.if Prince i l l i i Trr-T-j- i m Rupert Daily News n SFORTS ROt'NDl'P Wednesday, June 11, 1952 (Contiiiued from pflge 5) Taft, Eisenhower Squabble Choice of Own Supporters WASHINGTON (CP) The fight rang and we watched him trudge back to'hls corner, an ex-chain-plon. That was, oi course, when the screen began to shimmy and untold thousands dived through the gloom and began fumbling with the dials. Actually, Powers could not have been far wrong in his obvious, If unspoken, belief that Charles was galloping to victory. A majority of writers at the ringu'de thought so, too. Using hindsight, the only suggestion we can make Is that the televiewers might, have been conditioned by a reminder that some ring officials do not like to tak; a man's title away on a close decision. We Watched Walcorr, An Ex-Champion Then, as the bout progressed through the 10th round with nothing much to show for all the exertion, Jimmy stole a peek at tne cards of a pair of neighboring experts and advised his class that the two had Charles, or Snooks, leading by a handy margin. Tills, we imagine, caused many TV authorities to dp some hasty levising of their own score the'ts to bring them into line. The closing rounds, it seemed to one who was getting his baptism as a television expert, were Committee to Investigate between Dwight D. Eisenhower and Senator Robert Taft for the ilepublican presidential nomination centred today on disputes over selection of delegates to the July nominating convention in Chicago. Elsenhower backers accused Taft supporters of pulling a "steal" in Indiana where Re 1 S"" I I v- Slut - Seagrams Crou u Royal I Scaoivam's V.O. Seagram's "83" I Scaoram's KinA Pi Garbage Dump -v - -. -y , , . , v j, t publicans completed a 32-vote A three-man committee Lee was J ' L - Harold - ; all Charles. We felt sorry for I Walcott when the closing bell delegation almost solidly back-. appointed by Mayor i tV. ALU nAn Try Doily News Wont Ads wil ?X. jYi) uiiiu bi-iikji. Wha en last nicrVit ,hl,.h h - I Similar protest- lave been di- iook llUo w,(,lt.inns nf tho Htv I X .K ; Vinlst . . i i ; in "w s -v (J. Oft at mntrflnlinnc GI.T NEW BONNET? Halifax s lUmed Princess Louise Fusiliers Reserve Force has been given authority to wear a blue Iniskilling bonnvt and French Grey Hackle in recognition of wartime ex p:oits. Maj. G. F. H. Macintosh, left, headquarters company commander and bank manager in peacetime, and Sgt -Mai D. R. Rlggs compare the new bonnet and the outmoded beret! (CP Photo i & TIRE PROVED , 1 1 $k imm on the i ttlfsU5 SPEEDWAY garbage dump' Texas. Georgia Louisiana and Mississippi. ! Committee consists of Alder- Itt Indiana, charge is that'"",n Jl,mes Pruskey. Darrow Taft supporters manoeuvred se Gomez and George Casey, leclion id their delegates by in-' Aid. Pruskey brought up the stituting a rule that all pros- garbage dump question saying pecllve delegates had to file and he had received numerable corn-pay $500 fees by a fixed dead- plainto and that he wasn't sat-line yesterday. Of the 32 who isfied with investigations of the qualified, 30 were hand-picked tlty rodent situation, by Taft backers. .Several months ago, an lnves- The manoeuvre brought tigation was made to determine threats that Elsenhower sup-; whether rats migrated from the porters will contest the seating : city to the dump. Poisoning of of the delegates at the July con- j rats also was instituted, vention. I . ' I 1 Scntjvams Spccinl Old yag.-w..-:..- .... .T. I r ljt Man Parades As Wife Of Air Force Sergeant f I This atlvrrtiseuinit in not published or displayed by the Liq.j DI'-NVLR AP An Air Force loniroi Board or liy the Oovernmrnl of British Columhl In South Dakota, meanwhile, , an official canvassing board was counting the votes again to de- j termlne the winner of the state's Ilepublican primary. The 14 ' delegates have already been j credited to Taft on the basis of his 820-Vote edge in unofficial Fraser House Licence Taken Licence to operate a city sergeant and a man who dressed like a woman and posed as the airman's "wife" have been charged by the FBI with swindling the United States government out of more than $2000 In returns jrom Tuesday's voting, rooming house was suspended dependency allotments. The strange' case came to light after the "wife," George Molino! iaieai Associated Press stand-! by city council last nt"ht ins in 4he campaign for the Re-1 until recommendations of publican.nom.nation shows Taft Medical Health Officer Dr. Dun- tT Tn 3 VOtS- E,,se "I ! can Black have bcen carried out. h hotver can count on at least ih ,. ,..,., rf, YOUR tancncz. 