(HI - prince; Kuperr Loijy iNfc. Wednesday, June 11. Ifi52 5L DAILY NEWS (onservative Mele Drives in Six Runs With Two Hits 11 1 M 11 : 1J K0 General Motors Soccer Lineup The team to represent the General Motors club against CYO will be selected from: Boulter; Robinson, Eby i captain i; Bishop, Olson, L'en; Tait, Maron, Pat Wilson, Matthews, Murray; Crosby, Bowman, Price, White, Bedford, Wright, Flet S P '11 I' s Campaign Comments THE POLISHED GRANITE-LIKE FINISH FOR li H cher. i NEW YORK (CP) Sam Mele equalled the record of modern major league runs batted in by driving in six runs, and Chicago White Sox almost wore out the base paths in a J2-run fourth inning last night as they swamped Philadelphia As 15-4. . Mele, Hector Rodriguez and Al 1 " FLOORS WALLS i.mKIK, PrMent ul p'riu're Knrt lrrtiivt ervative Association : (,)U.(. Torn Christie as our ' .o.iclly because of ' (,.,,.:;( iii, and wndw- 4- I 4. L II ' 1 of nil people anu uieir jiniii 1! 'V We thin ne will the i,vrds of all at vutli entliu.sia.sm and jt'llt Turpin Gains More Titles LONDON (CP) Randy Turpin stopped Don C'ockell in 11 bruising rounds Tuesday nijjht and r.dded. British and Empire light heavyweight titles to his British and European middleweight crowns. The end came at 1:10 of the 11th when referee Tommy Little grabbed Turpin's arms as Cixkell sank dazed on ropes. Zariiia clouted horn'-rs in the i St. Louis Cardinals edged the big frame. jtuooks 1-0 In 10 Innings and Mele, equalling uie record held Cincinn.! Reds downed Giants by five others, belted a home ; 6-3 In a marathon 14-lnning run with two on and then clear- game, ed the sacks with a triple as 15 j Other results: batters faced three Philadelphia! American: Cleveland 4, Wash-hurlers during the White Sox'.; : ington 3; St. Louis 7, Boston 1. Marshall Meets Starr In Elks Challenge Card Prince Rupert's Andy Marshall, V,.C. Golden Gloves heavyweight champion for tw-o years, has accepted the challenge of self-styled northern interior champion Freddy Starr, 185-pounder of Hazel-ton and Kispiox. The two will, feature a five-'and tnis ymr, was outpointed in round main event here June 20 t-nu Olympic trials and Domin- SHOWER LININGS big splurge. j National: Philadelphia a, cni- ij.triu'e. una iiH-i-i. wiui .!', "'.iirci -s ljecau.se of his pre.senlation. and also by !.. i the slile of the goy-that will be In power. U (I,ik Without exeep-, the 1'nitiiTs.sive Conserva- cago iu; Boston 7, nttsuurgn (. PCL: Hollywood 6, San Francisco 2; San Diego 2, Sacramento 4; Seattle 6, Portland 1: STORE FRONTS ales in uus election Yogi Berra clouted a pair of . i mis to lead the New York Yankees to 4-0 victory over De-' ii oil i i;;ers. Souuipaw td Lopat ', blanked the Tigers, American I League cellar dwellers, on four singles to square his record 3-4. The defeat was tlie first for the ,c rami Oakland 5, Los Angeles 4. their cominunl- P 1,-uiH'ls 111 WIL: Vancouer 3, Yakima 1; sincere and G & A Lead League by One jt! ion championships in Vancouver on the Elks Club boxing card c u p a o i e, ulitlorward.' last month in a booed decision. oaieui a, iewi.uiii iu, ui-v.i.y 0. Spokane 3; Victoria 5, Wen-8 tehee 4. Elks' favorite Bill "Mouse" Morrison, two-year Golden was announced today. Starr, who was defeated by a Marshall TKO last year In I'rince Rupert, wants to even (REGISTERED) . Gloves middleweight champion,' Tiger lefthander Ted Gray after five straight victories. Brooklyn Dodgers retained a five-game lead in the National The poisonous wster-hemlock li oftvin confused with the harm- perennial League as both Dodgers and sec- less Sweet Cicely, a ond-place New York Giants lost, growing In rich woods. Gordon & Anderson lead by one game in Prince Rupert's senior baseball league with three wins and one loss. Commercial Hotel follow with two wins anJ two losses, while Abel & Odowes have been reclining in the cellar witli two wins and four losses. The visual appearance of polished rock . . . Choice of 9 colors in mottled, granite-like finish . . . PLUS ENDURING QUALITY. "K0L0RBORD" is impervious to fire, water, rust, vermin, age, and is not affected by climate ... it improves with washing and scrubbing SEE "KOLOCSORD" AT YOUR LOCAL BUILDING SUPPLY DCAU1 the More with Klks Huxitie Club's 17S-ounder, then turn on Marshall's team mate Cilen "Tiny" Carlson, 200-pminuVr, next month. Arrangements of the Titfht is not likely to fight on this card, said the managers. So far it has not been possible to find a contender, and Morrison is studying too hard for