S3 J Wednesday, June 11. 1952 3 1 J Li Li LtJ3 i BLACKWOOD on PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00' Eves.: by appointment only 21 -i 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 $3 ride VICTORIA REPORTS iqe By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Signals Are Vital Part of Uridjfe Game Signaling at bridge is a very important part of the game. And signals are often overlooked, misread, misunderstood, abused and generally kicked around f oi' the loss of many thousands of points. I want to do for you a series of columns on signals, showing why signals are such a vital part of the game t:f BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE-40 ft. diesel troller. Must be sold at once at greatly reouced price. For particulars apply Co-op Credit Union. U45p) FOR SALE 36 It! trolling boat. Phone Red 807. 143p) CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1950 Meteor Sedan, I not a used taxi, R and A.C j and sun visor. 1950 Austin A-4,0 .sedan. Terms caa be arranged. Both can be seen at 112 Taxi Stands U37y FOR SALE 1949 Ford! deluxe sedan. Owner leaving town, must sell. $1400. Call 855 after 6 p.m. U37r FOR SALE 1936, Dodge panel $250.00. Ill 8th Ave. West. (141p FOR SALE B. S. A. motorcycle. 350 PC, 1948 model. First class condition Phone Blue 411 ! after 5 o'clock. U38p KKAV fcSTATK FOR SALE Two lots at Podge s-d by the Conservative govern-Cove. One with boat shop 30 men! of Bowser in 1916. but the x 42 has upstairs for lofting. ' act said it would not come into Built on creosote pilings, two force until March l, 1917 That's years old, has small living a bit of a mystery, for Bowser houses and partly cleared with; have known Ws govern. Tw.'lment would be going to the scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Hlock C08-3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupt-rt, BC, ' Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS nesner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING I.auii Mawers Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Us branches 204 -4th Street Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS Feu.- Ikjwntrcddvn Heels and Wuin Soles Rox 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE ' f-IIANBLMt'S STl'DIO 210-4th Street Box 045 Phone Oreen 389 Prince Rupert FRED E. DOWDIE OPTOMETRIST Success. to Market M,W R'f'm 10, Stone Eutldi PHONE BLUE 593 P-O. BOX .1184 Brush and spray Painting PapeiliaiiKhig SINCLAIR & KELLS PainliiiK and Decorating Contnirtiim Phone Blue 093; 34fj Sin Ave. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR ijuimiiir; ana Kfi;iirs of a j kinds ROOFfJ C'HIMNKYS OIL lilihNKICi PHONES: P.O. Box 1870 Red MATTSON'S UPHOI.STFHINQ Phone Blue 128. P.O. Box '3 234 -3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERS0N LIMITED REAL ESTATE k, INSURANCE TOone 2G. Evening BUtk $ LING THE TAILORl TailuriiiK Alterations 1 and I Clothes M:i(le-ti-!leaiur 220 Sixth St. Phone i i (.KOiU.K DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red IS FINEST OF COOKING (Continued from Page 2) elected in 1941, though they'd be opposing each other, but, much to their unhappiness, found themselves together in the Coalition bed. Both were reelected in 1945 as Coalitionists, and again in 1949. Since then their wavs have narted: Mrs. Hodges heram Mnrinme Sneaker. Mrs. Rob5to holte(1 the Tory wing of the government, crossed the floor of the House to become an independent, is now Social Credit. All through these years 83 women have run for the Legislaturebut only wven have made it. It's this obv-.eivei's. opinion that a woman, to g"t elected, must be outstanding; the voters evidently expect more hi women thaa they do in men. That's easily proved by tha record. There's been a great argument h as to whether a Liberal ,(i ,,t rt gave the vote to B.C. women. The Women's Suffrage Act was pas- people before then and one would have thought he would have been after the women's vote. That's what happened a general election in 1916, but the women couldn't vote. Their first opportunity came in a Vancouver by-election in Januray of 1918 which time the Liberals were power. So it was the Tories gave women the vote, but. it was used by them for the first time under a. Liberal government... A complex, isn't it? Actress Strikes I Actor in Film, , ' Breaks Hand SAN LUIS OBISPO, Cal. (APi Actress Jennifer Jones return to Hollywood yesterday for treatment of a hand injury suT iered when she struck actor Charlton Heston during the ! filming of a scene at Morro j Bay. X-ray examination show-( a broken bone, hospital at -1 tendants said. ' (All Times Daylight Saving) VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam 9 p.m. ALICE ARM, STEWAUT AND POUT SIMPSON Friday, Camosun, 12 Midnight FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS