i :J ... i . , in ARY 5.4 a. .11 SORROW'S vicrsaiA, b. c. .TIDES- W,,y II). m J!klV. 1.1 lih(. fj.jnidard Time CT Daily esc-"- VDelh i very 187 feet 21 4 feet 3 8 feet 5.4 feet 11:13 ' 23:22 5 05 t 17:10 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 109 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY. MAY 9. 1953 TEN CENTS (including comic section) ta 81 V. Phom If --- , r f I ' - "S , V 1 I- - Mi. Cj fei. i i j ill r7 n M I j. 4 riecige joint ctson To Defend Free World By The Canadian Press 1- r- -T- . cv WASHINGTON. Canada and United States have agreed to bolster the defences of the free world after concluding that the new Malenkov regime in Kiddies Kamp Needs Aid 1 j Russia cannot be trusted. Home Mail Delivery In June Final Survey Successful Home mail delivery in 1'rinee Rupert is likely to he inaugurated June 15, Postmaster Jack Burgess said today. Final survey of homes, completed today. Indicated that just Mis DIKIVHI) from the Kinsmen Coronation Contest will help complete this camp :,, ;,t l.akclse Luke. Shown here are cibliw at the Kinsmen Kiddie Kamp where more i Rup"i t children will spend a vacation this summer. The kitchen and dining room (not arc at the. right hand side of these cabins, which have canvas tops during the summer. tish Firms To Get Priority In a joint communique issued late Friday at the end of top-level talks. Prime Minuter St. Laurent and President Elsenhower declared: "Though the recent developments in Korea . . . have seemed more hopeful, nevertheless, in Laos a new act of aggression has been committed which might have serious consequences for Thailand and the whole of Southeast Asia. "These developments In Southeast Asia must cast doubt on Communist intentions." The two leaders gave particular emphasis to the Russian Woodsmen Name New Leader By The Canadian Press VANCOUVER. The nearly 40,000 woodworkers who make up British Columbia's biggest union ) Hew B.C. Industrial Island ,R. lint: iReiitcrsi Is necessary to give every en- were necessary to net the firms to :n, will get priority at couragement to those wanting open plants there. ,,r Westminsters new to crash the North American In a statement issued through ' over 80 per cent cent have have met met re-of installing letter siu oii Aimacis Lsiunq,' marnei, saia ueorge Kiuiey. British Columbia House in Lon-' tmireme nts oiivcr. the Duke s chief agent. don, the Duke and his advisers ' slots or boxes be prepared to uc- :inu uppiicauons irom The new development organl- emphasized that if British firms i Lack of sufficient homes with jsation would build homes for are to hold onto North American j proper receptacles already has employees of British firms If that markets and expand them, they held up Inauguration of the course, but we feel It must establish plants In Canada. I service, approval of which was TRIOR TO DEPARTURE from Korea, each member of the 1st Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, was presented with a regimental scarf and a silver cigarette case mounted with the traditional golden beaver, emblem of the regiment. Cpl. Oscar Boucher of Hull, Que., received his mementoes of a year In Korea from Maj. Henri Chasse of Ottawa and Quebec City. j have voted in a new leader. It was announced Friday, fol announced last August. WMTION CONTEST The service will be inaugu rated by a "fitting ceremony,' peace onen.sive ana concluded that acts, not words, would be the proof of Communist intentions. "Invasion of the Indo-China state of Laos by Communist Vietminh forces disputed the honesty of the Red campaign for peace. "While every effort should be said J. H. Jefferics, president of MS IN NEWS TODAY "Every assistance will be offered to those taking advantage of facilities" at the site, the statement said. Ridley added: "The Duke feels this project will be a tremendous link between Britain and Canada. He has always been Empire and Dominion-minded." lowing tabulation of votes from the widely scattered locals, that Joe Morris of Duncan will succeed J. Stewart Alsbury of New Westminster as president of the the Junior Chamber of Commerce hrrc wluch has played a major role in getting door-to-door mail delivery approved. Jaycees erected street sipns, major requirement of the postal Kin Miirii Club Coronation Contest .starts Unlay. Iidiid. chairman of the committee In charge, today B.C. district of the International I made bring about a relaxa Douks Start New Parade In Leadership Struggle 0 eh tail. of a drive to obtain funds to be used to help Woodworkers of America tion oi current tensions, iree nations cannot afford to diminish their efforts toward the The 74-year-old Duke will use i' I 'a " ? , 1 1 it ..' "f" 0 I. :- i it v:-4 i. i . -... . ii. 1 ," ;i 1 4 - J S'. t. f1- "v. I .