JaPROVINCI ft :'' ORROW'S IDES 4 MMr m ARY Vs. t . f ., :,.t 16, 1353 bf '' - ' 4, : ': October . ' " ''S . '' . " Time) Standard ' i 7 50 lfl.2 leci -'.' I'1 19 31 17 3 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 13:30 , 03 10 66 twl feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupeit, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XLII, No. 240 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C;, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS . .T? "?? 7V?JF7?n .- '. r-' w . . I . . i "... t ' f sinaoistE'aiGi ,4 '. t , S " v 0) , 1 : 5 ...... UMHfc . IvflSt.- i 4 4 Only 10 Prisoners Seek Repatriation By The Asuocialed Preta PANMUNJOM. Balking Chinese war prisoners today rejected overwhelmingly the first Com-munLst attempts to coax them home. Of 500 Chinese who met Red - " V -; A T , : 4 ' '-spy . Interviewers in an opening ses- b neste sion, only 10 requested repatriation to Red China, said the neu r it siAGKf OAC'II once made the run from New York to Boston and In 1850 was 6 one of tlie fastest things on w heels. Then the railroads .took over, and the coach 13 P.! I (rom service and la now kept In perfect coudition, by its owner, David Langlois ol Vt. The driver Is Ernest Barrell. "71- .... f t i .- ... 5 i . V i, t . i , i .. H . i , tral nations repatriation commission. The long-delayed interviews began only after Indian custodian troops pried the wildly demonstrating Chinese from their compounds with threats of force. SEVEN IIOl'RS LATE After defying two Indian ultimatums, the first 200 rock-throwing, bugle-blowing anti-Red Chinese finally submitted to Communist interviews. The explanations began at 3:12 p.m. more than seven hours behind today's schedule. They originally were to have issue Before UM By The Associated Press United nations, N.Y. The diplomatic battle to keep a shooting war away from Trieste shifted to UN headquarters today, but Security Council debate on the explosive issue was over e Buyer Must Pay Insurance est Rate Under New Plan (CP) The future ment's proposed new mortgage rate on National Housing Act ALL DRESSED IP, with someplace to go, five suibonneted beauty queens ot the bovine world are ready to parade their charms before the judges at the International Live Stock Dairy Show In Chicago. The cows, all champions, have won ribbons at 1953 Iowa and Minnesota state fairs. likely will have to insurance plan. He also may loans, These are understood to be ut of the govern-1 have to pay a higher Interest two of the many features of the new housing legislation to be presented at the next Parliament which opens Nov. 12. shadowed by the impending London talks on the Public Health Chief Warnsf Rat Menace; Okays Sanitary Fill Plan Prince Rupert has been warn- which trenches were dug in the pacted that rats can't seem to dig cd again of the grave health ground, filled with garbage and into it, and when it is covered menace of rats at the city dump, immediately covered with the with dirt there is nothing left to this time bv a local nublic health excavated dirt, caused no odor." attract flies. started Sept. 26, but were delayed by wrangling over facilities. An Indian spokesman said the 10 Chinese would be returned to the Reds in a ceremony tonight The legislation, announced by Prime Minister St. Laurent Oct. 1. now is being drafted by the question. British and American delegates here waited to see what tack Russia's Andrei Vishinksky Iff BEER FOR DIVERS lit! GULF OF MEXICO I A. Ha. i APi A quarter million cans of beer will be Is, the Gulf of Mexico because they are not stamped i:manee with Florida regulations, an Orlando for said Wednesday. Because of a machinery break-ire q the cans hud not been stamped with the word t "It ould be more trouble than it is worth to t " stamped canS from the Unstamped carui," he sld. at Panmunjom. He said Communist persuasion teams will talk to 1,000 government's housing experts. It will provide for mortgage in-inunranpii tn nllnw hanks to lend official. I As far as contamination ot j The board will present Dr. at I would take before the council thit afternoon. mnv nn mnrtium. with the vriMJueis ruuay, uiciuuiug te"t 500 North Koreans, aim of increasing the supply of home I" uards ha,d to Prev?nt money available for