RthLhClS Prince Rupert Daily News OTTAWA DIARY As I See It and REMINjSQt Tuesday, July 14, 1953 Bv NORMAN M. McLEOD if - ' . P - s fe . ' ; - - 9 9i & r i " v " " Canadian farmers are se.ylng 1BU1, the writer n,'t by AO independent dally newspaper derated to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert end Northern and Central British Columbia. Member oi Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. F. MAQOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President What has Coaservative Ace they can't understand lubors und answcud ton,..'"' John Dlefenbaker got that the drive for the guaranteed annual "WHlle." oher figures tn the current elec- wage at their expense. Down on LANGUAGE ( H.VM.e tion cami)a!';n lack? Uhe farm there is no such thing That Biiuua Kin ... f m ore Rubecriptlon Rates: By carrier Per week, 25c; per month', (1.00; per year, (10.00. by mall Per month. 75c; per year, (8 00. IV. That's the question of the mo-'as a guaranteed market or, for, he old MouIuki,, p.?1 matter .guaranteed annual ing lav at tlw ,. . S(;ii ment to which a lot of politi-'that ( clans in all the political parties weather. demand her boy ,mn. would like to have the answer. I "7 la'-r,'rt his retun The reason that they are so American Congressmen are Hoad to Mandahy come InteoesUd U Du-fcubaker Is be- saylnij the St. Lawrence Seaway, hiladelphla Kxdia,,, Authorized as aerond class mall By the Post Office Department, Ottawa Competition Begins caus tic te siv iii lM wouM serve only a seuisn lew. iiuve ii. iue Vimmr, pr3el ramal4 what imi otiir, Presumably these would include RWttty luclMdiit PriNM Mm- U CjinadiaiLS and all Americans changed the "lau' Wni hiii"; aidiihJ yi,ur. keeps you Iniiu .i,,' around! NEWS ITEM that a U.S. shipping company A has Ptarted-to haul loaded freight -care from 'With tudav' ; h'-h n ing most women go t Lster SI Lattretit iul PC ar& uvuig in llie miiuue wrsi, i wen Drew te bre to 0 at all. naiMWy: s Uia in the East who .stand to IjncWuf tMt oubllc 1m ik sa- abi 1rwn the (Kwer il'veW-dines werver h sp . This isn't selllshness. It s "'lt Ob hte Ontarta tour irf l pa.st wk IM StkskatriwwaM fC Star .uM iwMmI ,WvU how s tlw Hvc-whic. oiu ' 1 " 1 U " 4 0,u-.speakr ImmJ to t e,vk-d Wud-1 pltwd uuUMe tw Mortgage Cuts THE Conservative campaign promise to" cut taxes 500 million per year-seems to me to have fallen as flat as a pancake. For every thrifty mother, wlio munitres house carefully, must admire the really masterly job of nutin-ial housekeeping done recently. Canada is the undisputed Pay-as-You-iio cliamp iu the Mecaus iney have i0 4 ine cut;, one Woi,di-r i Ruliedne, wlnt,r ,,1 it .llllllf'lll Lit,., I. ... 1. "I ,lai y,, , v ..... i .j- a eravim lu tA Tiure arc tDtAttm and lobiiers jnuritims in wtutti nn niMWf wer tbe itivmrutbk ruW. J I IHOi'C I assembly hall with a nominal sl,,'' Wiv luokelUiing that anyone 1 into St Catherines tluit.) tan- Ktttttw i air, n capiM'ity tf 2f wtii am-M'krd with CtM Mpl wlUi M wutskie COUP. ROBKRT (left! and TSgt. Ronald Jayne, Canadian-bom Chlnest, recently back fromU.S. Army combat service in Korea, aiv shown at a press conference In Washington. The two hitchhiked from San FrancLscp to the nation's capitai In an effort to prevent deportation to Canada of their father, William Cliee Jaynt, who entered the U.S. from Canada ?n 1032, not under the Quota. entire wutld tolay. We liave (iwrfluw eruwi apiiroxituHtviy th iutiu number. puid off great (hunks of the auxtgage too. AUCTIONEER Phone Mla. U 84(i and fc. THIS country has not only car neiy and Kluie $75 wurth of tlier kwva. The other nilrt. I hey Wuke in anaiti and pitt Uitm back. Ti-re is said to lie a bvltef that ttlHU-oximaU W 30U 000,000 .stars arc iti the skk-s All siu-ts of iolk would like to hitch tlietr w.ii'cdii to un, but not that many are needed. A H W KlKlibTl IN ried on all the regular gov None of the party leaders niiM'h texs any ut their supfjorttive, talent have (H.splaye4 anything even le to the , LHefcubaker drawin power. Dnwn KaM in Textile Industry in Canada ernment services, to maintain Hard Hit by Foreign Competition Nwfuuu11aHd .Kir example, iw Prime Mnusler was liiloi by a Liberal MMiturcadc nu Huiner-j ous that its pHrticipants wade; Bv BOB JOYCE tiles than peoples in other countries, and spend each year 15 Canadian Press Stall Wrltfr The 19i3 city une loi y In Cl- MriMiwvAi. ffP) ranaria'-Juer cent of their income on an imircHiv tiiiuwuig wiiereveri tonnn'mwmn tviii irt, wtr i clothing and fabrics, Canadian :anadian a good standard of liviiifr. But it has begun one of the finest Welfare State programs .any-w'here on earth. This can only grow if production grows and prosperity continues. In addition to that, the present government has carried through