P0CKSIDE TALES: f " ! ! ' Famous Toronto Fun Spot Bows To Advance of Car Age "ill-. 'ii t Inclement Weaiher Puis Crimp in Fishing Activity 4 w WILY FILM DIRECTOR m UNSUSPECTING LONDON LONDON ft Without even knowing it, thou- 1 By LARRY S1AMVOOU f a few seiners are fishing. ! ies. Settlement gives a ion (, I Gales and generally rank In the Ogden Channel area for herring delivered and ii.zv f ueather at sea for the past two where record catches were taken at sea. If the herring show? heavy t Liuuuuiit-'rg uLiru no unpaiu extras in a new film world's largest city. Kl In tin weeks has put a crimp in most in 1951 and 1952, the fish aren't I enough to fill the 7U.ouu-ton activity of the fisheries in the exDected In ereat numbers until : auota in the two northern sub- should be transferred out of the city altogether. The CNE site has always had Its backers. The concessionaires, of course, wanted to stay put. The matter has been settled at last. A decision to build a $4.- y north during the present slack December. There was no herring ! districts, it will tend to improve French director Rene Clement, filming M. . v i - , ( W period between the salmon and fishing last winter because of i greatly the economic icvei ui and his Nemesis, got his crowd scenes on the sly cam camouflaged as portable radio sets, hidden in parked th'" 01 carried by the camera men In what appeared t h. herring season. , price differences between fisher- northern fishermen. Several boats, however, are on men and companies. Out scouting for B.C. Packers scouting missions for the schools I But the prices for 1953-54 her- : are Joe Kristmanson on the of herring which so far haven't ! ring have now been completed at ; Limited, and Frank Gail on the 500,000 bridge at the Humuer river, eliminating a number of traffic bottlenecks, and the TORONTO T It had to go., There was no question about that. In the motor age, it was an, out-and-out nuisance. But the problem that had been batted about Toronto for more years than most people care to remember was: Where? An anachronism in the modern age. smack athwart a choked, six-lane highway. Toronto's Sunnyside amusement park has had its future settled. It's to be moved a mile east to the Canadian National Exhibition grounds, probably next spring, j The city-owned fun spot stretches from west Queen street, ! southward across Lake shore ' boulevard toward the Lake On shown in northern waters, ex-about 70 cents higher than last Caroliner Mane. In the southern district, espe Km ice KuperT Daily Nev Thursday, October 15, 1953 cept in the Kitimat area where i year's top offer by the compan- -r . V ,. f i 't : r i""7 TODAY to SATURDAY necessary approaches, meant that Sunnyside had to go, as soon as possible. Quickly, a corner of the CNE ground, used only two weeks of every year, was settled upon. Come next summer the roller coaster, shooting galleries, the merrv-Ko-rounds. miniature WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE cially in the Gulf of Georgia, herring fishing is well under way. The department of fisheries reports these fish are heavy in oil and provide a good yield for kippering and salting down. Towards the end of winter and into spring, the herring's fat runs into spawn and thn is only fit for reduction into meal. twr inn MxtMzm un uioous. IA TONUS UU WUilil EH ADMIRAL E. J. C. QVIST-GAARD, Danish chief of defence and chairman of the NATO military committee, is in Ottawa for talks with Canadian defence and military officials. It is his first visit to this country. tario shore. Through it pass GIRLS' FALL two main thoroughfares leading rides hot dog stands, backers, HotBuL I to the junction of Uo. 2 highway j weight-guessers and hurdy V -i . I -, Mm m I TV. . - . .K . "-j i ll 1 tikj !; and the Queen Elizabeth Way, While fishermen in the north eurdy music will be gone from their old stand near the Sea f wkI M