Prune kuperr Uaily Newi Wednesday. June 2. J9S4 Hotel Hitters Hammer Cockell Eyeing Marci Error-Loaded Esquires After Beating Matth e IN THIS CORNER ; occupied. The error, charged to , Hawryluk as the negligent plaver not covering first, saw two runs come in and Kidd wound up on 1 thiru. KRAMER LOW-PRICED HELP DESPITE SUCCESSFUL TOUR LOS ANGELES i Jack Kramer's tournament-style International tennis tour that ended last Saturday was the best ever in calibre of play, Kramer says, but financially, "well, I wound up the lowest-paid member of my entire organization." Figures that Kramer submitted today on his tour showed Richard Oonwiles won S3U.425, Pancho Segura $35,125, Frank Sedgman $31,025, Don Budge $12 050 and Kramer $3,170. Bums Win in Milwaukee To Cut Braves' Margin Singles by Nick Pavlikis and i DICK AYRES ' jrw 7 i -" ' H Vf ' t ! .-- i.v .' . -' ... j ' ; .'. . s. , , . M' ... r V " ;' ' ' i -' X K -,'. t . ' v ' ' - ' I ;.' -, ' t J. Lumnm ,m lMn Cockeli. Praetir-,11, British heavyweight champion Cckell eVerV"r" won who makes a specialty of de-' not an . th " i: featlng Americans; flies to New 1 Assocl Z77 in ' York In two weeks to scout th-jthe Rrltr.n J1 Rockv Marclano-Ez.ird Ch-.rles ; Matthews ZT" B' fih but. he hopes it won't be' Miclw;.y ftf the Inst he'll see of Rocky in a ! Who weihPi ift, "J - n'4. witch V,1?; After h's successes against Rn-! the America,, ,, b I4 tnd TJtStnrwi In March nnd d scored efttJ,. Harrv Matthews Tuesday nlh' But Don couldn't('r Coekell li eer- to take n shot, j dium's 54,000 seats i t. Ro-kv nnd t.h wm-ld h-. '. m" said he lost ,r wih. . rrnwn. Tuesdnv niM': on ,he promotion Th, victory was more Inwrcssive th-ini ,mo'ficially estimateri hf Hilton's snlit decision 000 but of that th. Matthews last Au"tist, in Sntil:'. ' ''rr""ent gets one-thm ces with a three-game winning streak the lowly Philadelphia Athletics became aroused and battered the Bostonian.s all over Fenwav Park. Gus Zernial lilt Ills 10th and 11th homers and drove in six runs. l itcher Bob Trice joined- in the fun with a home run and double in winning his fifth game. Gunn and a t -iple by Dahl com- i ; pleted the rent as "three m:e j ' ! Crmmcrcia.1 runners cro.--.sM the : plait. I Sedge "Vk's tr.pit after Spn:e I had got on by being hit by i. : pitched ball, plus Letourneaii'.; i single saw Esquires boost their i I total to seven runs. j Bill Donaldson took over from Letourneau in the top or the' ; sixth and he held the hotelmen , scoi-ele" and hitless until" the end of the seven inning fame. Hnweve-, in the bottom of t!i" sixth and seventh. Flewin lown striking out two and wiin ' , the uid o! a .smart double nlav bv N.ika who cauaht Ken Hi!!'- i line drive and caught Sedgpwick off first. : . Letourneau, the losing pitch"!'. ! in five innings, gave up 10 hit,, fanned one hotelman. and viaW- ' ed four. Donaldson in two inu-inss .struck out four of the ei ilit batters hr. fn:'ei allowed tu tu's and walked none. ' OMMI HI I I.S ' 1 AB H H PO A E jl-Ofkell and Matthc ; 1!'i estanatcd little . $2.).uiK) each. Wlicllier the Jut British chtrn-pion gets a chance In September elLlu i liete or in the United State will have to b- worked out later (hit i nssimiing M ar-rlano takes Charles. 1'-'!)'J- outi.,,;! ier Mieoala, 157',, p nu project coon Rut one thhVi Is sure., Coeke'l A combination cf 10 hits by Commercials and seven costly errors by Esquires gave the hotelmen a decisive 12-7 wr: over the clothiers last night at Roosevelt Park in a scheduled Prince Rupeit Senior baseball game. Jimmy Flewin. first year righthander for the Commercials aided his own winning cause by striking out six clothiers, as he gave up .six scattered hits and four walks . Cliff Datil at..l Dick Nickerso.i were the bi guns for the Commercials both hammering o'U triples while Muddy Sedge ick li'.r Eciuires had a big evening collecting three