Hrince kupert Daily News - Wednesday, December 9, 1853 Carol Festival Opener Sees Five City Choirs Take Stage ,,ACll lUITtl INAMIt ... . . r-- -.-i' j . . . ( 1 ;''.! . I Bartenders Hold Annual Banquet, . Members of tne ileverage Dls-1 The hall was decorated in blue perkrs' Union. Local 636. and antj white, colors of the Inter-iheu- p,ue,ts enjoyed their an- naaonal Bartenders' embm, lor nual banquet Sunday night in the affair, during which Mr. the Canadian Legion hall. ! Lewis was presented with a Harley Lewis was master of cocktail set for his services ceremonies for the variety pro-j The banquet wound up with gram which comprised excerpts Bancing. from the recent Elks variety I George Girard was chairman Post-Graduate Studies Topic Of Nurses Meet Post-graauaie stuay "tor registered nurses was one of the major topics discussed at a recent council meeting of the Registered Nurses Association of B.C. ' " u"''"rbtmaS, United Church Ladies' chorus. . uciicu last, lUKUl "Adeste" by the Annunciation 111 MIC .iviv venue to a uuui mmf$w I rr show. ' Included in the show were of the entertainment commii- Miss Elizabeth Clement, Kupert j Mrs Pe2Ky Andrew, Mrs. Pat tee, assisted by Lloyd Lav.U and hospital superinten dent of nurses, reported on the B.C. I group's meeting to the local Reg- I Wicks, Nina Youngman, Jean Bob Hutchinson. DeCarlo, Mrs. Beryl Karasosky. Stan Morln, president of Local Pat Boiton, Mel Thompson, Mel 636, in a brief speech, welcomed Skalmerud, Jim Cummings,- Tom the members and guests to open Wai drope and Mike Colussi. ! the banquet. Male chorus; "Jesus The Christ Is Born" and "I Saw Three Ships' by the St. Andrews Catnedral choir. The St. Andiew's choir led the auuience In several carols, including 'Good Christian - Men," "Deck the Halls With Boughs of houy" and "Jingle Bells," and the program concluded :th the Annunciation choir leadxg the audience ui "Silent Nigiik." Orga.i interludes we:u played by Hugu Kraupner anc Mrs. . Becker was chairman lor the evening. istered Nurses Association meet,- ! ing. She said the B.C. group had i made tentative plans tor further I education' of nurses in the 'hos- 1 but eiiii.usiasuc audience. tkioi muni u opener 01 uie two-nigut nei.vui, opoi.aoreu by tne i'liute uuptii Mmsii; ana Liimun l-e&uvai daouauun, saw jive cnuicn cnoaa )ieent nine or the le.-s luminal uirusimaa carols, ana auuieiicc participation in scvuial wcii-iiuuwn caiom. Ir. tne linal usuval session toii.glii, live more cnoirs will be heaiu wan inure carois, anu Hie mussed theirs ai sing several CiuiMmas songs, accompanied by tl;e t-ympnony orchestra. Intiuuea in !at nights program ware "a Star Was His Can-uie" and "Hens of Christmas" sung by the United Church Junior choir; "Angels We Have Heard On High" and "Sleep Holy Babe" by the Annunciation Church choir; "O Little One Sweet" and ' In Far Olf Judca," PHILISHAVE MEANS MERRY CHRISTMAS "jrmmm A a 'ilea riilmas pltals, through correspondence courses. The local group also saw a film from the department of national health and welfare, entitled "frustrating Fours and Fascinating Fives, " on how to handle children. , The film was shown by Miss Hclcne Boehmc. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting, at which president Mrs. Norman Hayward presided. JIM at terrace EVERY DAY TEKKACB TVio OddfeUows hall here was the scene of a gala Christmas tea and sale staged by the afternoon b-.-anch of St. Mat 1 thew's WA $29.75 Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST . New address: 303 3rd Ave. W. , Phone Green 960 Only S3 down, S3 Month ZEN SAILOR i Dor Si ewa, Special to The Daily News I Many atlcnucd trie 'anal., for which the hall was decked in the Yulctide motif. A big, brightly-trimmed Christmas tree was the centre of attraction and glowing candles on the tea tables added to the effect. President, Mrs. E. S. Laird, was convener of the affair, which also featured tea-cup reading. 