-. t OTTAWA DIARY 2 Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Friday, March 13, 1953 scale order But it . , . hy ' H . - 1 INCOME TAX QUIZ B Ui jrvwodant dally nnnpipw drvotrd to the upbuilding ot Prlno Rupcn nd Nnrth.Tii Dd Cfntrl Brltlsb Columbia. Mrmber or Canaaiaa Prasi Atiult Bureau of CIrculaUoDS Canailaii Dalty Newspaper ARnorlatlon. Puhllahed by Tie PrlDoa Kupert Dallv Newa Llmltad 3. F. MACiUR. President H. O. PERRY. Vce-Prelden more practical f,,r any leremiy situated k, able to duplu aie th,.l' Nevertheless. p-v oueraturs in cMti eyeitiR the TV t-t curing enttineeri... from qualified t' " Subscription Katea: B eamer-1 -r rK. a.Sc: prr moatli 1 0; per year. 10.00 Bf mail Pet jiiaitii. liir. per year. uG. A television station out In the St ile of Washington has been developing considerable Interest ir I'arliauuiitary circles lit recent weeks. It is lust about to start Iroudi ustim; And Its owner's investment for all technical eouluruht m just in excess of Contrasted with urrent CMC cuts of probably $3 000 000-ptua u-r TV outlet, this MO 000 figure is sensational. Hailianientarlans naturally ouid like to know how the Washington state op- nr,it.,i, ii'f k ftr ai lit Ma Pl,;frii over re;ent m0rtB Tr matM , . ' Jvl War Threat Worse Uiil WOPLt) HOCKEY' lhtv fjA MANY statesmen, including John Foster Dulles.1 " $150,000 to j:!:,;,; Hon. The f eme, ' than the u-oissj ,,fl age out In W j'; 1 small In romp.,, ' millions of (tu-.u, , , (This Is the first In a series of ci,ii-si:ins and answers regarding tlirome tax Q Whi re do 1 obtain the 1952 income -tax forms, and which form do I us ? A The 1 3f2 income tax forms may be obtained from any Pi: Off i( e or your nearest District Taxation Office. Employees in;iy obtain their lurois dirett from their em declare Stalin's death Will There's been talk of a.iklm him to testify before the special committee on radio and tell just what his economy secret are lli theory is that the CMC m.tfht. le ,n ii siiinethiug from the , rental. make for peace. I disagree I think things are now Ukeiy to net worse M" Nehru ts the only top leader i:i any country who put his Imp r on one key truth that several On it, t,Mr Montreal outleu ( OMMirrtr rRtr While to far Uli) w sjiecial Kariio (; -," been Oiaetive. the (times durum the yunl lew yeur,t ( I!r f TV A'-tuully. the explanation of ; f"" tttW,at to butn . ittol i... .... Stalin Intervened in Hur;!itr) txillcles. to relax International deadlocks and make them k.vi ployers, j . The '1 . 1 Short form Is for 1 liie u. of nuiviiiuiU whose earned income of any amount ; is solely from salary, WilRos or pension, and whoa In- j vestment income, if any, 1 ! not over 12400. Most Individ- I ual taxpayers will use the , 'Short' form. j The T. 1 General form Is for the use of uil other classei uf i individual taxpayers. auoh ' the low.t WushlngUm UUj.'""' insUllatioil U purt ntly is UiatmWes to be a Ik lligerent towards the went We had a notable eaamnle of ouera'or trwrc w onsmer- live expeetatum u uu;i , that at the time of Hie Kerlm able of an Inventive m inus and I for a matter uf , crisis. I think there is plenty of has manufactured Uie greater The MP s want u, ,,., , evidence to show ttmt some if part of bis own equipment. The j how much ( nc u, the touh tnen around Ktaliii eeimuinies w'lii ii lie has Inn jIU preaenl pliue uf t' . were in favor of gtung to wi-r heen abie to make are oi a targe . uauon. but also with the west in 1948 Hut. as I atliorlrert aa ttMd clpas n:all h :h Post OBicr Department, Ottawa. A Tremendous Contribution I ATE this month at Toronto, the outstanding an-!' nual Canadian muster of Alcoholics Anonymous takes place. Officially, it is the fifth regional A A conference, but it is also viewed as the yearly yardstick to measure