safeties in fo'-u official at bat.s, one of them a tnicc-bagger in the fifth. TOOK l.FD It was Sedgewbk's double in the first innir; that scored Rey McKay a till Don Hawyryluk to give the clothiers a 2-0 lead. Commercials took the lead in the top, of the seeom! after two errors. Nickerson'.; triple and Tom Naka's single. Esquires fought oack in their half of the inning to go ahead again as Barry Williamson, Mc-Kav and Ras Spring scored ot a walk, an error and two .singles. Flewin and Dick Letotrnemi for Esquires he'd both' teams scoreless in the third frame biu in the top of the fourth Commercials added three more runs on a walk, a single, a double by Gunn and an error. Adding nisult to injury Commercials blanked Esquires in the bottom of the fourth and came roaring back with a si-run barrage in the top of the filth. Miner Simundson singie.l. Herb Morgan walk?tU Kidd bunted half way between third and :he pitcheis mound, a slow rolle;-that brought manager Benny Windle, pitcher Flewin and f:i'..t -acker D,m Hawryhik into the play. Windle retrieved the ball and threw to first which was un- 1954 By BEN I'lll I (. AK A-s.K-li.tr4 Pn-,.i Snorts Writer j Bob Buhl's efforts to duplicate ; his fine lirst year with the M.l- waukee Braves appear to be sty-1 iiiled. The tall, fnstballitig ! righthander hasn't been able to; b..,' a victory thw sprni'. j . H,' lost his lo'irlh stiai-inl on, Tuesday night, 2-0 to Brooklyn! as the Dodgers continued their I 1!).)3 habit of being the only j v.'.-itin.r i-iub to win regularly in i Milwaukee. The defeat cut the j Braves' first place marin tr, four percentage points over Brooklyn. . . j i:unki OCT I The Milwaukee-Brboklyh glilir.-j was the only action in tilts Na- tional League Tuesday as ra'.ij bmught p.'.stponem-ni.s" of St. Louis at Chicago and New York 1 at Pittsburjh. ! In ;;-eAmeri,-an League Fldl'i-1 delphia walloped Boston ItS-o. ! New York defeated Washington 9-3 and Detroit edged Baltimore 4-3. Baltimore fell to last place. Billy Gox scored the two Brooklyn runs. He walked In the third inning and moved around Bob Grim, the only rookie pit- j cher to stick with the Yankees; .tliis 'season, held Washington . hitlers thtough the last five Inn- j logs as he scored his 'fifth sue- . cess. Hank Bauer had a perfect1 jiftcrnocn. collecting three walks : a home run and a single ant' driving in four runs. i 'The Oriole staged enotuh of r rally te "et rid of Ralph Branca j in the eighth but not enough to keep the former Brooklyn righ:-: hander from winning his third .straight game for the Tigers. did himself and his Marci-mol project a lot of pood in taking' the 10-round decision from Mat-i thews before a crowd of 35.000! at White CHy Stadium. j The one-time Battersea black-j smith was awarded the decision j bv referee Jack Hurt- despite , three low blows and a warning for hitting with his elbows. Th--, referee Is the only official in i Britain and Is prohibited from 1 Frigidai 1 Refrigera 3 2 3 2 2 2 0 1 3 3 3 U 0 0 t.'ukn. 2b Pavlikis. If Gunn. rf . .' D;thl. ss M Slmunrtstin, cf Morgan, c Kidd. Ib Cameron, lb tal- Nickersim. 3b Flewin. p 0 0 0 1 0 'J 0 :t o 1 oo ooo 5 0 0, 4 0 0; 3 2 0 ! a o 2 1 revealing his score card. 1 1 0 A 1 1 4 0 0 36 12 10 31 7 3 nil 'Cameron scored lor Kuld : fifth. Kl IKV AH R H PO A E Carter Favored To Take Riley ST. LOUIS Ex-lightwelght champion J.mmy Carter of New York rules a 3-1 favorite to take the mea-sure of chiilin' Charley Rilev In their scheduled lO-r.-no.