Early ltM0B1 Musical Animals LONDON (CP A piano-accord jPlans to Tidy Cemetery By Council Over Casey's Approved Objection i (CPBerwick Girls' H pupils are taking sin In form-filling red tape of oflldaldum C f have to face when they" I school." District tlrm. . 'v t-vidlng the forms f lotust visited the zoo and proved that music hath charms to aoothe the savage beast. Chimpanzees beat time, sea lions stood with eyes closed in rapture, and a Uon did a four-footed version of a quick-step. BLACKWOOD on (bridge START'NG THURSDAY I By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Plans of the City Council to employ two gardeners during the summer months to clean up the elty cemetery, tidy up the path- 'vs and around the gravestones were passed last- night over the otroii" objections of Aldcrmun Ciecrge Casey. i During the rcort of the board of works committee given by chairman of the board Aid. Mike Krueser, council was told that the city presently employs one man on a monthly basis to open and clo.se graves and clean up the walk.s. Since May, the report Showing: Power of Hand t mm tawa.. Helps Outwit Opponents j Mr.. Champion didn't have quite enough for an oiK'ning two bid but-on the second round he showed the great power of his hand. His three heart bid was' Ptinif Kiiut-tt Duilv Ntwi Tuesday, July 14, 1953 PVBIIHai Bra a Country i . ? J MaHni .. a f.vtninrs aiililrrn .. partner he needed very for game. TODAY to WEDNESDAY TWO FEATURES I Dan Dailcy - Constance Smith in "TAXI" .Mio on the Same Pronram: fey n Wolloce's Dept. Store When You Want The Best SWEATERS Avon Glcnayr Jantzcn Monarch Lansea Tish-U-Knit The best at Wallace's isn't more expensive. Just your assurance of satisfaction. w WALLACE'S DEPT. STORI PRINCE RUPERT TO "BLACK SWAN Suiith dealer Buth KHles vulnerable N..MII (Mr. Hair) S- i H- 5 4 I-J 6 3 4 1-A 5 4 Olr. thrl) (Mr. Mucit) t - HI 8 4 2 H Noli H 7 0 3 2 D A K U 10 !- a 0 7 3 C S 7 3 S O-K J NlMllll (Mr. f'haitiplniO -A J 7 3 H-A K J It) D None V-f) 10 Thp bidding: ti-.nth wt- North IS 3D Pans Pass 3 H 4 D 4 H fV 5 D DM. Paaa 6 H Paid Paid Dbl. All Pasi Festival Opens To Packed House- STPATFORD (CPI - The Strat aminniimtimii ALS - - - NKWS ' Times: Taxi 7:00 - 9:56 stated he had laid 300 feet of drain tile. The cemetery by-law visualized a general clean-up of the cemetery Aid. Krueger stated, and -this was to be advanced In stases. The next step was to employ two gardeners during the summer months to clean up around graves and pathways, straighten up headstones, re-rool the caretaker's cabin and paint the outside of the building. All this was to be paid for, out of the one mill levy. Approximate cost at the end of summer was estimated at $3,800 for labpr anu materials," he said. Aid. Casey said such an overall picture was Dot the intention of the by-law. "We are not supposed to take care of all the graves belonging to people who have relatives to taKe care of them," he said. "It is their responsibility, not ours." Aid. Krueger said that leaving leaning headstones and untidy graves in the cemetery gave people a poor impression. He said that besides the drainage situation the cemetery should be taken care of on the .surface. There was no point in doing half a job. Mayo Harold Whalen pointed out that there were many graves in the cemetery with no one to look after them any more. Aid. Casey insisted that he wa n t goi!) to approve of the city looking after private graves. He urged that council clean up the pathways and leave the graves for the persons related to the dead to look after. y Put to a motion the plaits of I he works committee were endorsed, with Aid. Casey dissenting. NiTUI mspiav ftOMUT CATMMS ranoNtn WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY Black Swan ...... 8:17 A famoi s ri.AVtns tiimtk ford Shakespearean Festival, one! CAPIT0U 1 i:m Km-uht to. m nivn iiilvuui .tarn Wm tomtom i TOTEH A fr'amoua Players Thealf Time Schedule No. 6 I; 1 7Jhh C U M I i WMNHRMM a. 1 I -a - m I KETCHIKAN WRAHGELL - PETERSBURG JUNEAU And Oiher Alaska Points of the world's dramatic events of the year, opened Monday night. Even before the premier per formance of "Richard. Ill" star- ring Alec Guinness and Irene Worth, Festival official were optimistically talking about extending the five-week run to six, and after the enthusiastic re ception by the war-capacity crowd of about 1,300, that talk should certainly lncrea.se, GIG YOUNG JAMES WHIlHOtt . ' Today and Wednesday "DESPERATE 