. r ri ' , ;. V (.'UMU .llptti S'nlll J '.'lluu Clc Tuesday, June 1, 19o4 Increasing Arctic Fishing 5een As I See It ii vor7 rae Area Gets n indipnrint dUy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prinn Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia, j ,t'., Member ot Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Clrrulation Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. , 1 Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Llmited- ,- J. P. MAOOR.' President H. CI PERRY. Vice-President Subscription Rates: L 5 s s - & ' : hi "'thn-est nnss!,f 7 'T carrier Per weeR. ettc: per month. tl OO; per year. 11(100 jitT6 lt"LsU WINNIPEn (Pi It's getting warmer at the North Pole and the Arctic Ocean some day may supply a new seafood for Canadian dinner tables. These views were expressed in an interview by geologist Miss .';'-"c'v"-vir v ' - Itl lthori7eci m second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, tont;,.,,Jr."'li .e Molru Dunbar ot Ottawa and dividual shrinm. , p 1 I'.1 her brother, biologist Dr. Max Cor.acher .M.P. ......... mrger in the , well Dunbar of Montreal, here ', elspwhi. I A GOOD many thousands: for a meeting of the Royal So-! nr ,,', Ml-.s Dunbar, only woman geo- i until the hotww t grapher In the Arctic section of ! pound of Dlankil Vai! in- Defence Research Board, j eer. pnKlnn';'w said land Is rising all over the! of newspaper columns ave lieen filled with re-! i ', Canadian Arctic and there has bem a warming of the climate. The thickness of Ice In the YOUR ENGINE 1 15 MORE POWE! THAN YOU II! Good Try OKDFOKD, Kngland W Edward Smith. 30. partly drsablcd J veteran, nays he was "beaten by ports of the doings of the; .late Lionel Oonacher, Ml',; : who died, in oiu vay so' I tragically. i I H rr-rtils like 11 li.k llvtt j ; Canada'.-, prt-ftK-,1 aihlcle of tin ! I t't iitui-y .sliould iictiially liavc j ! tiled ill tli anniial hail (;anie nn I the front lawn nf Mi." parliament j ImildlliRS. .; : This incre Is intended ns a j 1 quiet tribute In Uunel roniicher, j (lie M P. 1 1 Lionel sat jiust In front of tiie i 111 l.lie House uf fJoininons. I j i never lieitrd him make a speech j in parliament, lie sat through.-few speeches liy other MPs, on j A CTRLY-II.URr.D, i.veii-yeui-olti On inun lass appears higliiy .skeptical ut the object's ability to walk, bark, growl, toid occasionally to bite the hand that feeds, at an international dog show held recently in Kraiikfurt, Germany. TI11 canine world's txcuse for a household Implement Is actually a white haired Hungarian shepherd's doe;, ami (piile natuially v.as the eye-catcher of 'he show. r Shell Premium r,W)w , ' sets free captive m lin ked in by lead f. line 11111K ni mi attempt, loj : roller-skate 120 miles from here! j to Clreal Yarmouth. He covered' i Ml inilis in I:!1-., hours and i-ot i 1 ride the rest of the way. ' OTTAWA DIARY Hy Nnrmnn M. MorLeo-l --Airport Survey Resumed AhTHOUfill the history of Prince Rupert's unbuilt 'airport contains too many disap-pointmentsj tjii 'permit sudden optimism, the in- formation . thai g-overnmont-appointed survcyoi's havprresumod, 'study of the' project is not entirely vithout intp'rast. A few months ago there wart a nole of f I i t y ''""''""in the govenuhent's contention that, the cost of "'"'construction was beyond all reason. It was put at " " ' ibout $5,f) )0,(M K admittedly a large figure when - lie annual government expenditure on airports "" 1 ?or all of Canada amounts to only $10,l)00,()!)n. ", ' In adiTitlo'ii', there were arguments that the ........ veather was unsuitable and the terrain too "" ".nountainous. - t.... Then certain details became known. Apparently the surveyors' report never mentioned costs ,..rt'all. The estimate of $r),0l)l)()00 began to look i ike something that had evolved in conversation , across an Ottawa desk. The reports on weather conditions were equally unspecific, and .anyone who has stood on Digby island knows the inaccuracy of the remarks about mountains. . In fact, Ottawa's understanding of the situ-,J ation was so confused generally that one Prince ; liupert visitor there who asked about an airport J for Digby Island is reported to have received the j reply, "Hut you already have an airport on one ' of the islands there. Why do you want another?" - The speaker was talking about Sandspit! j It may he just a coincidence that renewal of ; the government's survey conies precisely when the i city, through its airport committee, is planning ! one of its own. But it seems more likely that the FISHERMEN! Spilsbury & Tindoll MARINE TELEPHONE No mntter il vwirm,, rent model rfrivi-n tllmisaml mil, n, , Iiil," y.ii ran i.i, , more Miwr Tl, ,.,., in vir eiiKmi. riidn ,, caphve i,wr.r, ir,,H Kleielv H.i iiiniitiliiiii i, : .osils. l'eHKimnliirnl, In ilie t.niliiisti.t(1 , thi-v glow nil hi, iiin li.'isnliiie rnixlure .