I Contact lyjtfiv ITITCT'Ti HI 1UI Id 1 L ALI'I J 1 1 y fat "U I "Pastors New.Goodwill Move Monday, April 21, 1952 f 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ly carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year International frnnrlu-m and intercommunity un- $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. 1 derstanding along new lines was developed yesterday t ; i I On Formosa. wnen rrotestant ministers of Ketchikan and Jmneei- iiUjert participated in a precedent-creating exchange of iuipits. Five pastors came from Ret-fhikjin to nreach in various Generalissimo Chiang 1 K.I ta' the China coast. In this itor Nti? By billbS 0' TAII'EH, Formosa (CP, where the Orient has hi-1,1 T, i"1 Jap Crimes OK Now? churches here while a like num-i ber went to Ketcnucan. Interested eonsrresations. lar f to Tk " I CANADIANS must havei ger than usual, turned out morn-i Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Authorized as second class mall by Post Office Department, Ottawa Treating the Tourist TOURISM in Canada has, become, particularly in the last few- years, a whopping big business, says i Canadian Chamber of Commerce letter. It ranks a ith '.such stalwarts as agriculture and mining as a source of revenue. But, with the upsurge in the value of the1 Canadian dollar in relation to the American currency, a)llpuing the termination of foreign exchange con-:rol Canada's tourist industry faces a new chal-.enjje. This year, Canadians will have to step up ..n. - -I I drink advertising sign 0n the the presence of some 800 1!;? cers and men and -a n.,n,L,. . , . k TOP ECONOMIST A. F. W. Plumptre, external affairs department's top economist, Waves fui Paris In July to become the number two man on the permanent Canadian delegation to the North Atlantic nig anu evening to ii.rn 10 u-mcssages of the Alaskan inmL;-ters and tfie Prince Rupert pastors report similar interest at the -First City." , - Transportation was carried out by Queen Charlotte Air Lines with nights Satu'day and today. TYPICAL MESSAGE Rev. Wyburn Skidmore, pastor tf First Methodist Church at Ketchikan, who preached in ! rubbed their eyes with j wonder when they read the newspaper reports of j j the April 9 speech in par- j liament by J. H. Black-j more, the Social Credit! ! MP for Lethbridge, Alta.1 i Not only did Mr. Blackmore ' ' play down the atrocities com- j mitted by the Japanese and Ger- j i mans in the recent war, and I ienore Hone Kone. but in the i There Isn't a stick of chewing "We gum for Formosans, either which probably Is why they dlf- forbidicn. fer from most other Orientals , J- in that tney don't slouch aloniz IoreiMer u rreaty organization. The 54 year-old Montreal-born head I" ln u. with the Jw:d , of the department's economic j dw'nf, nt ,of e body's work. ' S?. to , Soft drinks and gum a t,,,! 1 ot fi..." diviinn division win will Kmo become an -cc asso Fast United Church here brought iwo or a long list of "luxurv" ' ' lne Items lh. n- k. . . y. CelebMti,f'i a typical message at the morn-, tlPPutv ,.... .., " ..1 minis fi, who has been an- -. "c iiiiporiea -"" or to - v, . luimuMt uusientv . mm perverceo.. one-siaea part ; INSPIRED Rev Wyburn ' Panted chief the delegation eh-jrrh in Prince Rnnert M I half -true, and Dartlv entirely program. They annarpnu.,' nfn ok (CP from National Film Board weren't popular before tiie war , p annaa;l it ! j! and their use now isn't bein? 7tm mkx Skidmore, Ketchikan's "First Citizen,'' preacher at local church during international exchange -of pastors. : false explanation of what led up 1 to Pearl Harbor he most unfairly ! maligns the United States. 1 Accordina to Mr. Blackmore's ! - Western branrti of C!"