1:11 Only Financially the Festival, first!"THE GIKL" 7:00 and 9:25 p.m. waiaaaaHasaaaBaaaaaMasaaBaaaaaaai not forcing but it told his little to have a good play Mr. Dale had an ace. a single- trn honor in spades and rcason-shle heart support to offer. His r-ilp to four hearts was automatic. Peeim; no chance of defeat in-? h-t contract. Mr. Abel t-attempted to sacri'ice at five diamonds hut Mr. Champion was unwilling to plav aBr.inst thit contract, even though hi-! partner had doubled It. Tie elected to have a try at five hearts, which Mr. Muroy plee- ully doubled. . The opening lead wis the ' ini of diamonds which Mr r'haniplon ruffed. The see of nodes was cashed and a small spade ruffed low in dummy. A small heart ws led to the 'in In the closed hand an'' Mr. Abel showed out. diseordin he deuce of clubs Mr. Cham pion muttered snerilv snme- 'hing about the trumps always being .bunched against htrts. : However, he .proceeded " Hake the hand, as follows. He 'ed a small spade and ruffed -It h dummy's queen of hearts. Then he entered his hand by offing a diamond. It seemed arlv sure that Mr. Abel had -turfed with seven diamonds nd if so Mr. Muzy was now uit of that suit. Mr. Champion cashed his last ''0 hearts. He nlayed the jack f spades, dropping Mr. Mu.v'i i en. Now he led another good narie Mr. Muzzy ruffed and led I he Jack of clubs. The nueen -on this trlek . apd another 'nod spade lead caused Mr. Muwy tn ruff with the last 'rump. The ace of clubs on the. board then won the last and ramc-going trick. nhlcl u Thane) RADIO DIAL CfPR 1240 Kilocycle TUESDAY H M. ' - ' 4 frv-Rec. Iiit... .-, 4 fitoelt yuotatlr.ua S:00At Honw With the lnnl-ki 5:23 tntrntlonaJ Commentary 6:nDN Tnday 8:a OBC News: Wrather Report :85 Have you Heard? 6:00 Cue tor Pun , . 6:S0 Sumx-r Serrnadi. 7:00 CBC News 7:18 7 :30 Leicester titinaay tn Hr.alT 8 :0O-Kiectlon Talk -Liberals B:IS Canadians 8:30 -Canada at Wirt .8:45 Musical Program a '00 Champions of btmrt 0:30 Edited Version ol Koyal Vlilt to Scotland 10:00 CBC Newa 10:10 CBC Newa 10:31V-Here Cornea the Band 1 1 :00 Weather Report II :03 Ftoh Arrival 1 1 :04 Music Till Mldlllldrt 12:00 sign-oB 1 WEDNEt,JAT AM II 7:nn) C). rihrrmn'l B-lct 7:IS-Mnsli:al Clock 7M0-CBC Newa; Weather Retort 7 :3i Mimical clock H:lajCBC Newa 8:10 Here's Bill Oiiod 8:10 Morning Bonn 8:o Morning Devotions :4 Little Concert 9:no BBC Newa and Commentary 0:15 Musical Varieties :N Time bikini 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 'HI!" 10 :4S Musical Program 11:00 A Man and Hla Musis 1 1 :30 Weather Beport 11:81 Mcsuiir PeriorJ M :33 Rec. Int. t :45 fctcandlnevUn ipiwilm P M. ia:00 M"i.n.i Melodlrt 13:18 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Mui.kal Program 12:55 nee. Int. 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 8 :( Records for You 3:15 Records for you 3:45 BO. Rei(.t Roundun 4:IS Other Vnlops. othrr Pluees ISM ARROW BUS LINES Lit Phone 266 Office Opposite Post Office tfV.V-.v. At lrinatev. II. .' - i H S J fe jv -oaiaanaa A BRIG HAM YOUNG University grad, 23-ycar.-old.Jna Drown carries Utah's hopes, in the forthcoming Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City.' Ina hopes to duplicate the achievement of another Utah daughter. Colleen Hutching, who was Miss America 1952. She's five feet six Inches, weights 118 ponds and has brown hair and eyeu. Like Colleen, her talent is in dramatics. Montreal Firm Doubles Service To Kitimat Site VANCOUVER ff. : Sagliffnay Terminals Limited of Montreal shipping arm of the Aluminum Co. of Canada. 'announced today it will double its present monthly shin srrvt'-o to Vancouver anr include Kitimat as a port of call The increased service start Aus. 14 with- sailing of the 8S Snnharv from MontTeal loaded with raw materials and equip-m"''t for h Aleari smelter. Four of the seven ships to be used on the twti-e-iwmthly service were built in B.C. They are the former Fort-typr ships Sunrell and Sunvalley and the former Park ships Sunmount and SunJew"!.