1,'Wllll LlliUll T'ltJI J VI lOv Turr.day, May 25, 1M4 As I See It ray... ' mf-hst eyarrmu ... 12 ' 9 ) t I . 'cal d'''en4 'a,c',hst; 1 J. C. yippUwluulv. TP a'" " not affl ?n it ' writ ri,. 1 rm.. PARLIAMENT ".W.'fpf ndnr dally nrv.-soeufr C.evi.tr.1 t i inc i ,.:- HiIliiR of Prince Rupert and flartlu-ni nr Om .-al Bruisn ,ii!:il.i:i. Monitor r.f fumuUlun Press Audit B-m-ixi "I rim:IMkii. I'uuaclan Daily l!i;ir a,ki;ui. n. PiibiUlKd Ii v Tlie Hrlniv Kiirt Dally N.-s Llmlli-d - 3. J". MAUUfc. Pmkh-m I! (I I'KlliiY. VI HrrhMent MiibJeilpLiun Kates: V Clnkttre i icr p. r vei.r. tiium l'i y cari-it-r- per wet-k. a-: p. r i.iuiit.i ' nu.ll - Per nu.iun, ei y.w, $i; i.u.iirli'ffl us itH-A.m ciaj,. r..;.il I bah International Coniro vl thy r.ck-nU:'ie W ,utU niai iNoru) rucinc r i.-ncvu'i--. iwnrais- (MP for Skeena) ! nations have actually been combined under an effective common command. The Canadian Air Division is fully operational and consumes one of NATO's most highly efficient fighting components. It was a real pleasure to meet (!eor:;lnii Mitchell of Prince Ru- fill and Veru liettwiler of! tmilthers here on the Kotary ; Club's "Adventure In Citizen- :hip." s wa.i able to attend two C llu functions held for these .-, Indents and was very nurry that I was not able to keep uiy en-SMii'cnit nt to take them lu (liniier hi the Parllaineiitary restaurant. n ; that day my wife had a fail and broke a rib. However, my friend, Tom Harnett, VVV ini-m- 'sifiji meets in Tokyo this wor.th, it may pie!: ui .-uine u.-eful j:o!nter.s onJajiiih I'ihins.; nit'thm!.-. Aeconliiu; to expert: i'it'hei-ifs rosea "I COULD SAVE LESS THAN $20 a Month bur it brought me the EXTRA $4,000 I needed to start my business'' ' For years, 1 hoped to start mv.own business but rot by so little It seemed Impossible," Miys Henry n "Tt. fi ieiid told me of a simple, practical Hlun whit-h m .-uvinc easier and iiulcker . . . I.W HSToits svniiicatf ' Ho I starti d in. First I told Investors Syndicate my uiif that I wanted to accumulate an extra H.ooo, but could nt to save less than $20 a month. They showul me pia, which I simniv set aside this small inm rn I have noted with interest that the Prince Rupert Branch of ihe Navy League of Canada has been makins its annual u"ppeal for funds and 1 hope it was entirely successful. It was my privilcne to be the seeretaiy of the Branch lor several years and I have a personal knowledge of the p,m;d work done by the Navy League, particularly, of course, in its ..IHiiisurln of the sea-cadets. Word has been '.sent me by the Department of IV heries lh.it .iproval has been i-lven to the trmisxrlh!g of live luh.-.tei.i for an experiment lo b.- undei t-.;k-n jl I'l-liice Kil)ert. by enti i pn.,in" imllviilu.ils tu hupe tn proline r a pacific Coast lobsti-r. I ihhIi i-,' taiid this has been tried heluie, elsewhere on the Coast, without success; let's hope this i.lleiiiit will worl., ulthougii I uiiisl. -ay 1 have yet to Intel the lob.tir that (an hold a candle to our Pacific iHIlb. Karmers' and Il.-.hei mi n' : ioii-lual iu.surane.i' compai ies .hould he pleased with the uniepdineiit introduced by the c.ovi-i nmeiit. on May III to its budeet le.