I net kupeii UuU NCV5 Tuesday, May 25, 19.".4 Alaska fluting Renewed WASHINGTON The House; The legislation, first adopted Flood Threat 'Not Serious" A C 'Merchant Marine committee to- in 1947, also permits Cana4iojj , ships to carry pawr.gers rt. freight to or from llyder, Alaska. ' VICTORIA The threat of ex-! tensive Hoods in British Colum-' bla Ls not yet very serious, Neil McCallum, chief engineer of the public works department said I today. Just returned from a tour of flood areas. McCaiium said "all 1 day approved the Senate-passed water troubles have been very ! bill to renew for one year auth-minor so far. We have things orlty for Canadian -ships to carry pretty well surrounded " (passengers between Haines and Department officials added ! Skagway, Alaska, and other there are no reports from any , points in Alaska and foreign areas today. ' ports. ! The order of Cistercian nufisH which has convents In Quebec and New Brunswick, was found- led In France in 1125. 'PMrm m FROM WV&f f THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS i 28 KlILUINQ MATERIALS irHILPOTT EVITT & CO.LTU dMV pravlout PAD.'O OWL 1240 Kilocycle CFPR rnone Sbl or 652 I INQUIRE about our budget, plan for your home Improvement. No down payment SI Oil to $:iiii)0. 9 to 24 Dins, to pay. w i f-'tiblei:! ' riivugrr ,""u I" m"nS I1 ,n' ,,jU,iin !llr" " " Ml n,, UnU Ol r,lU HiAU-r. KlilMiril MA SlUTKS FUR RENT THREE - ROOM self-crmta"ine"d apartment. No drinkers. 533 8th West. Phone Green 1132. (I23p) TWO-ROOM suite for couple, fin lushed. IM) Oth Ave. West. 122pi 2-ROOM apartment, non-drinkers. U00 1st Ave. West. Aonlv . TUESDAY . i7 MIL IlK-H'Ji. w PM B:00 arm N H-luiiiu FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Move and Furnitce Bli-rJ'l rlF'wiiulin.y aua inwrU'il incurn-CHf 1120) " " BLONDIE . By CHICK YOUNG , 'Cj riiii:' IF" , i ., 1 1 ; a im lost- "-) S '....- , ,irii n . , f . ( ho-ai DOVO'J , . HAVE AN ECHO ) ftfyifx'fa . . lvi-fefA a7 . - (THIS PLACE? " i .- :l. ''( WHO CCfO il" Bi IDAGV'OOQ 1 DREAMED ) i Fl ll DiPNT fiEALLV J,,i! "' I rTTelANX aQC.Di-.iij-'.,.' i.i.v 1: ... . ,, S -PHONIiMG AT I GAVE YOU A tr---1 GIVE VOU THAT T NOMPi V NOW I CAN I J - : . (TVVOOCLOCKIN fiFTv-DOllaQ-J dpaiiv RAiSE.DiO:,T- CDIT,1ERSJ ( BACK TO SLEEP r j r s MORNING?- A-v,EK RAISE ) VT ? DAGvJOOO? 7 V s ! ',,'.,.. lsi llli C' " ' U'L ABNER , : . . . . - By AL CAPP ':'mv i-oul Foothills und Bryan Mln. 221 5th Ave E fias 'I'aeiiic" Propane. , ,iuim "' kucti i-rr.irs ia mv-itni i,f or-' .nrrtl'j MlUra l'HJI.POTT KVITT & CO. I.TI). Phone !il or ft:vi i !:.:; Eupppr Sfrcnadd Cn wiii- ) ,n nolilile MukIcm) Profjriim , l,'H: Nnrt !BC News Koiindup 'J'tW NfttUin'. Ull- UlPr4 v ' t :iinaul;yia ' , - . lulling Words I-t'ii Mttkft MieiW: " Cliiimtlii Truite.' " I . ' , ' He : News i. . In Search ot. I .iuftdi. " " Ham lui' Hlvtrnn'' ' 4IA Houses Wanted to Buy I FIVE or .six-room home will) 2-rnom suite. Blue 277. il2pl ANT AD HA i.KS -Repair" Hewing Ore:, Sentals. Hlnt'er . ::.cse 814. (CI 8:4S 7 en l.tH 7 :;l() HUM 8:ll"i H III II IMI II III 10 Ml 10: 15 (t:flO 11 :IMt claw ' A M. 7:00 :- 7:110 1 ::r. 5:).