Psifice Rupert Daily .N LINDSAY'S CARTAG-E AND STORAGE LTE OTTAWA DIARY By Normuh M. V.ucLeoo Veteran correspondents wlio didn't vn try. accompanied the Prime Minister I The reason they didn't try was Friday, August 7, 1953 Air Search hi Youth Abandoned THE PAS, Man. (CP) Air search for 18-year-old Robert Buck, missing since July 25 In the heavy bush cast of Moose Established 1910 As 9 See It J - ' 7 C-lmoir MOVING PACKING . . . CRATiw; tin independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Rorthern and Central British Columbia. Member ot Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. i- ..'"" ' ssturriAu . . . runwAiwiMu . . , siulM Published by The Prince Rupert Dully News Limited. H. O. PERRY, Vice-President J. F. MAQOR, President on his swinn through the British- that they didn't have to. Mr. St. settled but now Frenoh-peakiiiB Laura'1' was able to do for him- ( eastern townships of Quebec self what the late Mr. King had i couldn't help noting the differ-: to have others do lor him. j ence that a few years has made1- in brief, the more the Quebec! World-wide ShipmenU 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY " Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Subscription Rates: , &v -By carrier Per wk, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, $10.00. By mail Per month. 75c; per year, $8.00. M- Authorized as second class mai by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. Phono GO or 08 Cor. 2nd and S m French Canada's political political landscape was found to landscape. ihave changed, the more it ap- An election tour through Que-J peared the same. There was the i Your First Vole? 1 v LPP Shows Its Hand bee during the long Mackenzie ; same eloquence, the some King era that now seems so far turesqueness of speech, and the UMm.r'MH.-flit.Ti ,, STANDING for to parliament in Van-.elooueriCB. Not that the elo-ni'nt. Only this time the Prime COUY'er South has renew- ' ouence ever was provided by the j Minister was his own showman. eu my iaitn in (lemon dt, tributitm of the great cabinet! townships are his greatest hope ill a Ollite Unexpected ministers that Mr. King always for gaining seats in French-succeeded in recruiting from the speaking Canada, Traditionally way province. Men like Cardin, Rin-jthev have been the scats that Lake, was called off Wednesday, but ground parties continued to comb the area for a trace of the youthful seneca -root digger. Two ground parties, totalling some 25 men, ure making what probably will be the final sweep through the thick timberland. Hope has about been given up that the youthful resident of Moose Lake settlement, 50 miles east of The Pas, will be found, cither alive or dead. As one member of the search party said Wednesday: "It worse than looking for p needle in a haystack; you could almost walk on top of a man In this country and never see him." Unless Buck is found within the next two days, the search probably will Ih abandoned. DEMAND PUBLIC INtW INTO ARRESTS AND I POLICE BRUTALITIES t IN PRINCE RUPERT On July 25 Hntunitiv, rrmtn md rttwi to m F, ni Aiiul iRt. IS tnfitH oppuwmI wuh mch bmtnitu timu.l fnimrf-ailv' polteo dbtfilny thnt fkaumy ntPt- ft Hitir nudtiiht it h ()ttwffirH m pprmttMty at j fcfoi ttw i'M HhII. pmwsuiv rtttmt pum tom- Whvw Whtilen. tthout i(itt anv quntttm fe r , ainiv ntnipiy tlu m v Minpt-'Frw- ttttft n hnmc B mumme d Ui pruicHt ihoy roi tMtmt of Tf;Mt ors i TMtft niitl :lmrfl Win unlawful aaf'niMy. 1 Kor Tueatftty. aukubi 4tli. rlewti fi.m , City or W oalletl Ut ft Mm WW the tTittlter. IrVHHl. hoWt'VrT, U ffW ClU'f'ttH IirrlVftf ftt ptR j . , l nave nift many New Canadians who are casting their votes fur the very first time in a Canadian 'general election. Many of these art refugees ia the true sense of that word. fret. lApolnte, -Cannon, ouin have changed sides In any great and a few Jesuer but still power- .national politioal turnover. What f ul figures were orators of the are the prospects of history re-old school. Listening to them! peating itself say on the scale was something more than