Tuesday, June 1, 1954 lC?':l---. iODt Convention Hears of Efforts Daughters Plan Project To Provide Aid to Korea SAINT j6HN, N.B. A pro-, A newly-created "Korea to aid Korea was born Mon- i jects fund," will provide equip- VVlM,. I Itv TAl'LINE RENXtOV , oij: uing of St. Helena's school at i tiun (r p,.i, vrio, feat ;;lTrs t. mcnt and food to alleviate suf at the national annual day itorial policy "1 analysis nf ruAner!l11)'. Al meeting of the Imperial Order Daughters of the mpire. SMNT JOHN NB Dele-! 'oona, inuia iasi year, uver a gates to the national annual perit tf yeuis tho IODE has Tn.eiing of the imperial Order conliibuted nearly $30,000. to the Daughters of the Empire heard ; schi.)l. today of the order's effor)-. to KKIMtKTS ON MAGAZINE promote Commonwealth good- A review of articles appearing will. I in Echoes, national IODE maga- the countrv -nVruP: a-hoc, said uTtM oj...8- Scott.- rati-rt h i Mis C M. Seoit. rclerboriuir.il, i -m-. -.'"en oy jvi.s. iaurcnce Grout, Toronto, secretary ol the helioi"- r-.niiinitiee. Mis. Grout noted the magazine's coverage of the Coroiiulion Out., convener ol the Cumiune-wealth and Euipire comnil'iie, told of the progress of an India.i nurse studvltu in Oiinudi under ferlng. The IODE will concentrate on-needy children, working through the "save the children" fund. First objective is a $6,000 x-ray machine for a children's health centre In Pusan. Mrs. R. C. Latimer of Toronto, convener of ser. vices at home and abroad, pro posed the Idea in her report. Sht said recently the children's clinic has only had the use of a Swedish Red Cross machine r few hours each week. Highlighting the country s distress, Mrs. Latimer said that the Korean ministry of health lists 1.300,000 active cases of tuber mm - V1- ! ft -Yrl1 V jY Mill Mother Makes Profession Of Painting fc'AVLT STE. MARIE, Ont. CP) Joyce Thompson made a career in the commercial paint contacting business after decorating the woodwork in her new hume. an IODE scholarship. The nurse, and floods In Dritairt and Hoi Miss Gnanaselvam David, ajiamt. graduate of the Christian Medi- phv M ,,at,ional considera XlV;S ..t CWn omH Mri.;iSI'il nf ' tion had been given to a .suggestion uf the provincial chapter Successful Vacations f)SS Need of Ontario that a questionnaire be published to obtain the reac- Vellore, India, has expres:;.l deep appreciation of the welcome extended in Canada. She is taking a post-grivtualo course in hospital administration at the University of To onto mfjhwr X w - '.1 CAREFUL PLANNING! School of Nursing. The d'.t " We will-rrani vow ntn vacation iH..l...i: . " culosis, many of them children. WELFARE NEGLKC1 EI) She said the "save t lie. children" fund is promoting child welfare because n is largely neglected in Korea. Widows are prohibited by law from 're-marrying, and there Is no government allowance for fatherless children, or relief of anv kind. ,.,.,uiim, Ir,a puriHiion , houl nccommoiii. ! 1 ;r j I y- 1 The 30-year-old mother of four children has just finished two big jobs decoration of the woodwork in the Goulais bay country -chool addition. 23 miles from here, and a suite of offices m Sault Ste. Marie. faint -spattered and tired, Mrs. Thompson rounds off her day by pr'p.'img supper for six and th iv tackling the washing and lroninR. Hut she's not, complaining. "I hue painting and get a great deal of satisfaction out of it." purl, ciirrenvins, imurtnci ami all tlw otiier imn,,... ol ine NCiii'Oi expects miss l.ivio i to "obtain a vety salis'.aetor rc-u" in i'er fi ial exatv i'ri'!"K ." ' Diiriiv; toe ';iimni"r Mi n imtI will 'at-" a ro'ine at the P yc'i:-aliic ll'wpilal, Toroptn. She r pects lo return to India pi a social n.