eon- 1 Vlshinsky's proposal that the ' council again try to set up an structlon. , . .1 . ,;. .. intsrnational a d m 1 n i stration As a result, tne parKS commis-1 waier was concerned, ne saiu, i,iui 1 wjuiucub uij vuuuvu sion will strengthen its plea to there was so much contamination and ask aldermen to purchaso dty council for permission to ! now that a little more would the new type of machine, which use garbage in sanitary fills to ; make no difference. At any rate, could handle the whole Job of reclaim Algoma Park, and ask i it had been proven Uui bacteria sanitary fill, - digging- trenches, the city to purchase a comblna-jin the soil would work on the compacting the garbage and cov- Lending Institutions would iniorui.op 1 over Doin zones 01 meaie ana i cive the whole area indeoen- TULU MISI UU HUME dence three months later so far lon bulldozer-dragline machine 1 garbage, sterilizing in a snon ering 11 wiui oin. A UN interpreter said the tlme ' 1 City worxs eupenniena for the job. had met with a cold reception from Yugoslavia and Italy, the Reds told the PoW; "You must go back to your home, to your Neither would such a fill at- Beaton told the parks board t.;-.-tract rats and flies, he said. The city had no suitable equipme, garbage is so completely com- for the job at present. irchill Wins Nobel Prize Historical Writings fsTAV svensson ; and foreign ministers, have Iolm iaPp Prime been awarded nearly a score of family." ., Refusing to face the inter viewer, the prisoner answered: "No. I want to go to Formosa. viJQ not be ; cheated, by , the Dr. J. S. Carr, director of the Skeena public health unit, last night told parks, board members that . something Would have to be done about the rats' before winter sets .in. fle feared that cold weather might lriHg on an invasion of the city by rats, seeking; warmth. A rat invasion could mean a major epidemic. He had visited the city dump have a government guarantee that mortgage loans be repaid. Mortgage Insurance premiums will be based on the face value of the mortgage and likely will be about 2'2 per cent of the mortgage value. Maximum interest charges under the National Housing Act nowt fixed . at . 5V per cent-likely will be raised to 5y2 per cent.' ' Both of. these additional charges probably will be borne by the home buyer. Thus the cost of a new home under the proposed scheme may turn out to be a little higher than under the current NHA program. To offset this the government plans to reduce the UN," the Red . interviewer ar 'i i. . ' - j - n - 1 ' ' " ",!'' f .. 1 x . v 2 k'W i f j ... . 7 if, i f 4ir f v. A, .it " t- t-t El, ,i 0 in-'" I rw - c tit 1" ', k - hi f u ;. 1 1 4 s I " w 1 ! m-.-u, s T , -f . ' " - ; . p ; ..- " ' ' . I 1 Winston Churchill Nobel Peace Prizes, which , are awarded the 1953 j distributed by the Nobel; com? for his lirtlllant his--1 millet tit the Norwegian Parities. Hp nlnns to 1 liament. But Churchill is the gued. , ' j ," 1 "I have made up my mind, . , SEVEN, KILLED AS PLANES . I - COLLIDE: DURING FL Y-PAST 5; WELLINGTON (Reuters) Two New Zealand air force planes crashed in mid-air killing all seven men aboard here today following a ceremonial fly-past. The fly-past was at Harewood airport lor the presentation of prizes in last week's London-to-New Zealand air race. " ' ' two claimants to the area. EXPECT MOSCOW ECHO Vishlnsky was expected to lead off the council meeting with an echo of Moscow's earlier charge that the United States and Britain violated the 1 194T- Italian: paee. treaty by their decision to' turn over Trieste's zone A occupied by British and American troops to Italy. Belgrade, scene of violent anti-Western rioting since the British-American announcement, kept a close watch on the UN and London discussions. The United States and Britain both indicated they would not the PoW replied. I to receive in December to first statesman ever the literary prize. When the Reds saw they were making no headway, they gave Churchill was chosen winner famed wiir leader from a field of 25 candidates late at night and using a spotlight had attempted to count the p the first maker of Inrludine U.S. writers Ernest receive a Nubcl Prize up, the observer said. Then the prisoner was left alone-to make his choice between two