- . ,1 ' I' Thursday, February 11, 1 ,, a- I LONDON (CP)- Real estate cx-..'j LAHORE. Pakistan, (CP) Re- . , oerts aereed In year-end surveys crtuu.4 satisfactory rice crop, jhat therfi waj a ppt de :th ! estini ted yeid cf 250.- cline tn property value in Britain 00 tmis. the Punju'j provincial , during 1953. One rea-son was evcrfinient announced it will bo prrater freedom for the building Li a position to export 100.000 ; Industry, eva'olin" more people cms from the new crop.- to build their own homes. CITY TRANSFER Coastal Indians Progress Outlined For Canadian Club Progress in the lives and customs of west coast Indians and their fervid desire for citizenship were outlined for members of the Prince Rupert Canadian Club last night by Indian Superintendent F. E. LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Studio 3iiLii Anfield. Phoi Mrs. T. Tustin j Elected Regent ! Of IODE Lodge Kcports on the pas', year's activities and election of officers.1 with Mrs. T. O. Tustin named regent, highlighted the annual meeting of the Duchew of Edinburgh Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Other officers elected were: First vice-regent. Mrs. N. E. Mat-Donald; second vlce-refeht, i Mrs. H. W. McCormick; set-re- j tary. Mrs. W. E. Halllwell; as-' slstant secretary, Mrs. F. Hicks; i treasurer. Mrs. V. Dexter; educational secretary. Mrs. W. McLean; Echoes secretary. Mrs. J. Moran; honorary regent, Mrs. W. E. Halllwell. Annual reports noted thil the chapter had made donations to the dental clinic, sent food parcels to Britain. Christ - 95 1 ""''WaTJIH; Titlinn his address "Thirty Years With the Coast Indians", Mr. Anfield said that the progress of the natives in those 30 years was amazing. They had advanced during that short time more than any other natives of any country. Mr. Anfield illustrated his topic throughout with amusing stories, and pointed up the comparative wildness of the Indians just 30 years ago when he h.d his first contact with the race. He was in charge of the B.C. reformatory when two Indian AUCTION SALS L A 1 X these gifts were repayable, at 300 per cent interest, the chief coula always call for a member to repay his gift. There were no written records of how much was given to each man. but women of the tribes, with remarkable memories, kept records in their heads, and knew to the last skin or dollar what was their chief's due. The totem pole, said Mr. Anfield, was originally the visible witness of contracts carried out. They were, so to speak, memo pads, placed beside the door of the community house. When the potlatch was driven underground due to the whit man's laws, it became even more SI bovs were broupht in. Nevei I FOR THE LADIES who like to top off their outfits with the latest in hat styles, there's this "Indian brave" number from London designer Edward Htrvane's spring collection. The black tulle band Is trimmed with a black velvet feather and Jet beads. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Saiurday, February 13 ot 2:30 p.m. Sharp To be held at the Auction Komm, corner Mi Bride and fourth Avrnur Instructed hy the owners, I will .sell the fullov. n,., a of a problem and one man w.ti-; at i FASHION FOOTWEAR i mas parcels to the children s ' ward in the hospital donations ! ! to the Westminster Abbey fund l and to a crippled child In the city. The chapter also tnd ps-'sisted the school at Digby Is- land. The group discussed plans for j a social evening for members I and friends, and the monthly ! prize was won by Mrs. R. Me-; Lean. ed himself to die in order to having seen a bed before, they slept under it instead of on it. He told of his work at a residential school in Lytton with the Thompson Indians, and later at Alert