. " mm W "- -t V'-Sr . r VUltliJL, TlmriYlnv ililolMT 15. 1 gKd grain crop this year may turn out to be a record for Norway. Barley acreage; now twice as large as In 1947. accounts for the increa.se. Cultivation of : but . tv, . -r- Book Gives Gal Investors Lowdown On How to Accumulate Own Nest Egg ion Air Tonight One of the best-known discussion programs on the air, Citizens' Forum, returns to the CBC's Trans-Canada network tr.ni.rht. October 15. with the spring wheat and oats is naller w en a year ago. al ini.i. r,,l Mi. : ' '""spunirr,- t.-.Hco wnn.Kii have to be i ju.;t how you go about accumu- " Kvt Mrs. Hiruia I By UOKOIHV ROK mvw YORK (AP) The next ln(in : eair that ilmV be Cole HoughUn. past president ! LINDSAYc expected to hatch .-,ome sound ' ' security in later years. i I They tell you sucii things as ( what are stocks and bonds, how 'and where to buy them, how to read the stock quotations in the newspapers, lio to choose a safe j topic "Is Professionalism Ruin- I ing Canadian Sports?" Members of the panel will be i Clarence Campbell of Montreal, president of the National Hockey League; Jim Coleman, well- , known Toronto sports writer; and Uernle HodgetU, coach of MOTORIST GRANTED RIGHT TO PARK TW0-F0R-0NE PHILADELPHIA ' Magistrate John Daly tackled the pi-ublem of whether two cars may be parked for the price of uiu in h metered parkins sp..c. Maxwell Gorson, 26, and his friend parked their cars, both pint-sized makes, in a single imetered parking space. One coin wst: placed hi the meter. lloison told Magistrate D.dy: "Ai; 1 see it , . . when I put a oin in the meter I am renting that one space, and I can't see what dilterenc it makes what 1 park there, or how many ol them, as long us they are legally paiked" Daly agreed and dismissed the case. CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTB "' ; Established HMO MOVING... PACKING, rnn. Geneiul reUerallon oi Oi" the ( Wooien's Clubs, in u fure.vai'd "The 'hnd tit l'lfS u,e , .radit' belongs now f.ii too often i to one Who "inusi alio negotiate i me ioo.l at (tie folnliy bank to pay for tne new roof next fall or understand me provisions n , ner nusbands lite insurance; policies .... We who do uit per i cent of consumer buying and own 50 per cent of the national weaitn can, if we wiii, became Judicious comptrollers. list ot inve.tlliienio anu now .u 'cash in it you in-fj money for an emerct'iicy. l'hey t-xoi.iiii ili1 advantages ! uiitl ilha.ivuhUr-. 'f putung i your suvlne s in government bonds, In life ! n s ' i' a n c e and SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING .. STIffi. ' Experienced handling local, Nation-, World-wide Shlpmetiu "MOVi: WITH EASP . . . SlflP VIA UV,v,v l Z Ills-Allied Van !.! Ui PlMoir M or CM i'.tut lnih. Trinity College school hockey ; team at Port Hope, Ont , and former University ol Toionto football player. The chairman will be Bernard Trotter of the CBC. ime your husband makes a crack bout "the little woman and her nequebook" you might silence jm effectively with a brief dis-ertation on the merits of the iiverbified folio of stocks and Minds, referring casually to such trim, as "margin." "sUiij-Iuss" 'rdi n; and the advantage of denature bonds. He will be so goggle-eyed with uiiawment that you probably ill be safe from criticism for K-veial weeks. The way to accomplish this is to bunt- up on a book soon to be published, "A Woman's Guide to Financial Security." by Joyce Clarke and Sally Dickson, two alert young women who are partners Jn a New York public relations firm, and who have been writing the ABCs of investments for women's clubs, and schools for some years. . Joyce and Sally have tackled the investment problems of womijn with a view to explaining hi Irte simplest passible terms in Will estate. They d.