BUYING FOR YOUR HOME Monday, Apil 1J, 1S5.J Prince Rupert Daily News passing Footlights Gay Borders Brighten Linen Bernice, Rae Johnson Take Lead in Derby i0,.lS tiavcllcu UIO ,,th,M,;.-t 20 years. liy KLIJNOKK LESTER There was a time when fine hand embroidery dressed up the bed linens of all who could afford It. Today this kind of ornamentation is little appreciated by most of us. These days, color dresses up our beds. One does not have to t Prime ire and the tartans, to be on the market within a few weeks, will cost approximately S6.D5 to $7.95. depending on u.e and quality. This manuIa::l'j.-.T also brings an authentic Scottish tartan to a new summer blanket blended of Vicara fiber, and to gay fringed bath towels. The blanket will sell for about $9.95 and the towels from SI 40 to $2.65, depending on size Sunny weather Sunday which turned out a host Little Theatre, after falling ! headlong over "Lovers' Leap" and landing with'a few bruises, ' a little constructive criticism, i and some advice on 'looking before you leap,' has taken to the j road aagln. A "Strange Road "j This play ls not meant for en- i tertalnment, but ls strictly for j festival presentation. Its. extre- mely dramatic story, Its unusual staging and its necessarily most ! effective lluhtine effects will tax of anglers vicing in the Rupert Rod & Gun Club open salt water derby paid off for four contestants be wealthy or spend long hours of work to have eye-appealing i linens. 1 who weighed in a total of 107 pounds and one ounce of spring salmon last night. ,,;!, i a hk'P-vcr lor iiinr to that ui.;;iii(l, lias and three h.iii been a i.d port .11 ,'Hevciior-r.ial Johnny Leading the weights is the 28 ! . . . ... - ... cod by BUly Watmough. Weigh-1"16 imagination oi every paruci- ATTENTION lng-in station is at John Clausen ! i""'" ",rcaa "" '" u" " v vrfflii sop tl.iUi"''1 I'jli.llii.' ,v bv c Si Son Cow Bav run-lime renearsai scneauie, ana of the ciub are The rierhv -lruie Anril 55 A I Other members Young Feliows Who Are Linens in a. variety of lovely! shades blue, green, aqua, rose, pink and malzq, offer an opportunity to do some Interesting color-blending in the bedroom. For those, who like the'clean. crisp look of white linens but who enjoy a dash of color, there are linens with colored borders 1 One leading linen manufacturer will soon offer percale sheets with colorful tartan borders. The same manufacturer will busy planning the staging. pound, two-ounce spring weighed , In by Rae Johnson, and Ls followed by a 25-pound, nine-ounce specimen weighed in by wife Bernice. Rae also entered the third heaviest fish, a 24-pound, six-ounce spring. All were taken In Metlakatla iiiipany (') A new plan is evolving which should be of particular Interest Looking For DRAPE 5 LACKS t mi the spring salmon derby, open to all: anglers, gets underway the foT-l lowing da. Meanwnne, the steelhead derby has been slowed to a crawl with only three fish having been to K to any and all play enthusiasts. Though this plan is still in the H.i.s nit t ui prrrr. the com- ,,,(!. t.t. who Hew discussion stage, it is hoped that Paae on a pearl-pink plug. !1 lv ;-. r..- V.r A e mi w elghcd in at Dan'r Service Sta Two other anglers weighing in ( ,r lious- J! near future. Details have yet U salmon yesterday were Joe Scott lin sheets witn provincial prim tion since Good Friday. Leading there is a 16-pounder. Derby with a 14-pound, four-ouncer be settled, but the general idea is to give aspiring" actora a closes May 3. ' HKST WOMw TO ORAIU ATE from the prince Albert flylnj club Bcboot i jretty plea Wajnyk. 3P jshe obUiMtd..hcf.pilof licence aftei 30 hours of flying and months of study. She.U a payroll clerk -with the 'Saskatchewan fovernnmifa 'airway1 office at the Prince Albert airport : . - '.'(. 