- - r 4 r' V: t. -'. e his fortune to develop the : department., ana Kept on urging TKb vMa nnl Q nnmi rtncrl A 1,1. WV; niH JV IIIIUUllLLUi ll." IC ItJt IV Balloting began after Alsbury F'! "1,"' u"'lcu B"7B" 1,200-acre Island in the Fraser : nousenoiders to install tne nec-river into a $150,000,000 project. .cssry letter receptacles. Ririlpv whn lnnrti t.h' Latest Jaycee itunt was to :drfn. re than Kio nicrchunts are backing the club in its novel (Mall: of which appear on Page 4. niiite.it will run for four weeks. ycu want a trip to Vancouver all expenses paid all to !o U win this contest," said Mr. Bond this morning, and Morris were nominated at , By The Canadian Press the union's annual convention lne communique amu. malfe P?1 calls on all city Wand two years ao, said almost NELSON, PjU. Bearing banners attesting, to any type of Industry could op In Vancouver. The new leader is a former vice-president of the BC. district and from 1948 to 1952 was internal strife within their sect, more than 100 lii-'ium wntif iiu aui.it an ii aclrs were visible. Mr. Burgess said that "unless Fiimntliinrt imfnrni'ann ntirc Negotiators K tliut Kinsmen Club members and their wives are (rem entering. "The same goes for Daily News employ- erate there. j i "It was chosen because of its' radical Doukhobors paraded through the streets of added with a smile. president of the 5.000-member the letter carrier service will be Local 80 on Vancouver Island. Nelson Friday. Probe Red Truce Plans The new vice-president Is Wil C o iu Li4i ova. ii f- au berth right alongside factories. "We plan to clear about 200 acres at the start and provide all essential services. Then we federal Narcotic Survey liam Gray, IWA International board member. i instituted on June 15." ; When the six letter-carriers officially walk their routes, they :will make two calls a day one i in morning, one in early after Trade Minister Threatens Suit Against CCFer Members of the IWA's coastal o Be Launched in B.C. noon on downtown businesses, district at present are locked in a contract dispute with 162 coast operators and a concilia nd one can a day in resldcn- Hnl KiMUnns- , i . . . ' A -Health Minls- Homes still' without recep OTTAWA (CP) Trade Minister- The marchers were hustled along by watchful RCMP who gave them no chance to perform their favorite stunt of disrobing. ... The, banners , concerned ' the1 most recent movements of John Lebedoff, reported to be struggling with Stefan Sorokin for leadership of the 2,000 fanatical Sons of Freedom. Lebedoff recently returned to the Freedomlte centre of Kres-tova after a temporary exile. B.C.S PROBLEM Meanwhile, the British Co tor has been appointed. Coast woodworkers struck for 45 days last year. PANMUNJOM (CP) All truct negotiators today asked qucstior after question aimed at forctnj. the Communists to- spell out ii detail their compromise-prisoner exchange plan and said "we must know the answers before the proposal can be considered further." Lt.-Gen. William K. Harrison, Jr., told newspaper men after a will put up buildings and lease : them to firms who want it that way or we will grant long-term ' leases of land to companies who j want to build their own f actor-iles. "Housing accommodation will (. be available on the mainland as : '.well as on the island." Master-plan for the island has i been drawn. Roads and services f n telil Ciiinmiins Fii-I' the federal health tacles will get regular service for "about a week," then their mail will be sent to "General (ieorge Murray (I Caribou) iilimit the gravity of a growing problem, he said studies by his department don't indi-rale that giving addicts dope liiifler controlled conditions Is Delivery." Howe has threatened to launch criminal action against Percy