Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 2L 1952 Committees Of Hospital Loca II Iff. I. . a n d Back From Public Health Institute of economics at University of Washington. All public health workers in the province attended. Miss Elaine Delisle PHN is returning on Tuesday's plane. Dr. L. M. Greene, president of PERSONAL MM. L. M. Felsithal and medical Mlss Lucas PHN is rr. maimnff fnr nrwit.hpr week lrf Don Forward returned to the Dr. Duncan Black, Over two hundred young folks the hospital board,. has appomi-httenoed a colorful teen-agers' ed standing committees for the Easter ball last Friday night in year as follows: uio main auuuonum 01 tne Civic Finance E. D. Forward. P. H. Centre which was decorated Linzey,' O. F. Forbes and Aid. profusely vwth variegated oeorge Hills. . , ti.eaiiUiS, in.: apptran. , House William Scuby, E. D. of a false roof. Around (lie walU Forward Mrs R q. Moore and city at the end of the week from daughter, Judy. .after a ten-day a business trip to Vancouver. visit here over the Easter season, left by plane Saturday on their Mr. and Mrs. Marc Gormely relurn to .Vancouver. returned to the city on the the Mrs. Jermyn. after a vis t hre Princess Norah after making j ,..,. with her son and daughter-ln- health officer, and Miss Helena Vancouver 0n vacation. Boehme PHN and Miss Frances T. Bradley, anitarian, is' Neighbor PHN of the local vacationing at Harrison Hoi health una reiurnea u the city Springs. , , at the end of the week, after )f I Yjew JP resident were Easier mowoes anu bust W. A. Armstrong. . I i A well the annual Pub ic Mr. ana Mrs. o. uuie, ii- WeeKS rOUUU Lfip WJ Nnrmon Tor. attending were- .,u t n irt. ivi i , uiiu ivi -J . jiwuhu'i w o Frank of Mr. and Mrs. ' i t Uooitv. Tr.ctitnto at. Victoria The ents ! Orange Benevolent Association t.stoons of ballons which . were 1 not mldrrwi mpotinar mat Itleaal-U UUllllE UV eVCUinU '-0 Moore and S. C. Elk Ins. William Bacon sailed Sunday myn ieu y a r u .w, .ui cocsinn a verv interestinE one nne. Skinner, after a brief visit here., Long Range Planning w. a. morning on the Princess Norah Coquitlam on their 4 ?,,Pp Von held last Thursday evening at Ue merriment of all the v. Civic Civic cen- oen- - - " Music Music wa was bv bv ihp Uie , 'was highlighted by an address are sailing Dy tne on nutrition 'toy Mrs. Jennie tomorrow afternoon Four Dukes- Armstrong, wuiam otuuj, tor Vancouver to auena uie pi u- nugo Anaerson, vo, oi uie 1 will pit w'c Hume u " . ,n nroEiam included spot v . iargu. u. . menu" vincian ijiuciai cuuvcmwu una rioneers nome, was namiwu May Rowntree, dean oi the school return 10 vanuuu.i. .Vt audlencc3 when election of officers took dunces wnich wr.r direcud bv Mis? E. L. Clement, R.N wee. to Prince Rupert General Hospital yesterday following a stroke. versatile local place. President. Mrs. B. Evans, u-Miv Hobo-.-r. Kmitn . ; m All are still was ln the chair. and Lawrence Kristmanson. ' S3 i t ' " J Hugh Hart, public health sanitarian at Terrace, who has I flu'j are. preparations were made by the Just betoie m.uii.bai, .csh-, fiu -i..f nun OaV- i i . - U.. .n u-apo I pvort hir lh Twn UHllllt yHJl icr been fcttendins the public health Mr. and Mrs. K. Knutsen left, i 1 Comfort and StijL Institute at Victoria, will arrive last week for Victoria to attend in the city on the Prince Ru-; the graduation this week of their rurt. Wrnnrsriav rnrnute back to daughter, Miss Susie Knutsen, tuoso; Howard : bc held at a tea May 3r(1 Club members. ! CX-'. . . ' l ' , . t hnJ The penny box was opened piping with the decorations. JJancc Cnjoyed; fl Jl. M , v i and the Droceeds sent to the """""" " r -.-.