rT!liv huufl t- t ill.v nT S Tuesday. July 14, IMS Prince Rupert i J- SAILS FOR ! BUSINESS And VANCOUVER . PROFESSIONAL w u n m j tnd IntermediKtc "Tartu Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN KEITH H. TUCKER WEDNESDAY Midnight OPTOMETRIST Comfort and Service . r; Par reservations writ o 527 3rd Ave. Phone fil2 call I'lty at f-fpot Offlrt DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Pi.ce Hupert. B.C. - 'V S i -, j A, : m - 'V ' 11 t PHONE - 383 MESSENGER . PICK-IP AND DELIVERY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Classified Rates ro turn- 4 SO p m. Any prMrlnu KTANT.RV'S Machine Shoe fullv eaulnned. also seven- room house. This is a good op-tiortunlty for machinist and MP Urges Co-Operation With U.S. By MARJORIE EARL welder. Said property is situated 200 It. waterfront lot with It. boat float. For particulars write Stanley MowlinK. iMu:l, B.C. (1C3) 46 I i on 1 100 finitry filbt'rt who Wn .t.mtly hord to pltoit Hat fuuno il"''' Sclnlit w.'h or HELP WANTED FEMALE COFFEE shop, Roin concern, junction of Red Rose Mine Road and Highway 16. Fully equipped, living nuarters. Write see Mrs. Les Powell, Skeena Crossing, B.C. (166c) I DINING PLEASURE SMILING GEN. MOHAMMED NAGUIB, who recently proclaimed himself the President of the new republic of Egypt, lights a cigarette for Indian Premier Pandit Nehru (right) during a meeting in Naguib's Cairo office. LONDON (Reuters) Mrs. Jean Mann, sharp - tongue! Laoor Member of Parliament, believes she has the secret for getting along with Americans, speak" to them nicely. ' "Every woman knows, wheni she goes out to get herself the! most important thing In life, aj man, tnat she does not arm nn-: self with a bucketful of vinegar,"; said the fil-year-old grandmother who Is one of 21 women in the House of Commons. TAXI business, one car. For full particulars call in person. Black & White Taxi. 163 OFFICE clerk wanted, married woman preferred. Apply Northland Dairy. 164 1 AUTOMOBILES 47 SITUATIONS WTI. Female Prison Quiet As Rioters Back to Cells imtilU'Hllnn. tfiwl, 3 rniiM ppr worn per m- tuiti: mlnlimim rhiirije 5o c-miu i Notli s, . 60 nl; CBrd nf ;mk!i, iJt-iitli NolliMM. Pum-rnl lid'x. Murrllim nnd KngaKirnriit ml DUpluy double pries. N.i liclundr! will not afrept responsibility lus.iltli'd Insfrn-U Incorrectly nclrr wrung clubhlllcatlon unless .ciillon if auch errors Is received .n hours of first Insertion. FEKSONAL r.( K. Friday, July n, Legion iditnrium. music uy me 20 ;y Mmintain Boys. Admls-$100. 163c) .TACT Alcoholics Anonyms, Box 1511, Prince Rupert, hum; Hlue 1)59. HB'Jc) 25 iusiness personals USCAPINQ AND OARDEN- Ki Rock walls, rooKeries. flower hoxes, lawns and s. garden keeping. Free utes Phone Red 808. 727, (175p) 27 ( E your classified ad in this per' at the economical six rate. 15 words for 3 con- uve davs cost lo; i.j i fur six consecutive days SI 80 . And remember, you'J8 phone your ads Just cull Daily News. tf-nc) i b IONAL Machinery Co. Llm- i d Distributors for Mining, nill. LoiiMing and contrac-Knuipment. Inquiries In-i Ornnvillc Island, Vancou-1, B.C. (tf) , v f " its . if' . , RE-CHROME bumpers, grills. etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) U74) TWO ladles willing to do odd Jobs, typing, etc., in their own home. Box 726. 