-olu-ions. 'I'lie ameudiiient provides "Kor the exemplioii from taxation for the la.'il ami sub.e- (uenl taxation years of Insurers, not less than i0 per cent of whose gross premium li iconic was in res-ct of the lnsiu ain e of farm property, property u.v d in (ishhi; or residences ol lanu-( rs or fishermen." Many peopu.- nave hand thai a discontinuance of certain weather tests on Dl((by Island would affect me possibilities ol an uiiport. I have now a letter from Ihe Minister of Transport in which he says, "I have bid) -iiieiitly looked into this niMtei and cun riassurc you U.at while I " C ll in C SO ZVM CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside (Inters I'hnne !? ..pecllied number ot years. Meanwhile, my savings souk incrcas.d by the power of time and compound l-ucrist. "then, wh- n my Plan matured, 1 would receive a tlam they leave m Ail , Unit I. w""ll- CAIV1N t'JLLOUi Phone 384 . t li . -v " weather conditions arc, oi course, a factor in any final decision that mtsht be made, the lurt that we are not continuing wea-th r survey v.ork at the present lime would not in any way he prejudicial to the decision on this mutter. I believe theie Is feme iimceril in your mind on this point and I did wi. h lo ic-as.iiire you." f have now a: ked tlu- delinilc tiuesilon whether it is estahlislii d that weather eou-ditioiis are .such Unit Ue-y of In in:, elves are no deteirent. The past year has seen very .-.nil'. tuiiti.il u'Ti,ii,;jli.'.hmeiil.: 1:1 I'aliada'.i D.li.nie l'ri.mam an-in.ui!-c-.l by th.- iv. iin-.u r of N'a-1,'iiiial Deii-iKi. on February !, l:.:,1. With hi.; ii sa.nei of lin..-t-litus in Korea on July u7, Itifi.i, the L'liited Millions force;, ii-hieved the mliltuiy oljieclive of their efton.-i In that area, but until there Is U peace settlement we continue lo maintain the liijlh Mru-udc in Korea. We continue to lake our shme in NATO ai.tivil ies. Willi h act iyilie.; iieu : n ally in tin- nalure of a niodeni ' miracle as never he fore has the world witnessed the formation of a defensive alliance In which In tunc o! pi ai-e mill.-, of the tiavii ;., ' ainiioi anil i.ir forces of iiieinh'-r AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS l or it tiinil i riiiiDinii al car try our A-IIO AI'STIN. A iiimplcte ear with a low price nf only M l'l."i, that Includes loam rubber seats, leather uplinlsliry, illrci tional signals anil lii-utcr-ilefroster unit. AUTO SERVICE , Kit. NOVA SCOTIA'S , Vi'.l'H-ed. it lias to lie. ! i.-:h supply practically ail ' prolan ill the ii''l ol' '.'.( lapatie-.'.e family an I onstilute about oio-(iiai ter ol' tin- nat'on's Foo-I 1 ,So ci.U nsivr are it:; opt'twliori:; iliat t!ie )ap-t tner.e i'i.vhin;j indu.-ary e.-i.'.-aees about one-thin! of ihe population. Kvery fisheries officer is a e;i'a.!