Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday. May 8. 1954 "For America" Group fj Top School Track Stars in Vancouver To Compete in "Little Empire Games" 8 i .xi V nijiii vummunism in n ! CHICAGO -A new orBanlri. ...... . " V, BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE M3 m a atlon inni..j . t if in pu lion "rnr .. .......... ., ,cuca- was as lounueu rnuay w "combat super-Internationalism and communism." The founders said the irrnim u By EASLEY BLACKWOOD J .-, I I distance runner and holder of and clubs and are led by the ihe British Empire Oames record University of British Columbia lor the mile, will be tuning up Bob, who holds the his try at Roger Bannister, the B.C. record at 9.7. Bruce Sprin-four-minute Briton who will bett of Oregon, a Vancbuver boy :ompete in the games here. I has done it in & 8 Track and field officials slat-1 The Canadian record In the I ed to handle the games will also j 440 hurdles is held by England's1 work the relays. Special arrange-I Lord Burleigh with a time of ments have been made to use all ! 54.8. Last yir Modress Peter-' the track and field timing and I son of the Seattle Track m i not a n w political n:iHu mm VANCOUVER rP More thnn 300 athletes will appear here today in a track and field ex-travasanze billed by boosters as the "little Empire games." The sixth annual Vancouver relays, which this year will play host to athletes from einht universities, 17 high schools and eight clubs from the Uni eu States and Canada, have a special significance as a preview of the big Commonwealth show here July 30 to Aug. 7. Bill Parnell, Canada's premier " served ' " u notice o e that uiai It ii will will enter enter To ston . . a,tiW' This Penalty Doubling Needed Some Insurance Penalty doubles of game contracts at rubber me laii eie.Hlon "to fight within ! Mn boys t,, T? " both parties for congressmen and ! world with,,,, T ' eerMtora who have the same ! Congress lhe measuring devices that will be j Field Club raced the dist.ince in bridge should be geared for a two-trick set. That is, vou should have reasonable expectations of putting; principles as the organization.! "To combat sun, Clarence E. Manion and Rh,.,.. "sm, onP.,.,r!r"i,ll"ii 55. the contract down two. used ai me games. A star attraction will be Bob Richards of Long Beach, Calif., who has pole vaulted 15 foet cr more 50 times, and who will also E. Wood were named co-chair-1 msnliim. ' m men. Wood headed the Amcri- "To use everv , . ca First committee, which op-1 to prevent sm,;,i?t"n,t' posed U.S. participation In the ' n away 3 ?ic He phns to break his own effort and Burleigh's record at the same time. Entries for the relays include competttt.r.s from Oregon Univer- enter the high jump, broad jump, This Li a little Insurance to take care of the not infrequent ense where 'one of ynur expected winners is r(ot a winner at all owing to a surprise singleton or void in declarer's hand or aecond World War until Pearl sources up' hurdles. discus, shotput, javelin I sity. Seattle Pacific College, Pa Harbor. j and hop-step-and-jump. , Wolloce's Girls' Department cilic Lutheran College, and For Lewis army camp. The new organization's declar-i .'ru finil,. BEST SINGLE EVENT The best single event will South denier Neither side vulnerable urlh (Mr. Ilulr) , 8 Q 7 H 8 7 4 DJ let! C A Q 3 Vti-I I ;l MI llrilsh) (Mr. Mn' 53 S- 10 It B fl 3 H A K 10 a IU D Q 9 7 4 D- K 10 c a a 2 t a 5 Kimlli (Mr. MuMcr 8 A K J 5 4 H-J D A 3 C K J 10 7 4 The bttlilltii;: Other stars entorini the re- ELKS SOCIAL EVENING SATURDAY NITE May 8th probably be the open 100-yard lays Include Emery Barnes of the Th?re were three nood renwns whv Mr. Muzy should not h:rr oash. Entries have brrn at- university of Oregon. U.S. lnlcr-tracted from five top colleges' collegiate high jump champ. Sugar Ray Denies "Coddling" J Dresses Blouses Skirts Socks ! Coats Underwear Pajamas Jeans Overalls Rainwear 7 "riiunignt "FIGHTING LAWMAN" wTT "HOT NEWS" ct ,Qyn6- Sfanley Clerre Monday to Wednesday "RIDERS TO THE STARS' doubled the four spade contract ;n today's deal. - First, he hi-l; too many of his partner's heirts. i making a singleton or -void in Mr. Masters hind l'kcly. Second, his opponents weir sound bid- j tiers and Mr. Masters bows to no i man In the play of a tvind. And then there was the fact that n North 2 C 3 C 4 S Fa-t 2 11 PS Lio, West 1 H Puss Pass South 1 C 3 S 3 S Alt PasH m ELKS HALL Dancinq WILLIAM LUNDIOAN HFIiBERT MAH5llU: Despite 44 Army Desertion ! i WASHINGTON Congres- ing a night club appearance here. ! .