and Ferry Service. The 10 TBarge Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. June 11, 1!).'2 '1 . V, i- - s' i ! presentation was made by Ca0- Operators Want Auto Court lain J. (i. Kinney, master oi Tug No. 1. Bill" Baiuie is well known in RC coast ports, on Vancouve ifB , , ..rrwv,-'v'.j Zn Liquor Change Island, and in the Okanagp m m . . v niiuw . Old-Time BC Sailor Retires From CNSS through his trcquent visits in k rt ai :30 . I t ,,m,r len 8: p.m. i&4 connection with his company's! VANCOUVER (CP Operators barge' and ferry service. of auto courts and resorts In Since lie began with the CNR ; British Columbia are in favor in 19H as junior engineer on , of serving beer, liquor and light S3 THE rABULOUS the original Prince George, Mr. wines in their establishments if the liquor plebiscite is passed at - WHO JUCT HADJ2 KlLLALl i h r-iuni ut hloKtlA VLS SO uyuLy etuvNit A DUKE VANCOUVER An old-time I'liUi-h Columbia seaman Will-i;un Edward Baiilic, superintendent i ngincer for the Canadian Naliuiial Steamships at Vancou-vi' r. said goodbye to tlie world nf working ships and sailors Monday, to retire on pension. To mark his retirement, after '.'K years with the CNSS. a group of friends from the steamships and other CNR departments gathered at the doek to present him with a wallet, a wrist watch, a testimonial scroll for himself ' and pearl necklace for Mrs. Bailhe. The presentation was made by G. A. MacMillan, steamships superintendent. At another garnering in Port Mann yesterday he received a set of travelling bags from officers and employees of the CN 1- MMRAUHni i. 19 I 1 ADillT1 Baillie has had a varied career. Besides being chief engineer on the Prince Robert and Prince Rupert on the west coast, he served as chief engineer on the Prince David on the east coast. He represented the company at the Prince Rupert drydurk a number of times and went overseas as senior engineer. Dunns construction of the "Prince" ships from 1941 to 1!45 he was loaned to Lloyd's register of shipping. Shortly after returning to the CNSS in 1945. he was appointed superintendent engineer. the provincial election June 12. A' resolution to this effect was passed by the executive of the 325-inember Auto Courts' and Resorts Association in Vancouver yesterday. The executive decided it is up to them to cater to the visiting public, but also stated that the cocktail bars would be only lor registered guests and friends. The tuatara, a New Zealand lizard, exists today in practically the same form as it did millions of years ago. i jf " t .-, r f h Slurring DFNMS PRICE VAURlt HOBSON JOAN CREFNWOOD ALtC CLlK mil " Hie same iiron-a,,. life ill V1,t L't I- "ARCTIC Jl N(i.r IT'S A NATURAL! Wallace's BABY WEEK VALUES. SALE NOW ON! fa: T()!)V ONLY 7: - 8:1(1 p.m. Gambling Houses Attempt to Drive Paper Out of Business "Sl'NN'V SIDE OF T(K siRHr "BRAVE WARKIOIf m m m m Sl'SAN HAVWAKl) as Jane Froman in the musical drama "With a Song in My Heart." Miss Hayward plays the port of the songstress in the life story picture in similar technique to the "Jolson Story." 12 head, because it is essentially a show herd. FAMOI S IIF.KII When You Look for Voluo Look for Wallace's P0E' New Bonnets, Hackles For Regiment WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE I i p ii IHC nCM HL L lilfiiWiJ ; FASHION FOOTWEAR Buffalo Attract Tourists To Alberta Resort WATERTON LAKES. Alta. -9--Buffalo days have returned to the rolling hills of southern Alberta. But today's herd is a far cry from that of its forefathers which grazed here more than a century ago. Under supervision of federal park wardens, six of these mighty monarehs of the plains migrated via truck from Elk Island Park, 25 miles east of Edmonton. They were placed In a 'fish-bowl" paddock just west of the highway near the Pincher Creek entrance to Waterton lakes National Park. CARSON CITY, Nev. AP) The Las Vegas Gambling Houses, accused of conspiring to drive the Las Vegas Sun out of business, have been ordered by a federal judge to resume advertising in the newspaper. In a $1,000,000 damage suit, Sun publisher Hank Greenspun had charged that the gambling houses conspired, by withdrawing their advertising, to destroy the newspaper at the instigation of Senator Pat MeCarran (Dem.