27, was arrested at Corpus Christie, Tex., on a morals charge, FBI Agent George C Burton said. Staff Sgt. Ronald M. Games .168 Other candidates have 139 i tin, m nnil.9lnn o..,.ii a-,a and. 2UB are uncommitted or j , ,., . . , , ui . oiac& s report was Drougni 601 disputed. For nomination voles are required. in by Aid. Darrow Gomez, chairman of the health, social assist- y 1 i In Ihe Democratic race. Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee has 245 with 616 needed for Democratic nomination. Senator Richard Russell of Georgia has 86 U and Averell Harriman 852.. ter, 27,. accused of being the! "husband," was arrested at! Travis Air Force base, Fairfield,! Calif. ; Sanchez ronecicu more than 1 $2000 as "Mrs. Carpenter" and j split the proceeds with Car- 1 penter, the Fill said. ! Each man is charged withj getting dependency allotments! from the Air Force fraudulently,; and each is charged with conspiracy. I Burton said their scheme! ince and licensing committee. Council in general deplored the state of some rooming houses in the city and agreed unanimously on the action. Recommendations lot Improvement to Fraser House Included installation of extra bathrooms and sanitary facilities, increased standard of cleanliness and a strict method of registration. The summar rainy season In Korea results in only about one to three days of clear skies each month. I ? . f OF ABLE ; worked this way: Sanchez, wearing shoulder-length hair and dressing attractively as a woman, met Carpenter in Denver. They obtained a marriage lieenee in August, 1948, but no ceremony was performed. Carpenter said they lived together for a week before he learned Sanchez was a man. Carpenter authorized the U.S Air Force In November, 1950. to send monthly allotment cheques of $127.50 to "Mrs. Eleana Carpenter," whom he designated as his legal wife. Sanchez posed a? "Mrs. Carpenter" and collected at. least 18 cheques under that name. ' ON mm HERBERT ANSCOMB Former Minister of Finoncc, Minister of Trade ond Industry, Minister of Railways, Minister of Municipol Affairs, Minister of Public Works. As Premier of a Progressive Conservative Government he will select his cabinet from experienced administrators. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIEDS PRTNO QUICK RESULTS MODEL FOB DUKE This 30-inch ship model for the Duke of Edinburgh was built to scale by Edmond Lecouvle, 65-year-old V'terari of 39 years with the Quebec City police force. The replica oi an old Quebec-built lumber-trade schooner has been sent to Buckingham . Palace. The model, commissioned last Christmas, took more han four mollis o assemble. It contains about 1,000 piece.', ol red mahogany from the West Indies, ebony from Ceylon, ivory fiom walrus tusks. Canadian black walnut and cobbler's thread and wax. . iCp photo t 4 . . ivy " ; f : S.'f I r.r-. '' V rzeace V. t TV1?RT1 ' . u , JUV UULI JU 1J JL C E. C. CARSON LESLIE H. EYRES Former Minister of Trade and industry. Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Railways. Mr. Fyrrs experience and advice will lie of tremendous value In key cabinet positions. I R. C. MocDONALD Former Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Minn. Highly respected for his sage handling or Intricate problems of government, Mr. Macli"ld brings experience and wisdom lo key rabinrt posts. 1 nriiier Minister of Piilille ( 'Works. Known and admired for his great contribution in building Kritish C'olimiliia's highway system, Mr. (arsmi will supply Invaluable service iiml an intimate knowledge f the province. Forty-seven Progressive Conservative candidates, the most able and experienced ever offered the voters of British Columbia, are your guarantee of sound and stable government. They are men and women you know well and have depended upon to do the community jobs you wanted done. You'll find that people who know Canada's most famous places to dine call for Canada's most distinguished whisky . . . Lord Calvert. For superb quality . . . and the smoothest highball JUNE you ve ever tasted . . . ulwmjs call fur Lvrd Culvert! 3 1 1 1 I 1 1 f I r 1 1 1 r "3 t"l Cii 1 i rrr ' lORD CAIVERT 'tr'' CAtVT DISTIlltRS IIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. Published by the B. C. Procresitlve i:onnrrutlv Anout'tttt Ion 'IS ACVWUStMtNl liNOI PUB,LISHtDOIi DISPLAYED Br IHE U9UOR CONIKOl BOARD 08 BY IHOOVtBNMENl Of BRITISH COLUMBIA