165pi YOUNQ women desires housework or work in hotel. Box Daily News. (164p) "More files get caught with a fon prison-torn lour oays oy spoonful of honey. We have sent strike, riot and rebellion - was bucketfuls of vinegar to Amer- quiet today, ica when we should have close; The last of the 1,000 rebelling contact and co-opcratlon." convicts, cowed by discomfort, Her latest idea for lncreas- meagre food and little water, ing BiitLsh trade with the nUited were returned to their cells to-Slates .and also easing the lot of night. Fl'F.L FOOTHlLiJl Phone 651. Co. Ltd housewives. Is the production of run-proof nylons. They'd sell like hotcakes ,he says. This la )ast one of many Ideas put forward by this active woman who Is known as "the house- wives' voice" by her supporters and "the woman who talks most through her hat" by her enemies. 8ALEM,' Ore. (AP) The Ore- , - They were taken in groups of 20 from the prison recreation yard, where they have been held since Saturday, and locked up. warden Clarence Gladden said they were docile and respectful, yVork was to begin soon to re- ; pair the $100,000 damage wrought . Dy Saturday's brief but intensive the convicts had the run of many of the prison buildings, Saturday morning prisoners tried to rush the penitentiary's un control room. 1946 CHEV sedan Radio, heater, good tires, body in good shape. Engine new in 1951. Complete overhaul recently. This is BUY. Green 660 after 6 p.m. (164p) 1952 FOUR-DOOR Chev station i wagon. Jow mileaee. Can be seen at 811 Fraser St. (164c) 193B FORD Fordor. Phone Oreen 154. (107pi TAXIS and 1RANSFFRS CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATING and PACKINO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point in B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBrlde (c) Today's Stocks ironrtMT V n Jnhntfnn '. Mil I NTS for Canadian Liquid : r Co. Ltd.. fur oxygen. acety-,29A SEWING MACHINES , 1 fitiH oil uflrlintr iiiittilirii I She is a former member ol ne rioting. Glasgow city council, a magls-, oladden sajd 21 ringleaders of trate, a housing expert (she once the revolt wnich startPd last planned a model town for 30,000), Frlday wHh a sltd0wn strike, now an accountant, business womari i,; ,n lsolatlon celIs lecturer and happily-married; mother of five children, three of; e ' , curreod them doctors p Friday ni8nt wnen GMden re in a legislative body not noted 'iMfd convict demands saying standards of food, clothing for its interest in women's af-.tha fairs she has raised her deter- am medicine already were high, slums,! Guards were withdrawn to mined Scots voice against th nr.t nf hum. prevent the taking of hostages 1 t in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe 4 Anglla $475 49 Ford Coach $1330 '50 Prefect as Is $550 '46 Dodge ?i-ton Pickup with box.. $950 Ford with '42 Mercury Engine-As Is $125 '50 Austin $1050 '41 Packard 120 Sedan , $350 SUPERIOR AUTO . SERVICE LTD. iry uany rxewa vraui ous ' I Trjww IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS John f- L. Hughes, D.C. , CHIROPRACTOrt 4, Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 21 - 2"5 Besner Block Phone Blue 441 H. G. HELGERSON ; LIMITED - 1 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE j Phone 8, Evenings Biacli ffiiS ' SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Jamej Blocfe 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 PRECISION SAW FILINC All Types of Saws '" Sharpened 5 1st Ate. W. Phone 90S Chineie ei CHOP SUEY . . . . ...CHOWMElM. Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Sunday) Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 bv bl AN UKAKt .,. of Mew. A aiaw iMt smof prOP OITV vav- frc.' if Ads!" o VANCOl'MR American Standard 18''2 Bralorne 3 90 B R X ...... ... .02' Curiboo Quartz 1.00 Congress i 09 Cionin Babine 10', Giant Mascot , 45 Indian Mines . 05"2 Pioneer 180 Premier Border 07 Privateer .03 Reeves McDonald 195 Sheep Creek 60 Si'bak Premier 13 Vananda 02 "3 Rnud Valley 04 Si'ver Standard .. 