-l 1 ' III feiS on a sacrifice by Russ Meyer and a singleby Pee Wee Reese. In the fifth he .singled, wit ugahr 1 1 0 0 1 3 Life is quite hectic in our house these days what with being , married to the official scorer and three baseball leagues going : on almost simultaneously. After several weeks of senior ball,! nearly two weeks of Little League and a little less of Pony League ! we think the latter is the most enjoyable. They're not as cute! as the Little Leaguers but they're a mite sharper and they ' j certainly aren't the cry babies that the seniors are. Without a word of a lie, nothing pleases these seniors. They'd kick if they j were playing football. The Pony Iergue hasn't learned h"- to I beef and whine at every adverse call yet, but unless some of their senior, league mentors curb their natural tendencies, we suppose ' they will in time. - It's really fantastic the amount of squawking that goes on. j Yet llusty Ford, Gorilon and Anderson mentor, thinks there's I nothing to it. "Why sure they beef," he told us, "Prince Rupert ! is a hecfin' town." " ; Naturally we'd like to deny this, but sometimes we wonder. Take Sunday's double header, a couple of stinkeroos if ever we saw a pair. Keening uo the good name of baseball were "Cheerful" Dave Hill and Kill Sundber;, "the poor man's Leo Duruoher." Hci'fing and moaning over calls, laying hands on the umpire and yet when out in the field with a fair hit ball coming: their way they're juggling balls like a magician on a pogo stick And then there was "Happy" Don Scherk, tapping the umpire fcn the chest protector, a great example to Pony Leaguers who might be on hand to see how the "big boys" play. And what do you think. In the G & A-dugout the boys were mighty indignant. Yessir, they were quite put out. "Did you sp? what he said about us." one lad says. "He called us sandlot players. The nerve of the guy." Why son. there's things go on in baseball games at Roosevelt park that no self-respecting sand-lot league would tolerate But as we were saying to the official scorer: "Don't forget kid. 'the scorer is an actual official of the game he or she is scoring and is an accredited representative of the league and is entitled to the respect and dignity of his or her ' office and shall be accorded full protection by the president of the league.' and further 'the scorer shall report to the president ' of the league any indignity expressed by manager, player, club i employee or club official in the course of or as a result of, the discharge of his or her duties'." "Dignity. That's for me." replied the official scorer. j We must make clear however, that all the beefers aren't' ,:ifined to Gordon and Anderson. Far from it. Only last night v,e had to fix it firmly in the mind of Ksquire's ".'Mournful" Muiidie that a throw that pulls lanky Don Hawrjluk off the sack' isn't an error on the man receiving the ball. It's on the thrower ; Ju ;t think of where the ball would have gone if the first baseman i hadn't been a tall man that could stretch a long way. And the umpires too. Last night a manager had to call the balls and strikes because Fro Letotirneau. was absent "because he was going to call the game anyway." From home yet. That's from the man who is supposed to be on hand well before the game starts, receive copies of thclineups from the home and visiting; managers, get the game started and keep it moving. It's mst like we said It's fantastic. Oh well, let's talk about ! ,ne minor lca"ues. - Smallest strike ?one in city baseball for Little League pitchers is that provided by tiny Kinsmen's Jimmy Turner. Kenny Winille. umpiring down at Alorna Park Monday night had to get right down on his knees to acquire the right perspective of how the balls and strikes were coming over for young Jim . . . Speaking of that league it seems to me that no Little League pitcher is supposed to hurl in a game until he has had three calendar days' rest. Monday night an unthinking coach put in young Ray Oakey I for the second time in two days. Doesn't make for good relationships in such new league men. However, the Kinsmen! can protest that game by C:30 tonight . . . Billy Smith, toast of year's little League catchers is up on Acropolis this year; plsying for Gyros and doing just as good a job. He had some ! good chucking coming his way Monday night from a boy to keep' your c.',f on in Pony League. Weslev Kellv. He has a ball that made some of the seniors blink a little. None of his opponents in his own league saw his pitches at all. For th- record since it got left out of the Ladies' Five-nin limilmg leasue results, Dihb Printing won the runners-up tronhy . . . Nice to see Tiny Carlson back, umpiring and doing what he can ir the sports world. Greene Sparks Sea Kings Win With Clutch Double in Fifth 1 10 2 0 0 9 11 Z ! 