-ional investigators turned up jiu said he was taken out of a evidence Friday that Sugar Ray military hospital in 11H3 to go on Robinson, former middleweight an armed services boxing tour i boxing champion was charged wnh Joe Louis. At the time he with desertion by the army our-' was awaiting discharge because' WALLACE'S IDEPT.STORE double would warn declarer of ' ' the bad spade distribution pud the ace and was now in a p'isl thus "tell" him how to play to his tlon to pick up the rest of tlv bit advantage. trumps and spread the hand. Also I'layinc "CAPTIVE CITY" JOHN FORSYTHE J0N CAMOO .'- 9 to 1 JAKE'S ORCHESTRA CAPITO Last Times Today "The Long, Long Trailer" Lucille Bali Desl ATnaz SHOWS AT 7 and 9 p.m. AMBULANCE FOR SALE J ing the Second World War but of a bad left ear drum. was cleared. ,.rd surp ,lke lQ know wlwt Hunting for "coddling" of nth- privileges they gave me by let- i letes by the army, the hearings, ting me box. We boxed exhi-1 by a House of Representatives : bitions every day for eight! armed service sub - committee ! months." , ' I 'wound up late Friday. i He got two ribs broken dm -1 The most sensational disclos- ing the tour, "the only real Inure wa.s that 01 rtooin.son's ship- ; jury I got in my lighting career, jumping when his boxing troupe "Besides, we were in four plane was scheduled to go overseas In '. crack-ups." March of 1944. 1941 BUICK TODAY 7 p.m. -9 p.m. RANDOLPH SCOTT RIDING SHOTGUN" MA STARS' IKH'ltl.K i Without the doubl-. it sdml!-J fill that Mr. Masters would havcj taken these precautions and If he had led a second round of trumps early in the hand, he would have lost the contract. j No'e that Mr. Muzy stood ti j gain practically nothing by hi-( double. If he beat the contract a trick he would get 50 points. If ' he beat It doubled, he would get 100 points, a net gain of a , mea.sly 50 points. As it was, his oimoneni ' gamed 120 in trick points and an added 50 points for making the doubled eon rael. And there was thri danger that they would redouble, muy-be even making an extra trick or two. M17.7.Y TIIHOl (.11 Miss Brash won the first trii k with the king of hearts. She followed with the ace und Instead of ruffing Mr. Masters discarded the trey of diamonds. j Another heart was led and , this time Mr. Masters ruffed. He I led a small spade to the queen. Now, us a safely measure against 1 the probability thut' Mr. Muy had started with five spades, he abandoned the trump suit und' s'.aried clubs. Mr. Muz.y ruffed the third lead of clubs but now lie w is through. If he lid his last he.irt, It could be ruffed with the seven of spades In dummy. Actually, he led the ten of diamonds. Mr. Masters won with Starts Monday 2 Features ' F C1 CfiA Temptations of a fichth S 3 WITH FAITH IN HiTnigr M-C-M pttwntj m EXCITING COIN ... Powel said that for a time Kubinson was charged with desertion buL that lie was cleared by an army board and given an honorable discharge after he was found unsuitable for military "duty for medical reasons. Meanwhile in Vancouver Sugar Ray Robinson, former world welter and middleweight champ-i'-n, claims he wasn't "coddled'' during his Second World War stint with the United Stals air force. i Robinson is one of 10 athletes whose names ore under study by an armed services committee CAHA Meeting To Discuss USSR's Big Win By DON M.VTItKSON .mii'tl.iu I'l- ',. .st.ul WliliT VANCOUVER CP Echoes of the shot heard around the hockey world, Russia's defeat of Canada, will boom loud across In good condition throughout. Ueeonilitioned engine New Ruling In Force At Ball Park installed j.ood tirrs. Clean inside and out. Further particulars on request. Shelley Winters keenanWYNN dewetMARTIN Mall your offer to: GULF OF GEORGIA TOWING CO LTD. Foot of Hornby Strer-t, Vancouver. Clements Named Conciliator For Air Defence VANCOUVER Provincial in Washington. The committee is week ALSO SPRING BYNINOTON in tote: i investigating charges that the men were allowed to spend most nartia .v,o.. t.i.?i i A new ground rule was drawn up for Roosevelt Park by His executive of the Prince Rupert and District Baseball Association this week. The new ruling cdvers the number of basi a player may take on an overthrow to first or third base. A line even with the fence and extending from the end of both dugouts, parallel to the home-to-first and home-to-third lines will be marked this year. An overthrown ball which lands between this line and Vie base line will be considered to AWU;KUINIj I U A FAMOl'S PUYKRS Tlllill MRS. HOYLE" Shows ot 7-830 n playing .i' baseball. hserV'CeUme . boxillB or sociation opens here Sunday Tor a stand Id rather have taken my, And past presdent Doug