-scribe tne different kinds nl mortgages you have on voiir home, and they explain what happens when you can't meet your life insurance payments. I'OK WOKKINti WOMEN Thay suffest Investment programs for a working woman on her own. for a working woman with two children to educate, for an unemployed widow and for a husband and wife with three children to educate, Jiff T "i 4 i f,J"T 1iTi nM, , ... $ j BLACKWOOD on f By EASLEY BLACKWOOD " S Overrall Largest Gamble in Bridge im starting a Savings'?' fl , We in America call it overcalling or competing. . , l t !e TVimr IJ-.p British are more picturesque auuui n. c.itfbutting jn." In any case, entering auction j after yoiir opponents have opened the bidding is one of die most difficult aspects of the game. i The rewards are greater, the - , penalties are more disastrous j the North player redoubled., .... nru,. tv,o uwntp rlparen awav. i nd the decisions are moie j mien - -. . complex. The largest part of the contract was uowu mice i 1600 points. The swing on the j hand was a cool 2700 points ; based principally on the deci- j sion whether to overcall the ; spade opening or to pass it. FAST RELIEF FOR the gamble in bridge is rigm here. tnlh dealer Eoth sides vulnerable North (Mr. 4iitimiiHi) S A QJ13 It Q J 4 , C K Q 10 9 . ( Mr. Abel) Mr. Truex) 2 r-K ' ' ' ' ' - 4'', . f ! K, - ' i - . . ' X . ,.! 4 -V T 4, ,-K VV'f ...jj'v'.J ...' nrac pain 8 -8 4 2 6 K 10 S " 11 -None H A K II) 1 3 1 D-i 10 7 6 3 D K J 8 C J 5 4 3 2 C 7 8 Knllth (Mr. Dale) ' H 9 8 H -9 8 (1 S 2 ' D A 8 4 2 c a a The bidding: ' W.llli Kant Bouth , West J fj I 2 H Dbl. All puss You can be reasonably precise IS bout a game bid or a slam bid "r,r Jibout executing a squeeze or n end-play. But precision goes nut the window when you are jj-i t(iinp whether or not to get In Vancouver stay at the MST m into the bidding alter it nas beef opened ahead of you. 'Wie.se points are well illus-tralj'd by today's deal. The hand was played in an important 'team of four match. Mr. Truejt, a very fine player, decided he had enough to come in with a bid of two hearts. HOTEL ree Many would agree with him. 1 be record does not include u 0 00 idirhtih.tt, tiescriptitm;of, the Jt.Y;, nm4 It Juerely shows the terse com-mMit, "Down 1100." lr. Truex was anxious to see lw the East player for the competing team had fared In tbe other-reom. The answer was toiiRding. ;That East player iad stayed' out of the bidding nthPry. t.He passed the one Pill I i I aM ii Central Reasonable Rates pade opening and the South jjver then bid two hearts. His puitfner raised to three hearts andhe went on to four. TJie East player doubled and 1221 Granville St. MArine 7235 1 - i rrr-r any financial upsets perhaps to enjoy your self the, way you'd like while you're still aUi to sit up and take notice! A few dollars every payday will get you Catmdt Savings Bonds on the Payroll Savings Pint where you work. Or, by instalments through your bank or investment dealer. You'll WW viiss the money that way. And you'll be pleasantly surprised just how fast yon can build up a tidy little nest egg that earns you good interest. Tomorrow won't look after- itself. . . why don't you start looking after it... now? Mark Twain once told the story about a Blue Jay so energetic he filled an abandoned shack in the woods with acorns. Got it just about overflowing, too, just by saving up systematically putting something away, little, by little, until it grew into a lot! .- That's a pretty fair policy for any of us to follow. Acorns wouldn't do you much good. But, if you stored up Canada Savings Bonds, you'd be in pretty good shape to meet whatever turns up tomorrow, , . to handle TO ALL -ALASKA) Via ELII Am LIN THE NEW IMPROVED 8th SERIES ON SALE STARTING NEXT MONDAY, OCTOBER 19th Office Opposite Post Office Phone 266 I INtl' J fill