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 1 1 ll 3 10 111 I McKay, c Snn. cf . . . . Hawrylnk. lb . . MUlulle. ss j Serisji'wick. rf . K. hill. II ! Windle 3b . . . l.tourneau, p . Donnldson, p : Y, illinmson, 2tj moved to serond bv Meyer ana scored on a sinijel by Junior Gilliam. Just when' the Red Sox '.bought they were set to go pla -bout at the St. L-uis Arena to-j night. . . j Carter Is expected to ,.eigli 135 pounds and Riley 131. 28 7 II 21 Motors Gain Reinforcements For Game With 708 Tonight Oft ! $26995 fi-s ! 7 Motlfls (o ( Iioom j pT TKIK-IXS Al l I I ' V -1 ' Cf Terms as In. I At i Tr $26.95 'lu" $14.5! (IgiMI McRAE BROS VIKINGWIK EAT0NS 'Before You Buy See VIKING A Complete Line of Homo Appliances The second game of "test" dis- trict soccer league will be played j tonight with u.e Pulp Workers . Local 708 team meetir.:; a reor- !, ganized General Motors club at ; Roosevelt Park. j The four team league will try ; out until June la to see if it-is ; possible to keep four teams opett- ! VAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS ;)y T!ic Assoc le-.t-t Press ! I 'fCil-l!! I i ating. Last year ' only three teams played. Maurice Bi-hop. Motors' mentor, has three seasoned replacements to put in lor members who le'.t ttie squad wli;n Local 70! formed their team. Also on tap two o'hrr p.:.yc:- Mr. Bishop aid. but it is not certain whether they will be on hand tonight. Former Rossland soccer plave.-Jim George.son will be in either centre or right half. Red Robin- ! on will play right fullback and Tom Boulter will be in goal. Mr. Bishop said that he ur.dr'."-ftt.od Comim-rda Hotel's left Holder Nick Pavlikis will tu.M out. and a member from the personnel if H.MC3 Chatha-il with ei'.ht ycjrs expeiienco in roal in the Vancouver league is ( YMpeWI unt. urn imh r m r. (I (rli Amcrli-an I t;ttM-AB R v -' II 64 1H5 37 Avlln. Cleveland Hosen. Cleveland T-.ittle. netrnit fain. Chicago 1 47 30 5.1 137 20 43 Pet ! 3I1S . .301 ' .350 1 .3.1 ) . .331 j 150 17 50 Stephens.'ninre 151 13 Runs Minoso, Chicnt-o 41, In the opening game last Saturday, Local .703 bowed to Port l-Xward 4-0. G.t.nn time loe.i "ht Is 7 p.m. WIL Standings r m i Runs batted in 40. Hits Avlla. 64. Uoubles McDnug.Ud. New York J2. Triples Minoso 7. Home runs Rosen. 13. Stolen buses Jensen. Boston, ui'l Rlvern. Chientso 6. Pitching--C'nnsuegru. Chlc.iiio 5-0 - 1 0O0 Strikeouts Turley. Baltimore 70. ' ,. J . V -A -V." i 1 '4- w if i ' ... ; 'jr.''..' fit r J ; i : i'.v s4 t , , , '. . . i v.. 4 . . I,' it-. . ..(, A, " H-r NV ' If I f - . j.'"--;i .r,,j Nalltnia) AB It II W L 22. 12 10 12 10 16 10 1H n 15 Musial. St. Louis 171 45 Pet 374 .37.) 04 Fir-e re.ief pitching and 'ciut: h" iriUing highlighted the Sea Kings 12-10 victory ove-v Sup-r Valu in a Little league Hxture at Al-oma Park la.t , Jublonskl. St. Louis 185 27 60 Pel cm .047 571 3 541 3 I ,', .543 , 31-, ' .500 S .-.. , . ul., 444 7 1 yw 1, '. Mueller. N. York 150 30 58 .305 1110 1(1 58. 301 Vancouver Kumoiitou Yakitca Wenalchec Vi . -.n Spokane Tri-City Levl .t;.a . .Salem tul:ii..