Cny Denies" -fc DAILY. NEWS ' 1 J $ Mi We are trying to do a job j TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ETT3 Renewal to Cab Driver NATIONAL LEAGCE Saturday St. Louis 1, Chicago 8. Boston 9. Philadelphia 7. New York 8, Brooklyn 11. Cincinnati 9,- Pittsburgh 3. Sunday New York 6, Brooklyn 0. Boston 3-2, Philadelphia 4-1. Cincinnati 8-12, Pittsburgh 6-2. St. Louis 2, Chicago 1. AMERICAN LEAGl'E Saturday Detroit 5, Cleveland 7. Washington 2, New York 0. Philadelphia 2-1, Boston 11-8. A - i. y I 46 e ' - t '- i e I i t f- City council served notice Fri-I " tnink yu are a contribu-day night on all persons convict- itinS factor to the crime," he ed of selling liquor illegally here, ' told SS'- Wales, that driving permits will not be "Wp use any measures we see reissued for six mqnths from date ; nt We f tent fire with fire." of cancellation. The decision was ! retorted s&- Wales, made after a taxi driver's appeal ; Later, in committee as a for re.-in.statement of his driving whole, council agreed unani- HE ROUND-UP i. ; 1 . I ' ' - ,-; '.I,'"' ) J ., i ; ( f ' ! . 1 STANWOOD r.v ' ft ;.. XAi.. . 'Ok STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS Terry Sawchuk, left, starry gnal tendei, and captain Sid Abel of the Detroit Red Wings clutch the historic Stanley Cup, emblem of the world's professional hockey championship after the Wings defeated Montreal Canadiens v3-0 in the final game of '.he best-of -seven series at D?roit. Sawchuk had four shut-outs as Detroit won the championship in a i'ccuiU tiiBhl gaine. lit blanked Toronto Maple Leafs twic- and Montreal Canadiens twice. Abel is on the famed "productio.i line" which also includes Doug Howe and Ted Lindsay. (CP Photo from A.P.J here and we ask the council for support." , ! Aid. George Casey said he did not like the "stool pigeon tactics" the police employed in obtaining convictions. mous that "bootlegging should be cracked down on" and that one controlling measure was to cancel permits of convicted offenders. - They upheld the police action and would wish to serve notice on all bootleggers In the city that no permits will be re- 'isued mtil after six months of cancellation. MGE5S Kit joy Excellent ucrommixlulion Delirious meals CuurlcoiiK service Southbound milings front " PRINCE RUPERT Wednesday, April 30 Saturday, May 10 Wednesday, May 21 and approximately every ten days thereafter. This in addition to weekly Prince Rupert-Vancouver Service now being operated. $39.90 to VANCOUVER Fur Information and Reservations contact Ageut: J. I). NOT MAN By .ARRY ,, !.'." is the result rinv,i.s through ; (jr' i.ple League vers Nh" weather rmino i M just ri dvlay -'; SO ,.ii,rr Inn iiMn u"' " r .1, . i ai-rorri- every younnsier to play . ....... Hie futuit ,tnior ball players In , f'ttle League is suc- ,P of the lop players ,te into junior bill jrorn airs 13 to 1G. I I . 0f jvinee Rupert Assured This Ti ., the last wrest ling nearly !)a! This one h 3 -will I)'1 ( '.ill really olf- ,.sj Vaiifoi'ver wr"st-;on. Civir Centre Dir-Stirn cuisUrtut Scaler Tex, Wild Urk ORfilly. Austral- ieavy cuampion, and iclt coatfti'ler for the Liu-heavy crown, in a exhibit!) a fcout here, loop-iiuiis i;ae hi -en plugged in till;: i!eal. . , ... i., .. .a lie seems iu ur ntfrested in inaufiur- baseball talent will be available lor coach! is. There will be an ample supply of bats and baseballs, and uniforms for players provided enough register u make up three teams. There will be at least one night's practice a week for each team and two league game's, the Sunday afternoon game played as a prclimin-ary-to the senior league games. Those already registered at The Daily News office are Michael Lemon, Dick Bury, Billy Smith, Itoliby Irvine, ' llolihy Kelsey, Kay Mclntvre. Jimmy t'hristisun, Doufilas l.etourneau and I.arry Stan-, wood, Jr. me For Rupert Fans laiing a regular mo.ithly wrest-1 ling feature here," .says Stirn. Watch this column fur more on these' grunt and groaners. Stojack, by the way, is sharpening up his holds for a title meet, with Andy Tremaynt, present v.'estvrn. circuit litiht-heavy champ. To fill out the card, local judo students will put on their final display for the season which should see pienty of action. G.rl wrestlers may be billed In the scmi-winclup, hopes Stirn. Cory Palmer and Ginger O'llara of Vancouver have wired they are available. Seven Straight for Indian Chicago 8, St. Louis 3. Sunday Philadelphia 6, New York 9. Detroit 2-2, Cleveland 3-7. Washington 3, Boston 6. Chicago 0-10, St. Louis 8-1. PACIFIC COAST LEAGl'E Saturday Los Angeles 6, Seattle 4..: Oakland 3, Portland 2. San Diego 7, San Francisco 1. Sacramento 0, Hollywood 8. Sunday Los Angeles 5-4, Seattle 1-2. San Diego 3-3, San Francisco 4-1. Sacramento 5-0, Hollywood 7-6. Oakland 5-4, Portland 2-2. Remember when? Portage La ..Prairie Terriers defeated Oshawa Generals 8-2 to win the best-of-five final for thj Memorial Cup 10 years ago tonight at Winnipeg. Terriers had taken