Romantt i Tramporut snows ui., experienced one of their worst A XC salmon seasons because of a gen- V Jr J 1 eral failure of the pink run and 'ActofGof Caused Mishap DRIVERS' NIGHTMARE I Motorists entering Toronto I from the west don't need to be i told about Sunnyside. To them, j for most of the 40 years it's been ! located there, it's a confusing only a decimated run of chums 3 nmlUIUHt V & VUm Ua in certain areas, the overall a.. salmon pack of 1,690.343 cases up to October 3, this year, was more than 400,000 cases greater than VANCOUVER 9 The "act of , tanRle of vehicles slowed to a G'V rlrfence of B.C. Power Com the .1952 pack. Accounting for . . , crawl or halted altogether by thousands of pedestrians of all a civil action at Pouce Robert TAYLOR the extensive sockeye . . I . this was f., n , , w . , . ... . a f i Mix -l r-iJ S 7r-i ' . 2 l i Ava GARDKER ; in the Fraser last July and a run the BriUsh CoJlnnma supreme spring until fall stream back of pinks and m fair average run r;ourf by Mr. Justice J. M. Coady. and forth across the boulevard. For Every Age Top quality at feature value-giving prices. Wallace's have done it again. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE .Howard KEEL j ; " Iy L'llUIllS ill tilt; suum. I Statistics show, too, that while He dismissed the suit of Clar- Se rine officials thought it ; a ereat many trollers in the enre M- Erkert. Dawson frk should be moved to Toronto is- ; " north this y-ar didn't make en- carpenter, for $986 medical ex- lands out in the bay. Others sug-! . unstated Rested a lakeside .pot south of ough to meet expenses, the total P. Pw general icohoe salmon pack of 104.000 dnmapes for injuries received the highways. Still others felt it ta) us al fiMt EXTRA vO . LAUGHS Even at Teething Time Pahy'i Own TablcU hav ltn ben a H-6-M presents the Inside story of the world's greatest fraud l...th actual, factual, action-packed cases was almost double that or "" ml w,ln a iact laityear- vp.r llve wire which fell from a power line July 2, 1951. Construction Worker Killed ii Hill ) drama of the baa k The Co-op is going to start ! The power commission con-processing shrimp this fall for tended that the accident was the nnt.,irlp and local markets, al- result of an "act of God." occur- pen of history MERRITT, B.C. ff-Jamesi PHILIPS RADIO... prince George con ; though exports are going to be ring during a violent thunder HalI 29 faMhfui afanHhr uafd eonnintiT hy " m'lthrra fnr ovtr 60 irrara. Lupecially j ticlpful durinir trthitif time twavuM 1 th! (tv prompt, detnlaMr, and ffrrtiva rllf from tvmtib nHta, J rvatU-Mnrsa, tummy upaeU. and othr - minor infant trcubl i-multm (mm Irregularity at tevthfnff tim. So "slerpy" atuff no dulling effect. Help keep your baby happy. Get pack at your druawt trHay. TODAY TO SATl'RDAY faced with some tough competi- ngnimng swrm. 1 struction worker, was crusnea to tion from low-priced Japanese j ; deatn here Wednesday by a steel .' Jl L .,,51 T r Jr 1 shrimp appearing on tables in 3 Bands including Marine, Short Wave, Broadcast. 3-Spced Record Changer Twin 8" Speakers, Timber Is a major product in g'rdei Hls company builds TOTE Al A Famous Players Theatre Evenings 7; . :ljpj Matinee Saturday !:H pi 1 laska' which has wt forests of bridges for the Trans-Mountain wives ma well look forward to SZrltHk iTn as I hemIock- sPr" and red cedar. I Oil pipeline. ( 51 . 4 . r 1 li ' iiinanawian rut SlnT f acoustically matched Available in Blonde, Oak, Walnut or Mahogany. only 299 5 $29.95 down; $15 month. shelled shrimp being displayed soon in the windows of local meat markets. Ready to go shrimping for the Co-op are Ncls Rudd on the Secure, and Ole Olscn on the Horizon. Both boats are trollers, equipped for dragging. They ex 0 L.