June 4 and 18 SS Coquitlam, midnight FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam June 11 and 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Attent Third Avenue Phoue 568 Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your' Business Did It ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? Type fact's give you this outstanding distinctiveness and these can be supplied by our modern printing department. Dibb Printing Co. 18 i DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Just Arrived! Be s'e to see til FORD'S Sensationally All New RANCHWAGON NOW ON DISPLAY BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" FORD MONARCH DEALER."' Phone 03 Classified Rates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day previous to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 50 cents. Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards ot Thanks, Dentil Noti-jes. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements, $2.00. Special Display double price. ANNOVNCEMENTS Preste'terian Tea, Mrs. Lam-We's, 403 4th Ave. East, June VJ. Soroptimist Tea, June 26th, 2:30, at the home of Mrs. C. G. Ham, 337 4th Ave. West. Rebekah, Bazaar, October 4. Anglican. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 15. Presbyterian Uazaar, November 27. BIRTH NOTICE KING Born to Mr. and Mrs. Co join King, in the Terrace General Ho.spit.al, on Monday, June 9, Wj'2, a son. dtp.) U.ST AM) I Ol'.M) LOSi At Shriners' Dance, lady's grey coat. Reward. Phone , Mrs. Evenson, 203. 138 i LOST Budgie bird, blue with white head. Phone Blue 330. (137p) PERSONAL tVE PAY cash lor burnt out motors, any size or make. Wil-ford Elattrteal Worts, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. !tf) HELP VANTEl MALE BOYS EXTRA MONEY FOR Vancouver Sun carriers needed for summer months or permanently. Good pay Deliveries 4 times weeiy. Phone 640 or apply basement of Bus Terminal. For the best routes apply now! (133) II ELI WANTED FEM ALE PRIVATE SECRETARY WANTED Applications will be receiv-j ed for the position of Piiivate; Secretary, by the Northern j B.C. Power Company Ltd. This; Is an attractive position, re- quiring special ability in sten- j ographic and secretarial work.' . .. Applicants please write, to rO , uiuwer njy, or pnone jtio ior interview appointment. (137) FOR SALE NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Minim;, tfawm:;, Losing and Contractors' i.miipnient. Enquiries Invited. Oram Ule. T.sland, Vancouver 1, BC. (tf) For Sale Two bicycles, one boy's $25.00. one girl's $30.00. Phone Blue 468. 735 1st Ave. West. (137) FOR SALE Seven piece dinette suite, three piece wine chesterfield, complete bedroom suite. Apply after 6 p.m.. No. 2 Euuene Apts., 1st Ave. and 8th Street. (14()p) FOR SALE Fawcett kitchen range, pot burner with fan and metal barrel rack. 23(5 llth St. (140) FOR SALE Motorola car radio, full automatic tuning. Like new. Call 65. (152) FOR SAIJi- 9'2 tuTtt. Hotpoint luxe- refrigerator, like new. rAp-ply, Suite 3, Smith & El-kins, after 6 p.m. (139) FOR SALE One day-bed chesterfield, kitchen table and chairs. Reasonable. Call after 6 p.m., Mr. Howson, Belmont Hotel Apartments. Phone Green 823. (I39p) FOR SALE Heintzm an upright grand piano, excellent condition. Also bedroom suite. Also 9 x 12 rug. Phone Black 886. (Up) FOR SALE Potatoes. 960 oth ; West. (142p) FOR SALE 3-piece chesterfield . suite Kestmore wine velour, one chesterfield table, one coffee table inlaid top, and matching set of dresser and chiffonier. All in good condition. Blue 346. (138) FOR SALE Combination wood, coal and gas range, excellent condition. Must sell immediately. Phone Black 446. (137) BOATSFOR SALE FOR SALE One 20 ft. pleasure : boat, 4 h.p. Easthope engine. Apply boat "Shasta Head" at New Floats. 138ni FOR SALE Troller "Bremones" .34 x 9, 30 h p. Easthope, - spool swan gurdies. trolling gear, reaay ior nsmng. tnap for quick sale. Albert Larson, Dodge Cove, Digbv Island, Box 751, Prince Rupert, B.C. (138p) L FOR SALE Boat, 12 ft., inboard 5" horse Wisconsin $200. Elec- trolux cleaner, late model $49.50. Phone Blue 970 after For the MEAL that REFRESHES Old Towns, Villages Become River s Prey in Seaway Plan South denier li sides vulnerable Notltl (Mr. Aliel) . y- K 7 6 6 H 1 5 4 D K J 8 C A Q 7 West i:nst ir. Keen) (Mr. lime) 8 4 S 10 s H A K 8 7 8 H 10 i 1 W 4 3 D -10 7 6 2 C 10 4 2 C K J 8 0 3 Smith (Mi. Meek) s-a y j w a H Q J i a y s c 5 The bltlclliiK: South West Niril Eiist 1 S Pass 3 a 4 B All Puss come appalling. Let's try to sim- j plify the subject, starling to-morrow. i o 65& ...4 "!. iiiy- .1.