-lale ol' one of tlie taiivoivitie:', in fishing. Kvcry '.ills of the pre fee tu res has a fisheries research Nation. One visitim..; oeeaiioeraplier nole;! that even iieteoi'dloi'ieal and hydro.",! aphic sorweos and the a'avy have an oceanography research :eetion an.l .hut there are more occatiuttraphers and fisheries researchers in Japan than in all North America. In one respect, however, the Japanese fishing .i'ljdusti'y is behind that of North America. Its research is devoted almost entirely to locating and .catching- fish, with conservation receiving only minor attention. In view of the importance of fish in Jlhf Japanese diet, this failure to concentrat? more, on protecting them is surprising and, of eoHi-;se, couhl have an adverse effect on Japan and. other north Pacific fishing countries alike. ; Visibly, however, Japan's action in signing Uiq Intel national North i'acific Fisheries convon-tioji indicates that it has undergone a chaiiee of policy in this respect. The application of conservation methods is a primary function of the com-niijc.ion so formed. In hecomin r a member, Japan voluntarily surrendered its rights to fish to our thee-mile limit for salmon, halibut and herring of North American origin, and it has accepted the 17oth meridian about 2,000 miles from the Canadian coa.t as tln provincial ciistLM-ly boundary of its salmon operations. With Canada and the U.S.A. it will endeavor to dclcrmine the decree of intertnineling of stocks in I ho mid-Pacific and assist in drawing a truer line of demarcation, if this is found neesssary. . . It is only through the closest internatior al cooperation of tliis sort that our fishing iniustry can continue, to flourish. in m i mi ii in in ;iv icasi si.iiiiii -in ca.'li or monthly payn,in-I iirelerred. That's exactly how It worked nut lor nit it can for you." Whatever your aim, let this Plan help you. Just as it is he 100 000 other Canadians. Just figure out how much m you want - and when you want It. Then contact yourm liivc:,lors represent alive, T. M. (Tom) CHRISTIE 315 Third Ave. W Save It Now". . . Let It Grow . . . Enjoy It Later liana over A JOINT committee of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada is studying the whole question of capital piiiii.h nu nl. It. Iinw ;tliir.'5 tll:il. tliry will :ul. fnsi.-Ul their Wink ill lilil' I'l 'ii- ke :i i'iHiri thi-t ye""-. 'I'll ' :ieMH Ulut lUC llli Clehill. ill 'J.illlUlilen- III It .! .! ill It O 'I' n-', will in.t tal;i' lil.ii c till tit-xt yeyr. Mi unwlulc it !;rcni.s tu hip thai Mi" I'Villl-lU'l' f i W e-1 1 IjffolV ill 'uiiiiiiiilt'? .sliuiil'l ciiiiviii' o rye-f dfi'iiit piUzin lh-.it li-uii'iii", w ' niejli.s of cXM'tlllull. is u ll.tl'u' haiv-uver from ill." d.irk are:. HIE WHOI.K niif.sUon of win-Ill-or -. tr i.ot solely is juslilifd In Uikini; liniiun lite tvi n u.-; . IJiiiii-hment fiV niuiiler. i.i oik of mh-Ii matjui'. utii' lint II rli.il li-ngi s liiiiiiun minds, hpurls, and the di-f(K-.st values in our religion. 1 do not propose to ilea' with ii now, especially as no uiuny other writers h-.'ve alie:'.d dealt with it better Mvn I could Consider IhLs evuiief eivri hy Dr. Hills of the Don Jui'. 'l'oro'iilo: "After the hanidn;, the phy-siciBii's duty is tu piononci dealh in accordance with Uu Criminal Code. It is an nn-pleasunt 1 duty. The physician this Is in Hi? Dun J.u: climbs the stepladder and put-a .stethosoojie on the m. nV heart when the han;:m;iii has culled lilm . . . "The hearllKUl. hecoiius ii regular and .slows until it is'op.s I have found in thi four cas i.nd these 'arc tiuoled froni memory as there are no records ! made at such lime.; :int, I also it is ralhi-r difficult to ) take time on such occasion' j that the tmrt slops; the times in which are very ckne to 22 ; minutes, 30 minute., 35 min- i uies, ana i minutes, re.inee- j lively. 