- 1 1. :,1 , Power wurU;i;:unl yiw fur you. TIhx coniliu,,,, pre-ignilniti nml is rN lor "wild l,rni!." a m,K birthday. Hale and h-wtv, with ' which Mackenzie King swept the a ,'uggestion almost of portly- country a month later, ness which makes it. difficult to1 Then; is reason to believe thai identify him with the lean and Meighen never ceased to be sen -hungry-looking statesman of the ; sitive on the .score of the voters' nlneteen-twinties, the rx-Prim.- persLstent rejection of him. He Minister will come from Tor- couldn't know then that he was J either side. As a matter of fart. .Vim hardly ever saw Lionel t iiirmmrl the parliament huiklinys 1 iinle..s there was a vole coining up In the House. Yet he did his i j loll. For let that old bell henln ; ! to ring for a vote, and !onichi-r: .would suddenly but swiftly up-j ' pear, slip into his seat, lookiuu j 'us sunburned as if he had jnsti A good many of the ghasts of Canadian politics in the era following World War 1 and thereafter are certain to be raised on Parliament Hill on Wednesday night a week hence. The . occasion will be a complimentary dinner being tendered by the Progressive Conservative . MHu and Senators to Canada's only living ex-Prime Minister. Of course you know who' that is. Well, just in cu.se a few ol you may be at a los for the ans but setting the pattern for P C leaders In years to come, and succrsslxc defeat humiliated him. Now the Conservatives In Parliament recognize him as all onto where he .n il leads an active life us leading I iwy r-fin-ancler. He Is In his office every day and in the Albany Chili legendary stronghold of Toronto '. '-' I t'-i-''' '.', Vi,. 1 1 'I . . - i liuid ol knixk. stepped in off the baseball field j : SOME of lis were gently kiddinii Conservatism every noon hour Mnut remains of the party s old-H Is doubtful if any individim! j time glory, which U the signifi When the di'nwiu W your spark pluprs. vm-in wer, Canada's only living In the life of the city is a more Prime Minister is lit Hon 'Ar-! authentic, Toronto Institution. Lionel Conacher the day before he died, because he voled with the Liberal minority who Utile ux 2,000 inil-i, the plu(-s to Kliort-onii cance or next weeks function Thus the political circle completes itself. And the rejected leader returns to receive his party's homage loo late. ! thur Meighen. j For It Is only In a political 1 The Parliamentary function is I sense that the brilliant Meighen iskled with the CCf in favor of !lhi. voluntary check-off of trade j being staged just a week in ail-! 'r,ier has ever tasted failure. . vance of Mr. Meighen's 80th j 'n the savagely conip -titlve field . . ol big business' and finance he MRT - 25F has been brilliantly fucccssful. His cpmpanies have jrrospered and expanded hugely while h-has remained unobtrusively in Neighbors Travel Across Ocean LATEST REPORT Aid your lnvilmil 0alf lor In latt iftt uhd frtpctwt ! the background. He has never been the forceful, aggressive type ! Before Meeting trillion dues. j The federal government ap- plies this principle in all Its 'own relations with employees. Also, in all the bit; trade disputes, where the federal tovern-'ment appoints a conciliator, that conciliator always uses his powers to recommend acceptance of .the check off. Thp present Ot-ilawa government itself accepts j the check-off. I But the present government at Ottawa has never got around to doing what the Liberal Minister 25 Watts Pure Power 6 Channels Transmitter and Receiver , Itroadcast Rand Absolutely the Most Re- LONDON 1 For 12 years per- of big business tycoon, msteaa ek Wheatley lived next door to he has remained a presence pretty, dark-haired Sellna Rib- rather than a personality. Except ; eiro in Rio de Janeiro. They never 'or his regular appearance at; even said "good morning." J, the Albany Club and his avail- TU v.,rC aan uth.,,.. ,.., ability to present-day P C. letul- liable Kadm Telephone on the Market. moke your encim' mis-very time you don't :. mi.HH su h 11s whi n A, hill or passing inollw . Capiive psiwnttid flat now there ia w.n rel out the trouiile the cnuse, a way tlint iu-u ' captive power. Shell s. have discovered the un additive, TCP. Blended into Shell I Casoline, it does two ti you. First, it "fire proof potiits in the comhu.Mi.' itt'TH 80 they can't ciiusr tion. Power work9 tor not ngainst you. Second, it mndifif" posits on your spark : they can fire as they shu and on time. The greatest Siwl development 111 Jl ; Called the greatest development since the tion of tetraethvl lead..