-Nev.t Greenspun's suit, brought under federal anti-trust laws, accused the senator of instituting the advertising boycott because the Sun printed articles critical of him. Judge Roger Foley held there was such a conspiracy but did .not rule on the contention that IVfcCarran was behind the action to destroy the paper. Judge Foley said that issue will not be resolved until the suit comes to trial. No date has been ! 1 jfcl'Tllfm J? SONG J i, 1 1 ii i'j i The Waterton Lakes herd is descended from the famed Pablo herd of the flathead country in Montana. This h.'id was. purchased by the Canadian government in 1906. The Pablo herd, slatted in 1873 by walking coyote, a Pend D -Oreille Indian,, remained on Hie range until 1906" when the Canadian government obtained an option on it delivered at the railway, station at Ravilli. Mont. Transfer of the herd, 709 in number, to Canadian pastures took three years. At the time of the purchase buffalo in Canada numbered only 20. Of the Pablo herd, 620 head were placed in a 200-squaio-mile enclosure at Wainright, Aita., and the remainder at Elk Island Park. 71 , HALIFAX (CPX The battle-tested Princess Louise Fusiliers have new feathers in their bonnets. For that matter, the bonnets are new, too. , The only Halifax battalion to serve as a unit under its own name in the Second World War, the Fusiliers carried their colors through the bitter fighting in Italy, and into France, Belgium. the Netherlands and Germany. Now. in recognition of their exploits, the Fusiliers have been granted the honor of wearing a French grey feather hacklo in I heir headdress. And to mark their affiliation pas For the professional or the woman who craves utmost comfort in her shoes our white oxfords in all sixes. I HAYWARD-CALHOUN-WAYNE-RiTTER mi mm um m i set yet for the trial. I ...UU (U. CI , t Tnni.tF I II i n it r..c I m" "J "r"'': Testimony showed the Sun lost TODAY h SATURDAY $3,200 or more a month since the ! i! -r ,ta " IP1 4 .3U 4 I I. . y ' 1 Si;'! 4 8',-. .1? ft. l t ' f VV 1 IV, 4 ". ine Dutiaio. increased so rip-idly that it was necessary to limit the number at Wainwright to 8.000. In order to dispose of the surplus, som? of the younger animals were transported to Wood Buffalo Park, a range of 10.000 square miles in northern Alberta. I Tyrone, Ireland, they have been I granted permission to wear the boycott started March 22. the judge said. Plus C ARTOON - NFAVS- F veilings 7:00 - 9:22 Saturday .M itinrrn 2.0(1 - i:9 Inniskilling bonnet, previously The paddock, two adjoining pastures, one for winter and one for summer, is situated on the historic site of the old Hudson Bay fur brigade train which ran from Winnipeg over th south Kootenay Pass to Vancouver. Parts of this trail are still evident In the bulfalo paddock area. The herd, recently enlarged to seven when a calf was born, will be kept reasonably small, about Fashion Footwear Britain's worn only by Great Irish Brigade. . j THINLY POPl'LATED The hackle is similar to that1 Africa as a whole is bigger granted to Irish infantry that than Europe and Russia corn-stormed Louisburg in wresting j bined. but has less than a quar-Acadia from the French in 1758. ter of their population. The London County Council, j biggest in England, has 60.000 regular employees. From a farm ro a fiddle Daily News Classifieds MU r in n r7 n m n fnV ' -"xV r w m v ,-v'-x - I I 1. ., t . ... ,4. 1 V ft For Transportation to the Polls Call 657 -Courteous Drivers to and from the Polls VOTE McRAE PROGRESS TODAY VOTE LIBERAL t a i.