t Prince Rupert Doily News Wednesday, June 11, 1952 A Canadian Indians Win ! ' Fight Against Disease OTTAwA tt.Pi Canada s lnd- Seate for km population is lighting a- andidates l;nn:ng battle aamst tuber-: alosis. i Health Minister Martin said oday in the Commons tnat the- j uberculcsis death late among; adians dropped 4a per cent . luring thelast rice yeais Indiana. But progress is being mack;. In 1946 the tuberculosis death rate per 100,000 of population was 571) 1 amuiig Indians, 419 among whites and for all Canada was 47 4 Figures lor 1913 were 4bu 1 for Indians, 32 1 for .rate and 37 for all Canada. , Ey 1950 this had been reduced to 268 8 for Indians, 22 for rvhite and 25 9 for all Canada Doul, as Harfcjiess iPC-?al-gary fcasti said the tuberculosis ijte among Indians, still is 13 cr 14 tunes greater than the late among whites. This indicated the need for additional measures. Mr Martin replied that sur-vrja aie being extended ainng Indians just as quickly as funds, and stall permits. As for esknnos, it is somewhat He spoke during Consideration ; ; bis department s i!:.2-:,3 e-t-r.iates. During the discussion, he ,-ide these point;. 1. 'The "gir.tlc. lair li C"- j rcised in fi.-ti..u.u!i" .f ) :ons wanting to emigiate to 1 anads. j 2. A $400 000 virus laboratoi y : joon will be built in Ottawa it: rtiil specialise In research on the ; i.-.: . . . i 3. Regulations iic being pir-,ared which will make it obiij-itory for bakeis tonidicate in more difficult to reach them. ! But their population is increas-j ing possibly as a result of gH-atei medical attention The ; department he said, is "greatly i concerned "about the welfare of I Canada's Fisqimo population of ! i M0 or 8 0OM i The labrlling of brown bread j ' as raised by Stanley Knowles tCCF-Winnipeg North Centre. , ite said that seme brown bread actually is white bread dyed I brown. He did not jsb to sug-i gest that tne aye is harmtai, j out people thought they were 1 getting whole wheat bread when .actually they were getting white ' bread. j Mr Martin, who has trimmed j 30 pounds off his weight by dieting, said he had learned by j experience that not all brown j bread is nun-fattening. Regulations now being draft-i ed win make it necessary tor labels to show the whole wheat ; content of brown bread. wrappings the whole wheat ' liour content of brown bread. I 4. The esfciinos aie no loii r i disappearing u. their population is increa..iug about l' - percent each year. 5. A new drug addiction problem has arisen in the matiufi.?-cuie of certain .synthetic chem-.eala and is being watched close-v by health authorities in Can-uia and the United .stales Some if the synthetic druf.j nave tror.g addiction piupeitirs. At the House opening, I'ltrne i. funster St. Lament -.aiil the i..uiK of the "oveuiiii-nt s legislative program lias been placed before parliament. . i Mr. St. Laurent also said th. -Canadian Government expressed concern about political developments in Pouth Koiea to the United ,,..!. ic. united States and Britain. In' the heal'h debate Mr. Martin said the health piograr.i among Indians has not by any means solved the problem of the scourge of tubeivuiu-ri-: among In Thursday's Election, Voting for Leaderless Individuals Could Result in Hopeless Chaos Such as this Province has never Experienced, In Your Own Interest One Party Must be given a Mandate. Anything else is bound to Result In Confusion, Confiscation and Frustration. The Liberal Party's unified, cohesive, experienced team " ' : r of able Administrators v Led by Premier Johnson, . Offers the only Logical Choice DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS Divorces Down In Canada OTTAWA (CP The number; i,l divorcer, granted in Canada" decreased during Is down j lor the fourtn n.nt-.:utl ve year,! the Dominion Bureau of Stat - j istics rejxjrtt-d today. During the last lour years the divorce; (ate fell from li:, 3 to 30!) p.-r j 00 000 persons. I Preliminary figures from 19.01 ; place thf- numb r of divors' last year at a l;3 a il'-i iva.,e of !ur per ni In mi I ::. tw- record numi-r v...s a !!! in 1947. Divorce.', declined m seven provinces but. inc; ffi-:er! in Al -iert, Mamtoua ;.:.u Q'.tt bee. Britisli Columbia had the highest divorce rate 114 9 per 100 000 population. Kales for other provinces: Alberta 02 7. .'ianitoba 4.'j, m iiio 4.i0. New Brunswick 30 2. Nova Scotia 29 1, Saskatcliewan 27 2, Prince hdward island 10 2. Quebec 7 1, and Newfoundland 11. For a Sound Government For British Columbia. LIMITED Phone 8"1 We're earning a ' , REPUTATION ;. Your Own Interests Vote for The Liberal Candidate in Your Riding. Ask arr.'jne who ha . purchased one of our reconditioned used cars or tiucfc:; and you'll find our reputation is growing every Hay. We are prim-! of this reputation an are therefore endeavoring to maintain the highest standards in the cars and trueks v." :-ll and methods used to sell those cars. ( Al l. "I OMt.MT FOR A IF.MONSTRATION Phone 871 ONF-TH1RD IiOWN 12, 18 or 24 Months to Pay ATTENTION MECHANICS We have a lft49 FORD FORDOR SF.DAN with radio, heater and defroster, seat covers and four excellent tires. The body require;; a little work and tome mechanical repairs are necessary. Vul: ran buy this car fur $361 down. Including tl.j 37. . Come in and see it at 7th and 3rd Ave. lot. f ' $595 1939 PONTIAC. SF.DAN Heater and defroster, good tires, -excellent body. Full price 19S1 AI'STIN STATION WAGON Radio, heater and nd defroster defroster, S1375 grill guards tmtl fog lite. Only C7S0 miles Full price 1948 PONTIAC Reconditioned, spotlight, heater ater and and de de- $1265 iroster. O M . auto radio, seat covers, good tires. A real buy for only 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SF.DAN Nw partial lal motor, motor, run-'ully running gear completely reconditioned. ' Fully equipped equipped, S1295 radio, heater and defroster. New 2-loiit- i.ainL job. Full price r. InMrttd by iii B C. Llbirtl AnoclHo TRUCKS 1947 DODGE i-TON PANEL Nice and clean, low mileage. ;::;a,;:1.:;,.;,,!-f:or- v.?1050 1947 FARGO Hat deck, 2'i-ton. DP. axle, brake booster, .Short wheel base. fl Ol C Full lii-lce " , v. if 1 t