1tio.se are llirnimts i-t ! which, in the four cases dentil was pronounced, as in each case the heart sounds were ! heard until Ih-il .sluye." UNDER the laws of Canada, Jt , is a serious criminal of fence 1 to be cruel to animals in any way. Any Canadian eiliaen who took the lile of a due by h-.iv;-ing would certainly be euilty undi r the Criminal Code of ten -turiri'i Ihe poor brute, To suspend even a (!!! i t th end of a rope, vh"re the 1km rt of the peor beast w.i.s beatin;; for 45 minutes after the acl of i :i culion, would prop.-rly be considered by everybody us a monslrous act. .. ; Yet, under Ihe luw.l of Caii.id:. j lint i.i precl.iely huw we ileal with humans, v.-hj a. c.nvi ( d in co n t of murder. I write, -who are rotlv.cted m (Olllt Of t.nirdor," hecuii e il, i ,lhH the . Jui c jjii'da :(ij. '-ifi i-iuiv .sj$Mi the ueaTh penalty, by indii'i'::. means. v SHERIFF (JONOVI-IR of York County Ins given the committee 1 these revealing stali;l'e Kbout the murder ease.i dtirin" his term of Office. There were y murder trials held. No less th in 40 of the accused were found guilty, but with th eharees reduced to manslaughter. Five of the accused were aequitted, five were found insane, two sentence!: were commuted and only throe were executed. .Surely the real reason why only three were executed is that society as a whole has obvious serious doubts about the ethics of the death penalty; but society as a whole ulready knows that hanging, as a method of execution, Is a monstrous hangover from man's dark past. ivhere uou go, tlie ps: OHi, J pariuit-nt. Ottawa or f Fish cii..i.!itl( x- of tlie latoi'- - , who have heeii in thai irli in .lajian is very ai- ! I ! i'; (U" W- orltimtrt people treat the la':e a.-; natine'.i iell. :e-pit. Ker.v? of them throw stiap iron and cans into the water rissht oil tli,- tea-jhe.-;. Others can be .ecu i OA'in?, boats laden wi'h tiash at iiiidiiicht, bound for .r ir private dump irj-'-.ioiiMd.s in I -i mi iii:;.- ol' trie lala-. .1 te-vr jyeoiil-: " aie reskleuts, ' Tviilii'i tii':1- own hj.-it;. lint the worst oflendeis are people from liiviiK and urban ili-s- ( in -i iiivc p ior garbage e: vice. II they ciiliiiu-! in llie.ir iL-::klL-.'; way's a city may soon be .;(! lined aj "an inhabiled area bi'.rt'oundi-d by garbage." A -larmer made the news recently when he drove into town with a load of jun!;, und dumped it in the streets. He said he M&.H merely returning tlie stuff that people had ,-;trewn on his land. Kvenlually, countrymen may ' get anfiy enough to lake united action along this line. We may : ee the onny of farmers converg- i in on the city in trucks loaded wilh country rubbish, to be dumped on city lawns. Perhaps tome townspeople will return from holidays to find that Iheir homes have been used an i'.torehouMj li.r surplus wheat. Now there Is a prospect to scare any litter lout into good be-! haviour. ' l iN-uxy yii;i,ii:D BEKW1CK-UPON-T WEED,' fcn?. . Henry Peters, 70, pe.