-..ww i?.Lin.n rK, cmk : tv u.iX ot An. tne interior. m Loyal Protestant Home. training school for nurses. LADIES' rT na Infrrflm Rnss Tnryrnm Rv ..r.inir,n aViwl mi 'RaturriaV A painter who fell off a lad- The president gave an inter-, niil Mi.i.nn 'ian v, ion 'n. apil of Phyllis . ., (. was only in estine report of the main events c,..v,',.,i. r- u.,n n,i.- .;8 .i J- rv,ii der Saturday morning was ad , , , . . oiiimuinain., tuv nan, "-.iiv rut UU U H1C ,von ov'1""'" 1 which occurred during the year r,,r tr jin b,i, ,., .i mltted to Prince Rupert General Arts' . . , . , vm, xoum v;ri;faMiiULiuii wnv uw.- . J. D. McRae, former local MLA, left on today's plane to attend 1 the British Columbia Liberal As-' sociatlon convention and the sessions of the advisory board j which precede It. j w at the SHOES Secretary Ida K.aikei pattv Martin. Pat HoN th halt with . Raster Hospital, with multiple bruises v! afllfS. , 1 in Grade Paulson gave the financial, re- galCi Anan sheppard, Gcorgina trimmings the i music .was sup- In good condition, is Philip Prt- ivl'tch-ll, Verna Graham, Bob ,pucd by the 'Rupert Rangers, Lacerte, 49, of Fraser House. A raffle .donated by Mrs. Kll- Trapp. Fred Kristmanson and and eenlal master of eetemon- ; aiur Fine Aits C H Festival. The 1 tin outstanding that are 1 quality made and design ed for long wearing and comfort Tods in looks lan was won by Mrs. E. Thorn- penia Peneff. -- . was Johnnie ,Comadina, Ric- son. Door prizes wer.e won by Stella , hard Tweed was vocalist. -f Election of officers resulted Chuprin and Joyce Strand, i converers for the -.ffair wre as follows. 1 Angus Smith was In charge johanno Kolfocd, MargawJt, Dor-President Mrs. Maude Vler- at the door. ' : jon Frar.v.e. Murphy,. Mary eck. John Stirn and Rowland Miles Basso, D.eiiny, Caron ' peter . Vice-President Mrs. Elizabeth -ve amo: the adults in at- -Q Rourke and John MacDougall. Thomson. tendance. - , cjCitlie Lea t re presentation i pianist, Jonn v s heard to rc-e girl is going ! flan Club Fes- .vis again the . m the Senior ". 1.. Mrs. Ida Paulson. Secretary- (02 Fashion Footwear APRIL 29 - 8:30 p.m. Adults 50c - Children 35c Chaplain Mrs. Sophie Carr. j R0y McKenz. formeily of te .' Mr- and Mrs Martin Van Press Correspondent Mrs. ' Daily News staff, Is a visitor in Cooten and child are sailing to-Eaith Johansen. . , the city, arriving here -on the niSt on the Princess Louise for Th. v mHiw .tn t.u'f.'lnceni lAuise today from Ocean Falls h?re Mr. Van his "new ninrp nt. thp Broadwav Cafe to' Ocean Falls. He may go to Kiti- Cooten will fake up Tickets from any member or. at Civic Centre duties as" customs, officer celebrate the ninth birthday of mat thp Post. MiKtrpss Axsru Ijtiinl I T The evening came to a close with delicious refreshments served by the hostess. 4 was awaiucu . cup, later pcr-5J. and at The ariley Park, fth of this year 1 1 Past Festival j ar.;i came first th4 cup winners, s cumpi'ting for the "jbson Cup. Burton rviMJT of the Music, w.i.i th adjudicator vd feimscll as ex- , i: pjt-aird with Joyce's romance. ir leaving for Prince i wili compete in the iui Hjs-val in Van-re sii aas entered .mled Strathconi mat High schools ;;r ijtompleting her ' tnce course at Calliollc (Couple tiJeililinfj Principals A pret y spring wedding took place Satuiday morning at Annunciation Church wiicti Deanna Nast and Victor Carolci exchanged vows before Father O. P. III . . ! . ' MHMI , "I tmmrmmmmmmmt l" "l ffm rl 111 cjinical School. Rt.han. Bride is the daughter of ion many Mac- the late Edmund Nast and Mrs. ftwams in all Josephine Kamlns ka. Th,: groom ; ad what amazes is the son of Mr. Cataldo Caro- 4 that she will lei. , j Wing perform- Tne bride approached the altar i music, return wearmfc a beige su'.t with hat to tjil outitrlp all match and. an orchid corsasc. tstiind tiic town Sne was given ln marriage by a uis Bluesy Iiiend, Arthur WUUaws. , -t- Not only a Bridesmaid, w.nrlng a h '.p ..narimba but a suit and a pink hat, was Miss ,1 liicrea-.a Nast. the bride , s su-r. i to his mu.iical Groimsman was Mike '" - I" 1 iv 4?. :; : 'I 4 i. "t- j mm, 9 ; ! 