W'lght CCF member of Parliament fof Melfort in Saskatchewanfor "Implying that Roy Milner Is a thief." Mr. Milner Is transport controller and on leave of absence This facility, Iwwcvcr, is only First Baseball Opens Sunday intended for transients and those living beyond the home delivery area. "i is munching "al-tliwiih" a thoroimh " examination Of the :i!ieiiim problem in 'ilumbia. he assistance of- the tlie federally-finanrrrl "'iil'l seek the history n.ircolic. nrldic in B.C. t' tlitise places where flfiurh.hes. It was his Parcel delivery will be insti any answer. will be Installed as soon as As for putting criminal ad- j possible. Factories will be built diets in homes where they could j by the British financier and be watched and cared for, this I leased or rented to tenants, had been tried in two institu-; sites may be rented and commons In the United 8tates and . panics build their own plants. lumbia government has been told by the federal government 33-minute session that his barrage of questions did not mean the United Nations Command had accepted the Red plan as a basis for negotiations. 'We have nothing fixed on tills matter at all, I'm just probing for facts." tuted at the same time. Private post office boxes will that policing of unruly Doukho from the Board of Grain Commissioners. Howe appeared before the Commons agriculture commit- First baseball game of the season gets underway at Roosevelt Park tomorrow afternoon at 1 oclock between Esquires (formerly Abel & Odowes) and Gordon te Anderson. Both teams will take the field with a greatly revised lineup. bors is B.C.'s own problem, Just-Ice Minister Garson told H. W. be removed from the post office, said Mr. Burgess. They are in demand In other areas where tee today to ask Wright to with results were below expectations. He couldn't recommend similar steps here. but ownership of the land remains with the Duke's trust. Object Is diversification bf Industry, with emphasis on manu no home delivery exists. Business firms will be given draw some remarks he made last night about Milner. Wright declined to withdraw them. Wright had described Milner as like "a man raising chickens" Herrldge. the CCF member for Kootenay West, In Commons Friday. Mr. Oarson read a telegram received from Premier Bennett asking that the federal government take action under the War facturing. It would not be suit t -rone advance could "t vlien tins was fin- me tunc. Mr. Martin ' '" some IdtKs been advanced In 1 liv authorities ns an-problem he agreed the option of delivery or maintaining boxes, foe which the able for, say, a pulp mill, but it At the same time, third Prince Rupert team will meet a Terrace club In Its home village in a doubleheadcr to begin the first season in recent years when outside competition has been In $140,000 For Rupert Drydock rent will be doubled. will Include light, medium and heavy industry. he was interested in the chickens but he was interested uocks win m- umn . . OTTAWA- Hou.se of Commons: More Sweepers Likely for Navy OTTAWA (CPV Orders for six more navy minesweepers are expected to be placed shortly in t Canadian shipyards. The ships will replace vessels now being built that are to be turned over to other North . At- , lantic Treaty Organization cluded In the local hardball loop. todiiv passed an appropriation of , ii"'r "- y .MnL, ,ri., ond the island. The river is naturally in them for what he could get out of them. Wright's remarks were made In Mieeehcs by inn, ip('Vancou-''ral, Aliens MarlnnU' 1TU.UWU U 1 ,.,.. A. .h ir Manitoba Forest Fire ueep in una m-liiiuh. v vnt. o.,v essential repairs to Prince Rupert Measures Act to proclaim a curfew on members of the Sons of Freedom in the Kootenays. The justice minister said Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, acting prime minister, replied that such action by Ottawa would constitute an Invasion of the provincial field of jurisdiction. during discussions of a request iltlrmiunv drydock and shipyard. --- - a.aw 1IU the dock will have berths ror only a couple of ships, but the ulan will allow for expansion to BLIND EXPERT CALGARY (CP) Bill Crawford was top scorer for second successive year in Calgary's bowling league for the blind. that Milner's leave of absence