-.'i.stant in the ne-v p-v-hi -at:ic department of Vellore Hospital Mrs. Tvoll plfO t"ld i-r .'"Icll tional nursing text books which have been tran.slaled Into II n ii f i tar's mm If : Surplus Iiom the IODE fund will be used for baby food, pow- , dered milk, hospital supplies and j nursery school apparatus. I SEIL BUY delii" tnm HKiurp ya0 tt K sinnolb. nji:,aM trla U helhep you're plana,.! a varaliun hurt or abroad, b lura t ace us bnt. OUR 8KRVICES ARE FRCE Crawford Moore TRAVEL AGENCIES! 215 Second St. Phoiit H i Hit new career was iauni li"'! i ! R.'CES Hi LAM), Sa.'katchrwan-boni actress who rrtuwi'd recently from a successful career on the London staye. I. at S'T'ford, Ont.. to begin rehearsals for this summer's Shakes-prf'nn festival. She talks with Cecil Clarke of London. arti.-.!io n-l ! er to the festival, who wirl direct "Measure for M-a:-UT," in which Miss Hyland plays opposite James Mason. British stage a'-d film star. Other plays to be presented are "Taming of the Sh'rw." and "Oedipus Rex." iCP Photo' THIS J'MPKR I)HTS i h" worsted and botany flannel Is designed for spring or fall wear. It can be worn unadorned, as in this picture for sportswear, or with a turti? neck r "a'rr for rity life Fqt"rintr a button-down front the dress has a belt and patch po keis. TMM Earlier, during a report on the ! IODE Empire and world aff ii-s committee, convener Mrs. C. I.. ; "'rown of Hamilton, On'., warned j of apathy towards communism, j saying it seemed to be paiaiyz-ing the nation. tor lnir.scs studying in India. Tills is a special project nr IV IODK and $r.000 was tlana'id by the Canadian order towards the printing program. Mrs. Scott referred to th" TC. phut than a year ago wnen tlv Thompson moved into their ne hnme. Joyce and her husban-Howard, an employee at the Al-por.ia Steel Corporation, drcldec to finish the wood-work themselves. i;i:m. work kk Joyce wanted blonde wood work to match her furniture. P'' inter friend was so imprcssei wi ll her work that he 'crsusir' "ft her to hclu him. . oosin ru'l'm? contractor, soon h Mrs. Thompson fini.sh-thc wior' , wmk in the houses he was con struct mp. Th" Go'ilnis bnv school wf hf-r first independent job. "C'v moher lo"hes nnint1"' h'lt. Fhe thousrht I'd b- on Mv : 'ob for weeks o sh off-re j h' !r me. We f'id the fvo enntt in 'd cItv-! rn-1 ninthor s,'k' ""'er again.' Now I'm on nv own. !y Serve Apricot Angel Cal ' njr ,.rt, f,r nninMrt' j jw''h PfS l"irl.s rnrtn'nq: In "n't n-'1 ! in nvH vour less and und'T : Uif'r'ors?" Th rirn-y Mrs. Thomp op j "Dis is bein n-vd for snccl :1 j j 'rpTtmpnf in the United States I : "or her ycunTst daughter PogTy i ' a cerebral palsy victim. H r ! 1 hree other daughters are aged 11. 10 and 5. ; ! For June Brides' Showers Al'KlHIT CKEAM DRKSSKS I F CAKE This is the time of year when Makes 8 servings. ' brides march down the r.ule, so These strained fruits pre- . ! While Joyce is away on a lob from now on, the bridal showers pared especially for th small her husband and m'.thcr-ln-JW will occTipv a favored spot in fry are harldy foods to have on look after the family and home. hand. Strained apricots, strain Mrs. Thompson's hands take o let of abuse from smdrjuprrin? treatments done without the use of gloves. Each night she scrubs them with a nylon brush am strong laundry soap and rub', them with vaseline. "This work I'm doing remind, me of an advertising slogan i saw once. 'Any woman c.a handle it and most men'." ed peaches, strained prunes all make luscious toppings for ice cream, cake and cturd. Decorate your cake with green grapes, if desired. Nurse - Holds Sweep Ticket VANCOUVER (CP)-Mrs. V. B. -!'.lCl(:sJ, ' i ' ' - .., - i.i. . -C. I . , , . . f , . - l J e . ,y x ,-'. If " -x ! Ucovu V c s , ,r:t v . vfpl 1 , r V l-r". .'