunbar of Man-sons. Team high single and high j three was captured by Indus-i trials with scores of 1,204 and 13,281. .SI I "MILD" PHONE 266 ELLOS Am AH team caplaiiu of the men's five-pin league are railed te attend a meeting at 8:45 p.m. next Monday at the alleys '-M m m hfiuabvEH)abi'' si - Prince Rupert L j f to decide how the playoffs will be conducted. Results Family Market 3, Firemen 1; Watson Islanders 0, JCs 4; Moose 1, Industrials 3; CGE 1, 70 Taxi 3; CNRA 0, Sedg-wicks 4; Savoy Hotel 4, Nelson Bros. 0; Watts & Nlckerson 4, Kalen Indust. 0; Cooks Jewellers 3, Woodbutchcrs 1; Mansons 4, I Electrolux 0. ARE MILDER ro KETCHIKAN connections to WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE SPEED COMFORT SAFETY REE YOI R LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT Highest of the world's active j volcanoc? Is Llullaillaco in Chile, I towering 20,244 feet. i far v. v YOU'LL BE CLAD YOU BOUGHT THE BEST! ... Smoke Player's and your taste will tell you what mildness really means ! Player's are made from the costliest Virginia tobaccos, specially selected becaus they are milder. And Player's freshness brings out all the flavour of these milder tobaccos . . . makes Player's the mildest and best tasting cigarette you can smoke ! THE NAME "John Player o Sons" ON THE PACKAGE IS YOUR GUARANTEE THAT EVERY CIGARETTE IS FRESH DE LUXE WALL PAINT v f BUY A PACKAGE TOD AY... You'll never know rTTTn how good margar. f TX't'-i ' - ine can he ... until ' i I 7 - The secret of RiMIjI II II X I 11 VI II II On toat of mii'kr KKM-TONK over Willlp.irxT, paint, wood or pliiater givea you a akin-tight aurfnee that actually Hheda dirt. Grease, grime and ink apota wash off with aoap and wter. l)rir in one Aour; you can go buck ovor "niiawd mIw" even nTliT the aurface ia dry find lliey will never show. I'mrgeoua colors! ... 16 smart ready, to-uae shadeM, or intermix your own, for colorful wnll and ceilmiiB you'll lova to live with. r " 8.20 0""t"i 2.43 qoort f V t a V. J FreshnsssJ v hoS 71 . J) panada's Mildest Cigarette I ...