- liilllJndlili'iiifM Hii idvirtnm4nt li no pubUhid oi dttclayid ky Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOK Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH'l Com furl and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith SEIkins Lid P.O. Box 274 BLONDIE LITTLE HOUSEKEEPER II I IV. MPS. GERTZEL ORDERS PHONE 2 CAFE every fine player. Today's hand illustrates one of hot the simplest signaling devices. As it happened, Mr. Meek could have made an easy game at no trump. But at his four spade contract, he didn't have a chance. t B Mrs. Keen opened the kin of hearts and noted her partner's play of the ten. This unnecessarily high card encouraged her to continue the suit and she laid down the ace. On this trick Mr. Dale played the deuce. Mr. Dale'5s play of high, then low, indicated it would be to his side's advantage to have .1 third heart led. In other words, he either had the queen or was out of the suit and could ruff. He did ruff the third lead of hearts and eventually won a trick with the king of clubs to uefeat the contract. This idea of signaling by playing high-low was first introduced into whist, fore-runner of contract bridge, in 1834. Mr. Champion points out that today, some 117 years later, Mr. Muzzy still doesn't recognize it." When the device was new, many players considered it equivalent to cheating. A lon-doner named Pembroke was par- ticularly indignant and wrote a book on the subject entitled, The Decline and Fall of Whist." Cavendish, in his book on whist, published in 1874, Invented the name "echo" for this fiendish practice and in 1903 Elwell applied the high-low signal to bridge. Elwell was murdered soon after that and his death is still one of the un- solved mysteries of the century. There is noevidence that his use of the echo had anything to do with it. Anyway, the complexity of sig- naiing in recent years has be- doubt they will have to do this. But there is no certainty both ver the timing of moving day and how it might be carried out. MANY PROBLEMS Up to now, the federal government has been concerned mainly over getting a go-ahead signal for the over-all seaway project. Though authorities here agree I probably will have to assume the final responsibility for paying off the displaced persons and businesses, it has not yet settled down to, working that problem j ''' '" " out. "i Om complicating factor is whether the power phase is to go ahead under the 1941 Canada-United States treaty or through reference by the two governments to the International Joint Commission. That will make a difference in who signs the cheques, though authorities here say the cost likely wll be split with the Ontario Hydro Commission, which wil be taking over the Canadian end of the power. Stil to be decided are such questions as whether buildings will be left behind In the flooded communities or moved out. It wil be up to the communities, loo, to decide where they resettle. Other problems are relocating highways and railways. The main line of the Canadian National Railways from Cornwall to Morrisburg wil be under about 30 leet of water. It Is to be shifted to dry ground. The Ontario gov ernment also is expected to build i a new highway for the one to be buried. Then, there are such worries as cemeteries, churches, schools and how businesses should be compensated for their potential future profits. Cemeteries, it is expected here, will be moved out at federal expense to spots des-inated by the municipalities. Buildings to be flooded or in the territory to be taken over by the icuerai government will be expropriated and paid for. If their owners and that, Includes churches and schools can move them to a new location, they may do so. In practice, the expectation is that only wooden structures will be shifted. Cheap for quick sale. The other lot has 4-room house and woodshed, some berry bushes. Good location, on ! road. Price reasonable for quick sale. Albert Larson. Dodtre Cove. Digby Island, Box 751, Prince Rupert, B.C. 138p FOUR ROOM Wartime house. fullv furnished, nice view and by good floors. Box 409 Daily News. in (138) SALE Large four, wartime, with attic room furnished. 1CG0 Herman Place. (137p) tit FOR RENT FOR RENT Large living accommodation, unfurnished. No children. References. Box 408 Daily News. (137) ROOM FOR RENT 116 8th West, (I37p) FOR RENT Three room lo cabin "t Lakelse Lake, Phone Red 807. U43p) W,.TI;, v(x ,T ed . f'1.V 'WANTED TO RENT Troller by responsible party with option in Knv Mnef ha in fircf flnec condition. Full particulars ; first letter. Box "406, Daily, News. (146p) :ed WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished suite by young couple. Phone 64, R. Mitchuk. (138o WANTED TO RENT Couple, three children require 2 or 3. bedroom house .or apartment. Steadily employed. Box 407 Daily News. (137p) WANTED Room and board for one or two working girls. Phone Miss Scragg, 261. (140) VriTIWP. l"lT?MrTT T?TVrt A M (ouivoc single room with board. Phono 542, days. (142p) WAN ITU WANTED TOP MAKKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, roiiper, lead, etc. Honest gradin;.;. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van couver, B C, v Phone . PAcif ic 6357.; ; :- iti CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 Oth Avenue West. City. (tf) REQUIRED Oil heater (pot), suitable lor installing in basement. Phone Blue 854. (130) WANTED WANTED Pair of loggers or field boots, siz.e 11, good condition. Box 401, Daily News, or P.O. Box 1474. (tf-nc) irz.z .t::, ' i ' iwuir pup, cioss-oreu miming strain, nov over ; 3 months. Phone Green 785. U3J3p) SHEET METAL ' 1 PLUMBING, Heating and Sheet Metal Work. Roofing. Phone 543, 630 6th West, Letourneau.- (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax sneelalLst. 8. O. Furk. fttnno Bulldlne. Tied 593. (20m) land registry act Rn: onmonte of Title No. 284C3-1 ! ? Lot Seventeen (17 1, Block Twelve (12), Village of Stewart. MaD 905. wnr.nr,AO HHXisiHrtory prooi OI lOSS 9Wcl ln the name of M!chael Cor nellus BerminRham has Been filed ln this office, notice Is hereby Klven that 1 shall, nt the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provi- sional Certificate of Title ln lieu of Z IIJZ ll !lr'ral 1 !n m8Ue th,e .DATED at tne Land ReRistry Office. BEST OF tood FOK TAKE OCT BROADWAY Shipping and General Muviiiff, PsM-kinfr, Cralluj Cartas and Hturage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agtmts for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. Ior Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding tupplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est: 1910. Phones 60 and 68 WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINT! NO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phono Oreen 13U Box 478 a Chop Sney - Chow Mein Open G p.m. - 3:3tt a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Oulshle Orders Phone 133 fAA L--n v, , Bv .JOHN LeBLANC Canadian Press Star! Writer e OTTAWA For about half a century, the people of communities clinging to the International section shoreline of the St. Lawrence River have lived under a constant threat from the plunging waters. To the planners of the St. Law rence Seaway Project, the un-dei It taking means plentiful hydro power, ocean shipping going up the lakes. But to the villagers along the. '.river bank,' it spells the end of the way of life they: have known up to now. To them, the impending realization of the planners' longtime dream distills itself down to the fact that their communities a will be engulfed in the big waters that will create the new 2 200,-000 horsepower of electricity and float the world's ships into the inland sea. I'NEASY WAIT Since the turn of the century, they have been listening and waiting as a succession of pro posals rose and fell. Now, all the indications are that the seaway Is tnrough and that in the next, live years or so tne river will be flowing over their towns and villages. In their stretch of about 40 miles upriver from Cornwall, Ont., where the stream dives down about 100 feet over rapids, there are nine communities that will be swallowed up either whol ly or partly. All are on the Cana dian side, and al) in Ontario. Biggest is Morrisburg, with 1,570 people. Not much of the town which has several indus- tries will be flooded initially, i But the Canadian government is going to take over an area about 35 feet above the present river-level mark. The upshot probably will be that about half the town will move out. Snuggled down to the river on lower ground, smaller communities will be flooded out comnlete- ly. They include, reading upriver from Cornwall, Mille Roche, Moulinette, Wales, Dickinsonis Landing, Farran Point, Aults-ville. East Williamsburg and Iroquois. For them, the population will have to pull up stakes and set down roots elsewhere. With the seaway pretty definitely set for actuality this time, there Is little j" General Construction Floor Sanding General Repairs; Cabinet Work Greer & Bridfe LIMITED Phone 909 IK Ut Ave. W. P.O. "VF JOHN H. BULGER OjtlotiiflrLiI John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue By CHIC YOUNG J TO MARPy r ME; OFF ALPEADV mm i SELL V Buy I Tnm TC. Mrs. Plankton Gertzcl? Never! CACT WCEK SHE BAM&J-pWS a pie.ANOSHt i n'DvouL I 1 T. J 1 6 p.m. 138p) Prince Rupert. B.C., this 14t.h day of May, 1053, A D. FOR SALE 40 ft. packer "Lili- . Andrew Thompson. nak" moored at New Floats I Deputy Registrar of Titles. Best offer. Apply 1337 Piggot ; 141P Ave. (141p) r " HOSPITAL BIFTHS TOR-SALE - 37 foot troller.! Crown Chrysler, good seaboat. 1 entJ-yet perCent of Can" will accept cartas part pay- ad:an blr,hs m 1950 were in ' ment. Box 409 Daily News. I hospitals, compared with about (138) ! 30 percent in hospitals in 1933. v? Classified Ads Pay