1 f . -I Which of these 9 "Weak I' tay Reflects and Reminisces Prince Rupert Daily Newsjs see t ing away from a condition or :n- loaning me r uu . ..... Thursday, February 11, 1954 Make fou Fee Wat40,$ flationary buoyancy". The Lords ol Parliament Hill. Ottawa, obviously believe that "lo him that hath shall be Riven". mere arc hicuij "k . : ; prove it. i Nd matter how few. o- now on-l t see bpI ";.t., MtN,wumtn:n III you (town. ijii Ifi Klt( Wt-dk, low til u.e the talents you po; small, Kp independent datlT newspaper dToted to the upbuLUing of Prince Rupert j,,, and Northern and Central British Colu .Tibia. V, Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau of circulations ft- Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. ThibU:hecl by The Prince Rupert Dai! New limited. J. T. MAOOR, President H. G PERRY. Vice-President tifrii. rmiii'wB or uld. (rf-t The .vilile.'s not ow yet'. Who said that? Ths :.ite Sir Harry Lauder of course. few -J Pt I'OSSIBLK CONFUSION ("s. There would be .silence isi the 'words If no birds, except the best, were the ones that sang more Ost, toilahH ""'I Hint.,, , Tlr.d f.., f ' (, h (Ktrvv irnn: I.il.l't-. put ir em-my. lilt-, yt -.t in tx iiy wi'k, WUm pt, (jiie hi lat k of iri.u il -t", tt ni-r. (Miyx Uiidt- ntci itmt'ibih f. '.f-Mldli' hiimtl. OF-HHf, m nv, liuibU up t-ntnr luy Jt ym b.iv itny ot tl synitiniR immn m bfit mt rit-'lit, trv (Ktri'i i it'- 'til cfH-rcv, ta- a ; , J SubscripMon Rates: fNfy carrier Per week, 25c; per month, al 00; per year. ttCW . iy mall Per month, 75c; pT year, as.OO. not 1 -T'l Some medical men have been siying that if anyone has been jh t PWIIAN'M.E seeing spots before his eyes heV Tne qlie.stlJn of Alosk" hi-in for a billions attack. Could reported close to have been gaz.nS at a polka dot ,i(.l0 ,n Wa.shinpton. n d ',aUcrn' should that develop into a fact. it should mean early Alaskan Calling Canadians tho "most . .statehood. Nor is that all. II tasteless people in frit- world". ' could and eventually would BIiirWift yjt Polish 1'cace Plan The head of a woman's college B3vs there are three thln?s a woman can make out of practically nothing. These are a sahiri. a hat and a quarrel. There's aU'j hah. but that was forsotten. . uttiorizea as second class mail by the Pot Office Department, Ottawa .., Politics Versus Statehood IT IS SAD but true that the j Western allies now feel com- ; penea 10 n-j-cv num t w.r- i D, Artnur Umwt addressed the mean economic and ficien-ive 'A MOO U? IN " HE political angle injected in,to statehood argu-.".ii.j ior Hawaii and Alaska is merely a "smok? i lion on (iermany, though they j Montrpaj If men were interested in what each other wore, there ,von!d be more men tn church. museum recently. . ' unity in the panhandle in- themselves would have regard- j Perhaps we are spmPthing ljkn volvin" Canada Screen." It is not entitled to serious consideration. WORLDD Checker Board wed--, snail .(iom ; One advantage newly have in startim- out in a home is that there is lc :-fur arcument. The same of ilra lights, ancient A BOB PAS ixip- table ttanie. first became iii.il- in Eul'Llk- in the. lnili lury. worner- A-1 USEDti More and mot' You'll Be Contented with One ol Tin eu iu a,..u uBsra,u,i ""-.that. Like Dr. Lismer. we a!.;c solution had it come a ideal ,ove good poetry, yet onnot get few years ago. ; j,way from the more practical The Western allies stand firm- conviction that bathtubs and ly behind John Foster Dulles' motor cars are important plan The Russians are adamant Comes a report rroiii Knnnea-aftainst that, plan, or indeed ta that a ciUaen of Uiat state attalnsst any plan, which lines up wa.s caught in a blizzard, with all Germany in a bloc which Uie result that part of his face they consider essentially hostile was frozen. From now on there to Russia. Is no time we woult. care to play poker v. 'th him. MR. MOLOTOV offers to the Big TJiree who sit with him THK MUST TIIKKK at the same table and through Typlcal qui,stions bv joins them to all Germans every- mull sef.kinK Job theso days where much simpler. , something How do mu,.n mum.y l t wn,,n An Immediate peace treaty. dl) j gpt my first ,M(i whereby all foreign armies ! whm do niy holrlay.s si art ' would bo compelled to withdraw: . RECORDS .11 ( ili.V SI.I)V,,i I'.ai'un. iii-jii-r i Ul.' V. In. Iiuv, t'l-'nl ;u:si- 47 I'f.VMOI'lll SIIIAN Custoni radio, healer. A liiMcain tor Hie amount of hay... $650 .Ml MON'AIK II I STOM sums. Custom radio, and heater. Hr this all you, h;iVr- U, lork over is $1500 . POPULAR MUSIC POPULAR ARTISTS BY :1K 1 (IKK S! U Heater. (,!-,: ,, Jll:.l pi;-, . f..d ,,t i.A Immediately from Germany; iiul cumplete freeduin of Germany ft New Long-Ploy Selections Albums ond Accessories All or' Although some may be thinking that way, (he word 'depression" is rarely heard today. However, its frequently we he; "recession", which means th. same. And should that be not I hereafter, subject only lo her guarantee in the peace treuty that she woult! never arm beyond Hie point necessary l defend herself. Yolilt FOKl) MONARCH I il. A ! HI BOB PARKER il 'THK HOME OF KRl'vrail.Y HbRVliT For quick results try o Doily Kcws Cb. