Prince Rupert Doily News Tuesday. May 25, 1954 The Prince islands in thp Antarctic were annexed to the Union of Soulii Africa in f4R TODAY ond WEDNESHavT A NEW UPROARIOUS ROLE IN THr f Aorr. .". P'm- . k y ih woRin-t r Airliner Sets Commercial Mark r ; "I -V ,VS.' ..." - I f i v- ,o- 'J (aiiiii Wollace's Dept. Store Z HONOLULU .T A United Air liner again headed west, landing Lines four-engined DC-7 main at Honolulu at 6 p.m. midnight x nr;r.5tfli liner whisked from New York to Honolulu in 17 Jiours flat on Monday setting what the lino described as a commercial speed mmm: J'KlVKLUUl'E CAPlTfti COMEDY CARTOON - NEWS record. Stopping only once in a "dawn to dusk" press preview flight, tne bi? plane spanned the continent in eirit hours, 17 minute.5. After less than a one-hour stopover in San Francisco, the air- EDT. Airline officials said the flight cut three hours and 15 minutes off the regularly scheduled air travel time between New York and Honolulu. General's Wife Back in France PARIS Mme. Christian de Castries, wife of the captured French general who commanded fallen Dien Bien Phu, arrived by plane today from Indo-China. . She was met by a French government delegation and quickly ushered into a sedan. , She was whisked away as police hell - - j : r 4 ' M G-M Nentsi,, Colo, b TECHNICOLOR HH1PSODY For MORE Fun In : 1 1 i a i i back reparters and ELIZABETH TAYLOR VITTORIO GASSMAN rvo The JOHN ERICSON-LOUIS CALHERN Broadway Cafe Niil a worry when you slorc furs here! Reliable, bonded, we guarantee complete fur protection . . . expert care. X,. IKhNCII INENTOR Joseph Benotteau exhibits his latest .development a bicycle whdse pedaling action has been reconstructed so that an alternate up-and-down foot action is substituted for the traditional round-and-round movement. Monsieur Benotteau claims the new bike design makes for less wear and tear on the bi 'eps. f'arlniin ; "iMILKV WAIF" Shows at 7 - 9 p.m. TOTEM FA.MOI'S PLAVKIISTHE4TR "Play" Clothes do make a a difference. Wallace's are always on the alert to bring , you the latest. See Wallace's stock now and remember J there's more arriving every day. Wallaces! dept. store i Slnro Your Furs Now fay Next Fall BLACKWOOD on p Coll 974 Man Convicted Of Girls Death Goes to Gallows BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOIt TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Bill Scuby Furs THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL I rascr Slrert I'RESKNTS T1IF, KII.M GOOD NEWS FOR TIBET' TONIGHT - 8 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME By EASLEY BLACKWOOD CORNWALL, Ont. p, peter Balcombe. 24-year-old father of UIIIITLj eXTly TP Are Offered On Ilandlin Trun Card Anne Carriere, the attractive serve army sergeant he lured re-1 11 If;,i,, lh "0t onough u to i know 4. the standard i , methods . , of .nto a romance. j handling various tvpes of trump holdings. You al- vamed'SeS tut'i neod to be to "essity for exceptions, r?C fiV -' lows In the courtyard of the old as in today S hand. ail He was pronounced dead the Against four spule con ..t 1:27 a.m., 15 minutes after tract Mr. Dale led the kin-; ,1.?ut'a,P,tlo.0r f:ammed "Pen, hearts. Mr. Abe) Im.nrdiiilc'. He didn utter a word." said br.camc obsessed with th? 1,1-' sheriff D. A. -He McNaughton. of piliying to lose only one trie c.used s unulanls." , the trump sujt W()u; As Bal was about to successful in this rc.pcct if tlv climb the 12 step? tj face the opposing spades were divide; cxecuthinei. ne stopped momen- 3-2 and the outstanding honn.-r nn.v to shake hands -with the divided between the two defend- 'T'J !fl r. jl V f i. i j i, - NolthT nitii virlmrublc Niirlli (Mr. h.inii',M) 8-7 8 4a H !l 3 l- A K,T 0 IC U 4 "'-t t.n-t (lr Ihil.) (Mr Mnl, ) 8 K 5 H Q H '2 H K Q J 10 'A H - 7 4 I 3 i I) -10 84 C K 0 2 c I 10 7 f SimiIIi (Mr. WihI) S A J 10 U H A 8 8 6 C- A 8 Tlic Ijlildltm: tioiilli Wet Nnrin IN 1 r, J .. H ov7nor' an arendeacon of ers 0r both held bv Mr. Meek. the Anglican church and the , , j ' deputy sheriff V Two spado leads from dummy. finessing each time, would brine Itonv ' im i.ii ii J" He ! , , . the dmirrd result. As voti see,. was execu ed litt le more thc opposing spades were .11-1 i8 5 H 2 S 2 NT Puss 4 3 tabbed, nude body of MLss Car- All I ately Mr. Abel was tryin to solve rlcre, a native of Bienville. Wile., (ho n,vnv,n n-kU.n, LTn n..t.t as found 0:t. 15 in a ditch nep ,7 Z . i l""u,""V "c ' go ri(!ht up with the ace.' ne; , the St. Lawrence river toToi V ZL ! , to dum,y b ruff" V(-ur he hcW hls " 88 5ldo suil Iroquois, 30 miles northwest of ln? heart and pilch your two dub! 10ses lo one- here. losers on the ace and king of i He died on the gallows built ABEL WINS HRST TRICK . diamonds." j Your machinery is always ready to go in