01 el.ll borders and polka dots These Free Book on Artnritis And Rheumatism miulf his the Lake ,hc nailed nt with a , 1" v llif Or and Dr. Hwtor MacDonald with a 14-pound, 12-ouncer, DIC K GII.KEIt FIRST Dick Oilkcr started the salmon entries in the senior division of the salt water derby by weighing PROP WASH... chance to cast off the ever; present stage fright and get the 'feel' of various stage characters, i In doing this it Is hoped to util- j lze plays and skits which have: been written by local persons ! whose talents have been too long 1 buried. i mi Icy fur Korea. u', of tin- Ifeparl-:, e.,ui. illations rid la t wick -end, 3 Iwpi'V skipper. - ;,. (.rorer Mr- Terrace Board Asks Support Of Kitimat Highway, Request Gabardine and nylon mixture -ater resistant, non-creasable With the past week of clear weather. Instructor Vic McOulre has been busy piling up time on in a 18-pound, 13-ounce spring Saturday night, caught off the Yacht Club floats on herring oerfect style and fit. Beauti HOW TO AVOID CRIPPLING DEFORMITIES An amazing newly enlarged 44-patje book emitted "Rheumatism" w.'il be sent free to anyone who will write for it. It reveals why drugs and medi-CJ:e.s glra on'y temporary relief and fail U- remove the causes of the trouble; expiaii.s z specialized non-surgical, non - rr.ctltal treatment which has proven suc There will be more details as ', the plan takes shape. j ful shades. strip. .,!. Several anglers reported hook ititHALiwi.r-iU'rs have, beehr Local authorities will be ad- ; v. h with Campbell sent V) all BcwrrSs of Trade in 'proaclied concerning a',.l r the Taylorcraft. Len Brewerton. Ed Juvlck and Bruce Malcolm, a local high school student, are now ready for their solo fllghU.. With a few modifications to the aircraft; Ing salmon and losing them, while many drew a complete ;Cetitruland northern B. C, askifor Hmhwav 16 Duncan loir IE-. S11.50 Jinco(itli Couple said the Associated Boards Cf. blank -!..:ji-' jll.'H f ' !' h: The day was not without lta we were able to accommodate Harriet Jla fere cessful for the past 33 years. I.) leave for . ih:) was In e h studied M-.i for his pi if-nry for :A under. "outstanding" fish story. A little ) .xfoot f,einch DennU Mul- v.-.,,. 4111,11. nn rml icra tlnn in glrl, fishing off a barge at Bacon j roney on nls first student flip. ing xupport vl me Terrace Board i r(Juyet Vi the aovem-ment for lmusUate coinpletion i of the eKSen&ion f th road bo-; tweet) Terrace ajd KttlmaV . Oeorijc Vln.enk of the Aluminum Company en Canada in an i address, at a public meeting In Terrace early in March aald his B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Ave. W. Between BiitiKMst and . Reyal Hotels . I Fisheries dock, got the ahock of , iriPn ha irned ' .. XL ZJTS., Z.Z:"' . ending for thia instructive oook. ... . i " os.. nimrrw s vai-oeuiat uttwciriii ncii ne iwu on nn m the Dast week, two oi tnese n tiniinit fintml a f rrm in'r.l i t V rrade bad had correspondenee on thiis malter and Uiey "hajd' been as&ured of conaWeraticmi belo e the end of tlie jear. i i lfl tfte cornm1itecreporta Kv. Roonon rcixiried, the-resignation bf Hirry Philip as chairman of the JliKhway and Parks committee', iris successor ha not, is yet been chosen. - ; For the Industrial Committee, ,or i being Bob Carver and John lctt-ith canon Basil Prockter It may be the means Of saving you years ol untold misery. Wriuj lixlay to The Ball Clinic, Dept 5217. Eixeliior Springs, "MissourL an energetic spring salmon her first fLsh. Mrs. l,irr Rubin (if ,.c U for a of the ink. ; officiating ! Three of our students. Vic i xhe brlde was Migs Ddavinal Grant. E. Rumley and Joe Oos- Talt wno was Klven away by her ! Not knowing what to do or land the lumolne salmon, she turned her rod over to another"! e:i-,t ty way of r-v. of ' 5 'ic'ies. MVS r.vioe ' bUMnesa ;.t T-iri.tiU) and .s,at li-11 be bark father, Mr. Josiah Tait. The i groom was Perry Barton. J. H. MeConnell said there had; succee(led m bringlng the sal been several hiqutrtcj from coe are now awaiting