the now rapid growth of this unique organization. Well over 2,000 are expected to attend. These numbers do not indicate greater alcoholism in Canada today, nor increased drinking. The vast majority are middle-aged or beyond, became hard drinkers in the "dry" twenties, and progressively alcoholic in the next 20 years. What is indicated is the rapidly spreading influence of an en-deavor which sees alcoholics-under-control restoring greater and greater numbers in even remote Canadian areas. In Prince Rupert the organization is an active one. It has a weekly program of events and is continually on the alert to assist those w ho have plunged past the stage of moderate drinking to a point where they have surrendered mastery of their lives to alcohol i . To diminish if never quite to erase the stigma w hich the Canadian public mind attached to j Alcoholics Anonymous bas been the hardest task : faced. It w as the big stumbling block. But at annual gatherings such as that to be held at Toronto, the ; number of men encountered holding responsible j post and positions of trust, the brilliant representatives of the professions and owners of businesses 1 each with at least three years of sobriety behind him tells clearly that AA influence lasts, and is put two and two together. r. Stalin Stalin) j Jaycee . Club fl I uud "no Just as he h CANADA, PF.RFNMAL CHAMI'IOXS, will not compete In this year' world hoekey championsliip in Switzerland. In a Joint statement the Canadian Amateur Hotkey Association and the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States said that In view of the apparently innumerable incidents of the last few jrearr" during hockey tours they "do not look with much enthusiasm upon luture European tours.'' "no" in all the years as doctors, lawyers, lurmers. fi.-hermen, i n d i v 1 d utits in business and individual taxpayers with investment Income mure than $2400. Q What are some of the things to remember when I file my income tax return? A. Cheek these reminders whan you pn-puie und file your re spending pian.i are In gome e r o n e t. . , quarters ot both the f V and opixisition pa.",.; s gfMHl deal uf a,T,...f.,,,f ,' ultimate TV to u, A ' Is discovering t, t n With CollV( ritii.-l.,il ra;,; v, of TV prran u, To Be Formed At Terrace REFLECTS and REMINISCES lr.au.irti..!i of a Junior' Ko"' ' '"'' v r-i.im-r ..f f.,mm..ree eluh Predicting that Uie e lf45 and 10 when the western allies had uDsolulely no l.nv.t I oower that could have stood up to the Red army for a Miv;l"! week Maybe he was seared of the atom bomb-hut anyway h--' said, No CONTRARY to the popular myth, there is no such thin t as an absolute ruler, nor a on" ' man government If you take the 14 men In the Terrace will take place next ? thf Pu,iii- A the entire town of Whitehor turn: i 1. Rend onrefully the inntruc-liuns on the form. Make sure; you give b!1 the information i applicable in your own caae.j as indicated on the form. 2 Attach all T. 4 Salary and Wage slips, and receipts to cover charitable donations or allowable medical expenses! claimed on your return ; as well as relocating the railway Naturally enough, the onlv time we all are of the same mind and accord ts at mealtime Wc.incri.y Prince Bupert Jay- t"",tu superv.Mon w.i.. e1 ov'r Ul" :- ' en, headed by Harold Hampton. r'Knl th ,t4rt ' re- nu al vi.e-premdetu Skeeiiai !r""1 .even the former h,- wil officiate. ... IflCltS Of the UUiKi T: It ill Ih- the fir,. jayew or- am lhf m(.rt!iaM ,,. makes Its bow as another colossal power scheme. A mammoth 3am is also planned for Lake ! Kremlin or 14 men in the Lib- j or Labarge. It could also mean era I government at Ottawa Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have publicity agents thru: (.taniruiKiii in me village una ; bined. creation