i r 10 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 15, 1953 1 I iW;'W i II j . - rA '7. V S T rHwMBi ii , . in 9 ! - JtMrnM' I u , ' t 1 ' if ' ,j. "tf J HELP THE I i 5' " B- J. a. .v;. -j -4. ' ' rf- ' f Buy Your Apples by the Box wf '' Nil fNI Lb- $L0) (jD(0) I ; from Gyro Members" M Sack I SATURDAY ! LJU nnWw W W I M IS APPIF ha vi i 4. " . ... .v , You'll find these potatoes bolh excellent keepers and cookers C At t' SOCKEYE, NABOB, Fancy, Vi-lb tin --- No.l TOKAY GRAPES 2 Lbs. 27c No.1 OKANAGAN CELERY Lb.9'ic No.l OKANAGAN ONIONS - - Lb. 7c GENUINE HOLLAND BULBS Pkt .69c NOW IS THE TIME FOR PLANTING BULBS t ft ? a-", TOMATO, CAMPBELL'S tins he 1 Giant "OF SPECIAL INTEREST" The Women' Co-ordinating Council will be holding a tea in the Civic Centre Thursday, October $2n(L All who can, please bring food donations to the home . cooking stall. All proceeds to go for the annual Christmas "Over 70" banquet. - jM 'C ,5s fn BABY FOOD'::3':25c' it Burns Dclmar Lb. ' ''' 1 ' i ' "te ' WATCH OUR PRICES . . . OUR OPPOSITION DOES " ''.-', '" . ""'4' lilt dishes lh Mm like! NOW you can grind your coffee the woy you wont it ot SUPER-VALU . . . and you arc sure it's fresh, too. Coffee grinder is located in centre of market. 'i ffnsco. or coloi, poiir, ''" ' .'Xl,.'- " . . r-rm trtinrii mu cull riAUnPID COOKIES WITH NtW, HOMOGtNIZlO O'SCOf PRIME RIB ROASTS 60c SOFT MOLASSES COOKIES (MakM 4 lw4iicll liiM) V4 CIISCO Vi Kiipin ! 'x ua 1 toaywan 1 1 IMtpovA tngr Vfc cup mltlM 1 toatpaon clnneataa 1 cupt iHM llar y cup law milk Ml Mrtimummls Lnrl: Blend miilure. Dr"P fnim t;risrn,miKranilpi-iihinlascH. I a cnkie shfoi which Iw- Add 'dry killed inijrediciits alter- rulihrd ilh I rnrt'- HJr nalcly with nmr milk to Crocu moderate oven (375't . -l m GLACE CHERRIES 12-lb- Pkt. 3k JERGEN SOAP 4 bars 25C Made by the makers of Jcrgcn's Lotion ' I. BEEFshort ribs- pund B0L0GNAall brands Pound BONELESS PICNICS i Crisco b 99c 34( c c c c U AAA Boned and Rolled -- -is.',. I 9 riMivi' Gainers, Half or Whole, Pound CHICKEN KcSMi,, 199 ' REMEMBER . All Meats Processed at SUPER-VALU Are Regular Size 5 Ps- $1.00 Sec the SUPER-VALU Supplement Enclosed With This PaP" For "This" and Many Other Terrific BUYS Brand Branded All Meats .:'''Aii''0r Government Inspected - All Beef Is 1 Are llo Wrapped for Added Protection.