1.00 Western, Uranium 2 10 Ril-V:n '. 46 P'ln-cen , 1 23 - i 56 Vu . V. - -V! 1 1 s i'! 1, V y ir (sootiesi) coal. a Phllp;tt, Evitt ti (c) Fl'RNITl'RE FOR SALE DINETTE suite, radio and rec-1 ord-player combination, end table, magazine rack, kitchen garbage can. Phone Black 706. 48 dtc) DIN I NO room suite $50, chesterfield suit $49. Phone Red 784. 109 Uth 8t H63mK) fiALES Repairs - Rentals Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864 (174) ELECTRICAL THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West Phone Red 165. (163) WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired ") WANTED MISCF.LLANF.orS CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. Wcst. - id BOATS AND ENGINES SPEEDBOAT Speed about 20 knots per hour. Phone Red 448 or call 621A 6th Ave. West. (162) ROOMS FOR RENT ONE-ROOM partly furnished rnbln for working man only. Apply after 6 p.m. 740 Fulton St. (18c) ONE-R(JOM cabin. Apply 740 Fulton St. or phone Blue 849. (165) SJ.EEPfNO rxiiu. close In. -Blue 433. 1141 Beach V tv,f (167c) Ladies only. 415 St.1i Eiisi . 1 R(X)M for rent.'H36 Fraser St. (166c) HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent Red 768. (166c) HOUSEKEEPING room for rent 801 Borden St. (162c) 3 HOMES FOR RENT SIX-ROOM house for rent. Five minutes from downtown. Furniture lor sale. Box 722, Dnllv News. (162p) NEW 4 rooms furnished, temporary 2 or 3 months. $H5 00 witlrout utilities. Box 720, Dnllv News. 162) FIVE-ROOM furnished duplex. central. Phone after 0 p.m. Red 258. 163c) 40 HOMES FOR SALE $2,000 HANDLES purchase of well-constructed seven - room family home. Close to town DlavEround. parks and new schools. Phone Blue 319. . (165) SEVEN-ROOM house, 514 7th Ave. W. Full basement. Price $4,750. $2,500 down, balance as rent. Box 723, Dally News, iioji FOUR rooms and bath, two good oil stoves, some furniture $3,500.00. 426 8Ui Ave. East. (166p) 42 WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED house, four or more rooms. Apply Box 721, Daily News: ll?2p2 FURNISHED suite or house for married couple. Phone Red 2122, mornings. (167p) BLONDIE . A Beethoven in B Flat - By CHIC YOUNG 1 rfHiTciifTt' IT HAS A NICE"! TTT,ON HASjU" OhM LIKE"! rHANKS-I HAV ' - ' J -f-Sl 'us-. V-r prrcH i m triLL ttY that THfc msr bf careful---hevc J DAGwooo. I wantJV lets plaitn. , , -ir-r- 5 'VV t -KZJjl musicians ' : YOU TD HELP Mc f HEAR j A,,' 7fej IM miS " I'-. KING OF THE "OYALMOUNTED .. , - ' ' : . ' ' By 2ANE GREY rr 1 6U;i KA1; ' "7.,F..rf51 H W -K CEAU-Y? ll 1 WAMTEP TO V JULIET.. HEMU N rAAHA'Uvi At I TTTcL'.VOUTOMAVi.-K PwULL.HiVl KNOW F VCO WISHED y WHY. SURE, WHcJ-lCI . vfrrrln- IbvHyHy sir;Tr ' 1 BY AL CAPk LI'L AttNfcK - Uneasy Street - If you VAWT J AM LL BE l NOO POOR FCOL-I I ?? ) BUT BOV-THAT i I WHyrS SO IT-i'SH.'-uStB TO l I tVlt-EYK 'V'AM HAIN'T AFTERD I ; A UTTTO THAR IM 7 YOUSE MUST &E WHY N ONil BLOCK IS DlFF RUNT BE THE SAME A-i ) FUEESdrV O' NO CURSE?-AH TOGTOi ONt ASTRANSEW MOT? CI OOGLE "BOOT ANY BROOKLYN ,,5 GOTTA GIT TO J HURWyuP ;MINOTC'n HERE"-YOUSF IT'S Kcrr," FLOOGLE V STREET-BUT-MC rV3 . DAISY MAE. T , '' o71ILHirL. 0wWfir STREET?ApuTACOlSe ffl , ( MtRC AH GOCS.7 ' Oils dvwttMKW it not pU!c4 ditpUr W HI r 1 HeetDH7ttN AWAY FKOM HESf WAi HIHUH 11 11 n mom6 if 1.1. II . ill II En HAM' fit Z' I 'mv s Cartuue & Storage Phone 60. c) I.AOE Prince Rupert to ilthers via Capllng's Truck 30 every Tuesday and Friday. n t a c t Whalen's Cartacie. ne 318. ,. flGSp) UXE Press "Qestetner" ililifallnt?, circular letUrs, thlv bulletins, business s. l'hone 3H3. 733 2nd Ave ( 178) J !lil.a, auUwiatic oil heat St '.. sheet metal work. Phone Call 630 6lh West. I-otour-(c) I.t rs" FINEST CLEANER ! 