of a deep sea port on . the Social Credit government at fullfos conf.Hierable groundwork 3. Attach a statement of rerv ' rtl them-Ouelph tal Income and expenses. The upon net amount of your rental Mercury. income is the portion, subject I ! ANYWAY IT FEELS PLEASANT to tax 1 sttranae U It twit how one in the Taku River. Well, between . Mmnnton you will always get hy Prime Kutx-rt Jaycees in co-power and cash and a few other ' different little " parlies" wi'iihi .titration Hh iJonel Houle. now xlris and ends, its hard to see Uie circle Of course, they 0r Terrace and former president what can t be done. ohanie with rhanielnt lue i of the Port Aibernl Chamber. j Human beings mit dl-uis Preientation of the new club's A gentleman living at Rochs "-uP intentions When- cjiarter will take place April IS 'oint In Ontario went three Fer --nT gruP ha a choice fiat a special meeting officiated niles for a haircut and returned lwo or morf fouraea of action , bv j.,Vr, ,. n.Kioiui president home to find his dwelling burn-,0-"- " "partiej" fa- Hl)f!.r Kluriier.'elt t,f Montreal, d Going and coming, that s : vorln on or otrM'r no is sehe-inlc-d to arrive in 3 Be sure to state the period of employment during 1953. If you were employed by more variably feels as if he has mad. , money when some one pays buck make wnat n borrowed? than one employer. at- and certain you obtain EASTER C10S taeh to your return T. 4 Nothing is ever as bad as one (thinks it is when he wakes un 'and mulls It over in the middle I Salary and Wage slip from etting the closest kind of a'cours. courses. i-rini e rtp,)ert the t me trv fiarii cmnlnvor and 51 trim. vn crvsttw .... The r resei ta' ion ce.vjioiiies though he was. I think, the lll be attrnd.-fl by both Prince With April becoming handy, , greatest and most nowerful of : Hi:pert and f '.inn hers CfM of th n'nl 5. If you are a new Canadian, be sure to state the date of . , your arrival In Canada in I The Laae Nipiasing uranium mineral rights, recently discov- m.V' as rermested nn the each day is becoming lont'er. all the Czars of Russia Th"' tnd so you find added expensei Great Red Czar But his power f.m :f red, can make a fellow rich if AT REAL VALi:S MI S S SI Ml IiKI Hi K1RIIS lilac i-.i kr. ell built, tots uf ! apiiearar.ee Sf Now 6. Claims for away-from-1 uo ,MJl u" " - i T l nich 8s licenses, taxes and add!- , anc! prestige In the Soviet gov-tional outlays. Pocket bonk., ernment was so great thjl hfl uhk. many onn nay men are fmphasizlng how he'd best take ' however, will be growing short home expenses should be supported by full details. 7. Don't forget to complete the tvrtvinal eyemntion nor- (could Intervene to change the j course of the Russian govern the offer, and go on to say I r numerous prospectors have their WHf RE IT STARTED ment. In a crisis Me hud the making a tremendous contribution. There is far greater respect in Canada for these serene-faced, quietly confident people than there was three or four short years ago. The skeptics of only five years ago are silent. In other words, this fifth annual AA conference is a mile-post. Medicine and judiciary recognized the value of AA early, but it is only now, after 10 to 12 years of steady achievement, that Canadian public acceptance can be said to have won. It was perhaps inevitable that AA should reach its present respected place in Canadian society. If it has a single success-factor it is unselfishness an instant willingness to help others not found except in '.words to the same degree in any other Canadian group or movement. Its success is earned. t.on of the form i toes out ot their shoes because Daylight saving Is said to have . la.n word MI S S WOltK rtvis. Very S;k"i,i! P:i;r 8 Give the name and age of i1" wanted just a little more j come