-mium with TCI' aildit biggest Kales sun.ess ! leum history. It is avail at Shell Dealers. and arlvici to Rue and nnrl ininori lha PUT era lot :oilMliiai.. almost a nclu.i I of Labor did many years ago hi us an announcer in the Brazilian he has been B.C. that, is to write th nrin- I rvi.. Ah,...i k h... About his dally life and habits, Rupert Radio and Electric city's initiative has made an impression and spark-the new activity. If there ara facts to refute the government's first arguments, the city will find them. Although its proposed survey is limited by cost, it will be sufficient to answer the big question how much? , Consequently the? government's move-too dig a little deeper is well advised. We are confident that if the additional facts uncovered prove more favorable to the case for an airport, the government will be willing to reconsider its position. It is not the convenience of Prince Rupert that is in question. It is the development of Canada's entire northwest area. CALVIN BULLOCK in. 313-3rd Ave. W. I'hone Git Uipie of the voluntary check-off mi-. Ribeiro came over to .study despite their splendid hark-4 right Into the laws. .ballet. , ' 1 ''- ' fwnd- of . material success. 1 'Hence, (he yearly vote on tin! Finally, on Jan. 30, the wo i thpre 'fhil r'-'"1'dr alwi,f 11 V o! ixil of exile Irom j check-off is a sort of gauge met and were introduced at Jurastlon , which reg;Lslers the opinion, not ! party in London. !j)ollllt;fi- 1 only of parliament as a whole,! Sunday Wheatley now 28 and I . M(-'6hen 's opi..cnts r.t-ve.., j hut especially within the Liberal ! his former neighbor now 18 an- ca's,'(1 to taum him with th 1 : party. ; nounced they will marry in July ffu,:t that, althouKh he had been , twice fritne M rnster ol ( an 1 When Conacher voted with the WHETHER YOU ARE INVESTING' ; v. . . ' . .. 4 " '.V 'J i I ., - ..I't '-i,1 J'X.'i.-f-r v. - . Ws '" - .A i I ,4'..,, V H,- ,. ft.;, 1 ,' " ' .. ..V '. ' ! . . 1 ' ' ' 1 -t--m V it'. feR 4 V;.it--X- I.' : . ,(, . V'.' No Spying jada, he had neve, l-icn l-cte-. I I to that office. Sir Hubert Dor- i den passed the mantle of sue-j cession to him after World Wai ) $1,000 or $500,000 mm OUNTHORPK, England (CP) Members of a nation angling ?iub decided binoculars should e banned m this year's. fishing competitions. Previously some mglers used field glasses.. to detect bites. . ! Liberals wit h strong labor sympathies, .somebody chuckled and 1 said: I "We did not think you w.'rc a radical. Lionel." j The great athlete replied ;ouietly: ! "I have a lot of worklnr; men i in my riding." 1. Ixird Byng as Governor-General summoned him to the office in 102C, thereby creating the so-called constitutional issue on REFLECTS and REMINISCES IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT THESE FACTS You may be highly successful In your own business or profession. But to protect your Investments you need time and facilities for constant study of economic trends and the "ca.se histories" of different Industrie and firms. Ccir.sele.ss vigilance in the field of finance is the day-ln. day-out work performed by the highly trained specialists of investors Mutual to the benefit of our clients. I f hen marriage comes to her New Westminster and Prince CONAC'HF.R was working hard in mm ys Barbara Ann lisott, her; Kupert turned oui, a total 01 4a allng career will go out of the steel steamers, 69 wooden steam-ndow. "All" tilts stufl about wo-' ers. and 21 wooden auxiliary 11 being. .equal Is a lot ol nun- ; schooners, a total of 135 deep sea n.sf." Just recently, American j .ships having a tonnage of 4!I2,- ;earcher.s found-sixty per cent 800. gross tons register. Just ofiu'Voa; why thousands of alert Canadians TIUJ's 111 of their Investment find it good business'. to'Tnlrust part Here " wives uiiqe-tu;ty never ciAii . . dr husband's brealrrisls. n,h" " W programs to Investors Mutual ire oilier advantages; recent months to transform one end of his farm, just outside Toronto, into a first clasi-family picnic ground for his constituents. ' Also, only a few days before his death, he was giving some ol the boys his middle aged idea; about ,s)ort,s. His wife .sometimes Induced him to go to sonn sports event or other, he said But he personally found ha.sebal a nal bore, and even ice hockev no thrill. Hnost? Wltffitening fact about heredity and environment i , that we parents provide both. It Is often said that some people cannot .stand prosperity but, it may be added, that few have to. "But let me see a bunch ol kids out there on a coiner lot with a football and you can't hold me back." ..ir guy gets up and gets his n break last, then rushes off . the dally wage-mill -Province. veti today, piellminaiy ar-ngements are under way tor i);ing Saskatchewan's history, ring the summer of Hlfii. Hi-fcers and pioneering will be itured. But not too much! ese vlgllent, critics are always the lookout. I VtS! fcASV KNOl (ill low If we just had a hammock could stretc:h$ifnd. figure t our plans lor a garden. Easy ough, If we didn't, feel so much the opposite qirtellofi. 