'THOI.UX. Plione Blue for Parts Sales Service. 35 (c) 18' I.IC ACCOUNTANT Income X specialist S. O. Furk, Building. Red 593. (20m Modern "Beauty Khnpne 'I reopen Monday, Julv 1. 36 moons only. , (162) I RIGERATOK SERVICE I ommcrciul and Domestic. Black 932' (180) 1A7TKES. novelties, fcddle'i ws Stand. I. Riw for rent. 836 Fraser Phone Red 818. (167p) everybody uses 09. . ' LOST since June 20, li.iul)) ler row boat, has aalvan- pateh on one side. Painted ouUide, red Inside up to Nine. Reward. W. Logan, 7th Ave. West. (162pl HELP WANTCDIALE SI BOYS! Do you want to i n extra pocket money cur- i ummer holidays? If you do.' call and leave vour name 'HE DAILY NEWS OFFICE ummer paper routes, (tfnc) '' for evening work looking 'er stock, etc., in grocery 1 Apply Skeena Grocerv. (164) HELP WANTED FEMALE 'IAN In vicinity of Hays ve Ave., to mind two boys 3 unci 4 In her own home Phone Red 601 after 6:15 (163c) KRIFNCKn s t. e n n crrnnher i- mem construction office, file bookkeeping required. I fie r63 during daytime for ("intment. (166c) IkSOIRL for B-YMarket Hayes Coves Ave. Apply person or phone 755, 926, or I 441 atlPT 8 P"1- ,185) PALE voucher clerk, experl-h''ed and accurate. Apply funnel Supervisor, Columbia Pilose. (182) 1 1 STT8TENOGRAPHER re-pired for office. Phone 93 for fvjew. ' gg3 1AN for pait-tinie work in rocery store. Apply Skeena ?-y- (164) ing, poor clothing standards.1 badlv planned kitchens in .Hate , subsidized houses, electric light' bills, care of the aged, divorce, smuttv toke on the radio, dis- Vipline . of teen-age daughters. Juvenile delinquency and aiitl-Americanism in Britain. Among other things, Including run-proof nylons, she has fought for sales tax reductions, marriage guidance, sex instruction in schooLs, legal rights for , the housewife and recreation for the young. The cure for Ji'ventTe delinquency ts not blgg ;r and better police forces and jails but Digger and better homes and recreation centres," she says. Although she Is a Socialist she quarrels with her own party as often as she tilts with the Tories. Ambergris, the fatty excretion of the sperm whale, is used in medicines as well as perfumes. ; BES1 OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 . Broadway Cafe VANCOUVER via WaypolnU SUNDAY ES Camobun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. AMCK ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS July 15th and 29th SS Cociuitlam, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISI ANDS ' SS Coquitlam, Mk'nlght July 8th and 22nd FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aveuu Phone S68 Central Leduc 3.05 j Home Oil 7.1)0 j Mercury , 15 j OkalU 250 Royal Canadian 13 TORONTO At bona 11 Aumaque 14 Bevcourt 30'j Buffalo Canadian 19 C M & S - 26 00 Conwest , 4.30 Donalda 70 Eldona 21 East Sullivan 525 Giant Yellowknife . .... 9.25 God's Lake 08 Hardiock 15 ! Harricana 15 j Heva Gold 06"2 - Duvex 30 , Joliet Quebec 28 ! Little Long Lac 55 j Lynx 11 Madsen Red Lake 1.50 McKenzle Red Lake 34 Macleod Cockshutt .... 1.92 Moneta 45 Negus ' 16 Noranda 65.75 Louvlcourt 15 Pickle Crow 1.22 Petrol OH & Gas 45 New Senator 19i Sherritt Gordon 4.40 Steep Rock 6.40 Silver Miller 87 Sweet Grass .42 . Goldt-n Manitou 2.35 . Landover Oils 37 Rlx Athabasca 1.81 Nesbltt Labine 2.10 Boreal Metals 3.40 THE HEART OF JULIET JONES w DnMT HAUTAMAMiWt., MAI7 fVe ItitHtWARD TO PAX FO HI PART N jufTA mafp iu.v.rr, i meAm patwca WON'T Mf7 'FT VOUXB UHIUP TWZs .ra p,y3 TmOusm m fUSAKIUS- KINS rtCL4 -rr-l 1 TMAT LLY 1 I NOT nv LOD SAUSHTM, H NOW MMDk IT IMPOMIfiir JTU.1HI o "Summer Hot? Summer Mot so Hot. Be Sure of Hot Results-Use Want IN