from the notion of an aged A 1(ad of , wlth for their find. I Indian who cut off one end of 1 I each dependent and their in , his blanket and sewed It on the ! unchallenged position, and pre-liae of nruKhiy past achievement, ran say thine; and do thlnii that no lesser person could dare MEVS CtntRHIM W New shall a" rcslitunt. well tali Heal value 'j MORE P.II.I.ION3 i other to make it longer. freclou Changing the map north of ; little difference between the two British Columbia and moving ; ideas. MEN'S AND HHNO !' I to say or do Take filr John A Maedonald, our great Canadian Tory lender I The backbone of his party wis the staunch lovalUt population DRI M PsSTs-i'I' Letterbox flCKXi fit, P'd I, more British than the British, j loU ol v. car. Real tai'.r FH MH)IL I.KPC " '-is t "... "', -ft La - 1 i J ill f- ' 1 ''"'V s 'V 4 --' '- " ... F ' ' .V',. MLA HEPLIES MOW Kt BBKIt Bm . . I more royalist than the king Yet ! hank you because your paper, w, mmt hcv W(Ul crUicl,;1 : 1.. about the only one that dirt ..bad for the Blltlsn ! print our aide of the story. I am tiuh.. oJd J()hn A mmrlS ba, i-. only sorry that we did not know u .i.. . r... j come, if any. ! 16-Year.0ld Boy Admits j Two Murders NEW YORK CP) A 18-year-old boy admitted today, author-; ities said, that he lured two lit- j lie girl schoolmates into a woods 'near their school and, killed j them. The boy. Carleton Mason, denied he attacked the victims, j Esther Nat;y, 6, and Marjori? I Rourdreau. 8, sexually.' Esther was stabbed to death land Marjone died of a brain i hemorrhage caused by a blo ! on the head. District Attorney S, f-aSiaye lasiaye for for Tile Edltol, The Dally News rinlu tplure -Sitlay Motjic Cycfo Defroster Rolf-Out Doiry Shrlf I read with much interest, sooner that you would present j Britain connection " I.nced Rck. to S3 Ni . pair BOVH' SW F ti l ? all wont, abort aiid iw "'' V I your eiuuiriai oi ftian u j en- our sioe. 1 titled Critlrlsm Too Late" This Cyril M. Shelford. MI.A i must have been a "hit" at mej , , as I was the only one who i I spoke on the Alcan Issue up to! RE- "VDBO POWER SOI RCE tnat date I The Editor. , You stated that we should Daily News: j have spoken up when the pub-j In 6n,wer to a queaUon of mi i In our own day our present Prime Minister accepted con j scrlptlon on behalf of French : Canada, though he very will knew how deeply that went gainst the grain. No Orlt could have dared to say what Maedonald sal No- Butter Conditioner Three Door Shelve Ful! Width Freezer CoU to the Floor : IIOVK' PtMS - ;'' Sfjlool. ''U WW Welti Vl" nc was iirsi acquainvea wiin , ,r rnaHtra r. .h nra.va 11, but a resjucted French John Kkahen said the -bfy weuld lAlcan's Diana I would like vouL i ...4 i u ! "f .t v. . . ... "In thy presence is fullness of joy." Psalm 16:11 Record Number oi Auto Licences Issued To Prince Rupert Xitizensf A record number ' of licence plates for : passenger and commercial vehicles in Prince Rupert, totalling 1 922, were issued in 1552, A ."as disclosed following completion of records here. Of the number, 1.317 were for passenger cars. This figure compares with a total of 1656 licence plates Issued in 1951, of which 1,110 were for passenger vehicles. In Terrace, more licences were issued to cammeii.:al than to passenger vehicles, the ratio being 353 to 425 last year. In Prince Rupert a total of 586 chauffeurs' licences were Issued in the three grades. built, combma'r be charged with murder. to know, and also the public of ,hvr0 sites exist in the reclon t-anBO"n r. l" . ' French Canada to before '"I hydr? 8'l f. Persuaded m.V.. B.C.. that uiav I l arxike. soone un up oeiore the me . m n it ' pet: t ,Ji . 