OUTDOORS 'MM m Sensational yA eflH"'.a DecPinrw-r H l-)r3 a flu re line at the reel, then wind sons inR to the iurtac, Low Values Curlers Start Knockout Play By IRIC MARTIN i ii.. ' the line all the way in. Next befor Ihey "iirldenlv IV ! count Die number of times the j distance from reel to rod tip you can draw 11 le from the reel un-! til von reach the slipknot; a 'simple multiplication and you Mm mis: their whins end fly away bH all of thia time they ai P. by fishe- e,ven when trip Inert on the bottom v$ npper uancc of a sm. ii twig. In consequence it fishing lor the angler fc, his bedraggled InoKmg d.irl- There Is a clause in the fi uw Act which states that a permit may be issued "to authorize any resident to go out with a person not residing in the Province, for the purpose of hunting big. game." This permit is issued free and in the older days was a very good thing; perhaps now it has served its turn and should 11 have your distance. Pull the slipknot out before resuming cast-!iu , y u mii;ht get fouled up in i ker. Ice 3. 9 p.m Winner of iA j vs winner B ) on Ice 3; Laurie vs iMcKenzie, Ice 1; Berg vs Miller, : Ice 2. j Substitution in playoffs is gov-i erned as tollows: When a player j is absent the rink in which he l.ihould play moves its players up. They then pick up a spare of ! equal classification or less and I play him as lead. In other words ! when a player is absent the rink j is promoted and the replacement ! plays lead. First two rhiks in each section 'see Cuiiing Results! ei.t.r trie final km ckout ara for the Gordon's Hariware trophy with play .starting Thursday night when a.l teams will take part. The winifi- will lie declared Friuuy r.ijrht. The women's curling club will u.'e l lie ice tonight Thursday night play witn Sections in I rackets is as follows: 7 p.m. iAi Rudderham vs Aston Ice 1: B Ford vs Petersen, Ice 2; iCl Ostertag vs Par- j tryn.g lor distance n you let u twenty or more feet dov. ( ho ended nr tightened consider- itniam. oring tnem to the top it . On Used Cars & Trucks 147 (HMHOIt.T !l.l New pnint. reconditioned. Heater. Se.it Covers. A hne buy for S.S."0 IUW PI.VMOI Til Si lnV, Motor reconditioned, Rood lires. Ciieao transportation lor SiMI.1) ri in iikni riiAMFliiv Ml.rll.. privately owned. I.ow mlletiye. Heater, radio, motor reconditioned, newly painted Minerva Blue. An excellent r-uv at only SI IT", m: rciiti nsio.i s.nw a beautiful light tireen color, newly painted. Radio, heater, tires good. A verv economical buv at only .' SI ()." column iterates tne ncea IcIniL'lv Ln fluHl nt n This isiowiy Kp..ced) of a fi (HII ably. ine huge increase in hunting ftressure in the Interior has I greatly lessened the numbers 'of certain of our big-game an for fishing the sunken fly deeply. I Always remember that is ; Later on we will treat of the life j lure which is in the wair erle uf many of the flies upon takes most fish, flying it.; which tiout and other fishes scarce hereabouts. j feed: fur the once let it suffice! Only a few days left f,.. to say that many winged insects j Hunters this season, but spend all or part of their chry- ducks and geese are oi siiii tile period in the bottom no more cieer this year kk Vancouver Loses Fourth in Row imals, so that now any trophy is at a premium; well and good if our own residents can run Ice a kill, and more power to the properly paid guide who earn": his living through his prowess '! ! i "s pud streams, and that ! sxrts ansrllng license ernfc U ty Uih' iiuite some time ris- eni of this month. Eaters boosted their lead by downing Nelson Maple Leafs 5-3. In the only other interior game Spokane Flyers tied with the Okanagan Senior Hockey League's Kamioops Elks 4-4. ! '-- -- -i- EXTRA MILK CHRISTMAS KEEP THE TARGET SMALL By The Canadian Press Vancouver Canucks, w 1 w share the Western Hockey League leadership with Calgary Stampeders. suffered their fourth straight defeat Tuesday at the hands of Saskatoon Quakers to whom they bowed 6-4. In the Western International Hockey League, Trail Smoke Helping Hand vTLLAND, Out. (CP) Schoolboy Guy Blanehette accidentally