-J5 iE pect to operate in Iceberg Bay McRAE BROS. LIMITED in the mouth of the Naas River, , and in other nearby areas. The Store that Service Built" Phone 6 or 36 The Co-op also reports that , two member vessels arc weath ering storms in me necaies beam trawling and two others BUY BY THE CASE.-' AND SAVE are tossine in the teeth of gales, ANNOUNCING . . . black-codding In the Alaskan - ... j Gulf. The trawlers are Carl and Oscar Giske on the Taplow and SPECIALS GOOD OCTOBER 16, 17 ond 19 : Morris H, respectively; the cod- 'flrrs, Barney Roald of the Nep- DAILY FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY itune and Harold Holland of the Parma. Meanwhile, Paul Rosanir SKATING PROGRAM CHANGE FOR SATURDAYS Saturday Open and Moonlight Skorc arc, discontinued, effective immediately is planning to outfit the Oldfield for herring-bait seining. Onlv other activity in the fish eries here Is the crab canning onerations at Nelson Bros. Ltd. '3V which has been carried out Now: : : : tJiroueh the salmon season and is-stlH .going. . . , 3 fif-at inhs at . the Gov ernment elevator are slowing Nun-Minbaril:. 40c 75c .1:30 .7:00 b:0 10:0 25c 50c Afternoon.. Evenings.... down from the summer's rush on wheat shipping, at least one more ship is expected here this v i 4 V 4 H': I.. n ft REMEMBER month. She is the Taranger, 9 classv-looking combined passen .v'n Ecpnomy Specials- Malkin's Quality ger liner and freighter of Norwegian registry which docked here SATURDAY IS SKATING DAY AT YOUR CIVIC CENTRE in August. It is also understood that two deep-sea freighters will dock at the elevator next month. r f ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT NUMBER ONE NUMBER THREE 5 Tins PEAS O ftQo 3 Tins PEAS No. 3's Q AQC No. 3, Malkin's Fancy, 15-or t for "if Malkin's Fanry, l.l-oi ft Tins CREAM CORN ; O COc Q Tins CREAM CORN l 'KjC Royal City. FaiicyI3-o. ...Q tor JO Royal City. I5-o U ',r vv . (t Tins CUT GREEN BEANS Q CQp 3 Tins PEAS & CARROTS O" "Cjf V Malkin'. Choice. 15-ox O for OP Malkln Choice. 15-o u vw . fi Tins PEAS & CARROTS Q CO. 3 Tins CUT GREEN BEANS Q glC " v Malkin's, Choice, li-oz t for OO Malkin's Choice, 15-o ' 6 of Each Variety l 3 TSi"! 3 , 78g ALL FOR K- I 3 3 ASSORTMENT 3 ArggL. 3 Jj NUMBER TWO 3 tWJ 82c ..... ii- 3 ,, 49C A il r $ji,.99 ft Tins CREAM CORN O Mp Royal city, Fancy, i3-o for tJ aBBaaaaBaBaavaavBBaBKaaaaaBaaaM11 8 Tins PEACHES Halves O CQC ff . RQBIN HOOD MnlkinX Fancy, 15-o J for tf y Robin Hood M R Tins APRICOTS EI Qn I'rr' FLOUR 7's Dc Malkin's, Fanry, 15-ox O for UOV i BMBBW""81 6 of Each Variety , I ! V ROBIN HOOD ALL FOR $&l 41 Ij mj Quick Cooking SOUP Campbell's O fOp .... At Tomato or Vegetable O for U Economy t. Size 5-lb. Bag TEA A7P ivr IF SQUIRRELS Malkin's Blue Label. Is Ol1 f - CAN DO IT cs, : 95c fyM5 so can rACJ5fvJf! 6,., 95c YOU! v , 4 A. M SUGAR AND SPICE AND ALL THINGS NICE ... FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING IVe rarry a full line of Spices, Nuts, Cut Peel, Cherries, etc., for your Christmas Cakcp and Tudilinss. . C.f ? ,.t" CG o Ib ; TTirssi iim . . . and you gctomunmr much : i . '.'-'-.il CUT MIXED PEEL 33C WALNUTS QCp Shelled, Pieces, s '. 0JV RAISINS California Seedless, 2 s tV' SOAP M OCc Jcrgins Lotion Mild for t WHOLE CHICKEN Park Lane Cooked. Just $g AQ heat and eat. 3-lb 4-oz "tl if-: 4 f. : GROCERY WILLIAMS Room lo move around and stietch your legs, visit with friends. Wide choice of air-conditioned accommodations for day or night trips beitks, sections, loomelles, drawing looms, compartments. Wonderful meals, served aboard train. Dependable, sale travel in all kinds e4 weather. Large, picture windows, eotnfortabla reclining seats. Free baggage checking) yow detina tion (up to 150 Ibsji MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 Phone on I SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 LYONS FINE FOODS Phones 250 Red 465 656 When foa traJ, 9s bf from DMDEPEWIOT FOOD you SAVE ea kw-eo Kxmd CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE ) i.V.