a BUTLER Building You don't hav to wast tlm overhauling ruitcd machinery when you keep it in a v. father-tight Butltr Heel building! You get machinery in and out faster, too, through big iliding doon in sides, endi or 6o(li. Rigid frame steel construction with galvanized of aluminum covering gives unobstructed space from floor to roof. You get more space per dollar in wind-safe, lightning safe, fire-safe Butler building! a million dollars lor nenri seguin, who commit- , He won the first trick with inais aouoie-aurnmy," com-ted suicide an lour before his the ace of hearts. He led the Plllined Mr. Abel, iheduled hangini Jan. 19. He queen of diamonds, overtook 1 "You sure are," Mr. Champion was burled in the unmarked with dummy's king and relumed ! agreed. fjrave wnere aeguin was to have a trump. Mr. Meek pWyed low been placed. and the nine was finessed. Mr. balcombe spent his last day Dale with the king, cashed the partly in solitude and in religious oueen of hearts and led another ANNOUNCING! a new variety for your baby Luunsei wnn nrcnocacon 11. A. a.. hiL'h heart Dummv rnffcrl hnlJ Clarke of Cornwall Imperial's shopping bill is more Irian! million a week ,. Mr. Meek over-ruffed jail oiticials sa.u he protested lis innocence to Ihs end. APPEAL REJECTED Balcombe was convicted In A club was returned find since Mr. Dale had the k.r.s. the contract was now hopeless. ' ...That's whaf we spend in Canada jusf for everyday 'Wny don't you pi iv out of remuary anu appealed unsuc It will pay you to Uf bfor you build! Why waste dollars in temporary, high-maintenance construction when you get a permanent Butler building at such reasonable cost? Be sure to get our price before you build I cessfully In the Ontario Court of ",r ,nsU,d of ' ut nf thc book, Abel?" .mipned Mr. Cham t wb for rami Mw !u iuirm. (Mtfl boutM, ippeai last week. He showed Ittle emotion when he learned pion. "Duck thc first honrt. win needs. If doesn't include the second, then cash your que n his fate. Modi. He died as a rivillan Tha "id Jack of diamonds and lead i crude oil, which alone runs fo4 million a week! NORTHERN ASBESTOS, said Monday that Balcombe was thc Bce and another spade." "compdlsorily released" from the flMMPION EXPLAINS .rmy by cabinet order. That W8y rm sure ,0 )nse u. J j A spade tricks," said Mr. Abel. I Ancient Doll "But thc wa you played It I r :4 & Construction Supplta (8 2060 W. inth, Vancouver, B .1 Cllerry 1131 Nor does it include wages, salaries or faxes. What do we buy? Everything.. ;f?om soup hukih tLMHAM, Eng. (CP) vour're sure to lose the con-vxcavalions In this Norfolk dis- tract." Mr. Champion replied, frict unearthed a. doll made of "When Dale wins tile second flint glruss, two 1.900-year-old spade he can cash a heart ami coins and three urns contain- lend another heart. Ynn ruff , (fo feed geological parties) 1 I pJCt 9 .Hi ing human ashes. The site is in dummy and Meek over-ruffs, j believed to have been a Roman But when a club is returned, you ... fo nuts (fo fit afe . million hofc) n . .trvrT:, . rr. l derrick dynamite". '- and diecek and even catalytic cracking unite feat crackers'theyre called )' You'll find f o make those better gasolines. We buy things from tv eeipi 6,ooo Canadian flrmc cm m in fhis I if tie book from coast fo coast. Chopping on this scale creates-a lot . NUTHIN' DOWN AND NUTHIN' A WEEK WILL BUY JUST THAT, NUTHIN! Vitr sin ill down payments and E-Z nionllily terms, buy an A-l used car from Parker's. See these and many others A-l values: "SI MON4KOI SUDAN 7,2 I OH II SCDAM rtiiloiuntic lriui.siiii.ssiiii. llfHlr. ttunrr iilue. All extras. A dream "to - .' Anybody'd like this drive 2295 C. ("1 1985 Tires Recapped New Tire Guarantee "50 CHEVROLET 2-DOOIl '51 PIIEFKCT SEDAN SEDAN Radio, heater. . Motor overhauled. Excellent condition. Like new condition $75 A-l Bargain 1250 Parker's, where Prices are Born, nor Raised 4!) ANflLI A '50 I'OKD PICKtU' Radio, heater. . New paint Job. Gleaming black. Immaculate condllion Only 45Q throughout 75Q OUR TOLIUY: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - ' - t riione !)3 for a free demonstration of any one of our used cars. Evening 7-10:00 call 7!)I or drop in lo our service stallon on MrRrlde Strrft. BOB PARKER LTD. ''THE, HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" - jitney' wor,c lof ofpeople... . .1 Swiirity . . . pr'acc nf mind ... Bclf- , roufiilrnccl Y011 ran f'nul all tin-he in your 8aviii;H jms-l)ook. Every lime you open it, y" l'e encouraged to nave sltiidily. in inoviile; bceurity for your future. Open VuE?. our savmi's account today at yL-AJ iv ncuresl liraiich we have more 'jiljj 630 lo Bcrve you. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED M.4 I'rintr Itiipcrt Itraneh P. f . P. Binn, MiiH''r