his graduation exams to tiet in card were announced by Al much training. Manson and Sev Dominate joint i Some Dealerships still open. managers of Elks Boxing Club. I Supporting the main event of i the card a week from Friday will a H MOltlSON I consider Yi.ii.' ' ie to b- a man of :'rl character a:id Integrity, j'pw.M-ssiiii: dynamic pow- n'lii t'.ft thi'iK done for x ia-i! n'i- ,iK, sii.VKSSON It's time , i.uil a government that ..iria'eil on cutting ad-.,;,!!.i!. ii costs, ore of the j.fcsUie I'luuressive Conser-v,. ;n e pledf'ed to do. ,,im; SI N O, I'rince Rupert jrl . .Some men tuke the i.n and leave the milk, but mi Christie. He takes the .k and leaves you the cream. , m M(;(iKTT- Tom and I ,,,,! t.mi. llicy certainly did U.- payi K ho-'pilal insur-n wit liie Islands. The only ...dul i at Queen Charlotte ;,inl no special treatments .'ivjilalile there. From some BAPTONE THE WONDER WALL PAINT BAPTONK I.-, washable, dries quickly and is 'easy to apply. ):APTONK covers Wallpaper, Wallboard, Plaster or Kalsomlne. ' ' Choice' of nine Pastels and White. Solve your depurating problems by nsiiif; Bap tone i ... 9 THE ROUND-UP be the semi-windup between 1222 Eait 67th Av... VANCOUVER 15..C. Hv flAYLE TALBOT Announcement a Shock Hazelton's Freddy Wale and Rn-(jert's Chuck Place, fighting in the 140-pound division. ; Third feature attraction is a bout in the same division be-; iween Billle Blackwater of Ki.s-. Wolcotl's Win NEW YORK Our private Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Staeev I " tiiai, arvrn uul oi iu per piox and Elks' Chubby sons wiiu wui.v.ssi-i; the CiiaiK'.s- Jimmy Powers right off his cushion. This essay will be no criticism of Jimmy, who Is recognized among the sports fraternity as a solid commentator. It is, rather, that we had not before appreciate the burden of his Job, well paid as it might be. I - : L C Supporting these headliners will be five additional bouts, to be innounced later. Marshall, wno wen the B.C. Ooklen Gloves tourney in 1'Jfjl Iriimf. 1 ) a'nl .pots they say it would ;,!.e li.iiidred dollars to R.'t j l,n pita! and they'd likely i. .1 I j v i lien anyway. :ill V I I I 'l l K, Terrace r C'hi 'i valive forest plan iini-1'- In the ears of the Ji liimiiir opera tor. It. II WAV (. KAVKI.I IN(i Here was a ciose light, and it early became obvious that millions of new fireside experts were going to .ieed some help with their scoring if they were to turn in their uual bang-up performances. Tiny needed all the hints they could get, and Jimmy vas alert to the challenge. Some ci hi." hints wire pretty blunt. When the vast aui'.ie ice saw Canada's An Olympic Flop Says Writer "Canada's a wash-out where Waleott heavyweight bout on television were convinced they j had seen a new champion crown- j ed when the lights went out just j as the final round ended. i Two of tlie remaining three j probably had t heir-doubts, maybe even i-waying slightly toward Waleott because he was the honest, God-fearing father of six children. The 10th had been too busy watching t'li.; scatter-looteri performance of Referee Zach Clayton to worry about the fight itseil, a id jt might, be added that he had" something there. Zach was terrific. One reason we levl sure that the belated announcement of the decision in Walcott's favor came n , atl'.iirk t: it fi'-.v i'.iillion living (own.; and hart, is hat it must have knor'keu ayincinre;- .canrer GX3LXEC3,. I i KPCii Mount r,:dK KUt.ltr s Daily News, June i k piles were placed anu heard the referee warn Tin- :! !lil lor )! U ;Vliilt: ..I- ( .1 Charles for hitting ww oh vijht, i occasions, it was explained tnat itlo:i previously with ii'iain hi mind." '. here means while on was Minister of . k:.. the punches actually had thudded into Walcott's middle, well above the trunk line. Olympics are concerned and it's not the fault of the athletes ' The fault lies with the Canadian Olympic Association, and with! an apathetic ,publtc. It's hie.h time we took the 'limp' out of j the Olympics!" , That's the opinion of Interna- j tionally-ktiown sports coach i Lloyd Percival, and in such out-! spoken words in the current. June ! Mi smith Tomm y, the (il (Continued on a i! : ! now known as the L- mfb iA..'