1 ' V'i Look for thtNp Design Poitcl Green Gold Trim. 9.4 cu. ft. $459-75 RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC LONDON (CP)-When off duty, i contract with Alcan was signed i K" """'itnke conscription police coastable Donald Parke.' 1 1 sent letters to all the large! "j' , , . . , I of the Shadwell division is pretty j papers in Vancouver and Vic- The development of such sites i THE NEW Ru.sslan leader will linht on his feet. He and hisltoria, and also submitted pell-11 attendant transmission j find that his rivals and vnr-fiancee Daphne Ridway are i tions to the last government. I lines would represent major ex-1 mus groups will not take from j prize-winning ballroom dancers. ! Not one paper printed any- penditures not economically Teas- i him what they took from Ktalln I Constable Parker has a bronze I thing in favor of our side of the , lble before other sources of He will be compelled, bv the i medal, and Miss Ridewav a sold areument. but orinted hundreds supply are exploited. iverr nature of things, to be riiiine f.ll Itox i medal. oi articles on how good a thing j Where substantial blocks of more Marxist than M ux. more Alcan was for BC. Our petitions hydro power are available, de- Leninist than Lenin, more Stal- were thrown aside by the last velopment likewise may be re-1 'n11 " tarded indefinitely as such would I" the carllr h; ' conflict with the mlsrotlon o; npv f darT d" a"v!hlnft V'l government and not even made public. The loss to that part of the ' salmon. ' I would ioo iiae weasoe,, , , country - Is now estimated al Not the- n B,C. Power Co. Ltd. T. B. BLACK. lace tn mr enrnij un rivals use that "weakness" to organize opposition Ui him, to After 12,500.000 for wild life, olus a loss in lake values of $23,438,000 making a total of $26,000,000 in i toss him out on his ear. General Manager. exchange for a direct revenue of approximately $125,000 per year from Alcan. I never stated that the Alcan project should not come Into B.C.; all I asked was that the theclien says "It's a deal'.'.. ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE CURLERS f t m'''"' - ' r-'-t" ' i P la 5 - tL-.-n-l ' ' ' t '' I iJ: ' ' Uj pa public should know what they were losing and what they were gaining, and that the flooded area must be cleared before the water started to rise in these lakes. The last government had recommendations before it from the Parks Department to the effect that the lakes must be cleared of the timber first. As you know, the last government did nothing. a A certain number of curling club memberships are available that may be obtained until June 1st, 1053 for payment of $25 down and $15 monthly until paid In full. Totol cost of membership $100.00 Those taking advantage of these memberships before season's end will be entitled to free curling for the balaiiM of the season. ( Contact: Scott McLaren, James Block, or Eorl Gordon, Gordon's Hardware PRINCE RUPERT CURLING CLUB f'sAY WW 04)7 You stated tnat amateur engineers did not design the Nc-chuko Dam. I believe that is right, but no one can claim, and expect people to believe, that a bomb cannot break the dam. Not long ago an atom bomb was dropped on an Island In the Pacific Ocean an Island 2'i miles long and one-half mile wide and it disappeared. Remember, the dam Is not that big. To end up, I would like to . 010 U O T A I t r i c i a i t i irim THE Ct'TE COOKIE SITTING on the Christie biscuit boxes Is Terry Dale, featured singer with the Wayne and Sinister show. The biscuit and the show go to Korea this month, courtesy of Christie Brown and Company. Col. George Weir, Chief of Staff, Central Command, Oakville. accepts 1,000 pounds of assorted fancy biscuits from President Stanley II. Young of Christie's while Frank Shuster and Johftny Wayne, Canada's popular comedians, look on. This advertisement is not published or dkP11 01 t oiitrul Hoard tr by the Governmeni