-. 8:00 Hntlhrr -Hl'liiirr ' if. Miloleul FOR SM.Y. MISC, Miirtejpif i'rV': ' ' . ., . 41 KI SINFSS LOCATIONS H)K KKNT-iffices In the Stone Building, modern, steam heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3, Stone Building or phone 424. (1241 iPLIES holding replies following News Hit ii-. SIMPSONS-SEARS es: 43 MSTINCS WAlVl tO j CLEARANCE I SPRINGS & MATTRESSES 948, 953, 959 B.C. Pfc Iwrmfn's 'A .,nirtca :t Xustenl Iim Ii -t'W; Hum; Wia1hr ' ' Miileul -lurk Murtlljig llrtuliiin flHU Hewv, VtMIUrr Hire's Hill Oufltf ' Breukfut fc'Ulb . , , Leflovern . '' bbc New si.rt Comly. . Aunt Lin:.v.' ' ; Laura l.ld. 8:11) olit'. must t SELLING YOUR HOME? 1 We have several buyers with' cash for houses up to $15,000. . ' You'll do better at" : ' 11. ;. Ha'ccrsnn Ltd. j 1 Real Estate and Insurance 1 I 210 Oth St reet Phone 06 j j 1 FELT MATTRESS, 39". Rcir. $17.1)5 Now d f.t m ersoit ADLINES' $15.99 310-COII, MATTRESS, 3'J". Reg. $29.05 or F. Wilson, Black 107 ( evenings i oy a newspaper to Now 8:4.1 V:uu ):l:i B:S0 U.O, ' :6 I 10:1X1 io:is 10:ri I 1 1 :UO : ii is : 1 1 ::iu 11:4.1 P.M. U:l5 I2:2ri 1 i l M) j l'!:."..V , . I :' $26.99 aiTurate production tiulty help you to (126) 40 RI!SV5SS iH'OKT.NITH EXC'FPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Coin What llay Morning Vie.it The. Huppy bang . MUKtcal Kitiiien ' Your Ooixl Nihlwr Kijidr rwarlen ol Uw Air Metmie I'lTtlMl , , Mcl HileJien CBO News cur; fthowcar. ' ' Be. ." .m "-' iindea.'.! -liilrrlml ' - t '' ' Mreerds fiir Yhii " -v . Hecnrd Allium ..-V -V' - : I most for your in!? dollar. 310-COIL MATTRESSES 40". Reg. $30.05 - N,w $27.88 ; fc dial, nil Display Popular 4 Star Resort Finest Fishing and accommodation. Turnover annroximatelv : nii.y be in our ) r.Ui t'f W M MtliMCU Oy 4 p in two pub- " ' $3(1,000. 04". Iteg. $52.45 (erms $47 22 ancnt), Price $50,500. on easy O. P. silks (exclusive Courtenay, B.C. 11221 days in advance il.ty Hie ad Is to 47 Al TOMOKII.ES B.C. Uchuiil Broadcast 'Irans-Canada MathieA Brave Voyatre. . v" ' ' 7 Iloedown . CBC New , -;: . v B.C. HouilHtip f ,; i n e fur Classified '1 - T . tAa -hut r'MtZf'rH' T "Ll f"?enuf!'-rv uaanr. ) i I thET li'iTga. then, ah is H 1 ::m) 11X1 n:.iu 3:15 a :iu S:45 3:48 4:13 4 ISO 4 4D ,S ill) 6:15 :iu 5:45 ww! will remain ' UgZL MIGHTME 1 ONLY WAV raT M I EVIL CRITTER'S rWUr! I IS. -SWODOERf.'- J L-UCKED:'-1 . a i ire A tuft fx,' J - r.,Tr,M-rv ita TL-rTi I RFVOWD TH' A SHE. WILL A J4.. Vocally hnd Str.cU QllotaUoit! 1 m thr previous pul)- SPRINGS. 