a re-armament program that Is far beyond anything we have ever attempted bpfore. It has done all this while cuttiiit? down d-b. ' Yet half of all the tax monev. "'st"nalt-s l",l,,"aUoa ut lhernWM gary' a hait SDeakiiiK hasn't XT arenkhul j ', hard-hit by imports in recent manufacturers say there e been a sufficiently largi ay. back in the market for Canadian Iaurent had to take a ready- textiles. made audience along with him years, Is looking to the federal government fur Increased protection. Labor has joined management in calling for federal action, as The recession here, they say, Is ; to be sure of having one at all not caused bv aiiv f alllinr off in ! poinU. The PC's have followed Juius oilendcdV A ropy of the l.uiiililn Hint I Bulletin rlatrd hi Hiptember 181 , between walls of u home In Windsor has been found. Ad-vcrib-liig was ln-tiw wventy-two Industrial leaders forecast that' the ouantltv of textiles used byjno such tactics with the result raised hv this government mu-Vt I the future looks, If anything 2a . Canadians espuiuwng .incomes; nu-s oeen oreumnB; go to the armed .services to fure-', blacker than the past. 6everal ; and the Increased population ; attendance records nowhere stall war. j plants plan to shut clown for have kept consumption right up So far as Ottawa's mot expert years ago. Small wonder, whrn fellow could outfit himself with suit ,hat, toprcat, shoes and gloves for twenty-five dollars. In extended nonciays. Many are where it was two years ago. It j political Judge arc able to diasj-working short time , and employ- K a result of fierce foreign com- nose, the explanation of the ment drooped from 101,234 in petition. Dicfenbaker appeal to the pub- January, 1951 to 93,120 in Janu-l comuared with nre-war. Cana-i He imagination Is just Diefen- Yes, the m o s t creditable achievement of the present tovernment in the field of national finance has been in re- n So Mora ino Km... yonnt Tacoma to the pulp mill under construction at Ketchikan should stand out for. Prince Rupert citizens as prominently as a rejd, light at a traffic intersection. It is not an exaggeration to say that the move spells danger. It is the first step in the Washington ports' announced intention to defeat Prince Puipert competition and retain the Alaskan trade. The Americans, with a handicap of 600 miles, anticipate a tough fight but they are not dismayed by it. Railways and shipping lines are pooling their efforts to overcome what they regard as a peril of the first magnitude. Comfortably aware that Alaska is a next-door neighbor, we in Prince Rupert' may fail to realize until too late that any competition has materialized. Because of the establishment of the CNR ferry slip here, it may be concluded that all we have to do now is to watch the railway cars go by. If this is to be our attitude, we seriously underestimate American initiative. The U.S. did not attain its present strength merely through its natural resources. Its inhabitants work hard at their business, and in this case it may be assumed they will not overlook a trick. If the rates are too high, they will lower them. If more facilities are required, they will build them. If better service is needed, they will give it. Although they may have to take a loss in doing all this, one may be assured they will accept it until the Canadian .threat has been completely and permanently eliminated. This is not to say, however, that any such success on their part is going to be allowed. The record of Canadian enterprise is pretty good, .too. As people of a country just coming into, its own, we are becoming more capable all the time in taking cave of ourselves. There is .nothing about this American challenge that we cannot meet and overcome. Much, of course, will depend on how far the CNR is prepared to go, as the transportation company mainly involved In view of the fact it has already taken the initiative by construction of the ferry slip, it appears that its officials are well up on the game and do not require any cries of alarm and advice. Rut the CNR is not alone in having a stake in this struggle. The contest is of concern to all of us. Whatever else happens here, the future of Prince Rupert lies in its function as a first-class port. To win the Alaska trade is one way of making it so, and we must not regard the undertaking lightly because there is no lucky ticket. Nobody is giving away a thing. . ilucing the national debt. loo cot) 3 ha. f "o Comp,w vi IATIST REPORT Atk ywr tnvtltmMl PUr fw Mi UNII ptt n4 f rtpclvl ! . ary, this year. , man consumption is up G4 per;oaker. He has the gift of never Recently Edward C. 