Bay, where the Indians lived in community houses and where despite the prohibition of potUUchcs by law in 1851, the custom was stili-carried on. break the line of debts amount 'Education Week lng to $100,000 Mr. Anfield also hid workei with the natives at BMla Cooia Tea Planned and had travelled the trul ti I t C'hesterrield Suite 1 Astral Refrigerator cabinet stand. S McC'lary Hectric Kangrtlrs I Double Hotplate 1 l-arsr Piio-tlierin Oil Burner Heater 3 Single Reds 1 3-piece Settee 1 Oil Burner Kanec 1 Coal anil Wood Kange 1 Roll-Away Sin;l, 1 Ciatelt j Tabtt 2 Car pet Surrpin 1 Spic Spun 1 b-vll K;iili T,,..j rompli'tr. 3 Kleitric Kidim 1 Battery Sot Kmi, 1 Sleeping Bag Chairs, Tables Kil' lirn Suit, The potlatch was a kind of j Ananam iaKe wnere the Indians ! n f nnraH P A insurance, he said. .The chicf!were the most primitive on th-' DV VVM ll Owl I " I took 'ribute from his trib' . in coast fur, fish, blanket and other i He had pIso beer ..t Kitiinnt. I'l in1; for a tea duriiip hiluca-items Hnd piled up the woai.nl long before Alcan had become tion Week. March 7 to 13, were in coppers (great 'a -rels made' interested in the area. Contrary ni.ide at the monthly meeting All the Answers MELBOURNE, Australia CP) The Victoiian state government railway found they wasted time ril romicri. to common belief, he said, the ol toman j-areuu-ieacucr nu- not ciation here. ; and money aasweruvr questions was named from train entnuiasts so they An invitHtio'i ,-,s in effect, a Mrs. R. Mackle ommanri ar.i , Tsimpseans but originally came from Ri-.ers Inlet. nd now arc convenor of the tea which Willi published "Parade oi Power," Ihe people dared not refuse to At tho mrai'nvini on ethnological puzzle because be a fonture of VLsitors' Day nt with pljturcs. specifications anr! hLstory of 20 locomotives. The t.,L ov, ..'o.'.,- of intermarriage with Skeena the school, March 9. List your goods for this sg!c up to F ridoy N; GEORGE J.DAVESauc Phones: Red 127 or Block 846 according to his rank . . . ranks 1 ,Indl,a' they met on a throuRl. the mountains at which are carried through to J"' this day. jl.akclse. book proved popular and a second edition has already been rdcred. ry Daily" News Clussif ieo B Ussy & B B ' ( ; wifh 1 to The group also planned ; White Elephant sale and tea, to' be held at the school In April. Members were asked to pot- i ronize a dance to be sged at . the srhoo! FriUay nigii. ay Con- mis years in r nn;c Kuperi. n.- Then the chief would gi?! cway all his wealth. But as said, were the mo1', fascinating ieais in the gruwL.i of the Out cf the Second Vorid War rati Cubs and Scouts, as a fund- 1 reaaers ho said, hid come great men of raising project. BASKETBALL GENERAL MEETilt THIS FRIDAY-8:30 p.m. Civic Cent statc like Churchill, the four Valhalla meeting,' Feb. The parent attendance award went lo the class of school prin- 11. (35t freedoms, and Canada's cx.isi.-five survey of Indim problems Neighborhood Dance in aid And whereas Canada utI ti ; cipal T. G. Batemsn. f Conmd Seouis and Cubs. Fri- : Pe nd only SJ.0OJ.0H0 yearly on , dav. Feb. 12. 9 p.m. Conrad ' aid to natives, last year th? School. Admission 50c.' (36) j budget had totalled $29 00.003. and was hclpim? the natives on a program which will ti1 ? ,'nc" o Canadian "citizenshij. WEEKEND r KETCHIKAN j wifh connections to ! SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and oil ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office 4 t ft SO N. Whist and Dan;e. Friday, Feb. 12. Whist 8 o'clock Dance 1C-2. Music by. iikc Co-lussi. Ecvcryone wcjlcpmc. 36 ' CCC 300 Club annira gener ! Citizenship, he said. 1 w'i;it ! the natives want more thn anything else and when they are given relief, they always, without cxoepMon. wnt tn do al meeting. Thursday. Feb. 18.; lrii f"vni--irtn I nnnap fivi.