the first two games 5-1 and 8-7 in the Junior Amateur Hockey classic, but the Oshawa team won the third game 8-4. In the fourth, however, Lin Bend and winger Jack McDonald each scored three goals in the decisive" win for Portage. Trv Daily News Want Ads 7 ' m cover more orea. Brooklyn Dodgers Bite Dust For First Time NEW YORK 0 The unbeaten Cleveland Indians went on the war path again Sunday, stretching their winning streak to seven games but their expected 1952 world series foes, Brooklyn Dodgers, but the dust for the first time this season. Cleveland blended fine pitching along with home runs to sweep an American League doublehc'ader from hapless Detroit Tigers3-2 and 7-2 and extend the Bengals' whiles skein to seven games. Sal Magliem halted the Brooklyn winning streak at five games as he pitched the New York Giants to 6-0 two-hit National Ltague victory over the Dodgers in Ebhets Field. Bob Lemon seatterei seven Tilter hits m an opener and wo a h'-i second game of the season. gh Weight Entry Mode By Steelheader .-.fflhefiding wasn't of derby fish taken. But there were vcr the weekend, the more in tne still-swollen Kloyah. far w. it-'hi ci in the Buster Hill tied onto one that ji Cluo di-rby arrived looked all of 18 pounds as he at Dan's Service Sta- brought it Into the beach. But ,al weitrhmK-in place, in a final flip, Mr. Steelhead 'erf's silver specimen shook himself loose, much to th-: scales at M pounds chagrin of Mr. Hill and several -s, toppins; fiob Arm-1 "helpers." -ntry by nearly two Firemen "Jock" Ewart, for in-, stance, cot a soaking out of lowc-VfT, was the only. iContimted on Dane fii APPLICATION will be received up to noon May 1. 19S2. for the position of superintendent and caretaker of the Pioneers' Home. Position suitabla for man and wife. Salary $165. per month plus free living quarters, light, fuel and food. ft. W. LONG 3tc) City Clerk NEW PRICES on General Electric APPLIANCES o - F90 Steam Iron 24.95 F80 Fearer Weight Iron 14.50 K42 Kettle 14.50 T22 Toaster 2 slice ........ 14.50 T12 Toaster . . 9.95 T19 Toaster 9.95 Q20 Heating Pad 9.95 CS11 Floor Polisher 64.50 O - Northern B. C. Power Co., Lfd. PHONE 210 Prince Rupert, Br C. Stewart, B. C. TO UITISH COLUMBIA. AND INDUSTRY permit was refused. i Cliff Ahercmmbif. rrmvir-tpd nt , selling liquor illegally two months ago, will be advised not to apply for a new permit within six month.? of th; time his permit was cancelled. Mrs: Witi-j Pav flnnf-arinir fnr Abarcrombie. said' "the means of livelihood" had been taken away from the driver with no other recourse than to make this appeal in hope of reinstatement. In paying the fine, Mrs. Ray taid- Abarerombie had sufficiently paid his debt to society. ' By means of livelihood, does Mrs. Ray mean driving taxi or bootlegging?" quipped Aid. Dar-row Gome. PCMP Si?t. A E. Wales said the permit was cancelled as a measure of control. j ; . i m m i l A : '"'i 'I! llJ ' ! 654 25c pM oWn pid for mptit. PImm t ktvc tkm ftJy when the aVnrr csHl Thti dvtrtitcmtfli m not publithcd t dtUyi tfc Liqoot Cofttrol Board t Wy lk OovnunMl ' ttl Britiih Courtrb. may more OF OUR FUTURE. LET'S KEEP u3sfer MM. IHSUiSSfill w M1IL111II C4-'H4f rjl?F -n 1 New Jnh$ 'irMmWi (iVlM L't, ' I Hew Communities '? 4. Iw .. --"a ' m fc. 3: '!5 L- ' - , ti- f r 1 t i .; K .- -;, 1;' V, - r v 1 " ' K t (. " ,.1 I . . . 1 ., 3 - L ri f. rj , - k IE' - .k -1 I " r . i .(. " ''-... t ft 1 Luke Easter homered with one out in the ninth off Art Hout-teman to break a 2-2 tie. Ned Oarver pitched the amazing St. Louis Browns to 8-0 two-hit victory over CL.cago White Sox in the first game of a doubleheader at St. Louis. White Sqx won the second game 10-2. Games was called off after seven innings because of darkness. ! i Guatemalan Race Winner BOSTON f Dorotea Flores of Guatamala ran away from 157 competitors Saturday to win the j fifty-sixth Boston Athletic Association I marathon. His time was I 2.31. i A record of 2.25-39 wes set in ' 1947 by Korea's Yun Bok Suh. anywhere to the mmmw their awaited. lET'S IT COMING? mmmf rSaMmmmmm fmmw' will we Littr In one of the greatest development programmes under way be nationalized under some socialistic scheme of government-own everything. New jobs, new opportunities, bigger sales, higher living standards, population aH depend on B.C. continuing to earn the kind of CONFIDENCE thjt developed from the election three years ago when the- great majority of people clearly said they wanted a sound, frea opportunity system of economy. in North America, we in British Columbia can look forward spending of about I'i billions of dollars in the next three years... PROVIDED investors still feel that our province is a safe place to risk money. Right within B.C.'s grasp is the cherished future we have so long But this will fade away if investors are told that their holdings v n. fill ft V MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THE MONEY WE NEED COMING B. C. FEDERATION OF TRADE $4 4 N I; . ' v