1. ItKOM) III V I ItSII l( A I KIN - A sift-,;le cheque makes yon part-owner of more than 100 of Canada's finest securities. ".. I'KOI M TION AGANST INFLATION Your investment enahlis you to participate hi many phases of Canada's growth and prosperity. - .1. ASSI ItFO INVFSTMI NT IV( (IMF Dividends are paid quarterly, a.': earned. 1. CACII L GAINS The skilled flhanclul Iliaiiiigement of Investors Mutual creates greater opimrtunity for lonrt-term capital fjalns! Why not enjoy all these advantages together with the Ire. (loin from 'investment worries? Contact your Investors Syndicate representative today! T. M. (Tom) CHRISTIE 315 Third Ave. W. Phone 384 Canadian football remained the one game he still really loved, he told 4is. ; Jilt ;f J -a - Officially and unofficially, the Canadians are neighbors of ours, with whom, uniquely in these tortured and suspicious times w ; have acquired a habit of neigh-borliness, comments the Washington Post. As anticipated Prince Rupert, ts beginning to feel the impact of developments In the north-land. It has long been recognized gHELl CCF Leader In Hospital VANOOUVKR (CP) CCF Opposition Leader Arnold Webster is in Vancouver General Hospital for a minor operation and medical check up. Provincial office of the CCF-said Mr. Web VK YEARS OP SHIPS In the five yeav. period at the id of the flr:;t (..real, war, the :ipyards of Vancouver, Victoria, that Prince Rupert enjoys a strategic, situation in the north, being the coast terminal of a transcontinental railway, and having within her area a terrain which is just beginning to demonstrate il.'i economic possibilities. The hu;;e volume of traffic handled by the port proves beyond doubt the capacity of the : Malayans' Cheer I Ito Departure STAKING CALMLY Jnto the camera Is strange-looking Mr. Drom-dary, resident of Miami's Crandon Park. Zoo. This "formal" portrait provides a close .look at the animal's mysterious, generous features. !...: ster entered hospital May 24. He was expected to be n for about 10 days. 3rd VICTORY LOAN BONDS ' have been CALLED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 1st I railroad to handle traffic beyond . the quantity carried under nor-j mal conditions. So comments i Capl. KeUle, in the Vancouver : marine journal "Harbour & Slilp-! ping." a 1 One prevalent trouble In the world today is that many people "lru.strate" too easily. A palmist says that a man'; temper can be told by his hands. Especially if he comes at you with them doubled up. , KUALA LAMPTJR,'. Malaya (Reu- sm Qen. .Sir Gerald Templc , o-fisted British high commi.s-' loner for Malaya, drove, througli J heering crowds to the airport .1 fsterday to leave Malaya after $ 1 months of leadinj the battle i .gainst Communist terrorists. J Templer fiew to nearby Singa- ore to spend two days before ' lying to BrlUiii'iiitl his new J mst as commander ol the British Army of the Rhine. I in a farewell broadcast Sun- day night, the architect of Mal- IF YOU HOLD Third Victory Loan 3 Bonds (issued November, 1942 W mature November, 1956) they should be presented for payment on or a' June 1st through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE i FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID. The interest coupon dat November 1st, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be atufr26 " the bonds when they are presented for payment. Payment will be ' for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly): This ff hich includes a $1 premium as required by the terms of the bond p'u 26t w is interest at 3 from May ht to June 1st -the period since the lt "'"P" 1 Canada's Mildest, Quarrelling and bickering among adult members of a family may have a bad effect tipon ENJY ii aVa'S success! Ill "flet. innoli- n..l Best-Tasting Cigarette '"' " By: BANK OK CANADA, became payable;., Government of Canada " ' " " )"-"!4 bUM&l. JWt- ..... v,t.u..., V. .UfJI.lg Jl-Cl- 3cjFWith the Communists called ings of insecurity and unwanted- iur sum more xougnness. 1 ness.