1 ! c 1 Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It P THE . ETTERBOX 5 Saturday, May 9, 1953 u lirjpendeot aully uewspaptr devoted to th upbuilding of PTlno Kuptn and Northfrn and Ccutral Brltl&n Oulambla. Member of Canadian Pim Audit Bureau of Clrcula'lona Canadian Dally Newspaper ABsoclatlon. Puhltshed by "' he Prluue Rupert Dally Newa Umltcd t. F. MACXJR. Precident - H. Q. PERRY, Vlce-Preatdenl 4 . t' ore I First PresbyTc Subscrlntlon Hates: By oarrlw Pr wecx. 2fc: per month 1.00; par year, 10 00 ay mall Pf uioiitil. lac. per year. B OO Tif iiipol rjthorlzrii aa mcond class rr.all by the Pint omoe Department, Ottawa. CRITICISM ESSENTIAL Editor. The Dally News: Criticism is just as essential to a politician or party as training is to an army. It quickens the mind in preparation for battle. Criticism functions as a factfinder, though many times the critic, may not be on as sound ground as he or she imagines. In my opinion, criticism Is the .safety valve of democracy Without criticism and free speech, democracy can have no "Honor thy father and mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Remember, S.undoy, May 10 is "Mother's Doy. Queer Radio Briefs ! One-Sided Swap UPU urn II HTP ..11 1- 1 -T y Vj tif Vj an nt'arci im the famous seven tail-. IGiTSTSTl msmsmnsmm oi-s of Tooley Street who I) I It R C TORY I'NITED NATIONS will salute the work of the Universal Postal Union with Its second commemorative stamp issue of 1!53. An envelope, bearing the U.N. emblem, shows against a world map the extent of UPU activities. The stamps. In two denominations, will be released on June J2. The three cent stamp will appear in black and white and the five rent one in navy blue and while. wrvli'M In nil ilinrrn ill II am. nil 7 : n in. Huuiluv talni m m. "-;, IK .... ' .wj-aa 12:1-1 rliTiit uh hIiiiwii. Weextendacordhu, to visitor., Uj worsh)p v 231 Fourth AW . AM.IKAV CATHMiKM. 4i h Aw. W., at DuiiMnuIr Kt. Hot Cuiumufilun 8:311 am! BlimlHV HOVKlt y:UU ij.m. began their manifesto "we the people of England." Two hiii fs luivr just bivn pro-"onlt(! In thf r:iflio romniltteo of I'urliuinont whicli niakp on? wonder if the famous Tooley Street t.iilors liave anytliln on some groups oeiatliiK in Canada riy lit now. One group which professes to speak in the name of all the weekly newspapers of Canada ; purpose among a free people. i Therefore, any government i that. cannot defend itself with , deeds, not words, Is doomed to failure. On those grounds, Mr. I Fditor. I take positive issue with j your editorial of May 6, de- nouiiclhg toy criticism of the j city council of winch I am u member. Because I am not yet a .yes j 'man and condone every mistake made, l am In your opinion not : wh:it I should be as a representative of the citizens fif prince Rupert. Cmiou Biii1 HrockUir. HA. Tin REFLECTS and REMINISCES liiictur (III u 700 1 MltHT HAPTIKT 5th Avp K. at Young Bt. Mlnlili-r: fti v. Krecl Antruhun. (Green K12) Minister: Rev. E.A Wis-Organists: Mra E J i and John CurrV SUNDAY, MAY It) :. Morninj Worship lux,, Smiilay Scliuul 12:15 l:veniK Wursliip 7:a MlnUlcr at ln.lli m TveiiiemluT the Katfc l""'n It lli,l- Not many are left who can full years, when it could be said say they witnessed the arrivil Canada and Canadians had wants to put the CBC out of i,.,-i.,.0 an-.ii,.,.. .,..,. ! in Canada of the first Doukho- ueen freed or litis uim.ippy To me, Mr. Editor, your whole claims to sneak for the f,'aiiu- 1 bors, around half a century ago handicap. Defylim authority, argument is illogical. I ulso at will, de.-.tmyuif! I IKr. -t.SHY I mi IN 40l AvrntiK Kant llfV. K .A. WrlKlit. Ul). (Orwn BHSJ iihnt i sn m b:iii mil Ave. Ww,t Id'T. U ft. Slrner Iflrren fill) (iian Congress of Labor savs I There's one. however, and he is Haunting Hi., fvi f . .... .. ..i ! riirht here ill Prince Riinerl. property- -these are but a few of infer from one paragraph M your editorial that I overes'l-mate my intelligence. That ..... v it-i iiinii.i u .iiiit: 11a- " , t Ahoum a i ck snio. ine rouf'n- uie niaimoiu ST. PAfjLi clad some in sheepskin dress - outrage and mischief And' to- cmli( iM.. but I assure you no LUTHERAN CHU? strangers exchanged stares with day. it is taking more than ever p,.r.,on jn the city,-yourself ln-: tionally-owned radio system." For once I hope the press report from Ottawa has misquoted the spokesman for the CC'I.. Otherwise, a great many more before me potency oi a cnuimy 0::clfci. Is more conscious of the like Canada to solve what might 51 h Ave. at Millfid, RKV. II. O f)UH()N t "Thf Just Shall L.vtB ! some score citizens. They were ! sturdy men and women, and j.'ang a song or hymn no one ttx-'cept themselves could compre limitation of understandinn in things surrounding us than I am. ALD. GEORGE B. CASEY. appear a simple problem, through the holding oi an ordinary court. HtlNllllIN AHMY rmwr 8tr-t C O. Hr. f:nit. f liury Oyitry liulHiliy t ITmil J 30 111 (Black 2l) ST. VS I.I llll HAN 6111 Ave. fit MrHllilf Bt. H:irtnr: llev. II. O Olwn (Black 010) f'OMK AM) WiiN: hend. SI'NIIAY SI'KVKI MAY 10. ms OLD NI.IGIIKOKS What will become known a.