'Cluney.i cent, but purchases of Canadian-, being uninteresting which eoe3 aciini' Canadian director of the: produced textiles have only ln-iwith brilliant, courageous think-Textii' Workers of America j creased by eight per cent. i backgrounded in a ncrsonal- i CCL-CIOi, suggested restricting Both British and American1 o "Shtlnfr, Independent 1 entry of foreign textiles by quota. produ(..rs nave invaded the Can-1 sl,irlt- s"(, a fc'1(t u-s('d lo DP ! R. O. Archibald, secretary of LV)-a(jlan market in force since the'lare Fnollfirl fV,xn ,n ll'e t,aV-s of aaigM, ar " 1 f ,'flt t S.t lh I HO CMl 4 the Charley Dunnings, the Lay- I have searched a bit into the record of past governments in Canada and in the records of other governments in other countries. No other government that I h.ave heard of has reduced th.' public debt by such huge chunks. Here are the figures: National Ileht' i04fl . ; ; ,$r.f.42i ono.ooo 1953 ....'....J. lj(,ia7 .000.000 I minion rexuies.oneoi mecoun-;war Dlirmg the first quarter trv's largest firms, has said Can-jof the year f(r thfl ftrst Ume m adian tariffs are too low. j nLstory, imports of cotton fab- The recession Is not new. Norirlcs from the United States alone ton Ralstons, the P. J. A. Car-lin.s, the R. B. Bennetts, the Hugh Guthries, and the similar IV 13 ..km. tllo Ii $166 RUPERT M I paummt-niary greuis oi a past is it confined to Canada. During exceeded home production. the last few years there has oeen a widespread slump In textiles In most countries. ti Reduction.. $ -2,284.000.000 It was touched off when pro-' AND ELECIK 111 Tliirrl Ave. Rutin 1946 the actual burden ducers, whr had stockpiled, at era. ii is tiuiiuueiy rarer loaay.j But the n'umbeU In which the people turn out to hear Dleicn-bnker, even in n hot-weather campaign, demonstrate the market which still exists for It. The anomoly of the blefen-b.iker triulnoh On his recent Ontario tour Is that there is no Cheddar Cheese Support Price Removed ': OTTAWA (CP) The Ontario CALVIN BULLOCK . . ...... lid...:. ,i i ' Phone 644 of the debt represented one i the start of the Korean war,, year's production of the entire i found themselves with extess Canadian nation that is, all i stock on their hands. . i the goods and services produced j These excess stocks acted as thfvt year. " a blight on the world market, Now the burden of the entire j nri it is only in reecnt months guarantee that It's goine to be debt of the national govern- ! that some of the larger textile ! Cheese Producers' Association reputed come August 10 next in his home constituency of Prince Alberta.' ! ment represents 25 r weeks of producing countries have experi-; has agreed for the present to work of the Canadian farmers, enced any expansion in trade. , refrain from bidding on tho miners, fishermen, doctors, law- Although Canadians use on an-cneese exchange, it was learned That's a next-to-lmpossiblc rldln-r for a Tory to win. Diefen- i yersana so on. fr average tnree times more lex- Monday. baker 'is making a spectacular; In other words, the burden of try. But reports via the Parlla-! the debt has been . exactly cu LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 , MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING NHIFPIMi . . . KlKVVAKDINti . . . STOKACE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH KASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Audits Allied Van Lines Ltd. Salmon Tagging in holf in last seven years. The ment Hill grape-vine hint that If he does succeed, it's going to be" by an awfully close margin. yeeret is biccr production and Program Starts This in effect removed an unofficial support price for Cheddar cheese midway between two prices set by the federal governmenta 24-cent floor price and a 30-cent "end" price. The agreement followed a meeting last week of association and federal agricultural officials and representatives of the chee.se-proces.slng roinimn- n B.C. Waters sa les. SUPPOSE, Mother and Dad, your son had married a nice young girl and they had moved into a modest little home. Suppose that the young people had -craped together enough money Phone CO or 8 Cor. 2nd and Park ! Musical Newcomers JOHANNESBURG, South Af-rlcCP The Johannesburg City Orchestra reached full strength of 50 with the arrival of 13 Belgium musicians. The orchestra 'tarts Its season of concerts at Ihe end of July. VANCOUVER '(B Federal department of fisheries will begin one of Its biggest salmon tagging programs In many years July 20 les. It is expected to result In ower cheese prices. in Johnstone Straits.