doors one to repatriation and Red N it. rats. He estimated there were anywhere from 30,000 to 60,000 Hemingway and Carl Sandburg British novelist Graham Greene, sleek, well-fed rats" at the China, the other back to his compound. He chose the latter. S2-frown I $33,840) literature was an-the Swedish Aead- 1 brief toimiil session dump. down payment and extend tne maximum repayment period cn "lower-priced" homes. Quake' May Have Caused Earth Slide at Whatshan Italiun Alberto Moravia and fiance's Albert Camus. Only one historian ha b-i.,inoH thn Dvard hetote Dr. Carr said attempts to poison the rats would be futile Imn. unless garbage was diverted from Intervene at once in the council debate. There was no advance indication of what partif any Yugoslavia would play in the debate. I ion was clearly the , Churchill, the German Theodor the dump for about three weeks while the poisoning job was un- -WEATHER- Forecast built.K : VANCOUVER CP) Selsmo- ' " evci laken by the 1 Mommscn, who received it si "riich has been dis-lvonrc non l. t.hi nee of 85 lor He said he had found no evi Steel-helmeted Indian guards with rifles stood outside the explanation centre and others with big sticks were outside the explanation booths. Still more guards were .posted along the road leading to the centre from compounds where the rest of the 22.300 anti-Red PoWs screamed and shouted. dertaken. The rats would ignore graph record are being cnecxea the libcrin y Nobel ihin hutiirv of ancient Rome.- dence of any geological phe poisoned bait as long a3 other to determine whether an eann the tin n of the i ThP i-iiIps remnre a Nobel refuse was available. tremor could nave:causea tne It was no secret, however, that he Yugoslslav delegation wanted no part of the Soviet proposal and tried vainly to prevent Vishinsky from entering it. North Coast Region: Cloudy with showers today and Friday. Little change in temperature. He told parks commissioners mud slides which crippled tne ' prize winner to deliver a Nobel including premiers lecture in public within six there could be "absolutely no wnanan power ucciupumn,. nomenon which could have caused cracking of the two-mile mountain tunnel which let water into the surrounding hillside and contributed to the huge slides. Winds southerly 15. Suggestion which touched off months of Dec. 10, the date on which the award is presented. The prisoners could be heard the sanitary fill a health stand- Praised objection to project from the investigation came from Dr. Low tonight and high Friday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 45 and 52. Churchill has wooed the houting from two miles away as they first defied guaras. Henry Cecil Gunning, dean of point. avma beauty of the English language He warned the board, however. through much of his 78 crowaea years. Vessel Fr his crew's wink :,i that there probably would be some public disapproval of the plan and suggested a demonstra Stiff Sentence Meted Out To Doukhobor The fabulous world states man, war leader, one of history's the faculty of applied science at the University of British Columbia and head of its geology department. He testified before Mr. Justice J. V. dyne, heading a rovil commission Investigation into the slides which nil tne Lower Arrow Lake project last Aug. 11 Ksherios Delia rl.m.-nl. tion of the land fill well away from any populated area, to prove its feasibility. The usual objections from an NELSON, B.C. Nick Evdokl- uninformed public were that Laing Objects To House Speed VICTORIA KB Liberal Leader Arthur Laing today charged the government with "legislation with exhaustion." In a letter sent to Premier W. A. C. Bennett, which he released to the press, Mr. Laing reglstertc, an "emphatic protest at the manner in which legislation if being pushed through the house.' moff, a "reborn Son of Freedom' Doukhobor, Wednesday was sen such a garbage fill would smell, contaminate water in the area. -rf .... ' V. V V attract rats and in general be and IS. Dr. Gunning, who went to Whatshan at the request of the B.C. Power Commission on Sept. 27, said: "It might be advisaDle to check observatory records for earth tremors which have oc- rwl In Security In-a sturin Octoher 7, 1 ta,l. J. H. R. lis report U, the de- 1 b.