be accepted as permanent. , berth 20 or 30. "Assurances oi ntral B.C. Farmers an early start on the dock have -WEATHER- been given by Transport Minis Claims Life WINNIPEG ttPX-A volunteer firefighter has been killed and a second seriously injured in a ter Chevrier. it. I ' l ' , . u sleep on Their Feet' Senators Tee In spite of considerable residual cloudiness, mast of the province will enjoy some sunny weather today. Afternoon showers will develop In the Interior, especially in the Kootenay-North rash of fires surging through Manitoba's drought-ridden bear fruit. Licensed slaughterhouse fa clllties and necessary refrigeration would cost little more than Courtney Anderson, about 20, Thompson region but most of the $5,000, was the expressed opinion. of Victoria Beach, Manitoba, was valleys elsewhere will not be Good grade beef could be rais affected. burned to death Friday and Clifford Joseph, 27, was injured when 1,1 Tin. Iially News Smithers rikI t ashep on thplr fpet '""filial and existing ( "r "UiieulUiral prop's inferred at the Chamber of Com- '.'"tmi! here. 'Tt this demand a pro-"Banization for proper 'v produce would be ? it was suggested. A 1,101 fOr ni-m-aiicimr o,, ed and wintered in the district trapped- while fighting a fire Off Against Bobby Shantz NEW YORK (CP Little Bobby Shantz. temperamental southpaw who shipped with the best of them in the major leagues last vear. Is having big baseball near the southern tip of Lake Forecast Cloudy today with a few showers this afternoon. Variable cloudiness Sunday. Little charrge in temperature. Wind westerly 15. Winnipeg. ' Joseph ripped off his flaming clothing and staggered to the and that only proper organized handling was lacking. Existing markets for Bulkley Valley producers extend from Prince Oeorge to Prince Rupert on the west coast. Including Burns Lake, Hazelton and Terrace Consumer demand In road where other firefighters "? mllk but beyond that found him and took him to hos woes this season. And that's not pital. His condition was described Low tonight and high Sunday at Port Hardy and Prince Rupert, 40 and 54; Sandspit 38 and 52. Smithers and Telkwa, In the helping Philadelphia Athletics is sold on a peddler Production potential Is as satisfactory. much. heart of the district itself, is not being supplied by local farmers. Morttlntr notenUal of the , ouiKicy Vallev " rle- w B'ns, chamber He was getting good results with his sliders and fast balls for seven innings last night when Washington Senators teed t. Mr Burns is also i growing Kltimat project should ''"tout of the rr,ml.,iA be met by farmers of the Bulkley off against Shantz and reliefer Charley Bishop for five runs to gain their 10-7 American League victory. Shantz was showing some of the form that put. him in the STAGING 'GAMES' ON COAST LIKELY TO COST 2 MILLION VANCOUVER A tentative budget submitted Friday estimates the cost of staging the British Empire Games here next year at $2,241,000. "This is the closest to the final budget that we can come to right now," budget chairman Ted Willgress told the Games executive Friday, "and there are bound to be changes as time passes." 'ent Experimental sub-?h ' 0nly 20 per cent at could be producing breaking new ground U '.wing utilized, accord-,r Burns ""MthabackKround "'s are coming into the ne said. siiiracii h,., Valley. Unless some organization was developed It was felt they were not going to be In on this market. Showing of a film on the Kltimat development through the public relations office of Aluminum Company of Canada is planned for Smithers in July. District farmers will be invited to attend. circle of 20-game winners last year. He had pitched a steady three-hit game up to the fatal SCOUTS AND CUBS In Prince Rupert district have gained new strength in 28 leaders who have completed the first official training course held here. Lack of leaders has seriously hampered scout and cub activities in the past. Sitting In the front row with their successful tralnles In the back are instructors (left to right) Archie Mitchell, Jim Biain, Piiiice George; Coramissior.er F. E. Anfield, Cubmaster L. G. Sieber, and Basil S. Prockter. eighth when he gave up a cou L ' ?rt'anized marketing ple of singles ana a aouoie "o imgnt, quickly