30, 4U and 54" Regular $17.05, N,,w ; $15 99 Tlniie prices lor limited time only. PLUS BUICK sedan with dynaflow and radio. First class condition. Contact Dr. R. G. Large. f 123 1 1947 CHEV sedan in goodt shape i Apply to 1428 6lh Ave. East. ' (12H 'i ,- I (-Li-jest lEs her -oana- ) critter ' j I town fry rL NOnWjyj 1 peach o' U dance om ) . " ' Y -OUT TVPEO' OUTATOWN7T) JS 11 VHUT .VmI HAM POc.'FP-) DAISYS M . f t f' Jubilee KkwCI ' City Under 'l tee. lifwdy lioody v Cuntlnfiital CaEoiLl v (111 ! IntrnaUoDul uonity.-tbc Newn. wrather 5:55 .Dally Nri I.IH.AL NOTM'li marly-ne v sale, M.iy 1 COIDSPOT 11.9 cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR iv hk iwTvrr of hiriiAiii) R::(iular S3.r.S5. Now $323.88 M trm.'Koy ii:i i: ski) TKF. NOTICE thut ill Admlnln-trntor duly appuinted bv the Caul t r.f thp estate of ftirhurd Mmhosiin. AND :'s Kprlng Baraar. j ian Missionary Ten. (122) buzaiii May 'i'l j Mrly-nev Sale. May ' dpccnflffl. Iaf of Onllowny Runlrls. near Prince Rupert. In the Province : 5-Pc. CHROME SET, Regular S100.95. Nu- $89.88 Simpson - Sears Mnv V. W A. , . - (the Heart of juliet jonis . By stan drake : " I j . -. f- Vy..'' ' ; ! ''mtWJmim" AU...PCFS...WUCH V I FieugEt?- I TVte 4gENCV SAIP OPBJ. VT "? ? ' EANVVUILE. AT TU FACTORY..." J ' T I " ' ' fcl7f( -V ' ' ;- CPELL SMES OUB TWAT IN 1V CA4 MAKE MX. OF THC5S V LfY Tt ir . " YSAH VEAW -THAT U-! f I ' r. '.-AWiP ffERV'ES PINNE,AASE . . OWN MOUSE FANCY FRENCH DISHES- Uctim piImv' J- m.vfb SHOULPA BEEM" V '. 1 ' :.-WUP BETTER JETJ I COXP-" rTWUJLWT LOVE ) h'ZA J ' V C - . .. :u' CUNe!r-rr1 Ch n-h Spriii'i of British Columbia, who died at Calloway Rapids, near Prince Rupert, u C. on or iibout the IGth dav of December. 1953. I require all creditors and other having claims against the said estate to send the same to me. property verified, at the pilarcs mentioned below on or before the 15lh day of July. 11)51. after which date I Hlmll proceed to dl-. tribute the estate to those entitled by law, having reeard only to such claims of whirl; I alinll then have been notified. r . ,. j , AND KURTIIKR TAKE .. NOTICE (lint all persona Indebted to the said estiite arc required to pay their lu-celiledness to llic forthwith 3 '312 -3rd Ave. West Phone 400 iltc) ili's K.ko PMe, Jun- S. rim Fall Bazaar No-: friisovAi, plywood skiff i ear top or boat bed chesterfield. (121p) EIGHT-FOOT t suitable for 1 dinghy. Also Green 908. li'oiioltr.s DATKD at Prince Rupert, B.C. thl: Aiimn. (132) 0 Hn: 343. I7lh day nf Mnv. 1(KV4. . , W N POOl.E. 1050 MATCHLESS 500 cc motor-cycle. Very pood condition. $275 cash. 317 West 7lh Ave. Black' 1)02. 125pl: ITItKONAlS '0 nml Innilsc.ininfr Oiriclul AiliiunlKirntor. 4 Wallace Block. P.O. Ben MO, . i'l luce Kuperl. B C. GAUNET COl'LTER, 11; has been mayor of Winnipeg since Nov. 20, 1942. Born on a farm at Dominion City, Mail., he turned from' . farm boy to teaching to obtain funds for higher education which d to 3. 01 May 111. 2li, J Phone U23p ASTRAL Refiii-erator. Green 804. '"'"'n plup.'inw. rock iruls. nntios nnd F!'f e;timutes. R"ri I vfl CI "lf' '"V 'T .1 ' . T TUIK:i P- dlTPjrCJ AJt?d I' J V' '. 