even of 1930, when R. B. Bennett won a stimulating intellectual xer- 24 Quebec seats? They have escaped from coim- rise; In addition, it was an mo-1 in the matter of providing an tries which were police states tioual experience. By the time 'advance answer to such a quos-under fascism or are now poMcc , Mr. King got through telling the tion, Quebec in this campaign states under communism. ! people uuout his government and has been the same as the rest of They value that precious i his Quebec lieutenants got Canada. It has been entirely un it, tmv wtre lurormtui xnat n uwion in camm t lilfctfll pHif'C nmtiw twtounni(tfit. i Next fifty tiBC mortrd thnt th City fjitii COOKING th hilU:t "inorp H'iiUiwiy when am'sting , . thnt thf protest uvmt ptilK urutahln-s ws Jn-'ih I 111 ttlK I (!S lilt' Ul .WrtM!l8 OI Hip fllf .1 through telling them about Mr. non-committal. But It's at least King, the job of Liberal sales- J fair to state that the Prime Min-manship was complete. j iter's swing of the past week re in the St. Laurent sortie vealed no evidences of a change through the eastern townships at In sentiment amongst the people the start of this week the ab-jin the province most likely to be ;.'nceof the powerful Quebec susceptible to change. Every-Cablnet Ministers of the King era , where Mr. St. Laurent moved, the was apparent in a way that crowds and the enthusiasm were could have been really sad. The comparable to the 1949 cam- t irutany the tTuu tmi-mpt (l un wlutirtai of u h democratic i-ieht the vote more than do our own people born and 'brought up right here, for the young men and young women who were bom in Canada will gu to the polling booths and think only uuout lesser things. But the refugee from police state tryanny will, think of the most important thing in all the world : Freedom. "Diiiiy hi w;' fin Miitlny, AttpiiKt l!7th( in wimh mg t wi-rt (Hjrfr dyt-ti fts th- luiuwfiit vlrlinm of frw tmm whD bCftiilcH thnt, alu) tilHvruvptl Hut riiy Iitcttt ntiiUy who uiSKi'iiwti the oiiy' A;ni l-liwl present Quebec .tuubtrMessrs. Alcide Cote, Hugues Lapolnte, t al provided no substitute lor palgn. But then the enthusiasm and crowds for Mr. Drew have been good, too. In 1949 thut wasn't quite the case. Next Monday's race should be a lot closer than the 1949 contest. THE New Canadian may go into t the persuasive, picturesque ora- tlie polling booth. He or she See the new..., ftr.T.;i fj "dnuik.V that itt(ht? Could tt lx thnt n- r clrunkfi to Bpeiifc of tlmt nlyUt? "I'tilr. tMfiwriI .n Hri pirtttui'Hta fltu-m-pt u wiuu-sm it vi'liig inr ft whurk c-n Uif hear!, ami thr puiKf wm; will within tin-ir rltit!t if Uty h:(t baulwl ttim a!, a a Hitme to Hit (safety of ttw oily . . Muri-iv I rfiit (uiUi e Iuf i(("n't awi u w . arrr:! nu.rP j-M-np'i-- to hit inort Mnpl( ov r ihf L-ss'i Of nil tlilnci. Dip editorial iw PW011.T ;aitv at Vif fiiy . . Aii Hit jopl lure f r Uir p, Hit' IOlH'f lMT for Ull' Jffl-- VVhrtl in It that in:.yor and city rmmnll.irs. r- tory of their predecessors. Peril app they could have. But they Sash Believed Worn by Virgin . Mary Discovered Beneath Altar of Church THERE is one thing we must say for the Communists. They have plenty of nerve. They have it in Russia and they have it in Prince Rupert. . Take the example across the page. At first glance one reads in this a genuine horror that the populace should be victimized by the police and an tamest desire to save us (excluding, no doubt, The Daily News and one or two others) from a terrible fate. It appears to be a very reasonable and considerate attitude. In our present dilemma, it can be expected to meet with agreement from many quarters. . That is fine. Perhaps a public inquiry is just what we need. But a more careful look reveals this appeal for just what it is an inflammatory piece of propaganda tied in nicely with expectations for tomorrow night and the election on Monday. Consider this. It has taken the LPP five days since the last disturbance to submit this article, and we cannot honestly say the composition is suf-ciently brilliant to justify