Prince Rupert Dail Hews Friday, March 13, 1053 SINGER Trade Board Protests ! Educational Tax Bill VICTORIA (CI') The Vancouver Hoard of Trade has protested legislation now before the Legislature which would re-assess property for school taxation purposes. '' In a brief presented to Fin- ) costs of education on a broader snce Minister Einar Gundcrson, j basis among the people of B.C., the board said: ' t projxjscs measures whic h will "In our opinion, this bill will result in an even greater load not achieve the desired objec- j being thrown on home-owners tlves. Instead of distributing the j and other property owners." I he brief also said the bill fiyBCWJ"""' - Oil Drillers Special Language couia adversely affect capital Investment In the province by Industry. "The potential affect upon the wage-earners, home-earners and the general business life of of MACHINE SASKATOON f Colorful USED SEWING language used in the oil-drilling the province Is far too serious One Only SINGER REVFRSE SEW TREADLE with s,toui. Guaranteed as new. Save $78. CO 110-00 business Is enough to make a I for a legislative risk of this kind greenhorn scratch hi head In j to be undertaken." dismay, i The Loaid ond lac liii is u'imj It s possible to walk into a j objectionable because the power drilling supplies firm here and which it would place In the hear a drill boss order some hands of appointed officials "mud," a "Christmas tree." a would oe far too wide and sweea-"boomer" and maybe even aiin and "many sections of the "pig." jbill negate the fundamental All can be bought In Saskat- j democratic right of a citizen to cliewan and if they're needed In :Plac appeals before his own a hurry they can be flown to the! el'Id representatives." buver at. m exha cost. l..Tn1 board ur"d tne 1('Klfila- r i rikirrn ri rTnii" n-vn-r-Anir ! i i vnc wniy jirv;LK tLtviisi rsiASki; iiu'i i:ze neauiiM a aa m Gucranteed one year Very Specie?! jj .UU I uuii ue given a one-year noisi But the original cost might! to allow for more detailed study. It said the bill could lead (j re-lmposltion of the perwm.1 property tax, tried and discarded in the province many years ago. One On!y SINGER Lonq Bobbin Portable Electric, carry inn 1 .. J i ' : I . tube rriurMiu uui rnucnirie guou uj new. Save $33.00 ..: sirlke the layman as fantastic.) Mud ranges in price for $1.70 a hundred pounds to $1.15 a pound To regular customers who can't do without it, the money is unimportant. The price of Christmas trees will rock the steadiest nerves, running all the way from $275 to $1,200. They'd never look quite right in the corner of a living room. The oil business understands mud as a mixture of betonitc clay and chemical used when L.J m1 knl.i mil iin, iiiA ' ' f L Lull HKOri-AN TKAVUXAR. Imported by VW Canada Ltd., subsidiary of Volkswagen $79.00 u s a star role at annual bporumtns Show in Toronto. Above ski-ina nariv One Only SINGER Round Bobbin Portable Electric, 1 Guaranteed as new . Save $41.00 tl'Sii:. m by Travelcar. Below, skier takes time off for tea. drilling with rotary tools. The ! Christmas tree is a weird con-! urla Ha Dinlnrmtir Rpnmcpntatinn S8Q.00 Five Only SINGER Round Bobbin Portable Electric, guaranteed as new. Save $31.00 J ,1 v w't' reo' Fo; Ml :::,- y 1) warming M Lamb's NAVY RUM TV traption of valves fitted on top of the production casing in a flowing well. Oil flow Is controlled through It. The pig. aLso known as a "go-dcvll," is a cylindrical apparatus t pearly Every Region of The World lu - rai.a.ia now has I that has increased the number i Before the war. she had mi. wi'h blades fitted to the forward c,;ou..ic represen- of her missions it road nine-fold slons In the U.S. Britain France end. It. is forced through pipe I ""''-y n..i;r region of; since the pre-war years. 'Japan and Belgium. Today she lines under pressure as a means rxuyt II. e Middle , The iiiif.i-r.c-m.i.t ii,. ... 'has them in ianitai nirfoiv iranin? and cra&!"i the ln- -esull of an expansion voys will be- sent this year to separated geographically as those &ldc- -Df AM of these machines have sets of attachments ' If you can not get in to see them, phone us 4 " SiMGER SEWING IAACH1MI Ceylon and Inticnesla raises the of Australia and Sweden, as Crew- n;- e "snakesklns." i 'number of diplomatic missions 'lde'. separated politically as pliable f ittttina ivied to Join two1, li 44 Rinoina all IhA r..n. thnKe rit f.iul and PiiKcin endn lit mrft fahm nH a 'K..m . 3ther Spoils "A ifaunch old friend" UaY l,h'' b' " Washington, Twentv-one " of them re m c.'". lever used ,or tightening and London u, l.erlflino in .. ... ., chain - !,v for "'n " -"mmo"- planned , i,,,,. America ( ,'?' 