dropped his books into the Wei-land canal while crossing a bridge here. Two firemen took a lifeboat to recover the books. Kat Watson's CURLING pag 1 f 4 your player place it suuarely in fiom? More than likely r druws To Make Those j ARTICLE NO. 7 Back in the-days of Alexander to either side of the shot rock, and you leave a double target Big Sanctuary MONTAGUE, P.E.I. (CP) Thousands of Canada geese, black ducks, haMpates and teal occupy Harvey twiore's roadside pond at commcrciil cross but visitors may "shoot" only with cameras. The birds are eating so much that the province is helping to pay the food bill. the Great, the massed phalanx j Qr ,f- shQrt of armed soldiers was ttie fur ,,, the i. his J . , event , nonaay uoodies Everybody Loves rings, rock may in the woods, and the Provincial coffers welcome th? fees which are paid by the" visiting hunter who obtained his success through the guides' efforts. , But let us not be loollshly prodigal with the animals which remain, let us not advertise our wildlife in th high superlatives which have decimated -Alaska's big game, until now certain people from that territory have actually come into our own In- terior to hunt with a permit I holding resident! i Our Provincial Guides Asso-1 elation and our Rod and Gun Clubs should take this matter up, the necessary resolutions and : carry them forward, The last i frontier' of much game md fish is right here, nowhere else: let ; us get together to ;i otect it ! j ' Ever get out a iinrticuiarly i long cast, that one time wnn jail conditions were just right, .1 fl AH I,,.. d i,,..t ,.l)rl To nut that yum-vum mklable weapon that conquered the world. But then the macl ine gun had not been invented. When the roaring game was first played in Scotland and later in Canada, no shots other than draws or guards were used. That was before the "hack" carne into being. ual'y beconte a guard for an enemy stone. Why not draw to ;he other side oi the rings or even to the centre? Spread your stones and keep your targets small. Next article ... into all your holiday cookery . yoM'li want plenty of mill a cream. hone 18 'Guards Invite Trouble" You'll discover that we are more than expert painters. Like all good craftsmen, we are also interested in the beauty we can create. No matter the color combination or shade you want, you can depend on us. FOR HOME DELIVERY Curling Results Cash or Terms lo Suit KIXTlAI' SID.MJIi: A privately owned car, r.iotor rebor- ' ed. rennKed. new pistons, motor j fully guaranteed, for 3 months. ' Radio, heater, spotlight and other : extras. This is an exceptional buv ' at SI. Jit.". :f DeSOTd i:ll, Dark bill '. j Privately owned; yood motor and tires. A fine buy at ! ;S)." I'l.VI ( KOI. I I 1 ,-Min I'l. k-lli New car guarantee. "Thi3 is a new truck at a new low of ... ltt!)0 HI'. I ( III KOI h i l . , -Ion I'anel Truck in excellent condition. P"!-vute owner, dark blue, tiiiaranlted to he in perfect cotuliuoii fi r ! only Sl;5!)5 ).M I'OKII Piinel Truck. Less than I 7000 miles, privately owned. In excellent condition SI !." lll.MI ( HI V Kill I I M IHV lleliii ri. Fully reconditioned; tires fcooi), and a real buy at the low m si Mr, llllfl ( lll: KOI. I T 3-ton rlnisis and cab with flat deck bod.-". Look wheel base 1H3 inches; motor, chassis and tires in very ootl conditio! for a buy at .. S I ' lll.VI (III Willi IT M.IIW IMier A new co" at a new low. the i:ir:U truck for many uses at . . Sl21i(i." "Mil (intKoiii i . -inn iik-iii. In very good condition, and a re.il buy at only S7I0 We have many other economical buys at Special Low Prices. Prices have been reduced to a Special LOW, as we require our Parking Space for the New 1954 G.M. Models that will be arriving and on Display very Soon. BIT A I'SEIJ CAR OK TIUTK O.N LIBERAL TKRMS, LOW DOWN PAYMENTS and LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOR AS LONG AS 24 MONTHS. Call in and Sec These Bargains A New Low in I'scd Car anil Truck Prices for Prince Rupert FRIZZELL'S MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. NORTHLAND DAIR Round robin play In the