that period of gestation. Its organizers might have waited until tomorrow, but that would have been too obvious. Besides, Mrs. Minard is speaking tonight (you may think us horrible, Mrs. M., but must admit that is a nice free plugi. To wait until Tuesday, or even" Monday, would have been out of the question. After the election, it is reasonable to suppose we will not hear from the LPP on any subject whatsoever, except through media which will not identify it too closely. It is with these points in mind that we accuse the LPP of taking deliberate measures .to create dangerous unrest in this city; We accuse' it of aggravating conditions that could be settled without further rancor to promote its political ends. We accuse it of deception in encouraging violence which it professes to condemn, i Although we carry this ' advertisement with misgiving not for its context, which contains the customary exaggerations, but for its intent we feel it performs, the valuable service of putting some of the facts where they belong. They are facts which we referred to on Monday in warning that the disturbances played into the hands of radicals a reference which their ad omits. " There are other pieces to the problem but they cn be sorted out, and will be, provided the LPP is not calling the moves. Hve:, of t)w (M-plr1, t.rc trvh)ti t liWle from the lofntin ftirh utt itiipiiiiuat tnutL? tlirmtitli m a Uirw-fe; fiitiM'tl nifeiliig may take ihat pencil in hand and 'mark down that single X after the name of the candidate preferred. But that X will be more than a vote for any person. It will be a prayer of thankfulness that the voter lives in a free country where every citizen has the right freely to worship in his own church, freely to speak, freely to write, and freely to work and prosper with none to make his family afraid. 1 1 -3 c th l ift of Prlmr HuiHrl nrrtU 1 a Mum htrri))fti Hh" ii it imH iilml'l In hltf f-itiiiiiil mrHn.; IMiIrlfr ii Im lM-tift tltciit mid ntlti e Imrc u M li. tt a niintmum re'ititrfiwi" rnf Itr nltlf In hnntllr Mlf. An ancient legend said the sash was h the church, but specified no resting place. The church was built In 59 A D. and altered several times, bul, the altar has remained in place 1,894 years. Archbishop Samuel is visiting friends In Worcester. Mrfl M44 Alftlnt' M t i t K 1 rrn'trd rt(i;i who hitppt'iiert &it fiit rmij iit-u v, -&i Si k' tri-At tii' iii uh human iwinfR." ran 1uuk be ; rt'i.itti of Prhu KiiitHit. M fti tle'. WORCESTER, Mass. (AP). Discovery in Syria of a sash believed to have been worn by I lie Viigln Mary was announced this week by Archbishop Mar Athanasius Yeshue Samuel of the Assyrian Apostolic Orthodox Church. He said he learned of the discovery in a letter from Mxr The German-born New Cana INHAl IIICTIIC Jptf TK HANOI dian may think back to the days o-iilh us iTrinU'i Hrnnift mill hi lioiernmeiti af It ouM.iinr mi immrillute I'f Itl I litMtrv info tiirptt hi I'titu? Ihiiifti. , . of Hitler, or to the tyranny which supplanted Hitler's and ANN MINARD, Ignatius Ehprem I. Syrian pat- remains The Trkrnmi in mnv IhinTf r,f I liarcll Of AnllOCil aild all the Ijiljor Profrewivr M'l KINi I'l filOV HAM., UlIIMY, T - Cotuiom li-m: 739 vSerond Ave W - Pinw klnfolk back in the old land 'East. -y and of what would happen to j The letter said the sash was them now if they really tried located hi a fragile glass case , to exercise the rights of free I beneath the altar of the cen-speech and free political action tures-old Church of Our Lajdy-that we have here. He may pray j of the Girdle of the Virgin Mary , x , "... for a free Ukrainians-we; hae , Horns,. Syria,,, The glass ea$, a free Canada. ,; - ' " -j disintegrated to touch, 'the lelf Sporting Goods of Every fm The European from any land ter said. '" may say a prayer as that X i The letter said also that goes down on the paper: j church leaders in April uncoy- ; "Please God, never let happen j ered a document written in tjie ' to this clean young country, Aramaic language In use at the )Ar Fishing Equipment BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOB TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER PUSH BUTTON CONTROLS SPACIOUS MASTER OVEN STREAMLINER DESIGN $359.00 On Display Nov RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 Swimming Accessories Lifebdli -A Exclusive Nylon Filled and Cove t time of Christ, It said the sash was buried beneath the church altar. Sleeping Bags The SPORT SHOP Odds Vi' Ends Sale Canada, the tragedy that hap- j pened to our old lands where freedom fell." j I HERE In Canada we have not ; done too badly in getting the two main racial sections of the ; nation to live together in In-creasing neighborliness. No statesman has done so much for this as Mr. St. Laurent. I If you sometimes get v a bit ! discouraged about the lack of ' complete cordiality between the 1 French and English speaking sections of Canada, remember that the French and English For quick results try o Daily Hews Cla1 MEN'S SHOES Dress and Work styles SALE PRICE REFLECTS and REMINISCES E5oy LADIES' PUMPS and SANDALS $4.95 All colors. Wide selection SALE PRICE One of the things that can't shortcomings, his fumbling and be helped! Before seventy, we! seeming aimlessness, he's an rarely worry about a pension, i awfully nice man to have around After seventy, the darned thing ! the house. And I still love him." Boys' Oxfords and Kiddies' Shoes - SALE FKK:E '....-a..,............ appears to be under the bed, or j MaryJane .Taylor, roaming' 'iAeitad? UehiAa k v&a&j 4 back. I ON WAY OUT Ladies' Pumps Kiddies' Play Shoes $3 This week, away back in 1914, With Crepe and Neollte Soles SALE PRICK Three Imperial Bank clerks In Vancouver chased a gunman and world wars started. And speaking of early marine activities, were for centuries the bitterest, deadliest enemies In the whole world. . No we liaveri' done toQibad-Jy and we are doing tetter every ycat But we could do better still if everybody - who marks down that X next Monday makes a mental vow to help every New Canadian feel at home here in Canada. We know they are glad to be here. But we want them all to know mat those of us who were born here are also glad they are here able to vote and live In i-augui mm auer a naru run. the new OTP passenger ship . . . Vou'll iind bargains galore at astoundingly low prices. Call early and avoid disappointment. i ueu uiavei y was real, ine Pla ! prince George was converted ioi was a loy, dui wnai ninerence lnto a hoaPital vessel and Fred did that make. No one knew it except the bandit. As for thejHart,v wa one of the first to young bankers, they looked assign on. There was something bullet every second. doing ach day, but be it said FASHION FOOTWEAR .,A,.n. c not one was dull. . i ii oniiflUAi muni Perhaps even today, some of lis Qpp tHlnlHntr nf tnmnrrnnr Premier Bennett has possibly a downright declara- evening. For there are still not made EVERYTHING FOR THE KIDS! pollcemen and those who dislike jt"". but there appears to be a them, and then, taking one eon- strong suspicion that changes In sideratlon with another, there 1 the Elections Act are on the way STS noTa hTppy 0'nf 1Cema'S That jneans It's on the way out. In other words, the longer we "That husband of mine is more or less have it, the less It's oulte a boy! Yet for all his I wanted. YOUR FEDERAL LIBERAL CANDIDATE for another term of EFFICIENT SERVICE for .SKEENA DISTRICT Federally It's i LIBERAL , . Let's have our . SKEENA i AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET. " ' -J Si Skirts Blazers Tee-Shirts Swim Suits Boys' Long Pants Boys' Shirts -r 2 pitce Cotton Suits k ykr Overolls . C Jeans 1 -fa jr Dresses . r, -Housecoats A' Boys' Short Pants ; -fr HOWARD r Y' DISTRICT represented by a member of the GOVERNMENT Send Them To School With The Right Answers . Clolhing From : 9 AN IMPORTANT BROADCAST OF) VOTE TED APPLEWHAITE X I VOTE INTEREST TO ALL RESIDENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA CFPR 1240 on your dial 9:00 p.m. Published by The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. ODYD S Sponsored by Skeena Federal Liberal Campaign Committee