7cHAE BROS. LTD. riione fi or ;6 "The btore That Service Built" THE TWO DALCHTERS of Nic olal Jensen, a Copenhagen bicycle messenger, are assured safe conduct to and from school, as they hitch a ride in daddy's vehicle. TERRACE Funeral service was held here yesterday tor . Philip Murray, infant son of Mr. i and Mrs. Fred Stewart. Rev. M. W. O'Connell conducted the service in St. Matthew's church, attended by members of the staff of the Home for the Aged. Burial was at Kalum cemetery. Enjoy a REAL Time This Christmas CANDIDATES Continued From Page 1 THIS WEEK. Ladies Orange Benevolent Association. Oddfellow's Hall. Thursday, Installation of 3BVE) . "The biggest business in the, March 9 city council minutes, north is Prince Rupert," he said, aw. iiruegcr sam wir. i nonius "ihniit wnose , eoine to iDend was employed as consultant to Ask Pow Ask Mow Ask Cousin Ask Sister Ask Gram paw Ask Aunt Penelope For The Best USED CAR BARGAINS it's BOB PARKER LTD. 'The Hume of Prtendly Service" . . f OKD-MONARCH DEALER readers evaluate uie proposals oi the worinein B.C. rower Company Y i your money ana how." Mr. Smith said that although he had been endorsed by tne Civic Aflalrs Association he did . Card Party, Catholic Hall, Thursday, Dec. 10, 8 p.m. (287) with ana tne B.C. t'ower commiaoiou. , Asked by Aft Murray wny counuii deciuea io invite me b.t. rower commiasion to supply Prince Rupert witn power, mu. rkrueger suia it resuiieu Irom the power issue reierendum. I Mr. Murray asKed what was ,RCN (Reserve) con-i of ciiien-sailort in jinjt-intrtasing their tAitdge of the skills ic:af of the sea. Re--tirainin is importint ,nn(( and dcmandi uit htirti-d interesl : tiort. m For sane, economic and sound administration In Civic not have to account to it, but to every citizen. "Those elected must have the interest of the city at heart," he said, "and if I am elected I will be responsible EL LIS AIR LINES Affairs, vote H. F. Glasscy, for Alderman. (286 L I KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. to every organization in the city. wrong with wortnern B.C. Power "Vote as you like, he con. Your vote for H. F. Olassey an alderman will Insure you to ' - - I Waf eroroof I l uai nwie council dissauslied. but vote. Actions speak eluded, good sound administration in loude- Ulan words.' all Civic Affairs. (286) NBCP had asKed tor a rate increase and had applied to the Important. Regular meeting W. A. U.F.A.W.U. Wednesday, V with J! ir August S. Wallin said that because his list of accomplishments was not as outstanding as those of other speakers, it didn't mean that he wasn't Interested. He did not resent not being sponsored) by the Clvie Af faiii Asso- PuC tor it. The NBoP aiao want- I ed to Install a fcliJO.OOO Oiesel j piant, which altered tne capital interest structure. This, he said, 1 piimaed the NBCP with sound ! ai'BUjueiat to present to the PUC j m ii fenet tot a rate increase. , iv KETCHIKAN Connections to A!! Alaska, .. Seattle and Whitehorse Phone 266 Or Call at our Office Opp. Post Office Dec. 9, 8 p.m. Metropole Hall. Final plans for cmldrcn's Christmas Tree. (286) Cribbage Tournament sponsored by moose Looge ai Moose LDAT5 TRAINING Superior Auto Service Limited 'V Did vrD fLft ILHfV Ji,Jik Furness asked George ; ' Hall, Luc. 1 to Oec. 18. tn- gMHir country in part-time is also ciatiu he aaid, adding that; runnirtg he was pritfiulng pint competition. ' "; Norman Bellis said that although he didn't know very much about civic affairs he still didn't tnuiK the city was getting a dollar's worth of value for a dollar. uSuhle dutv. You ' tries close oec. U. fcniry ite Cash prizes, everyone welcome. ' U8) Mr. H. H. Church, Veterans' Wellare Olnccr, will be available for interviews by interest i wtmmmmmamimaB3k.3 iini.Miia iia aj t - - he paid reaular HiUs which could provide tne cheaper power, the B.C. Power Commission or the Northern B.C. Power. Mr. Hills said that he believed in public ownership of utilities ana described the B.C. Power Commission of setting basic rales of pay for nmt you spend in rj ml mm m iniiaoaiiai u m ' I am not sponsored by any ed veterans at the U.I.C. ollice from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11. 