- Two rhlps will call iU Vancouver each month while one and nosibly two continue on to Kill-mat. Melbourne Starts Work For Olympics i MELBOURNE (AP) The or-1 ganizlng committee for Mel bourne's 1956 , Olympic games I now is getting down to work For a month -there has not been one argument. ,': ; j j :' M ( ' . This lack , 'flrgumqn'thas clven a bis; boost-to the morale of the Melbourne people who are confident the .city"' will be pble to honor (ts obligations to the .international piympic committee. ' ' y i 'Engineers - Hie ' surveying" the Olympic park site tor the Olympic swimming pool and the first excavation likely will start in a month. Work has not yet started on the cycling velodrome at the same location but the' layout has been approved. Plans also arc well advanced for alterations to the Melbourne erickct ground which will be the main stadium. No structural alterations, however, will be made until after the Queen's vi;;lt: at the end of February. I ' The site to house the Olympic : athletes remains indefinite. one, ' h imt ; - ' j threat ,' - urn- J How would ym buiW a 200-foot television towar wHhtwt a ) construction vof Iter kaviag the ground. . ' Here'i how Bel! Telephone Company did K. Tbey made efght-foot tower aectkms out of ata-minum tubing: Then they placed the first section wMhia'a bast on the ground. Next they koisteJ that section and fastened another section nmkmeath H. They kept on repeating the process rais- . ing the -completed part off the ground by means of a band winch. One test tower 'was dismantled antl re-erected on another site, all in one day. Just goes to show that ' we live in an age of speed and ' ' aluminum. Aluminum ' Company of Canita, Ltd. (AJcan) Public Poiscngcr i; looUed UllrSUallt to the liri.vt .lunu of the "Mi.lnr furrier A- of its kind In North America is also assured of success. Nearly go per cent of the tickets have been sold, the fipurc necessary to break even on the minimum budget. Guinness, better known here for his roles in British movies, received a standing, ovation for about 15 minutes after the three-hour performance. Tonight. "All's Well That Ends Well," will be presented. It will alternate . with "Rerwrd" until Auz. 15. Richard IU"' Is ons of the historical plays of William Shakespeare based on .' actual events of nistory. SJd ", i.-tf-ii.'-W-.t-' Re-union of Upper and Lower Canada wu first proposed by the British Parliament In 1822. and Regulations thereunder. , , - - ' Issued 10 July, 1953. . Effective: July 18, I! PUBLIC PASSENGER TIME SCHEDULE r Derwcen ' "' "' RUPERT DEPOT AND PORT EDWAH! Daily l !' fiOODBlM nAj'' yp mmnty Thiaig Lenr leave Arrlrf f' Miller May Wa Uon Island rH fd'i- ! 7:20 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 7 40 a in D:30 a.m. l):4.' a.m. K.jOin 12:50 p.m. 1:05 phi. 1:10 pn S, 2:50 p m. 3:05 p.m. p:10 pf f 4:'M p.m. 5:05 p.m. 5:10 pre 5:50 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6 10 ptr- 1 6:50 pm. 7:05 pin. 7:10 pm 9:50 p.m. 10:05 p.m. 10 15 pn i, 11:50 p.m. 12:05 p.m. 12:15 P"- ' PRINCE Leuves Depot Outbound l-eave Prinre Rupert 7:(H) a.m. 9:10 am; 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p m. 5:30 p in. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. Inbound lave Port I d viard 8:15 u ni. 10:00 a.m. 1:30 pm. 3:40 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 12:15 a.m. l-eave Wat son IsUutl 8:20 a.m. 10:05 a.m. 1:35 p.m. ' 3:45 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 10:20 p.m. 12:20 u rn. l,ra ve Arrlte t Miller Kay Prim W '30 a in. 8:55 10:20 a.m. 10:40 m 1:50 p.m. 2:10 pm 4:00 p.m. 4:20 pf-5:50 5:30 p.m. P"1 6:40 p.m. 7:00 P- 8:00 p.m. 8 :20 p n 10:30 p.m. 10:50 pf 12:30 a.m. 12:50 am Monday and Saturday Onlv DIRECT SERVICE rhrou3rt fo PRINCE RUPERT from PORT EDVVAi r. , This advertisement la not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Leave Port Edward ' Arrive Prince W- 12:30 p.m. i:oo pm I 1:00 p.m. 1:30 Pm I 2.30 p.m. 3:00 pm ABOUT YOUR CIGARETTE . . . Is a Match ABOUT YOUR DRINK, -A Soda ABOUT YOUR AUTOMOBILE TIRES ... -The Air ABOUT YOUR SHOES . . . -The Laces About Your Extra Cash - THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED SECTION WE ARE AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE. JUST CALL 748 Arrive Port 1:00 a m- f from Midnight Show) to r' , ft. Issued by - r DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY: I ma ... !..;.. u a "- Mti.iv.1; nurri 12:00 Midnight SUNDAY ONLY: Leave rrlnce Rupert (Direct 2:30 a.m. Subjeet to the consent Any objection to this Superintendent of Motor Vancouver, B.C., within Issue. TONIGHT HON. James Sinclair MINISTER OF FISHERIES C.F.P.R; - 8.00 AND TRANS-CANADA NETWORK Published By The NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION QF CANADA , Arrow Bus Lines Prince Rupert, BC of the Public Utilities Com"llssyc tariff schedule may be filed with 'j Carrara Pohtin ituhhm Coinnls' 1 (14) fourteen days from its daf