-ir-j'iiiwiiiiiiiiiiii'liii!ti W"" L4-jtaf'll;.1'A ,J .f $ '' ' s . j. ft. -: .r-i . y h . From a forts, fo a fiddle Daily News Classifieds v. ! mm & y I Issue of New Liberty magazine, ! he de.inunp.es Canada's hall- hearted participation in the Olympic, contests. j "In 48 years of participation, Canada never has had a winning Jif fr i Y KOCR.Uount 1 IRockAVount, jr - IV . ril B llONDOVDRYCINf Lin.ii.11111 JUST TAKE A LOOK AT Our Used Cars . . Olympic l .'am, h:nt had a track-event win ier since 1932 This year's games at Helsinki will cost Canadians $145,000 a lot of money for failure wlen we could do better," ;ays Perrl-val. ' Now busy prepping smie of Canada's Olympic prospects, l'e;-cival outlines a plan ol preparation and train! ig which he U -Ileves would contribute greatly to the chances f a Canadian victory in the 195G contests, and D-t-J "ENGLISH" brings color and x whisky I pCp' I i I; - .-Tim J It J I I.VINO STANDARD Pl.VMOI TU COACH OKI) SKDAN INTERNATIONAL -TON PANE!. 1910 I'll 4 rui liti.i ' lo u,v who see him m- -Imp every day, can best m j'i rl l as the "Man of : ii.! in. ' i in good or bad I ' ni i'iiii Millie and get ii'i'i to do (he same, and i' :i qualily valuable in .;..ir hit- 'HI. TU.oll, Masset -Tom iii'iiiii .i'ii not in forget us ;;l we are co ivinced J! won . Iiave to Walt : ;n. iiher election time '.hi .. w e him aHain. !? JM I l.YN HOI.TON The 1 welfare program Is iii "ii'iaueil and advanced i :i ( ohservailve govern-"' 1 1. y have four able ni l! uinoii( i'ir f-MMliilates 'n Interest and ex)erlenee 'in; woik; one of them la ! Maiparet Harvey, a close 'hi ! mill',; In Victoria, v 'KVHN KAKR, (hairman '"illiris l'rii;rrsive Consrr-J,ivf ( aiiiMisn Cmrnittee: '' liave a live crowd of work-and a it feeling very '''I't'-ni or .success. RANK lo( Klill.L, Omenira: :vihK the swing of public '"""ii in our favor this time '.s lampaignl.ig here for '''Te OesUm a real pleasure. ''MV MACK.i Y, Progressive ''"rvalive ( andidate lor ',!",: ''Si's is my first contact i. u t s i d e world in ":,l!y two months and I sense v 'r.y I'ood atmosphere, a protection to exteriors 1 !!! AUSTIN It) I 'I IMORKIS 1'tr.l Al STIN 5-TON TRITK Superior Auto Service calls upon the public to take an interest in what's happening and to see thtat the job is done. For after all. says Percival, there's little point in just sponsoring a boat-ride every Olympic year. It's high time Canadians got some return for their material contributions to the Canadian Olympic Association. FINE PRODUCTS OF ALBERTA DISTILLERS, L I M TED Limited This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Phone Green 217 Third Avertuo West Control Hoard or by the tiovernment ot rsruisn uoiumuiu. Famous B-H "English" Paint works two ' ways to bring new beauty to your home. First the lovely, lasting colors add new and exciting charm. Second, the protective quality of B-H "English" actually preserves the surface maintains the good appearance of outside walls, doors, shutters, trim. Choose from the wide range of colors la . B-H "English" Paint. r J TRAVEL in Coo6omforf. . . 6y Ffi?l7fJ Remember: B-H Paints, Varnishes and urn. I'm very optim- myseif. if been a very irt-y 11 1! trip, and at times "Kl:it: The DroRwritv of Enamels cover more area ; ; . last longer : save you money! Write for fret booklet, "Color is the Key to Brighter Living." ' ' Address Box M, Station E, Montreal; Help beautify your city ' YOU'LL FIND HELPFUL SERVICE AT THIS SIGN- l"'t.s hasn't hit the Atlin . ' R at tK is antl travcl-J h.v every means short of ""S"'1. inet wery voter In the and I made 28 speeches. ;''mk the twn of Atlin gave ..'.'' "'ost varied impressions. s 111 tl io most beautiful spot ''"s world; lius 27 individual ''" Hants of every size and the water system is- the in '!18, water sold by 1 ' Pallon gasoline tin. and .'ml et the basement of the '"""l I had to put on my 1,1 Rum hoots. ' J- 'HKVKY-The REAL is-,. 'his election Is INDI-(;LAI. LIBERTY versus "'"LKION and MONOP- S" W'K ASK YOU TO OTE . . . TM CHRISTIE No. 1 Tomorrow You can't travel more comfortably than aboard cool air-conditioned trains. You ride relaxed without a worry( in the world . . . enjoy delicious meals, served See scenic Canada close-up during the day through big Picture Windows from the comfort of Sleepy Hollow Chairs. Above all, you'll appreciate the speedy, dependable, convenient schedules. When you travtl,go by traiiu i J by friendly, courteous waiters. On longer trips, sleep come easily in restful beds ... or your choice of sections, roomettes, compartments or drawing rooms. Nod o cor whtn you 0 ' A moor poind w eon hay o driv-yourulf car wailing for you whn you ilep off M frail). Aik your TicWf Agent. r McBrlde St. l'l.one 311 CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC For quick results try a Daily News Classified