1 1. - ?! ... - .' ' : i . , . , . 4 . I ' , . . i . 1 t." ,', v - j :- s ' l: ft " 1 ' f i 4, 71 K n -l !"'rlK ., ft s th s. ... t 5- -r . - . , s ! 1 i Js ,js very very skilful ' " ui mi is j w7 (c n rn fr1 MdMwi ""'" ' I : mm c 11 Pari ij -ij:n.irs. ) sclent at Kilsii.ino J ai4 'hcn in Grade i the -South Burnaby j! tup in Novelty In--las-s.'liir tinost Mac-:!) Fsslival, following 4i:fred at Malktn y fark and at a B Club concert Iratre. in his teens. Don t Radio Stations 'X and appear-t Seattle. ; radio perfotm-I very success-engagements at tave Siuppcv liver. Prince Rupert Gyro Club paid Varcwcll honor to a popular and former secretary who Is leaving ihc city when a delightful party was staged at the Prince Rupert Ciuh Friday night. Guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Cooten. : Highlight of th evening came when, curing the refreshment period, Vice-President Dr. A. W. Largi, officiating in the absence of President Marc Oormcly. pre-: ntcd M:. and Mis. Van Oootcn with a handsome table lighter. Jiiieii on count- ili'l'C, it Howard, a Sc.". imcnis ulvaole vu un- " bv both D.". ? .1 we c expressed Larc and Mi. Van Cooten. tie High School mn Arnott, lirst Fat.ri-ta'.nmcnt fcatu;-.: of tno There is no problem or anvllilng dldieult ii Atli rnativc Voting. It is simple and fair. Under the old system of voting, it was possible for the candidate or party with, a minority vote to get elected. For instance, if two candidates bad 1000 voles each and tbc third bad 1023, the third candidate would win .even though 2000 votes had been cast against him. Under the Alternative Vole this is impossible. You mark the ballot thus: 1-for your first choice; 2-for your second choice and so on. If, on the. first count, there is no absolute majority for any one candidate, the one with tbc fewest ballots marked in his favor is dropped and his ballots distributed among the candidates according to tbc second choices as indicated on these ballots. Again, if on the second count, iiol.soul' majority is reached the same process would be used , Tln.. when l he. candidate who has more votes flj the Vancouver -4 member of the 1 1). C. Conserva-t- ton the Scholar-iiiittcntausut aonat-fE fcnest MacMlllan -i-Wwinn he played ' ;lf MalKin llowt con- evening was the showing by Dr. R. G Large of a specia ly prepared reel of moving pictures recalling inc dents o.J annual Gvro picnics ever tincj 1341. Committee rcspons.b e for one of the happiest Gyro Foclal gath-c ings on record consisted cf V. I'. stone, C. C. M1U W. J. Scot, and O. J. Dawes. redclei "fus there was '1"ifcii,i,i Hum uie 4 uuiot, into pro- 1 by with lessons fJ' and at the Con-'lu&iu is never loo V'Hl the Magcc High l!;"'a. unuer tno ' 4 Howard King, jo.ouvcr Orchestra ri-pet player and 1,!Wrd, like Jovce rc Wiy excited about o Rupert. y than all the other candidates together is found, Jie wins and is elected. Women's Canadian Club mcctins Legion Auditorium, Tuesday, April 22nd, 8 p.m. Speaker Miss Evelyn CaldwcU. Combined subjects Korea. Au-, t, ua Qnri thr Roval Tour. Re have to do is to mark numeral bailol in Remember, all you 1-2-3-i acainst the (ltd freshments. candidates Sislcd r, r -- vi order of your preference. COT OUT THIS MESSAGE FOR REFERENCE AND DISCUSSION ...... . a - i SPECIAL :fLE TOUGH TUMBLERS 10-o. copy of a brochure entitled "Alternative toting I dvc ,,,, ne , xUrw. - - , A containing detailed information trill be mailed to all British Columbia householders. 6 for 49 !1TST.X)1NG VALUE OF VKAlt