639 Third Avenue W. n-r is jur menioers' , , . , , ' " "" . Phone 86t TtiU advertlmtnt is not pub .sl.cj t Ctsplnyed tj the Ut(U tr Coolto. lVwrrt or by tbc Ooternmti.v U i British Columbia. .0 c;.;h as cancel- r uiosc ouv in in re r in non-uomnionweallh 1339. there were five missions. 'countries In the Far East, one In Th I' 1 1 1 ,11 K.. w KnB ... . . IW ... tUm 11 O t .1.- T . .1 II , . Values Drop i,u,u, i nan Hung (iibii nc bf.o., Wlir 111 Ulr Wliuuir cait if 4 .y uM-.iu.w ol in-f :i!!n r -s i.: th ' S Co-t i Ci'.n.ii. who ulan- d .ubled since 195 and 11 has In- i-and two at the International ' Value of con. tril lion contrnctt 2E !!. ir .-.i;(l they d'd lo Din, 2 the Did folk ill .,i!,rr rrcased significantly In the last hendquai ters of NATO and the """rdi for February was $35.-' year. It has steadily plugged United Nations. HIS.IOO, r 3.TT 700 below the (,ps all over the map until the: ,. .;, ,. . fieure of $108,740,800 set for the ..,.,, , , i xh ine man In ,.h!1,, charge of these i. t ,osi Middle East f 5 Is the one mu or ' " nlimlon. E(,,,era!lv rank H, an region that .s largely untouch ZZShn I cCmUslor. 1 Cw"P"" fi8ure feb- " " ' h gh - the one mMun there ta fn uZZ ,ul "','lrv aH y MacLeau h Turkey. That gap Is expeeU-d to Z nn$lnvmn Lld" fr Mch he filled, too. in the years ahead. "rtfl,.,"'r 9 "Kure, in 5 the,Iron C"'n countrle brackeU follow: Residential, $35.- PISH Pi :., r C A.N .v.m. AHA h u ,. TRADE ' have put men of the lesser rank 195500 i$l7 7rt3loo un S'17 47-' In adintion to the diplomatic of charge d'affaires in charge of 400: Business. $31,521,700 "SO - mlsjions the t'ovemment ilm the missions In Russia, Poland ? urn n nim. t..j.. St Mi III R. EQPES PlSpOSSl a l'i i KXIll lur and Czechoslovakia. .... . run,, an extensive trade commix- -,, , lnn n t,, . r.,11 ..tin h:vj Kioner service anninri the wnrlri Hli!h romniifi-.iimer Rre sent tiAQAiinn- irnftinain n nva 'V. u ii n von rlni and 10 consulate, all hut two In to Connnonfteallh countries nnH Ron rop 010 7nin riu.n iun :-i mi can ned salmon tins United Slates. The conu-' they rank as ambassadors. 900. in) numb-r of, ways late. In New York Is really the nii'iitums rmxl third largest mission Canada TO REDUCE STOCK Ul'WH!' ,,,-te JtTltH'.ll ninlllt:iir. :iltrft:ir1 fftt t1i,urh "n- is an iiil-lim- '..rii ,rs tnrp fr,, Mii.r, t,, -inrk your ' ,: A 1, Hin lo your l ll.i thrift v. Kilt- LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. published 191$ ViOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATINC . SIIU'l l. ;... K)IU AUII(, ... SKlliAt.l; Expcileiii ed handlinR Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipment. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S' Acn( Allied Van Lines Ltd. I'lionr M or lis Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. H .K. tari hit l dis'sn't rank as a jiplomalic int. lifMiite l!n .!' iidy and radu-nl expansloti of her dipe.mntle repiTM'iitatlon. Canada still ha.i not satlsfli-ii all the countries j Ihn'. ttould like her to send am- ' b ivwidors or ministers td their capital There arc two main realms lark of trained person-t:e nnri mr.iiv v. 1 Refore the Second World War! there were only 32 officers In the department of external af- , fairs. In IMS, the number was !4 It now is 277. Thus there, has been a nine-fold there which corresponds with Mlllp, 1 "Uli-il ltn.i(i 4 f "'"'.l.ircl Jim 8 "Mervhire uurr "'ixir.ilril nitlk ilutrd FLY n " 'hi (.iimrd miIiiioi, TO NTON 1 r hi iim wiit-r. ":t 111 t, niato soup the increase In missions. But EDM r.lUI ces In nianv nf the of fleers nf tjvlnv ore THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF MERCHANDISE MUST GO... EVERYTHING AT lh PRICE M"ly into rheesf still learning the Intricacies of M1 s,,l:,n f!.lked tn dlp,omftrv. V-v. . , 5 r 10 f rom the money angle, Canada Si'rvis s' ' S a,l,'1 spends le&s than one per cent of jc K . her fetleral budget on running id nr, r: t,ot tlu' tnF department and Its missions ibuvn V s:llin ami nbroad-$l 1.300.000 In the next ni'immts in half, fiscal year. - - ' i YARNS, TOYS, CROCHET COTTONS, DRY GOODS, NOVELTIES, CHINA, KITCHEN WARE, PLASTICS, AND MANY MORE ITEMS Y0 u... i Lii, "o working with young people 'k Arc PQf'cril ond corr to Icorn BE WISE TODAY and SAVE H Travel line to rilruontmt is slasle.l to 1J hours. EHM. MoriHy, Wednesday and Friday, via Prime C.eorcc and Ciranil" prairie. (Dircet limousine serviec Prinei lltipert-Terrarcl. Lnjoy Canadian Pacific's friendly, courteous service, a1'!', t'oniim'iieinjt March 1C Also, P'inie Iluperl, Sand.spit, Vancouver Daily except Sunday. Coiv ult jour Travel AjtciU or Phono 795 Canadian (Pacific AIRLINES QyJ initictivo cuno 0 l b work of significance THEN YU WILL ENJOY WORKING lN THE TEACHING PROFESSION W Mil W M iaff an ""teiiw m & !ritish Columbia Teachers' Your l.o"cl.Tmvel Agint ... m, m kzss g w bm mm ff Federation Crawford Moore Travel Agencies 1 Wallace Block Phone 620 iiVi