Aboard Athabaskan ASOEHT SECT IRitH .v-:tiis liTruTt! Airnrl ... The Mennonite denomination The town of Listowei, centre S i was founded In Switzerland in of a rich farming district in CALGARY (CP) Surveys have Wednesday, June 11, Xm'j. 1525 and took its name from the western Ontario, was named started at the municipal airport ij . i 4 j Dutch religious reformer, Merino after Listowei in County Kerry, in connection with installation) tern, costing perhaps $60,000.1 to land in unfavorable wiMther".. Simmons. Ireland. of an instrument landing sya-jThe equipment will aid aircraft conditions. r i ' 1 JUL 1 1 t.tmlwiwamHim ; .. . Ti'y - ,i : i ! t ' .11 .'; I il . . "" . '' :' t ,N KOREAN WATERS 13w Canadian destroy r IIMCS Athaboskan is a giaiit"aUiiigsUle ;jlrUn patrol craft Numbers 301, 703 and 307, operati.ig in Korean waters The smaller craft loitidliig enemy-lld ptwiUons and prui.se for the Koreans1 gunnery came from tta ;,, ,,, .kae':. skipper, find. Dudley King of Victoria. He hud ordered the Koreans to see jrM,er the t'.imHuu.Ms . were assembiliiK Junks for a,i Invasion of United Nations-held islands ' ff (J. -:--t. (Op from National liefencei i " n i 1; Vanadian Sailors Chipper, Well Fed tr,f,I!; Ntl'I'K: Hill Bliss, States Navy's. There had been much grumbling about the quality of meat, 4 '" ' vegetables and bread supplied I In Japan from British and Aus-' tralian stores. ' ! Chief cook Is CPO. Bob Murray I of Victoria, while chief baker is CPO. Bill Hughes of Victoria. In i I'revs .stall wrfler n,i fuices in Korea. rM ,jy .spent in days tu tli ',I(,,ii iie.stioyer Alhabas-' u) K"i'' w:ti,.'rs. 'j"he I tuf. Is one "1 a series' of liV wrote on the naval IK HI 1.1. BOSH ; is.niiuii Km Mult WrlliT I addition to his nightly turns out i Kan H theres anyt.liintf j i.t fin the hammock:. It 5 ,4,viuu- during 10 uaiys third, positions could be chanced I If movement was deliberate. The! art of keeping a blanket tucked remains unmastered. The Atha Bee t a crowded ship. Within her 377-foot length and 37-foot beam she stows 270 men. Officers have bunks In their cabins. Some of the chief p."tty officers have Hueed improvised ones for themselves. But the men sleep in -mlcjcs" unless they have back or kidney trouble, in which fax they make up beds for themselves on benches or f lour. The "mfa ks" are right alongside one another ami head to toot. UghtA out come at B:3i p m. .to that men on early watches can sleep. "Wakey-wakey" conies al 6:30 a.m. so that tlv. tables, over which the 'mlcks' 'are slung, can be used for breakfast. HAPPY COMPANY Living at such close quarters coukl get on men's nerves. Inn U aimfifpher Is on cf .st eady Joshing, Joking and spontaneous teamillK-up to keep the pluce clean. Periodically throughout the id the destroyer Alh- it jii. j bread, Hugh also turns out pans of hot buns for men going on and off watch during the night to have with their coffee. I ROM ONE f.AIJ.EV Supplies for the ship's thie meals, plus liberal snacks, average $311 daily, and all hands ollicers and men eat the same food. It's all cooked In Murray's galley. Below decks when the guns are firing the din's lndescrilniij:.). So are the cordite fumes. Athabaskan has really knocked herself to bits although her body's sound absorbing the re-coll of her guns, which since last , , , X vfii, jieihaps, that it en-; moil inen ti tie sardlned i i. .; ileck than there l I.I lie. ,.t un'ii i lie Yellow He a has j f iii'H.ih as a tahle top. i.fiatt-i.i iv it's only in a roll-n lii.il Hip hummock conies ,: tui. !, - i.niv' .en; utina as Atha-.itii i i'ii her along I,- villi ;ii inn caused by her iii-in.i (). iwer engines. Ath-ju i..iiiy moves, and when i,r.. I.i'i whole body Uial'.cs WJI ON NOVK K i t (.1 ij.viiiK In a ham-i t, ni l in move a muscle, im'v u i.uvice you Jusl. stay mi yinii luck. When the .!-! I.ill.s oil il'.s ton risky to ."ir it. v ;.s 1 i - VUly It Was tl'.."