14f AMOTUCB SSrifCi-HVM I I WSJ I CUIFBlWy dllUTA V.PPV ARTl.T . ) '''1 tlee-re at weslev Knneee I 'Sivy-14'. TO AO Tfi TUB ItVIMlt f"r'g- !t52E IM TU1 -CII.MMV. J TU Pll C OF .fl INK.. WP1S TUtfEE WEEK'S J. I ' . ifltrntrd a A'cont't wnvv amo cuff ccfivF 114; Sy tfinwo 1 fcLx aiai-uii.ic M.ijc9ee hi ircuiwo mi pp.-ii?i ittiw PifluT waw V "TMCIAM 1) riil"-lll, - ' ' ill'-.... r Mytarl. Map HIS. 'in 'ind eieed-teoi p. TWO bedroom unfurnished' -vjir-pe.s -m,. t.r..f n Ave. West. Pb-. house, Cood location. Adults rZ'J (130) Only. I sen lllis been f.'.eil III tills office i Centrally located uninrtiLsIii'tl j n;.jr, S i.reiy given mat I s'mi' e'lesteefteM apurimeiit. Adults only. in the cxiinii.m of one in..i' 4ii- Oiiit iniis Phone yur information and partiru-1 Hie date of the iir .t. puiiileatioi King's Counsel Irt 1935. Tit ft-'cent years he has been devoting most of his time to' tha administration of the city. He was married in ' Hi48. to the former Jessica Allefipf Ross-' mere. Que., , who . rtslgned as executive. dlrectoi'.'if the Canadian Federation ;0t-Mayors and Munlcipanties: 1940, Mr. Coulter .was"' president of f-t COFFEE THEPE. PCES THAT SOLNP l REASOMABLE j: ' Jfi ""v- CLP MM4 l jEarL '" ' "' 1 y&h'iZM Hfewfehj tfer'feVs; i . ft I'rove.ionai ;ertlfi J. Kenimler i., ti,,nu m I hereof issue (128 ; (i. R 'l lNKKR and CO. LTD. VtMPCT etDiunti (111 oi.iiy l'iirt' . cute it I ltle III Ilea or said los1 , Certificate, unless In the ineanlinii valid objection lie made to me In wrliln I liA im at the I and rtei?hlry Of j flee. Prince l!.uierl.. lie. Ilila 24lli 1 day of r-bruarv l-r'4. A. P. I ANIIHIAV I IIOMP.SON I liemily Heitlatrur of Title. P'mn" Blue i Rules Reivl-n ,34 WANTKO MISCKI.I-ANKOl'S ... e : WANTED TOP MARKET ' T lnemeie ! prices PAID for scrap Iron, 'f'll ,i I, (l tne leaeraiion. jt:... , . s , .i,y,.;.ii. , --.'i Tenders Called- O, Vmlr i tiipi hruts. Conner, lead. etc. "'fie Per) hliS 1, '20m' Hone.it aradlna:, promot pay WKii.ir "ink. " "n"-i'.i Piip'ind ! oi'fil made. Atlas Iron & Metal SHERLOCK HOLMES ;. , '. .: By BO B MONTANA ' ' ' ' """"" I r5S?' SAV it larsyv.' r icemmpwe" it rs tco nct entirelyi Xt ' , lar ; ,uwoRmefRB mo wuszEPveuP! parktosee . i coma weak wis ; J unt wee T ifNOVV ifiV rwf5 IT WA5 TH THUMB- MA. MOREOVER, J PEWLI5W JUNGLE Phone 101 riivs. (1201 l,in., zau trior ai.. vuiieotivri, B.C. Plume PAcifl-: 6357. HI MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS vrnini! "Icrlrieni WmVi Fly The -Assoi-iatetl Press ''K sold, rewound nnH For Dredging Tenders for the dredging of Dodge Cove, Dlgby Lslahd are now being called, a telegram from E. T. Applewhalte, MP, Skeena, stated this morning. Mr. Applewhaite said that he had been informed that the tenders will close June 30. ' The dredalnff lias been lom?