-- iormd inindreds of marriages in 41 years as reglstar in lhis noruitiiiniaeriana town. He re-tired and was married to Mrs. J. C. Dorsett, 53, in his old office. Refects ano Reminisces U '-omewhat difficult to be-!iev a !-i'I with her hair up tit the way it could look as bad as in- iluulLi s!v doq.s hut siie Al U a -t Pte. Dave Schine i Wi Amivi has pr.-t.y we. I ci'owilej ;'e ii -ii. si-.yeer out. ol llu- ;r i. ::a.!e hea:llinr.i. i-'or . e.f confidence no oiie ea.i Li .it. : ii ma. i wiio doei tin-. -i.' I !Ju!tM wi'h a pi n. lv!i.,:l wives h.'.V ! already ii.- it,i-.i v. . it it- In 1 1 y i . ::iu-: ii print hi.,, vacation. i): V.'.ini ii '1 lioilijy.iiii of 11:11-1 iie-. . :.;oii!.tia, tle.sprvc; a nif'u:tl lor i-xi-iUohal coua ;e. lie re-' ml y ..Id an uudit-nce of leiiow , ci ii in that t-'ahfornia liuiiL i no eronoiiiic indiu-emenis tm-thou: ' ands o( p, opli- fliM-kinu then- every month, and it otler.i! no 'ex eo.iiiiKH alti-ai-thm.s ' ft,.-llu- e'ulerly. , ,. . , . i, Hrilaili is uiakini; leyilru-it ' honih.s cheuper and more sliaple, ! iiif death Ik still.as if nllalJl-!t, as ever whe'her hy Ijoml) or liuK. l.ti: - . .-..,! Ju.-.t a few ehunk.s of Iwef scen i0 .k'illy lor re.slauraiits to make such a 111;.; itew about - 'Sudliury ! Star. .' i i on voi it Aiisuty ; ' . A tooil Ileal is bciuj read, j these days about "broken homes" and their unhappy e.'le;:t upni , ' - hiidren who lweii in .-them, What is a broken home. We I'.nn v ! I lew people who.-:e parents wcVe divorced and who appear to have survived thai mlslortune. tut- j mat kably 'well. Ve have r-.nowa1 people fioin very unhappy lumie). 1 -!i ' h themselves found happiness in life. When people tu a about a ..broken home, ju.it h:t , io ihey mean. An exaiiip.e whicu I :omes to mind is thai of Wuhan) Booth founder of the Salvatlo-i Army, wii..ic-chil'thood tit roni haopy. - , ' . . V - v - No fewer tlun 2,47a were (tilie'j in AprilDecember 1311 (tl TV itruk, North Africa, and this -was duiy noled by the Q4 -h-.. ,and Duke durhi;; tlie. TBcent -woriJ tour visit. 'I here -were 232,tay of .tiejg. Tobruk wasuil tower? "owins will) tragic, .niemorlej of the opening slae.e of the la,st v ar And lo-lavs chief efl'or s are devoted toward mainly holJ-i ing oif the outhrt-ak of another. jrv y pQ News Classified FISHERMEN! Spilsbury & Tindall MARINE TELEPHONE 0M I mm- iirnw-' 1 . ' '. MKT - 25p 25 Watts Pure I'ower 6 Channel; rulisiililler and Rei;nver : Broadcast Kami ' i , Absolute.,- Die Mutt Reliable Kailtu 'I elriiuiiie ml the Market. Rupert Radio and Electric 3l3-3rd Ave. W. Plione 644 4 mw wii ' m wr!" ... um -i ' i! I !. T IS i ---- 1 Ave. Rtl.M.1 - I, Hi I ' . " "f y i 1 ,1 to make a dream cortfe true? Then THIS IS FOR YOU i, i I The BANK of, P.S.P.'l Th. .nfc ,of Nov. Scotl-'l xcluI Pmuml 8fflty program. It ..Ifern of live msUw pmil- to lie r.-. lif.l ill ." ) ,,awiifiil. Anil, H imkui M you W;M '. " ,,NI-u lifr iiimrci) al no xxl In )n. How do y.u g.t In on'ltf I'i.k y.-ir j I ill in mi ..li.li..ii Um .t w-ur nrr.i I'""'1 'i'lie Hank of ima S.tia. h- a"T' , ,i ., , l vmr in-i.ran.