Gm-iB"u ""V,' . , a i, , . away out there? Did you wonder don s Hardware trophy compe!i-;how t0 measure ,t accurately? tion was completed last night. .j Here's how: When the end SPENCE & MATUIK GENERAL PAINTING CONTRACTORS Night Calls: Blue 881 Day Calls: 101 LIMITED NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUME The hack gave the player a I toe-hold never before providtd. Out of it was bjrn the cii.ip ; and-lie game and eventually tlio; running game. In liuth cases, ' the express purpose is to remove oppos.ng stones froia the rings. In spite of this change in the' stvle of curling, many skips still cling stubbornly to a rnistaken belief that the rings or house is ."imilar to a rifle target, with the button being the bull's eye. ! They persist in directing most ; of the strategy toward the inside ; rings through draws or guards,' which involves the bunching of stones. There is nothing a hitter like;1 better than a cluster to shoot at. tackle is at its furthest point ; away, simply make a .slipknot in Following are the results of last night's games: Laurie 10. Garner 9; Miller 9, Bird 7 (extra end): Johnston 11, Turner 1) lextra end). Final round robin standings: Si-... For Continuation of W L T? udder rmm . . : . . . . . T. 03 67 61 54 40 Ford . . . . Genresi.n Gorduli . -. Thum . . . . .Sh-bf r . . . c;m :h: . . . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 i . I II PROJECTED WORKS PROGRAMME and for HEALTHY GOVERNMENT Elect a Courageous and an Honest Man VOTE ' GEORGE E. HILLS FOR MAYOR Who will do his utmost in co-operation with those whom YOU elect to govern our city. 01 64 50 61 49 43 30 What's more, a stone on the button counts no more than. .3. oiter on the 12-foot circle. In addition to this logic, two well- j .separated stones in the rings j provide a much more disconcert- ! ing problem for removal than ' two rocks side by side, or even in front cf each other. Trying to play a short guard on a stone in the rings starts most ot the trouble. Say you Lave a rock biting the eight-foot at the tee-line. You ask your ciayer to draw another iust in 1 front cf it so tnat there will only be one lock-widlh for the dp-position to shoot at. Good thoust:t, v -s. But how often does Petersen 4 Miller ' Finuholham 4 McNi-.-ce 3 Bird 3 Wurren 1 Meimt-li I Parker 5 McKenzle 5 Turner . . 3 Evoifsmi . . . 3 JohiiKUin 3 Kluer 2 bunertck ... , 0 33 40 4(1 41 49 02 iH HI 4.1 41) 51 59 51 73 41 42 .1rl r. "In Xt. I'M. me ;, k:i is a ii m m see. for WlAYOt I Ii . 5 . 4 unr Dim W .1' " 1 Herg M ...rr VVJ.K . finrm 56 62 44 44 40 37 50 63 HU 53 54 51 47 57 43 50 35 43 26 1?T. Festive times call foi tfiesparkling goodness of Coke r-iieui;!l 5 3 Iti;n only NECCH1 sews by itself! R'.tvrtKon 3 Mutlhew 3 Slewart 1 Barbour 0 So delicious with food. ..so easy to serve ' ; " V rXAJ - iDh,i bw-' raw""" - TU V . I MCIC 3 , 4wilrW4J n Toddy--:. f SPECIAL 5; Cards in Bo i - -1 ! s1.00j j ' ..,.: 'V:'t , . rm--rx'&r (? T ' ' DiBB PRINTING COMPANY IS) these 2 magic features do every sewing job automatic For tt ir ti" '' thin, thot ulomolkollr mak toner it- "'' i,"nJ , only kr rw Imoginolwii Vox M,.ttoi.w.P-lw" lit 1. Magic Lever! Mwt n button., mole button-KoIm, blind tlitchM hvmi, darnt, monof ramt . , , ALL WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS! nmpltn wordrob wimow "" T NtCCHI o.. t work fot r 1 A wiot ".'""'t 1 r A1 ,ir?7v UCarttDOii NAVV RUM A rum o cwHowmMi "" "2 . el btoutiM St 2. Wonder Wheel! mbroidm and maktt thovtandt f fancy ttitchot snt.oo I orvia ond r ovo.lobi AUTOMATICALLY! Sewing Machl unsurpassed quality. Dark, but light bodied. Delicate Aroma. Blended from a select choice of famous old rums. Ask for it today ! . DEMERARA (tiniwi - i Th.r. i. o "NECCHI" S.wing Circle In your n.ighbourt Gordon & Anderson Ltd. 11,41 Mtnl Uif ebu dtpnil 2c pt totIt Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola ltd. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 132 This advertisement U not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or tiy the Government of British Columbia. Third Avenue West Phone 46