-r- Stru, j warped reasoning, the real war . .sj. inspiration. He had been impressed with the dignity and sincerity of worship here and the fine edifice for God's use. He made particular reference to the junior choir and anthem. It would be a challenge which he could present to the young people of his own church. I Taking as his subject "This' is the Time for Greatness." Mr 1 :heir tourist promotion activities in order to lure our American neighbors over here; and more, important still, we will have to treat them right when the get here. The people who stand to gain or lose most, depending on which way the tourist trade winds blow, arethose who come into direct contact with our visitors owners and operators of retail stores, restaurants, hotels, resorts, : service stations and gar-age5, entertainment "places, transportation companies, tiovelty and souvenir dealers, and the like. They arethe "contact" people in our .tourist industry. Jlf they don't let the tourist know who they are, where they are, and what they have to offer, they cannot reasonably expect to rean any benefits. More- . and liquor are available only to tunes on T. foreigners at a government tfe and a kir store.. Purchase is by tickets die o!tfits j bought' beforehand at the Bans of Formosa with U.S. currency.' .tfm '7htHlilST'SS rmii ray... Statehood Not Likely This Year iiiiiuiiiiis wcie jiu me oiuck-1 hearted war lords and murderers , who ruled Japan through assassination and intimidation. No. lie blames Cordell Hull, a.id by obious Inmpilcation, even the late I President Roosevelt, i ine u.t. Army also operates a 'inn 8 ltr6 Post Exchange for its soldiers' t "j or- Reflects and Reminisces Skidmore declared that these i and a few privileged civilians i 1,7 mim Locally-produced tobaccos and ""??. lan i days' of crisLs should be the oc- j , ; j .wuuvvm V-1.IAI lXl casion for Christian derision.: II 0,UIIUW MR. BLACKMORE 3 astounding speech is set forth on mze Even thf SornV people mfeht ' Jm. be g has h,UBNfU ,m. not murh Ak ....... han atehood favor-,J,ef' .ilia ; fnitratPrt In vn ' them inhabit. ; f 1411 of Hansard, the official mons1;nWh 7 H describd a Sy uSalnlyS aWe Mtto durln Ptl The island is under martial UmoTa " " and I " mons tieman farmer as one who sel- , lywea"a rt"tywp,.JC" session of Congress, in the opin- and takes its austerity pro-. coast . record of House of Com .7,, S' luom dom raises raises anything anyming Dut ms ,,,,,.,: n, ,""";: :r on or at least one of the five lam seriously. ciui tt n yuu luimciu a uuu unm hat? Dancing ift public places h - ' ovef, if they happen to be'among that small minor- LiiiiLbnc ana impelled w in tlii; tt o i i i . . . . tiL 'C8'slat0rs who vliilted Ju" feeling that now was the u Continued on' you get him so angry that he is ittr V-Vi1i cofcti umi-l ViMf V Vi airA.i.Al i almost utterlv mad rin not hoi the minister o! n!-nmnn 'rhZZ ! The five-Gary ID, Va.l, Can- V jjw, ,.-.,o w ""in vi iiii .iic aiuncu UUI UUSC VI ' . . . VC, , . ' Mr. Howe a . . " fip d (R Mil .Ciomlncbl ir rnnkinp- thP tniD-ist hr enarmrrr Kim oKnnvmo i ... . trade, betrayed immed ate and n. ... . .7 .. f" "V - "'" special Interest when he heard . N.J.). Passman (D, La.) and Inrernarionol Brotherhood of Pulp, n,n prices, tnen tney ao not deserve to stay-in j & ,Sed w how well the fain. elevator ?0aon rC TThe'VTr mrs auipnirc ond PaDer Mil! Makers Local 708 WATSON ISLAND, B.C. Election ol troy It is said there are merchants who trv to take j second man acts ... I think j ! " ', " "v " umcers, inciuaing near - ainir;i drews Cathedral and St. Peter's r. t. McElligott. conn-, ider of Aniican here: Rev flnvtnn ih nr .. .... . undue advantage of Canada's strengthened mone , must look with a measure of j Indulgence, or shall I say. char- ,T SEEMS TO WORi. ' ltV.' On the atrocities cnmmittoH Shnillri vnn JPP enmonnn noolr " -- ' t nmur lieu, int. new IJ j Shot well, at First Pre.sbyterian . Yakutat to ia;ix-ct their first tiipi. orAwii junaa- station ; by the Japanese , as 0 well as by uy the llJC ...B ing an ... umbrella, ulIlulclla, you j,uu can put pul, son son, at al the lrxe Salvation saivation Army, Army, and and tary position charging American visitors a premium for Canadian funds, over and above the legal rate. Such shortsightedness, not to mention the lack of ethics, is inexcusable. Anv Canadians who imlulcrp Germans in the great struggle. Wm (or her) down for a chee- Elder Fred Wagner ' Seventh Dav . ,h'le1here rv,ii ,. . lk thcy 'e enter-I am not condoning thse things, chako, so far as the north coast Arivontut talned at a Ginner with Coast Wage merely seeking to understand is concerned. It works, nin? The local natnr uh u.pnt ( ?Ua nd cl ian crflciaIs' En" ana to make allowances for ; times out of ten When wp ram . ..." r - leivainmeni was rcsinciea at M'tcnisan were ev. ur. K. A. ,h . - u the rennest of iho M.rMm.n it. wvvi.r c i v. v ii i k i li v i nri r I ivi I i i nrjtw vv m . 