287) Women of the Moose Christ one, I have no one to answer io power costs as very lair, ai uie but myself," Mr. Bellis said. (Mr. j same time, Mr. hills said, he Bellis was endorsed by the Civic j wanted to be fair to the Northern Affairs Association last Friday i B.C. Power Company. He said 1GHT HERE IN J? 'ti!aaal OivUioil night.) that he didn't think that Prince ' If I am elected I intend to go , Rupert would have received bet-lr. and work with the mayor and power rates from anyone else eouncl! and do a job." He said 1 Hi"" "ey Hid from -NBCP. that he believed the city council! "I've never disputed the rates," needed a little bit of aggressive- Ml- Hills said, "only the service." ness ...... Mr. Hills said he couldn't say Kiu. iipd out how in wrvx your inuit- mas banquet to be held Decern-1 ber 16, Broadway Cafo, 7 p.m. Don't forget your secret pal, also exchange of gifts. Tickets can be bought at the Style Star 8hop. to Ijn picked up not later than December 12. 288) The Dept. of Veterans' Affairs advises that Col. Phllpott will speak on the new Section 4 of the War fcterans' Allowance inil prepare yourself nlwnu'mi'nt. As soon as the question period j wnetner tne rates wouia oe nign er or lower under the B.C. Power opened up Aid. Casey asked Aid 'r, kkpltime or vhhl commission but In any case he was in favor of the commission "because a publicly-owned utility was more beneficial to the Krueger to explain the purpose for which engineer M. A. Thomas was engaged. M.C.S. Chatham Quoting from a copy of the: people." Prime Rupert I'hone 526 Mill I) Act at 5:45 p.m. December 10. The purpose of this talk Is to Inform W.V.A. recipients of new regulations and greater allowable rfirnings under the Act., j (287) A SPECIAL GIFT For Men or Boys- '5-JEWEL WATERPROOF WATCHES fully Guaranteed. ONLY $19-95 erne ft il ft ft ft ft EVAPORATED ' GEO. COOK Jeweller's TERRACE PRINCE RUPERT " 7 j with a thousand tomorrows! j PERSONAl GirTS Kli-nric ll..lrr Elprlric Home rrrrwr ' VI W,r,ri' ' ""'"'f l l".ir(.frp,Mkr, f-rrlri(.Rt.fri8Prr I Klc. II ir f i.., k. I l. rlrii- IVrmlalur . , I Klrdric atrr llralrr 4 I Snail Ua.lin I l. rlrir Krtllr Klertrir OthH-ailier :t Wm,- Miikrr I. ,-irir H..I l'Ulf . Flfrlrir (;rba Aiilmiiiilii Tua ti r Klrrlrir Smtlwirk Disposer JgS. r.lrrtrtr Mtfr . 81 I Klfriric Vashfr ill? 1 I ii- l.ilill- l ie (.....Lrr i Ti re. 11 ""DmcmattD-MOM' ANNUAL MEETING Gef (arnation J 11. Sl,.v,.r niOryr H Kil . """"r . FAMILY GIFTS Elrclrir Ironrr v ' j I I j l-.h' lii- II.Miins 'a. I I.Tirir H.iMfc Varuum Cleaner )1X and I ! ft' I I ' FT ' I con.en.ed. D"mes heal(hy. Prince Rupert District BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION will be held at the CIVIC CENTRE p.m. MON. DEC. 14th Reports and Election of Officers fot yom baby, if he is bottle-fed, you wan. the mill. 7:15 nation for your baby. . ioc mine every doctor knows. ALL SCOUTING FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND 'HOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE 1953 FINANCIAL DRIVE ARE MEMBERS AND ELIGIBLE TO VOTE. PROVIDES EXTRA VITAMIN O It u essential to health that babies and n adequate supply of vitamin O. r,rn,tlJ children 1" A Canadian Product - "i".1. S"'." ."?... " caMtn 2 vintK KKANDS COMBINED Th e meeting will start on time, and should take one hour.