. J ' , ,, , I9$3 I 1 1',U1 .irttu"1 ,, w,idW0 - 6 k S ,: . I ' ' jj I I,, I ''"her U Sava,v, f VCi J " I aaj.f Heady, a Vancouver nurse, has! drawn a horse In the Irish sweep' home entertaining. Refre:,hnients for a party hon-; ciirig the bn'de-to-be follow a certain pattern. They must be festive and feminine in appear-ince, by all means . Flavors tend o be delicate, Sweet things seem i.o win out. Here's a contribution to the able for brides. It's Apricot ingel Cake, a feathery light r.igel food cake with a filling nd topping of apricot cream. The cake itself can be home-nade or bakery-bought. It's the prirot cream that transforms t into a "bridey" dessert. Stop in the baby food depart-nent of vour local food market r drug store, pick up a jar or an of junior apricots and apple-auce. Its clear, fresh fruit fla-'or Is the secret of your "frost-ni'5i' fine flavor. Here's the complete recipe: trRICOT ANGLL CARK 2 teaspoons unfavored gelatine cup orange juice . 1 ton strained apricots 1 in strained applesauce 2 teaspoons lemon juice on Wednesday's running of the derby. It could mean a fortune i l t & 11 of $140,000. She had tick, ! HTOHfn it re j fatuation. He noiu de-plum ' was "Lucky." . "We're lucky wilh what v.e have now," said husband Bi.i( Heady. "It's my wife's ticket and so far we haven't made any j plans. We're keeping our finger.-, crossed." j Two other British Columbians! drew horses, one was signd DINING PLEASURE in bPARKLING NEW SURROUNUiNGS Merry Go Round," and the i !a teaspoon salt 'Commodore Cafe! U cup granlated sugar other "Blacky." They were n:jt 1 cup ( '2 pinti whipping cream, I otherwise identified. whtpped j 1 small 1 8-1 2-oit nee, angel food rake Soften gelatine in oranee juice; dissolve over hit waler. Combine aorleots. applesauce and next 3 ingredients; chill, without stirring, until firm. Heat mixture with electric mixer or rotary beater until lieht and foamy; fol din whipped c.ri-am. Slice cake horizontally into 3 lavers. Spread apricot mixture between layers, on ton and on sides of cakf. chili .several hours or until firm fiigiureriiig brains, and imagination into lliO job of keeping up with that demand. . Aluminum is "packaged power". The clco In'cily needed to produce one ton of aluminum ONLY 45 MiN. TO ALASKA Alcan emborked in 1951 on on expansion programme to meet the increased demand for aluminum. This programme, divided into two principal parts, is completed in Quebec and -rearing conclusion in British Columbia. In the fifty-four yours .since the first Canadian uliuiiiiniiii plant opened at Shawiniun Falls, Canada's aluminum industry has grown to he the second largest in the world; and Canada now exports more aluminum than any other country. , Still the need grows, hoth at home and ahroad, for this light, strong, modern metal of many uses. And Aluminum Company of Canada is putting man-power, and money, and would light the average home for nearly a generation, liy making use of Canada's abundant, low-cost power, this 'Canadian enterprise has created employment and income for tens of thousands: for the men who build and operate the dams and powerhouses, the docks and smelters and power lines it needs; and for the more than one thousand independent Canadian companies who turn aluminum into countless forms important to industry and our owu daily living. I OR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON of Canada, Ltd. DIBJi PRINTING Producerj and processors of aluminum, lor Canadian industry and world mqiles Isle Maligna Shipshow Peribonka Port Alfred 'Beauharnois Wakefield Kingston Office Opp. Fosr Office Etobicoko Klima COMPANY j Hants o Shawm, gun Falls Amda Phone 266