-, the British Caribbean Fcricra- murnine M-rvnc ii:Kj SANG THEIR JOY Reporters discovered that they were not feeling melancholy, .' F THE REACTION of the Ketchikan Daily News I is typical of Alaskan opinion, any talk of an ', international deal whereby Alaska would give up ! th"" port of Ska.i;-way in return for a corridor ; throng, Canadian teri'ilory along' the Haines high-I way is likely to receive short shrift by our northern neighbor. ' Commenting on a recent editorial of ours which ; quoted the propofsal as made by Richard L Neu-! berger, Oregon state senator, the Ketchikan paper '. described it as a "one-sided swap." "To cede a live town and its port like Skagway fora raw strip of land along the Haines highway .U,UUild indeed be a gilt-edged bargain for Canada," I the journal added. "We suggest that a combination Splan could be worked out by the Americans, and allow Alaska to secure sufficient .water-power from 2 Lake Atlin to the proposed Alcoa plant near JSkagway. ' "Alaskans will do everything possible for climi-, jiating and removing trade barriers, without the fantastic ideas hatched in the minds of such writers Sas Neuberger." , Ml j Unfortunately the counter-proposal looks as improbable at this end as Neuberger's apparently Jdoes at the other. With a vast Canadian project lalready contemplated for harnessing the head-waters of the Yukon, the federal government's policy of protection there is likely to be more adamant than ever. Z Without getting any deeper into this, we can -only hope that the issue if it e'er comes to that Jwill be settled in a more friendly spirit' than was a similar one 50 years ago. At that time Skagway was Ithe scene of international incidents as the RCMP -policed the city to keep order among gold pros--pectors streaming through into Canada. Amid much 'Sound and fury, the port was finally declared U.S. property and the Canadian police were removed. With their many mutual interests, Canada and Alaska need not be forced to live together the hard way. As we in this part of B.C. particularly appreciate, the two parties in question are right now demonstrating this fact very effectively. Sermon: "The HishU. Mother." Junior Choir Antrum. M'. I'lllK'M ASf.l.K'AN llul Covfi Hundny Hi hoiil 11-00 n m. l-:vnniiiii Pruyer 7.30 pm. (Blue HM) Lvening Srrvirc 7 31 J although that's how the Allege J lion is gradually a s s u m i n g melody .sounded. The newcom- shape, taking in all the West er.f all the" way from Russia India Islands which todav ,vm and that land's tyranical die- J ports a three million popul.it ion. tator were full of joy and that No part of Canada is of more explained why they were sing- interest, in this development, ing. Happy indeed were they to than the Maritime provinces, realize they had been brought For one thing, trade between in safety across a mighty wean the Islands and the Maritimes uid far from the stern continl has flourished for a couple of Sermon: Student Tn' E. Raw line Anthem by Girls' &; MM. I I.Alt IIAI'TIMT flilmlHy bchnul 11:00 m. Mnrninii WoriilOi Brrvli' I J IS U2 lllll Ave. E. lllim ari COOKING See the new... ('lies-paying members of the j Canadian Congress of Labor, including me, are going to ask: i "How come such a fool proposal gets made in our name although we never heard of it till now?" THE BRIEF which is supposed to represent the. Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association suggested that the 530 weekly newspaper editors not to mention their millions of subscribers favor the wrecking and ruining of the CBC. The CBC Is far from perfect. But as measured by similar services in other countries it .stacks up very high. It is a great national asset. It performs a national service that private enterprise could never discharge. ' Anv political party which set Sunday S IhmiI U l; p Pustur: Hhv Leonard A. Thnrp of a cruel ruler. centuries. They atv clns-r In NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION OililfclloHg Hall, 4(h Ave. Last Itrv John C. Siht Services of special Interest to all German sixakinj i 111:00 A.M. Sunday Srhool. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service and Choir. each other. The police chief at St. John, i chanced ! Make money and Jie who!,.' down in the Maritimes, ld mil combine to call ' you to be on the dock that memo. -; able morning. For it was fated' a gentleman.-Bernard tshaw. to become just that, in Can- i - ada's sub.sequent history. There ' Daily News Want Ads (".el Itesuits was a dash of silver in his black j 4:0(1 P.M. Haiilismal and Communion Service to tr h the First Baptist Church. 1:30 P.M. The evening service is omitted for this Si hair, his dress had a military We bid you a hearty welcome! out to wreck and ruin the CBC would very quickly rouse the wrath of most Canadians. I will be very much surprised if the hard-headed common-sense ed "JF.DERMANN RECHT HERLICH EINOELADE!T touch, he held himself erect and consequential, and it wis plain the Russians were deeply concerned. If not awed, they itors of weekly newspapers do If you are seeking something satisfying, somrthin? MOONLIGHT SKATE something practical: if you are seeking to kno I not demand to know how such were interested. One by one, as I a fool brief ever got submitted I they filed off the steamer, h" in their names. approached Chief Walter C)u&, 1 It was of course prepared In H" rpmove the hat uml mak'" " ubmit Ood and to know Him personally, we Invite vm Morning Worship at 12:15 pm. iNiaai mcttie j ' 5 -" I 1 ill RANG! l the head office and never sub- j ,ow now- Message Theme: "OCR TKl'STH OKT1IV C0II mitted to the editors at all. I PETER HIMSELF ' . f AM a dues-paving member of: Peter Veregin, bearded, ob- Preceded by Sunday School at U a.m. Evening Service at 7:30 pm. Theme of Menage f 'SOMFTIIING SATlsFVIWi the CCL Newspaper Guild and have been ever since it Full coloured slides of Japan (and our missi'irum - i started In Canada though my will be shown. servant and alert.-was willing fo t 1 k could that have been possible. But he was unable to chat in English any better than the newspapermen could go lecturing in Russian. Nevertheless. In some way the best had to tye made of Peter, for he was chief the REGULAR BAPTIST S. "Thou el vest t hem their meat in due season." -Psalm 145:15. own pay is not a f reeled in any way by the union bargaining. I think thi; vast majority of CCL membeiS must have rubbed their eyes with astonishment. IMiiinc Blue V.S 6i! Sixth Ave. E. r 5 v. v ,.,' .- v-1 , . 1 t r V : --V 7 If j. f v 4 , " t' i V ' f 'I . , utterly'01 l" nanu. wii.ii mrjr nam like I did. to hear the AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER PUSH-BUTTON CONTROLS SPACIOUS MASTER OVEN STREAMLINER DESIGN $359.00 On Display Now RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Telephone 644 became uncierstanuaoie. yet u took an effort. A bit of interpretation now and then could be called welcome. All Aboard (j.c.n First Baptist Churc orfintort impractical proxsal made in the name of half of organized labor in' Canada. Anybody who tried to get the ordinary CCL union in BC. to vob in favor of taking over of Missionary Services, May 10-14 and wants to give the quarry a IMC. .M MRS. ARCIUK (i(lUi)ON. ..( luJ" all the private stations by the CBC would be laughed out of Little did anyone dream a thorny problem had already been planted for Canada, as the long Immigration train rolled away from the New Brunswick My frieni; Jack goes into a hotel a thin man and comes out a fat man. Do not give the hotel dining room credit for the change. Jack's paunch is made The Gordons have been In India for over 40 yr TUESDAY. MAY 12 .sporung chance. A big game hunter faces the danger of being mauled by, a Hon or a grizzly bear. A hunter the meeting. The CBC has its job to do. and CIVIC CENTRE SATURDAY 9:30 to Midnight RiKvlul Oiien MeetinR. in cliarue of Mii"" 9' seaport to soon spring surprises On the fertile prairie lands of of hotel trophies knows, that the 'nt 4hH Mrs. Ooi Vn W tli 8t pw- of gouil.sf 'Via inider 1 oat.1 liipti.se ifc-tectivj may bt skulking the west. Canada gave a kindly recention. from the very begin- ' YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND .ninin Vveti nfter discovering fhi'!' i it docs it pretty well by and largeA better each year. The private stations have their job to do and they are doing it to the satisfaction of their very large listening audience otherwise they would not have that audience. You could make out a better case for arhalgamating the CPR and CNR than for creating a For years he has been linin?! in an alcove, ready to pounce, his den with t rinkets and costly I Al ter one of his indoor saiaris, fabrics which bear the names