-v winds of full gale a5-fot vessel went ' ,thc "illy sandy 'met on the west "rcsl)y Island 8')t off about 3 a.m. ! am and pitch black- ' down t,.oo j "messy. 7 The doctor said he could as tenced to a maximum of 14 years and seven years concurrently following his conviction on two charges of illegal possession of explosives. Evdokimoff was charged with sure the public tnat none or noblest orators, painter, star reporter, war correspondent and politician once summed up his approach to writing thus: "Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words the best of all." Churchill's brilliance as a writer was overshadowed by his fame as a statesmen. Few people now remember that a stream of books began flowing from his pen as far back as 1898. Nor do many realize Sir Winston earned millions as an author. He may be the largest individual dollar-earner in Britain's literary world. His monumental Second World War memoirs alone are believed to have yielded him almost $3,000,000. those things would happen. "A proper sanitary fill, in I curred since the tunnel was possessing explosives with intent to cause property damage and with being in possession of an K"h and V' explosive substance under sus vessel so . it Britain's Latest Atomic Blast 'Awesome, Terrifying Spectacle' picious circumstances. 4 The assize court jury took 70 WilnK triB u. if? minutes to reach a verdict. Sen wnnout Although comparatively small,1 tence was passed by Mr. Justice A. M. Manson. Evdokimoff was convicted in clean. Most of the guinea pig equipment set within the half- the blast was an awesome, ter rifying spectacle. A huge semi- 1 M v spherical ball of fire glowed 1949 on a charge of conspiring to burn a school at Robson, B.C. and was released in December 1952 ' 1 . t WOOMERA, Australia (API-Unofficial observers speculated that Britain's second atom test weapon set off earlier today in this South Australia desert region was a projectile warhead. It was the 43rd atomic explosion repotted by western nations since the United States set foment To Be Allowed Elections in Future brilliantly for several seconds over the target area as a giant on parole. mile circle was destroyed. Five obsolete airplanes beyond this area appeared undamaged. Reporters standing on a ridge 15 miles away from the explosion watched the huge mushroom-shaped cloud form within 25 seconds of the blast. Shortly after, the terrifying shock of the ex Alex Popoff, a crown witness brown cloud mushroomed up thousands of feet above the testified that he found Evdokl moff in tall grass near an aban PHI j. . hard-packed desert plain. 4 I .L -British Co- off the first one in New Mexico doned home at Goose Creek, B.C., Reporters who flew over the blasted area later, however, re s eight years ago. in the early hours of June 28. plosion was felt, followed almost ported little or no crater was "-on campaigns ' "fairs from now Mt,lehs,El!Cti.0sA Less than two hours later, ROMP The Russians were believed to have detonated five atomic ex witnesses said, they found 1 gallon jug on the same spot, fil exception of election day. Party managers will be permitted to hire hands, dancers, and practically any type of entertainment in good taste. Previously the Elections Act was not specific on entertainment, and parties generally steered away from it to guard against contravention of elec- Mon laws, fcrtv ... parties to visible even when their plane ! instantly by two thunderous re-went down to within 300 feet of ports. the Kround. An official statement issued The brick-red desert floor was earlier had predicted the double scorched bluck ioi a quarter of "bangs," saying they would be led with a gasoline-base sub. stance. w,lh banners fiT : ,la?s. Mini hm,"!r.s- plosions. Aftei today s explnsioa. Australian political leaders united in nulling l"i an iiitematioiibl ban on the, use ot" iitoiiiic. weap Ions. , Evdokimoff described himself ACTRESS ARLENE DAIIL'S beauty is set off by an unusual side spray of precious diamonds. Designed for her premier appearance on television this month, the tlitra is w orth two million dollars. ,. No.:""'8' "due to tne pressuie wave having two sharp peaks." n mile hruuud the target area Tte next qtuuter-irule whs smept in court tu w "reborn Si, U'leeauiijJ - T, uscd durl"8