-y l:amner. Phillies .354 (snider. Brooklyn 104 30 53 10 20 15 22 .405 8'., 10 Id 357 tf in Bob cMighen an! Carey Og;l-vie. Sea King.s got the win on 14 hi.'s. three errors and Super Valu "ot their 10 runs on 12 hits and three errors. Greene gave up one nit, ei'.ht walks, struck out seven and hit 'o batters. Team mate err allowed 11 hits, struck out two, gave up one on balls and hit one batter. For Super Valu. Love allowed nine hits while striking out five and Mi Keniic gave up five hi: i. five walks and struck out two. Swiss Discovery For Runs .Musial. 45 Runs b.ated in Musial. 52. H1U J.iblonskl. 60. Doubles Snider. Brooklyn, and Musial and Jablonski. 13. Triples Mays, New York 5. Home runs Sauer. Chicago 10." Stolen bases lirutun. Milwaukee 10 Pitching. -Ranch!. St. Louis 5-0 1.000. Strikeouts Haddix, St. Louis 02. ECZEiA rii' ; Twelve year old Mike Greene proved he "hud it" when mo.,t meded in b.nh the liiuliiig and battin;.; depat 'mcnts. . Trailing C-7-eoir? into the bottom of the fourth, Sea Kings coach F'ran'-. ComadHa put Greene in and the yr.un? right- ! handir allowed only two runs: lroiii then on, accounting in ! .the fifth for the tying run wiin his double that scored AI! IIu.i- ' tcr. Greene himself crossed the ' plate wiiii what proved to be Hie winning run after singles by Bruce Robertson and a tiiplc by. George Jones. In the crucial sixth, Greene ' held on to the 12-10 lead when. : t C . L SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOUND BASEBALL SCORES We Mm-it lMtrrn:ilinit;il Spoknne 6, Salem 4. Wenntchee 8. Yuktmn 5 Lcwiston 7. Tri-City 3, Edmonton 7, Vancouver 2. Vtetortfi and Calgary ruined out. I'ill Ifll' ;. l.4;tetie Sun Francisco 4. Portland 1. P4 m f V ' J i V Remembc When j By The Canadian Press Vancouver's Jimmy McLarnin won the world welterweight . championship 21 years ago to-' -. '.i . its"! n he .struck out Ray Windle, walked Jack Mutch, .struck out COME night bv knocking out Young Corbett III in the first round of their titular bout at Los Angeles. McLarnin lost the title to Barney Ross, regained it and lost to Ross again for the time in 1038. AND 1 w$h n Ro.sedale, walkci Jim Ru-si-il and .struck out Garry Calcro:i to end the game Super Valu led off jn Hie first ; t with two runs and Sea Kings' tied it up in their half of the sc- : 'id, only to slip two rims be-' llml aain a.s the second onde.t rt Ogllvie's boys tied it agaui liter batting the third, but Super Valu opened up for our I mis in their hair which saw Sea Kings starter Bruce Kerr leave the mound. Scoring on Greene in the fourth were Super Valu's Jerry Jensen and the last Super Vahi tally came in the fifth when Russell got all Hie way around On Greene's free passes. In the third. Super Valu removed starter McKenzie in favor of Don Love, after Jack Martin had pinch hit for him. Sen iKngs opened up on Love tor three runs In the fourth on four hits, one of them a triole by Chris Downing which brought Scientists have discovered thai iin internal deficiency in the hotly can lie one of the main cause of Eczema. Thin led to ten years research, resulting in the processing of u natural remedy extracted from pure vegetable 'oils anrl now contained in the Swiss "K99" Preparations. "K9!l" i8 a new and successful approach to Eczema. It is a Two-Way Treatment taken internally to relieve the deficiency (Cnuxuleio and applied externally (Ointment) for absorption through the skin. "K 99" is being used with outstanding results even on cases where all ordinary treatments have failed. Your druggist will confirm the remarkalile results obtained with "F 99". Ask him for an illustrated booklet pa.-ked full of informalion. Don't delay yo ,r treatment, tUit with "F 99" todav. TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a Rood economical car try our A-HO Al'STIN. A complete car with a low price of only $1105, (hat includes foam rubber seats, leather upholstery, directional signals and heuler-ilefrosler unit. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE .if. ! r:L;p,3pm .,. . i I-NEWS I OK THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY C dSS a 0 M i! Just Phone J d& And Charge