of j m.y friend Jack was padding sime of the world's best-known across the lobby of a western dealers: C.P.R., STATLER, ' Mount hotel with a choice bath towel Royal. i nestling inside his tunic. When ) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE S0CIE disconcerting habit of disrobing in public, Cnnada turned neither harsh or inconsiderate. Indeed, it is only to admit the truth to say a proportion of Doukhobors did abandon their early and absurd practice. Jack would no more think of, he was a few steps short of open stealing things from a private country, "something went wrong, house than a hunter would think! Trie towel came loose and flop- radio monopoly. But radio amalgamation is no more practical in Canada than railway amalgamation would be. Why suggest it, then? of shooting a cow or a goat on Ppd on the flooi. purpose. He looks upon the fur-! A polite bellman picked it up, Tiiture of hotels and .ships' cab-! said "tut tut" and whisked it ins, figuratively speaking, as wild; away. My friend is still a free ALWAYS HERE Yet, there has never been a time down through all of 50 . . 1.. . rriiice Km"'" Srciinil Avenue West , Branch of the First Church of Christ Sew, in Boston, Mass. Lesson Subject: "ADAM AND FALLEN MA Services every Sunday at " iU" Sunday School every Sunday at " . , ,. Wednesday Evening Meeting on Second w of each month at 8 p m. Reading Room open Wednesday and Friday 2- game. I do not condone his ac- i man, but for a minute or two he lions, l merely describe them was wondering what kind of linen they would give him in jail. Ifci a way, it was too bad they didn't lock him up. A prison towel would have been the showpiece of hU collection. T.M.C Slogan Contest There are so many of the trappings of a hotel around Jack's place that you expect a chambermaid to enter at any moment to make the beds, followed by a room service man 1 mK rm ','?'. J JvljIF 4 JIWi.'liiwf 26 'i on. FIRST PRIZE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Station "H" HuUtliint SUNDAY, MAY 10. 153 :(MI AM -Sunrtuy Kcllol '"' X'n -t ,h''n, ixm't wnd your eh"""" $100.00 CASH MHiHi: i:vv(H i i'1" m'mmv i:vi:mmi l-.SO P M. AVHTIN A-411 '49 a Ri.UhlnK Bong Bervlco 1 Month's Pass on City Bus Line Third Prize 3 Months' Pass on City Bus Line Second Prize MQ IMtlXiE BHW Vocal Number. A a UK. C. IMKTKll J -I . $7!0 $1375 $1000 irf AI'HTIN A-40 Milan ton III rSON Pastor Mr. C. W. Slnclnlr with a jug of ice water. My friend shows the items in his collection to visitors with the pride of an old colonel from India or Africa taking you on a conducted tour of his trophy toorn. He doesn't use the words such a man might use, but his proud, casual gestures fill in the gaps of speech. I "See this napkin? Bagged it .in the Hotel Vancouver." "Fine five-pronged lampstand this, eh? Got him in the Royal York, and by pad, he nearly got me. Fell on my head when I pulled the cord out of the soc-' ket." I'm exaggerating, of course. Jack has never stolen a lamp-stand. He concentrates upon more readily portable objects like towels, sheets, bedspreads and ash trays. You might expert him to carry off his prizes in a suitcase. He MMlatl SUMMER CAMPS $1100 MQ f'HKVKOI.RT I'anel rtt Al'fcUS A-4C1 ",l Kcilan ")Q IM.VMOI'TH 0 Milan .. $393 Few Acres. Braun's RULES OF CONTEST Open to everybody excepting employees of the Company or their families. Entries close Midnight, Saturday, June 20, 1953. Every purchase from T.M.C. for $1.00 or more entitles contestant to entry form. All entries become the property of T.M.C. Transportation System Ltd. Decision of judges in this contest will be final. . START TODAY JUST THINK OF A SLOGAN SUITABLE I OR T.M.C. Send In as many entry blanks as you like. T.M.C. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM LTD. Prince Rupert, H.C p, Aug- GirU' Como. Aug. 1-12; Boys w.r- Slan JTWOWRECKsTT) If removed in 2 days C I $10. Each ) nir-Lir. M. Irene Berry man lflL" , KflM 144 of Ketchikan 16 EABS I vis 9 - . AOK-GROUP .. - IN " l" ; ,M as fie""1 - infT w.itt' wfltei J " ....nil) W c I . .e wen Cottases now have running . re piimP Pu ifornia New ,... i hnml i ...m well. ,.,iu, With auwumw.. nutomaUfi inIOr SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. 3rd Ave. at Park Ave. Phone Green 217 . .sometimes does. At other times he tucks them under his coat. This may be because he enjoys a Qiititfrti, SStentlrrf. and Thii adviirlUement it not published by lh liquor Control board or by fh Qovrnmnt of Britlih Columbia If you wish to register early unci wai rin5 r.encrul M-"r 0 apply to: F. Antrobus. spice of danger with his hunting, t .-' t