- Centre ' mm fomething in the village for th? I i ' ' M - j money they have received, strtv- 4 , I y ' Fir those speclal Jcards for j ing in their own way to best Valentine's Day, Sunday the : come articulate as good Cam;- ' 14th ... See the gxija. Coutt's j dians. NYLONS NYLONS First quaiity. Fy one of Canada's lerui.i'. nv New spring shade1;. All siws. 51 gauTe. 15 t!'" the regular SI 51 qurlity. SPECIAL Y.v'.i' selection at wcttae JSrP i 3 . Don't forget Htpf1tr 'Auxiliary Bake Sale. 10 a.oi. toM p.m. j Saturday at Gordctt aiwl Ander-' son's. (35) New spring shades. Full fashioned. Pencil seams. 5! p-Duge, 15 donier. Sizes 8'j Sj.19 to 12. Subs. Special, poir Pair or 3 Poir for V m lit j fc "Sf-c-. rw. .3.1 mi NYLON BLOUSES CORDUROY WESKITS ': In I Lutheran Tea and Home-cooking at the Church. Saturday from 2-5. Everybody come. . . 1361 Co-op Bakery, FrirhM ?no-Saturday, Valentine Cakes. 55c. Watch window for display. Please order early. Don't forg?i Co-op Enriched Brcno, yo.n best buy. ftfi Meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishing Vessel Owners Association will be held in the Civic Centre, Friday, Feb. ,u 7:30. iWi. Ou.'tanillng value for the week-end A.wortcd s'V"'s Washable. Assorted shades. Well finished. Si ".cs small, medium and large SPECIAL, each .... white and pastel shad"s. Three-quarter and short .sleeves. Sues 12 to 20. SPECIAL, each $2-98 " if I --, SPRING DRESSES VELVATEX DIAPERS Printed French ravon crepe. Washable. AswM Pos'tion Changed Febiu.iry v .is the last m nth I i lie .. a.' in Hie Roman calen-d..r but. was p'.i-ctl second in 4i2 BC. I.arg" ti'e. "7" x "'". Soft .s do -i. Sub-.stiiiidarils. Will wash and wear well. SPECIAL, l7.en s,4' Is oul.it aiKliiv: VMlif. A smart little afternoon (ires. Sics 12 to 20. Assorted patten. s mm:( iu $1.98 W; MOVE WITH CARE ANYWHERE You tan ei.irusi your finest furniture pii'es lo us with confiuoire in t h e i ' va! c-aiul-Mjuiul delivery. PACTTiO tTvVriNU S.'UPPINO ,)CAL OP 'r- DISTANCE MOVING LINDSAY'S Cartage P"'d Storage Limited Phone 60 -ave it to Lindsay's" FLANNELETTE BLANKETS . FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS cf Stiindnrd sl.'.r. cotton-covered. First qui'lity JM IJ EACH ' Fred L Dcwdie OPTC..AETPi3T New and'-ss: to' ve. vv Pnne Green BOO $2-89 Plaid, good quality. Finished both ends, 70 int hos by 84 inches. EACH DRAPERY REMNANTS and ODD. PAIRS Remnants from 1-10 yards Made up Rcady-to-Hang &jitcr . . . still softer is the new, improve J I'urcx t tissue. It's stronger and more absorbent, too ... a letter tissue at the same price. , Now you am choose from two LinJs of Purcx, single and 2-ply. For facial soft, single ply, reaeli fix the new Purcx in the familiar blue label; for the ultimate in bathroom luxury at a few cents mure, look for Super Pure in the white LibcL AH Clearing At Less Than Manufacturer's Cow boys' WEAR Crompton Cord Pants Piaid Dceskin Shirts All Wool Plaid JccM Specially for BABY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TOWEL SETS 25 Regular $1.95. ONLY ' I CONTOUR SHEETS nr Rcgular $1.95; ONLY $1.95 Regular $2.95. ONLY Test nu-lity cord. Assorted colors. Tics 0 lo 12. PAIR Double front r.utl b.t k A plaMs. Bicr, 10. I'. ,;. ! EVCII 'Sport style. Will wash and wear well. Assorted plaids. Sizes 8 to 10. EACH ' ;. $5.95 $2-49 $5-49 "Jt ! I MEN'S Men's Gabardine Sport Shirts. Assorted colors. Heavy weight. Washable. Color fast. Sizes S-M-L and out-size. Well tailored. SPECIAL, each Odds'n Ends 12 PRICE HIRTS SPORT S V , " : - i .- gr n-Mt SOFTER...STILL SOFTER The STORK Shoppe AS PV H IT? , r 'Jit 214 Sixth Street Green 184 THIRD AVENUE WEST "'I!!'