-niflil. Hie secoid was i iii. ipli still not ready for !.::!. i.i-t -chasing. By the rv ' "' ''vv , , -- , ' ,. ., fiiav men will get out tlie di.sli-jpan, soap and towels and pitch 1 In to remove the evidences of a i ' - ' August have fired 8,000 rounds. Each shell leaving her kicks down showers of plaster from I he ceilings, rips . out wiring, blows electric lights right out of their sockets, and sends any loose ehinaware crashing to the decks. Even the captain's cabin gels littered. From a control room filled with complicated equipment CPO Howard Oliver aims and fires the guns that do the damage. The men Joke that Atha Bee probably has done more damage to herself than she has to tlw Chinese Communists. She needs 1 the refit she's going home to. i V.' snack. There always seems to Ia coffee or tea brewing to wash d'.wn the lashings of fresh-bakeit bread, butter and lam consumed between meals. i The food is good. I Athabaskan jiionee'red in I switching the Canadian destroy- era from the Inferior Ooinmon- 1 wealth rations to the United S 4 ; J"ls-fwfi'.vAv4., ' TOfl TOflfl nn LTL ' : j . ' I, t K , -t ;i I - ! ' I t! I . 1 1 - t I i : i" t : i , i i, , " ; i ; i ' k 'j 1 ' ' ' ! " -t ! ,. i ' ,; . : " $t ' . ffi .it f . . , 1 4 4 'It t 1. 1 I i ' i' i m ; -':i;!' :l ' w MiJrn HELP YOUR POST OFFICE HELP YOU! . v To the Electors of Prince Rupert Constituency: '-'' ' -" ': Tomorrow, June 12th, you will exercise one of your greatest democratic privileges; that is, you will cast your vote In the B.C. Provincial election, for the candidate of your choice. I am convinced that the Progressive Conservative Party offers the best, program for the development and sound administration of the affairs of this Province and for your individual good. May you remember that our forefathers had vision and foresight, to bring about and maintain freedom of thought and speech. We hav a- goodly heritage;" Let us preserve 5ii ! by continuing to uphold the principles and, policies responsible for such freedouv ,: The Pro;re.ssive Conservative Party knows full well the problems confronting us here in British Columbia and we will approach these problems as British Columbians should. We believe in the highest law The Welfare of the People. I want to thank all who have been with me at heart in this campaign and to ask you, when you cast your vote tomorrow; to give it your, deepest consideration and to mark your ballot for the man you feel will serve you and yours best In the coming years. I do not think you will be sorry if you cast your No. 1 Vote for your Progressive Consevative candidate. ' 1 '-'' . 1. ADDRESS YOUR MAIL CORRECTLY. Write clearly and glv COMPLETE address; include Postal Zone Number In Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. 3. WRAP PARCELS SECURELY tie with strong cord and put on sufficient postage. When in doubt have your Post Office weigh parcels and letters and avoid double postage due. 2. ADVISE YOUR FRIENDS of your correct address (and one numbef if applfcabre) especially if you have moved to a new address. Get the habit of including your return address on top left corner of envelopes or parcels. - - ' Uf iS..tfwMlMh4 1 1 WiTIIM4ltoli ii jnlfcji Hep your Post Office giV you faster, better mail service by remembering these things I L1TTIR MAIL 1st Clats requires: local delivsry, 3,for the llrst TOM CHRISTIE. ounce, U for each additional PRINTED MATTER Cards, circulars, etc., entirely printed when addressed to Individuals by name 2 for the first 2 ounces, U for each additional 2 ounces. When such mall Is addressed "To Householder" (not by name) It requires for the first 2 ounces, and 1 for each additional 2 ounces. ounce; out-of-town (Canada, U.S., and all other countrlea of North and South America, British Commonwealth, France, Spain) delivery, 4 for first ounce, 2r for each additional ounce. Air Mail (domestic), H for first ounce, 5 for each additional ounce. (Inquire at Post Office for airmail rates to other countries.) McRAE, J.D. LIBERAL 10 CHRISTIE, T. IA. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NIWSPAPIRS or PERIODICALS PARCELS Play safe! Have your nearest Post Office weigh them. You can now send Air Parcel Post up to 25 pounds In weight. Ask about thia fast air delivery servicel I I 1 MfHMiin 'to 11 1 1 9 I I mailed by Individuals require H for the first 4 ounces and,1 for each additional 4 ounces. HILLS, G. E. C.C.F. For Free Transportation To The Polls Phone 270 and Blue 595 MURRAY, A, SOCIAL CREDIT ' 1 - f . t -1 ' . i i , I 4 J I Miff f 'LlJ B3 rriA. inf. i 1 a . i i i'i ft i i I 111 iH I E E VEHIII KVI V, II VSV' J! -Z W W " 'I""' (.!!!.