the arrival 1 of the Department of Transport I Inspector to take their written j examinations, which will com- j plete their course. j To obtain a private licence, 20 mon within i:iffing . distance when a third party entered the fn B-itK erttiiA imvil li'llot anil dihtant place for farm land. Also that Mr. Vincent had a.s- I, The bridal party was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Benson, 1 and the bride's train was borne by little Penny McDonald Several relatives and Iriends ! sured the B-jard when the Uiat. .1Uadvlscd flld in .rrabbini the 1 company Is very anxious to have i thu road built and has allocated $'o.000 for thn makinu of a plo-i necr road between Terrace a!d Kitimat. . j; i They are now awaiting tne i guverninent decbioa to build 1 the road and In thus event, the 000.000 wlJl. in a:l likelihood, be : donated towards the cost of the road. i Correspondence was read be-" tween the Board, Mr. E. T. Ken-: ney. M L A and Mr. Gaullardl, ; Minister of Public Works at wi-eks meeting of the Terrace lin. hours of ground school, ls necessary. This Is held In the clubs line at the rod-tip. Mr. Salmon took off with part attended the ceremony. mat will be also for the use of the general public for shipping '.:"ajih' r at ft fisheries S; mi k leave t at Smithers v i . n yea rs Mr. and Mm. quarters every Wednesday evening by Instructor Pat Deane. and sinker. mrchonrtl ' "'e "e. ure Mr. H King reported on agri-' OPEN TO ALL sultiire. Mr. H. Spencer on Pub-; The nalt-waler rierbv L mien lie Utilities. ! to au peCjcs of flh. with prizes Dudler Little, reporting for r,r ih thrw iioavi wnWVierl OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building , Phone Blue 593 OSTCttS eisPtAvs eootturs mm uuwhi, uuaiu oi iraue, pic- municipal anairs said that since n There are tw dlvLslon in sided over by Mr Will hobiiLvm. i the beginning of the year $7,000 the derby one for Juniors 16 and and it w as derided to press for i has been collected on delinquent under and the senior, over 16 immediate action on the mat- water rates Mrs. Fra-r, for pub- Senior contestants must be mem CATALOGS STATION UN ber of the Rupert Rod & Gun' - v ,io are ni a.r Iravel-It'in Mitor : t!.;i morn-v: 'he f aster !:.:.' brother liter Eiial)Hh. n..r,c to St. m Vancouver. ii. im tins Mim- icr i jiciiy, report e on the progress Correspondence w;u also read 0f the new pamphlets in which from Mr Mclgnen. Divisional connection the Alcan Company YOU CAN DEPEND OM ken kdnr frl M Club. '; The junior division Is oin '0 all youngsters and at present,, more than a dozen entries have . bt'en weighed In and are headed by a 10-pound, 14-oun-e erevt WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP Kixl WfcM, lawk- ffL COUNTS . . . COUNT O.N US! .Engineer, concerning new work to be done on the ijikeUe Road jat S-mlle and 12-miie He said She had not lxeti notilied of the j projects in the district except $.0.(O0 had been appropi -I ated lor the CopiK-r River rock j beit but nothing much lor road whe U roolribuU material and financial support. Mr. T Rase reported there are now 42 paid up members. Rev. H. Tlilbldeaus application for membership was accepted. It w as decided to make Put Mollroy an honorary member when the - r i -i I" in ninar-fm-e here, :'y O' tach- ders I I CARIES FOODS " DIBB PRINTING COMPANY rea tii kmoi duty. Ym (trt Biwfc I U CM work further ea-t. 'Kitimat Road Is built. Cash tor oid gold Bulgers ine inaugural uiiiiici aim Air Cadet Weeki I SON. meeting, -harter night lor the Junior Chamber of Commerce wax an- ' 4 Mondav, 186. April 20, 8pm Opens With Church Parade I nounred by Lionel Houle to take i place tonight Six-dial gueista welcomed by i Mr. Robinson, were, Mr. O. Chay-; ter, school teacher; Mr. Ray Mc- r ( jier. iiii Kinies He I.ik ijeen re- ii Hon Mi Arthur. ..i -i; in an accident "( ai.ii llarvrv iidlwk r c,,w t0 ( am I'.l.ike left on.;;- . k . . . : !:.. !.:!.. I JCA JirniMi is that he's Uu- ii, Mi,y wife r In Ijm- I'.crrr- Inning a lot ,; ' ! in! i - roast, ''.' i'h a Canad-''! ' N ii in li'lt liere Senior B tJaskottvill Chi'in- j pionships here April 10-11. 