-e cerlili.ale nl . " -' I I...J rimil to r..r.i.hl."? V"" 1 ill! ITT iuiiiiipi - ,,n avii.f !..ul-.l..a i..tcrei.l-.lii Ii'' the gnul thai .n.le. t your lnvl ' H.r. r. Ih.fl.. .-!". and lh 50 monthly pymMi vJ:i hi, Montlily Paymarn All Aboard A Houstwifo in a half-rural u'. ui b of a Canadian city looked j'lt Ii4r window recently lo i,cc a man allvnl In nl a lal car. T:ie Vomaji was txpens-velv '(.ssi-it, unit r.lie sarrietl .i p.-rrel .clr'hf.i' urm. Now, who is th'.s callii!-; cm :'.'" Mlie liuujiiwite , jliutl. red.. ioy l kiti.i- ; .. ' .if i ; i N e f V O 11 i Si si y slraP liti niii-i; if Ulerjiith, n-i 1-lllOVillK In r ..p o.i .d patlhij liei- hair, the Iiuuvj-.it. Hi-'i,. ,o ,ne duo. , it.niy lu n-t tlie Vi.sitoi T I 13ul,the strait-r vvallied c.rilv :. far as outside feate. 'i'ht-u e ilirew lu-r Uiuidle into lie-jiil -ai'd, got ha'-k in ill;.- tat r ii$ U diuve olf. 'Ihe Uiun!:e nlaimed iiurUe ukt Eia-.jj-ait Jaidfi, egg (.licil.i, used lea tiam.ld, .-.aidnie tiii.i a. nl iiilafi fjiAnl:,. A tnwiiwomaii had visited l!ie Uiil.y and iell her . al l-i;,c.uil. 1 u va.s -only one of llic tliuu-ndswlio : f dj tim oame Uilnj. il sfie was an extreme case,, rtiaji:.. -Others are too shy lo routine Xirliae over Ihe front le. tlM-y throw 11 over the back ite instead, or cache it behind liinlj in soul-,; beauty Kpot. . 'i!ieff are IhoiisaiuU of people, lut, v.ho look Uon the hole v of Canada us one vast U hea-iiiidden. Ciivehem time, id they will make It just that, y soup tins are to be fo-.tnd n tlie hltheit peaks, and fra.',-.eiit cf beer boltie in Ihe rc-tr.otest valleys. 1 I live on a small, pretty lake Vliich provides fishin;,' .swim-Jung and drinking-water. Mr.".y v .... AS A Across Local ;uul Long Savingt Goal 100 . 250 . BOO . 750 . .1000 . Ar. y.u II.M.f 6 a.ul in p.-l Iwallli. can nit ,.arlici.al fmel ya lo ill or J.y Medical .Kmln.tlont kno'v you're in Who ay. the rova .Scol.a. Can you cancel time nr. .... k V if you're ..".I. r o ,le ami y"'" u, your if in iiiUiiiM plan , f...-.iiraSe your ym Wh..b.t-.ym.n,.T Vo m.Le l- mail. Ami your pay """' Mrn ' " " No. Ym. bom1 health. . . Thf Bank0' Iniurone. premlumH plus LIFE INSURANCE! at no cost lo you Aik far our free descriptive booklet or write lo your nearest brancrrof The Bank of Nova Scotia ivhenqougo Is your C N R. Agent's business ' , . c lii ni firnt. U ran save you time mid flurl in all your travel planting. lltt ran make hoth rail and fcleauiHhip arranjremrnli fir holiday and budlnras trips th. contract? (r"""1-,' I....1, imnirlialelv, all V"" 1 ihe run." in, plus inter', minni charge j , u aerv icea. I n an emrrgrncjr your mam'S"'' llir money to make yn.r (. AS SIMPLE PHONE CALL vlnrrver you ivanl lo l .. '.'ii;-:.'! Your partner In heiping Conada grow. .si fin the Town or the Nation. CtV.R.'s record pur-rhmtu of jna.r romfnel if lirfft r mi go A NEW SAVINGS ,NGS f PLAN (iffe VffilW W IM fif.jj j ii r illin INCENTIVE I i-'ur liilulll' i!''li. Phone 6Q .Ik Distance Moving call or K. I.. HOIUH :t: lllilJiWB AVAILABLE ONLY AT... Ji.A.H. 1 11, HUH" .H1 M Srrt Pl-llli-e Your BNS In Terrace Manager is a good man to know. he is R. C. Sandover-Sly, piuiiw !;i.