- , t About 6 OO0 pinks: nd chums to make the down payment. .Suppose ' things had gone ikni nicely for ,a few years, but then disaster had struck tttev- f:rowtnr family tin acci Scripture fa aiAuae tor Jodau will be puirhased from fisher-i men "jw itieyare jtakei. fjrip jthp j nt'ts, tugged, Viul . Si-leajoi, v,' Roof- it' dent (like war) which made THE MOST: POPULAR CANADIAN! WHISKY ATA POPULAR PRICE . . Heb. Jt:17. Cliief -supervisor A. J. Whit-1 more said the purpose of the tag-1 giiig program is to help fisheries j men una urn. wimi percentage them put a huge extra mortgage on the house. Suppose Mother and Dad they had asked you for advice later when things straightened out again: Should we pay off as much of the mortgage as fast as we can or not? wilh DURGID Asphalt Shingles For Free Eitimote . . . Set or Coll Greer & Bridden Ltd. Old Homes in Downtown Calgary Being Torn Down For Parking Space oi me various runs ore neing taken by fishermen. Two vessels will operate with tagging crews during the prq-gram. One will cover the lower CALGARY (CP) One by one. far from solution. work just Johnstone Strait-Disetovery Pas Phone 909 215 First Ave. W. National budgets like keeping house. Old buildings are not an en sage area. The other will work in ond near Broughton Strait. tire loss. Bungalows are not too hard to move but two-storev Better Pay ' A reward of 50 cents per tag LONDON, (CP) Nurses who wl11 later "e Paid to all fishermen WZ777J7. homes present more of a problem. If they are of sound construction, they will stand the strain quit to become air hostesses are who catch the market fish, causing shortages in hospitals. A ' Claimants should make a care- British European Airways offl- rui note or tne date and place or v)a MntiPV In Thp Bnk m w clal said an air hostess earns recovery and hand the tag and almost twice as much as a hos- information to the nearest fi.sh- Calgary's old downtown homes are falling Into the hands of the wrecker or mover. The reasons are high taxation and a growing need for commercial sites and parking space. The process has been accelerated in the last two years. High taxes make it uneconomical to have residential buildings occupy space which could yield many times the rental as a business block. Although some of the old homes have doubled and trebled earnings when broken down Into apartments, the returns still can't compare. So great Is the need for park pltal nurse. 'ery officer. ffik When used with respect to a venture of any V). Us litis all you'll have of hauling. If necessary, the roof is removed to permit the house to pass under trolley wires. One difficulty which may lead to wrecking rather than removal is scarcity of lots. Moving a house is a slow process and movers prefer a shift less than two miles if possible. The problem lies in the lack of suitable lots within that radius of the centre of the city. Cost of moving a house and setting it up again on a new VHISKY ji kind, the term "money in the bank" usually means that the venture cannot help but succeed. We use the term in this sense with reference to Canadian Investment Fund Ltd.. (J Ownership of Canadian Investment Fund yJ stork represents ownership of an expertly ri supervised interest in aver 80 of Canada's y) itiongest companies. And under our economic system an Investment in over lrw 60 of Canada's strongest companies is tantamount to an Investment in Canada's fA future. ,.' Investment In C.I F. is Canadian ing space, particularly around larger stores, that It is profitable to tear a building down. site is rarely under $5,000. A lot Heal estate operators say the process will continue as long as costs about $1,500 and a base Calgary's parking problem is so ment has to be built. Its genial, rich flavoua . l r m n 1,.A 5tnct f niaKes ocv w dohucu I delightful to the taste W it is easy on the entertain ment budget I f MUNICIPAL ENGINEER The old rotking chair may get you lul it ned not be your ole support if you plan for your old age aow. II you Mart saving early enough you won'l be dependent on other during llie year of your well-earntd leisure. With a Reliremml Plan you can be aure those will he carefree and enjoyable yeart. Ask about this plan today. ' JAMES S. BURNS 724 Alfred St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone Green 505 Jfl iioiity in ine ounK. Mail this coupon today for particulars ' McMAHON 6l BURNS lT0, W Nnaw It. Vimuw J, I.e. GOODERHAMt WORTS ITO-L EiUbllihid 1332 !- Ttequired for The Corporation of the District of Kitlmat, British Columbia. Graduation from an accredited University in Civil Engineering or equivalent practical experience in the general field of Municipal Engineering is desirable. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send full information regarding education, experience, and references to Municipal Manager, ro 318 Marine Building, Vancouver, B. C. - I J Cimdi'i Oldist DlJtlH'" t ' NAMI ' ADBKKS orv W This advertisement Is not published or disnlayed by t1".1") Control Board or hv h r...nn..ni r Hrltlsh CoWy 4YOlJRFyT!JgIJQK,B!JINE . . . TODAY" ' cWfWTr Al WWW