- CASH FOR Scrap, copper, vass. br.iterles, radiators Phone :i43Call 010 8th Ave. West 'e 44:40 Calibre Winchester carbine model 1802. Phone Black 800 after 5 p.m. (122p) (1471 M A T I u k , p a n u n ors- Phone 101 - rinvs. I'VeniiiRs. (147) ,1)pni'ker's of course." (147) lly 1 he Associated Press j American l.enmie All RUE Avlln. Cleveland ..-ISO Ml M .3il'l Ifosen. Cleveland . 12M K 4B S75 Tllttlr. Detroit ... 107 17 3B .855 House. Detroit Bl B ' 28 .S40 no.Mie Detroit 108 10 37 .343 BOATS ANU E.vtil.NKS 33 "Klietriem van 5'A HP JOHNSON outboard mo- Runs Minoso, Chicago Hnd Aviia. . sought by the Norwegian fishing "U"hL. sniri I tor. used one month. Phone la. (120) 44. Runs hatted In Rosen settlement ui auout jao persons at Dodge Cove, who have had n'd. ' (12m, Green 618 after 5 p.m. s -i 15-FOOT Peterborough ' Tm Ivpes of saw.4.1 New condition. What Hlts Avlln. 52. Douhles McIXiUL'altl. New York 10. difficulty for many years getting canoe, offers? (124p) iMW J' nf. 21S kl :RH fl') I'St. their boats "in and out of thg Cove at low tide. Also reaping benefit will be the department of ' ' ARCHIE : By BOB MONTANA Triples Minoso. 1. llotne runs-itosen,' 11. Stolen bases Hunter, Baltimore. Jensen." Boston and Kallne. Dc " IS- All ;n Saw r 7 n i ' ) i N .n-L..B l vnufTKi me xnrs if' '"" transport boats that service the - FOR SALE: Troller Vnruna, tvoes of saws, moored at the Fairview Floats, "ling, 215 1st Length 32 ft, powered with an (118) IS ha rhrvsler Prince Rupert trolt 4. -Pitching Lemon Cleveland -0 weather and wireless station, on 1. 000. Mtrllteotitsi Turley. Baltimore 67. ' WfVtricnl Wnrli. rfonl -"iiiie hnanriers Uim niii(i tj0t nffcr . .in-p i . uiiinei.i,ei . mni ..... . Difby Island. WIL Standings By The Asfloclatd -Press (114) Phone Red 224. 1 125 National l.ensue AB R JablnnsBl. St. Loula !M M Musial. at. Louis 145 39 Mueller, New York 131 81 Snider. Brooklyn ,. 14 241 linmner. Phil. 130 . lt Pet. .377 ,3fi!) 35a .358 .354 'Electrical Works deal-"''(ilite Sounders. (13'J) ROOMS FOR RENT 3G .' Noveltms. tarid COMFORTABLE sleeping room. Phone Black 910. 330 6th Ave. F:it 124) on ir a - f crn V snoon CN rSTvt 1 ,. '. g; tddle's (ci room or room and board. 517 Runs Musial. 80. Runa hatted In -Mitshil, 4 Hits Jablouski, Ul. Douuleu Jablonskl, 13. Triples Mays. New York 4. f"h -i-cr's oT course. (120) W V Pet. GB Vancouver .17 9 654 Edmonton 11 '0 5M . 3 Yakima 13 12 .520 3'2 Victoria 14 13 .519 S'2 Spokane 13 13 .500 4 , Lewiston 13 13 .500 4 Wenatchee ..... 11 14 .440 5"2 ' Calgary 10 13 .435 ' 5'2 Tri-Clty 11 14 .407 lla 7th Ave. West. 1 2 5 3V"(ililTE8 KENT Home runs MUMiu. i ei,n. Milwaukee. Stolen bases Brutott, Minrr in Wanted Female TWO-ROOM apartment. Private lA Mnn n, OnvlcInU; Htr Ixnils- 5i0 PitchinK RiW. tliuiliiir, ... to,lvl. "Hits , hnii.semo.b. i,.ni. wo ehllilien 74aBtllAve. 1 000. StrlkoutJ Uaddix, 8t Louis, 40. Dlue 828. 1121) I West. O-i-ip)