1,1 1 wiii, uj-ak in no I'l nra iv n . . . afferent cause they will not see their victims, and a -eat i for ONEgrw with the Social as" ?SSSJ"Sffi KT3 'ST"? -SEISS many Otherwise potential customers, airain Fur- I CmUt argument that U.S. in- was an umbrella. It was bought oil. ' 7; are anxlous 10 "djourn bt.'ore the national conventions start thermore, such a practice can seriously undermine 1 22? 'anT SwiS "! ation'Army. C1W trtlivicf n-irl net ..c 1 j . . . i I insisted linnri Kir tv uc I Ul..i. i i . .... ' - r v.u. ici umuoiij aa a v iiuic. Vjaimaa, lor WflOrfl i J " mc anci unc naa Deen mown no ! illsirip nut. throo biH Unn tmiri ic im.,t.,f i; i n ?. l"'nB' "ui to suggest, di-j -i J Uttlt 1 THE mi. oiacxraure am mat this de- ana two were missing, ' the de-vie ffnarlpri .lunan lib-n m.j 1 . ... . " he sees little chance for any action on statehood this session. BILL RECOMMITTED A statehood measure is tied up in the Senate now. The bill was reeomfilitted for committee study in February after reaching the floor. Gary pointed out that the kwu. .0111 .o uii nijjvji tain suuue ui American aonars, cannot afford such foolhardinessv :. -, ) An essential factor in attracting and impressing American tourists, is to make our country typically Canadian, in other words, let's not imitate someone else's customs and m;innpr TV !a q cBviH.o-m.'nW bull,, to go to war with the' real no. more. Fifteen perfectly gortd '. JmJ CTTEDDfV culprit, U.S.A., is like something dollars had already been squan- L I ! LfN.D O'A out of Orwell's nightmare book, dered. We've often -rndcrijj' called "1984." what the grand total would Je' WII T N MK The cause of Japan's entry today had we kept on collect- Fditnr w u Vtf METROPOLE HALL 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruper TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1952 i House has approved statehood for Alaska once, and he said v. wuuu war lw0 was not be- ing umbrellas. Fancy! From fj: uauy v n, wews iooq tn imi - " oi.vuo jiiioutirvc cause toiuc Rooseve xujuseveit t a and I HI w.iil riUJl to try to turn Canada into an imitatlVm nf th TTn.t ;.8aed the Japanese bull to Regarding your editorial of j that, if the Senate measure' i- Upril 17, now that you have i should pas this session, he has States. Qrufoe Vi-oJf Visitors here u : ; Point of ury. It was that the h HIS ...c worship come to see something differ. Japanese war lords, were alreadv J,, J 'asked: '.'What ought we, Prince ! little doubt that it would re- . t .. . Tnp e mavrtn T... i n .. . i.t . .... .. ';... . Polling Place Open o Following Times 8:S0 a.m to 10 r.iu. a.m. lo S p.m. 7 p.m. h ? embarked on one of the most mayc deliberate, ' carefully ni3nn.H Shlomo fchrag ;ai, has been visit- Frince Rupert-ites or Prince j lower body. criminal grabbine camoalcn ing in Montreal recently. He Rupertlans? Or what not?" I A statehood bill died in tho ever seen in history. Ignoring s. not look tne Part- He hs "Or what not?" might be the i Senate after safely passing the pariipr fincrr!....)... in.. ..... . no turban, nor has hp a Hoar4 ... . . , . .. : VTrtnca aovltn Kn . IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL MEMBERS OF LOCAL 708 VOTE uu.51a1.es, me uiai graos . . " ' " must aprupnaie out 11 wouian 1 1 -" amiun, oui ot : Korea and- Formosa, they wnu! and lengthy. His photo be my choice. It is so unroman-' an attempt Is being made to were nc.ir virtually y4n,u4uiy continuous conimuous aggres- aggres- was ?n tne Daily " News the nie other uiatr tic uc just just aoesn doesn't t 1 leave a thing to 1 reopen the Issue in the upper sors sors pvpp ever sinro since tha the . u evemnS- evening. His H's Worshin Worship is i middle- mirtnii. build house hmiw nnm now end of world a dream on ' ' feTt , y,fly, And Prlnce Rupert-lte. It pvp TAbiM t SamhT6, &nu . "ncle sounds well, but by the time we'd s- JAPAN sort of thin grabbed the whole of whiskers. gct used to It some carele. m1,ncf l" l9'Jl- By the person would have pronounced middle thirUes she was grabbing ! A man is reported to haw it Prince Ruprr-tite. That truth .... . . . . . . Whole Chunks nf Chinn nirlfprl nn o il.nl,1 I- . kiuFci. r------ -j- o..c.n. in a iwai wouia nun. Ana it ts natural Japan s capture of the Chinese establishment, a day or so-ago. '.hat we would not wish the . . . . 