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 4- I r I "'1 ' ... ' entirely suitable, we make it "an .siij-1 economic readjustment". Bu' In other words, Russia riione (ill 31S 3rd Ave., Prince iluperl gests that Germany should be- some times, even that won't do come a sort of "greater Switzer-iSo therefore, it becomes "a turn land" in the centre of Kuroue. i ' tri ..... , fc ; As Senator Butler is quoted as saying in committee: "I don't know why this committee needs Concern itself with whom we are going to elect." j; Certain Democrats charged that Republicans Jv'anted to admit Hawaii for statehood since it was Republican, but opposed Alaska statehood because 1 St was Democratic. Thus, the supposition was that ! Iavaii would send two Republican senators to Con-jjress while Alaska would send two Democrats. There is no assurance of such elective action in Either case. In fact, Alaska elected a Republican legislature in the last election. I 5; The McCarthy investigation of corruption in ! Jjjaska also is charged by advocates of Alaska slate- ! Rood, to he a deliberate political game to delay Eetion. A bill has just been introduced to allow any j JJjture state only one senator. . j ! Representatives of the house are elected to tongas according to population. Creviously a bill was proposed also to elect macors on a population basis. Z The crux of the whole question is not whether ftawaii would elect Republican senators or Alaska ?ect Democratic senators, but whether either is 0ady and capable of assuming statehood status. Jf! With big government construction work in Alaska easing off, The Daily News believes Alaska not ready or curable of supporting, immediate .f atehood.,. u . ' - Alongf with fseiwir Butler, ,e are not con-cernedi about; the political angle. We are concerned only. with what we believe is best for the general welfare of Alaska. The- Kttchikan -Daily 1 NewS".- ' '': '. ' : I ' ' --;; - --.,. ! Scripture Pciituqe fo 3niliy "Teach me thy way, O Lord." Psalm 27:11 STOP WORRYING, PARENTS! -SCHOOLS TO OPEN AS USUAL , VICTORIA 9 Parents worrying about the Sept. 1 early ' opening date for provincial schools can relax. Education Minister Robert Bonner said Tuesday opening will take place 'the, day after Labor Day. The chanae followed representations made to the education department by parent-teacher groups and individual citizens who believed the early opening date would interfere with holidays. mere is an immense appeal in this program, which incidental-' ly is exactly the same as I my-:self made in this column yturs ! a?rt. as one jxi.-isible solution. ; YOU MIGHT say that the crux 1 and core of the Dulles plan is j that all, or as mucli as possible, of a re- irmed Gerrnai..- shau'd : be included in ! ';e Wi rtern ai-j liance. . You might say that the crux jand core ot the Russian plan j was to keep as much as possible 1 ! of Germany out of that western alliance; and the best way sh- now sees of doing Dip is by offering the Germans what the ast majority of Germans want - most namely to 1 lir Te-united. .and to be f roe. lo uia their own .country in theV (&4'iav. 1 '1H'v i m ir 1. ' i I '- .m. NO MATTER htyv, knybody trie:. . ho solve th.-'HA-Afii -0-nni.rt problem" iif.nifiS.iUrncultieii 4 XJU ;i Mm ' ' I'll i4ff'r41VV-;"'M-"7 yff 75 years ago a tiny light marked the dawn of a Thil idvertrsement is not publi-.l rA or di-.pUyd by the Liquor ConooJ Board or by tli Government of Bri'th Colombia KNITTED HALF-SIZE WORSTED new era SUITS STRIDES DRESSES J TililVMSAtVl I Horn IVnrnir ... I lei I ric il l,.s vranl ' hi.nic bripW" life. itMf""i nrk ff If I Only a fragile IoIk' . . . but destined ehaiiKc the world! The first practical incandescent light, imented by Thomas A. Kdison, October 21st, 1K79, sparked the advent of the elwtrical aire.' It is doubtftil if any olher invention in modern history has ever meant so much to so many! This year we celebrate the "CoUlen Jubilee of Light" U) mark the 75th anniversary of the incandescent light. In the official slogan "Light for Freedom, Power for Progress" we pay just tribute to the man whose inventive genius gave a dynamic new dimension lo the world we live in. I" l.ledrkih Here's Real Value in Botany Wool Knitted Suits. Pullover and button front stvlea . . . Mothproofed. Wide range of colors. Sizes 12 to 20 the farn"1'1 more Hilt' 100 Pure Wool Worsted strides in the ever-popular charcoal shade. . . Pleated style with self-belt. Sizes 10 to 18. Just arrived! Smartly styled dresses for the half -size figure. Shop now for nst selection. Sizes 16!'2 to 2fl'2. FROM fort in 1,1 lioiirs 7 NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. Phone 210 - -, Besner Block All kinds to choose from. Come in and see our large selection in white and colors. Nylon and Rayon Tricot, ' Crepes, Sheers, etc. Sizes 12 to 20 BLOUSES Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. -m. 1 i.-irlrlfily heaviest Wl H lu-ips I m,,re"'rJ" more. .t J. ' ; m . :. ''! - ii"..-;;v' THIRD AVENUE AT SIXTH STREET