rhances with bullets than do orlmston-of New Westminster, what I did. Robinson said in ' prodicts frec,y tnat the subject j conciliation officer Reg element. has been appointed conciliator in " "c u of Canadas defeat will get a For New Construction good going over. and Repair Wor! KIDDIES ARCH-PAL . for play and everyday CUSHION HEEL ARCH SUPPORT CUSHION INSOLE Snug heel fit, lots of toe room. in colors of: SEE WIL Heads Seek Home Locale . For Stampeders a dispute between 32.000 B.C. coast woodworkers and lumber operators. Negotiations between the International W o o d w o r k c rs of nirkm tCCL-CTO t . representing the workers, and Forest Industrial Relations, bargaining Egcnt for coast operators, collapsed last week over the ques-t.on ui union security. The union is not asking a general wage increase on the coast "Everybody thinks we. the' CAHA laid an egg." he said in ' a telephone Interview Friday. He ' referred to the decision to send , the Toronto East York Lynd- i hursts to the championships in 1 Stockholm. Simon-pure amateurs in the strictest sense of the phrase, the' GREER & BRIDDEl be still in play, and a runner may take as many bases as he, or the base coach deems wise. Should the overthrown ball crass the line, eoing- away from the diamond, then the runner will be allowed one only. BUSY SHIP VARUS shipyards since 1945 have built 208 ships of 2 300.000 tfroFS tons for the Norwegia.i merchant marine. iiy Tito I'i LIMITED .... Western t , , East Yorks dropped a 7-2 de-The International cislon to Moscow Dvnamos in League Saturday tackles its the feature match of the tour-. 215 1stA. Phone 909 Miuiiaat piuuium ui me sun-. nament this year, but Is seeking fringe benefits which the IWA estimates would cost the Industry i. bout 7' cents an hour per man. I i Ruby, Plaid. Blue, Green, Brown, Red, Jade. Sizes 4 to 2. Priced from $2.69 to $2.95 Judged Canada's (FASHION FOOTWEAR The defeat gave Russia the Championship by one point. Canada had six wins and a loss, Russia six wins and a tie. Sportswriters called the defeat "a national calamity, a national blunder" the team, bolstered by four ex-pros flown from Canada, was termed "dispirited and piece-meal." Grim.ston said the meeting will hear, for the first time, a report from the CAHA president on the world tournament. President W. A. Baldy George of Kemptvllle, Ont., will make his report at a dinner meeting Monday night. Finest Beer f CM ! EATON'S I':. I''or the last four years tlte jury of international brewing. experts at i e 3'. t young 1954 season, what to do about the orphaned Stampeders, late of Calgary. The directors are scheduled to meet in Spokane to give the entire matter a thorough airing. The Stampeders were abandoned last week by their Calgary backers. The directors would appear to have four ways to solve the situation. They could (1) find another home for the Stamps, (2) make the Stampeders a road team playing only at opponents' parks, (3) drop the orphans from the league or (4) find new cash backing in Calgary. Tacoma and Butte, Mont., have been mentioned as possible new homes for the Stamps. Butte would make the 10-team loop, already the largest in organized baseball, a league covering two Canadian provinces and four states. Tacoma did hold a franchise until several years ago but gave it up rather than constantly battle red ink as well as the standings. The Calgary hassle completely overshadowed Friday night's full slate of games, which saw the Stampeders trip I.e.wiston, 8-7; Edmonton drop Sixikane, 10-0; Salem tame Victoria, 11-8; Tri-City whack Vancouver, 6-4; and Yakima humble Wcnatchee, 8-3. 'i'j with Foo ... ...1' ...n.otf V .ntl I: . '. -m r.. ' t rvifiyntioo of .ll cereals In Ir. W'l.OOO 00 nere? in l!)ri2-53 fof tlic International comretit0nS i c'n rea-hed a record total of : Canadian Brewers have awarded Luck;' Lager the Star of Exccllcnce-i i j ,n syntiwi u' I'ri.e for Cunndiun Beers dp CI, mi .if CHOP SUEY . . . ... CI IOW ME IN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe is-T" r IS" ,.,,d ' ISM l'r Outside Onlcr i'lioiir l.'l i' i j ,i -- ; z I I ... A SaloVaW -Jrr-T. g ilf I 'fHpi 0rder and often from Ink arand , C-SALE BOOK. rXv"fU The whole family SAVES HEREl C BRUSSELS 1950 LUXEMlOUf 1951 IIM We Are Proud To Announce That We Were First To Install CANADIAN G-E Remote Control Wiring In This Locality ANTWERP 1352 The Electrician FREE HOME DELIVERY LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO-J ' ALSO BREWERS O f Thii advertisement ii jiot published or ooW . 1' k As advertised in May Readers Digest PHONE RED 165 328 West 3rd Ave Phone 740