86 j Anvone tnlcresied In iilayiiv, i baseball for Commercial Hotel i team please phone 676.. (93 ; 1 ; Well Baby Centre, Skeemi Health Unit Clinic, cancelled : Wednesday, April 15. It , Fadden, Hlub School teacher A. of National Air , S( John Manl(.v social welfare began yesterdav. ,.rintendent from Prince Ru- ! Observance 1 Cadet Wk with a church parade of more j t. Mr Sia.onger and Mr. than 40 air cadet at the First, -raford Moore. United Church Dick Garrett. ; m mmmvf!m ttito'ii .1 'f.--l ii J 'I . 5 ''i,.i rimr.'ie t air arm. ' nt ! the ' t 'lnnnerce, 1 1 Calgary. I. Me lodav fort garry i v ... 1 I i t.,-1, : commanding officer of the local, squadron, was In chaigc. j j Hev. L Pleber conducted the , ; service whirh was .specially ar- j raided to mark the occasion ; Another group of cadets pro-1 ; - -n 'o the Churrh of the An-, nunclatlon where Father Rav : i..r inane reference to the significance ol -he week. 1 Both Rev Mr. Sleber and Fa-i thcr I'.ayner are padres of Prince1 I Rupert s air cadt-t squadron. j As a preliminary to the week's: i activities, members of the squad- ! ron held a dance Saturday night: I at the Canadian Legion, with; I sea cadets as their special guests. I Films were show n at the wrll-' ittended event, one of which I .howed the work bt'ing done In orange pekoe "lie (' where t a charter cil Jaycec tea ,.V-fl,r, "-'s of the '"' nm, Ixiarded a mn r the 1 liciiiiing r -ff!trr the Terrace i l l P.irl Jcffrr-.""""I vice-prcsl-llonpt,,!,, mere FINEST IK AND Of TEA YOU CAN BUY! IGAHRY LJ. it 1 ''i!) mcmlier tup V IN THE IIICNT ED FOIL f ACKACI Side by side on the merchants' shelves Canadian materials and "imported" goods. Do you get any- advantage when you go for "imported" products? In textiles, at least, the answer is simple. Canadian mills turn out fabrics and yarns that match or better the production of any other textile country of the world in quality. They are made by Canadians who are paid good Canadian wages; they are designed to please Canadian tastes, meet Canadian needs. This is no plea to shun "imported" materials. They should be considered along with domestic products by every Canadian consumer, but on a strict uhut-do-l-get-jor-my-dollar basis. Ask for CanadiM textiles if you want the best for jour money. , - Si :r!h. ii-nR loud .i(ll.i;n i.i II....- co-operaiive training lor caneus j( the three armed services. The dance was attended by Mr. and; Mrs. Garrett and members of the sponsoring committee and ' ilielr wives. Other events on the Air Cadet iVf(.it n-ocram w.ll be a tag day April 18 and open house at the weekly parade in the Armoury April 20. The latter event was postponed from April 13 due to yju iinv.1 f-""s " lien httle Craig f IUt l,f )f.H , M, ' ,'n 1" iMimnince to """her, grand-au"l that he was Put a SPRING IN YOUR STEP Cuban Heel Slings . . . i school exams. 3' Just the shoe to set you walking these Spring Days. Colours: Black and Red. 2 i; HVPEIST CITY ANO IHSTRICT 1r,t'N( -IHEKAL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION I fere, Wed., April 15. 8 p.m. f Block Sucdc Rcpriia Trim Pumps Beautifully styled to give your spring outfit the big lift. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Manufacturer! of Top Qualify Canadian Products Which Carry Th :j of Convention: ""'lion f delegates to II. famous Trade Name e Distrlel I onveniion. "V"H ii , tl -,,..ii,,.l.,l c,,,ivi.ntiiin. N,""iiuin f Candidate. 'tetid1 'riU"rpst,d Citizens are urged to Ul's Important nominating convention a ss -sw r i lA.u Our stocks are Increasing every" day, as new summer casuals pile In . . . be sure to drop In to see these wonderful styles. Fashion Footwear i ! lv'c Centre, April 15, 8 p.m. J