1 rani f II Ml ti n..lt l ' wa lonowea in waiKt-a away. Ana yet we whole world to know that which bV one of th mnf h.t.tA flrp rpnntuHlu f.H tk.i t L . . . ... , .. H.,,Ko' r v .W...UIC, --- "i---.-u. iU him a ma- ougm 10 nave Deen Kepi in me aeimerately planned , mass rapes Jr robbery here is practically city's family circle. But mostly, and ravages in all history. (Why unknown. ' outsiders prefer to discover it SLVwKe?tbettCT at Hong ; themselves . . . call them "Ute" Tol.i ha." Jap?n was say'n8 Gordon Jolliffe. Queen char- M vu will. 1 ri. trv this; ' IeCt' as otte sourdougn. was in town ! I fancy, I'd like t be known as Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form "Submit to us nr thu tv, . ' luUKlns up many old a frince Rupertan. Once one treatment yoii win t,Jr d r 1 e n d s anu retmmending managed to get used to the name, im pan wasanS llll'ZZ l ne f the WKl effect should off the China PnoTf , , best nollday regions out of be tremendous. efore?h? NhHak-ed imper" l? that Somc ' that the sun over ialist burgl." had the iihrto'S. h ,n Pri"Ce Ru" : PrinCe Rupert is oftcn d'' t ' set up a Lrt of lmnpriaf nf-i unt" have become perhaps by that same little cloud ent. If they wanted to see what they have at home, they would stay at home. However, business alone can hardly be expectad to solve our tourist problems, so long as it is beset by such heavy taxation. A great many comrrfodities which bulk so largely in holiday spending cost considerably more in Canada than in the United States because of the level of taxation here. Examples are "tobacco products, camera supplies, sporting goods,. gasoline, and a great number of so-called luxury items." "' Government, therefore, which so ardently seeks American dollars and so loudly champions the tourist industry as a means of bolstering our economy, might do well to give consideration to relaxing the tax burden. The fallacy of trying to encourage holiday spending in Canada while at the same time adding to the prices for the goods to be purchased is not hard to see. Wa n ted-Ste wa rdess CANADIAN Pacific Air Lines, no doubt, knows V- its own business. The travelling public also knows what it wants. There has been a good deal of complaint since the stewardess was removed from the plane run between Prince Rupert and Sandspit. We have been hearing about discomforts, particularly during .these recent days of rough flying, which might have been alleviated through the presence of the stewardess. Maybe we have just got used to the pleasant, smiling young -women accompanying us" 'on the Sandspit hop and providing us with that welcome cup of coffee and couple of biscuits. Anyway, everybody seems to be wishing she was back rough days or fairand we hope CPA will consider reinstating her. : ence g ever that radi0 of late has bt'en tariff system around a 1 1 thu " htvinl L ,out "V- !is plain nonsensT. fjing SiA e islands- ing so much about ... But this . w.ic.c me nooas neea not aampen our spirit. By MR. BLACKMORE says he' has1 ' "'Hi- , radiating sunshine one to an- KRf JBTlfs " p"nce ana all Canada, a vru " u" ue'B cuuea a rrince 17 Kuper- 4Q in torn $49 in 1939 j and about $321 in 1952. tite you say? ... vice by Implying that they share VIOLET INOALLS 'AV.V.V.VAV.V.V.W.W.V.V.W.V.VAVAV.V r iicu oeuei ana it was all right for Japan to run amok before; and that under similar circumstances she would be justified In doing it again. INFRA-RAY PENETRATING Night-time ITCH J Of Toes And Feel Find I'uiiiuti ui limes tnt,iU3Uu r h-uj- (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25, cost, insertions for prie of four. Minimum charge, ' Arid four words if bo number required Co Almost Drlvt Yo Crazy HEAT LAMP Aids Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sore Muscles, Stiff Joints and other ailments. It! S niLi7,.l .. Name Certainly the company cannot any longer tell r. u . k" ..." Vr5"' "f. A"'" No- j Rupert Radio & Electric Address Phone us mat it is tor lack of patronage or traffic that this retrenchment has been made. .