Prime KUt;ri Uaiiy News 3 Tuesday June 1, 1954 CKNW Owner Mrs. A. Logan President Of Rupert PTA Council i Quits Business CHOP SUEY...' i CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone V veniles jiUied with seasoned criminals, and to J. H. Blaeic, local theatre manager, egar 1-in seating of children In the front row in theatres, where vision Is poor. ' A query from the King Edward Parent-Teacher Association with regard to H-Duno teo.s w.i.. shelved as being, not within thi scope of uie Purent-Teachur movement. Mrs. A. Logan was elected president of the Prince Rupert Harent-Teacher Association Council at the annual meeting of the group. Mrs. Logan succeeds Mrs. J. F. Denning In the post. Other officers named were: vice-president Mrs. W. W. Bowes, secretary Mrs. J. Bowman and treasurer Mrs. H. Thomas. Mrs. Denning Installed the new officers to climax the meeting which considered resolutions from the B.C. Parent-Teacher Kecieiaiiim und heard reports on tne past year'- activities. The two resolutions, dealin,? with filing of juveniles and vision in theatres, brousht action from the council, which will write tu the lonal social welfare Department enquiring as to Ju i OTTAWA CP);.;rs. William Rea said Monday night hr husband, who is president of tlv International Broadcasting Cor poration and owner of the Ne' I Westminster, B C, radio statior ; CKNW, must give up his buslnes: interests for health reasons, i "He just has to quit," Mrs. Re: said in an interview. ! Mr. Rea became ill SaturdJ, while attending a meeting. of th Canadian Association of Ridi end Television Broadcasters her j and was taken to hospital. She said he has appointed Bi Hughes, us-manager of UKNV and Patt McDonald as general j manager. ! i OLD TAXATION ' ' 1 V' in hi vv 1 ' t :'" " Mrs. Denning, In hCr preslden- i tlal report, noted that the ye had been highly successful. All i requests from the P-1A to ci .I .ouricil had been dealt with sat- j Isfactori v. lite P-TA r j had participated in the Young !! a boon Wee. program atl the library, and in the selection i of the Qjod Citizen oi i lie jta., j R. G. Moore. 1 as eariy as vms an as .essmer act I- Nova Scotia provided :o taxation on ri'al and persona, property. THANKED COMMITTEE j Mrs. Denning also thanked I hi; j bursary committee for its work in awarding of the second an- ' nual normal school bursaries j Guide Holds Group Tea, " ' ':.". ' k - vvLV4v. . Fast Passenger and Freight Sailing f rom Prince Rupert (All times Daylight Saving;! To Vancouver Friday and Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kitiraat Friday 8:00 pin. To Sunday 8:0 ,i. p.m. . j To Stewart, Alice Arm St- " urday ft:00 a.m. ( To Miivsel and North Queen Charlottes Thursday 8i00 ' a.m.; June S 17 July 1. u A'linii ueeii Charlottes Sale of Work i presented at high school grad-j uutiuti ceremonit to jean Ujlds j and Helen Osiin. j j ' A. 1 J 4r THIS I'OI.K A-HOT ENSEMIW.F Is the last word in sidewalk lyclinr. Ki oitiiH .Hilka-dot fenders, the bike is a 16-inch ' Uottie" rrmiui'ed with d. tachable trniner wheels The bike also ' (lines In s -olch plalil for hoys. Matching bonnets aro given to th? gli!;, and burets in Scotch plaid are given to the boys who purchase he hikrs. j A pivily tea and sale of work was held in the Annunci.uion I Hall Saturday afternoon by wo- men of the Girl Guide Local As-! Eociation, an occasion which has J. S. Wilson . ; inducted Die, elections und moved a vole of! honk to Mis. Dt'iiiiii for her J work as president during tin . !-.-, year. . j Two i WO new new member- welcomed i June 10 24 July 8 f Passenger Reservations heenmo a nninilni' nnnnil i I The tea tables, covered whh at the se-ssion ' M- Hi;; i varied jfilnri.rl rheckort pinth I "'ns representing King EdwarJ - I'll ai hv Vim Mfcr Ktiulio Freight Bookings LE3 SMITH Prince Rupert Agent 5C3 3rd Ave. Phone 5GS ti 569 serving B.C. since 1839 US(, ini'I'l! at the camera after their Mav 20 United Bowt ;u,.r o0niw,H ,nv, fr.n K.,'iSjhool ; School a.,d a.,d Mri Mri W. W. W W. j The first submarine chjIs In Canada was laid between Prince ; Edward Island and New Brunswick in 1852. ' i 1 his advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor (.onirol Hoard or by the Government uf llruisli Columbia. I fo- Eoo'h Hi"h school. 1 The council meeting was lh" last of this season. Sessions will I quets of wild flowers, tastefully I arranged by Girl Guides, under i tha Hirn.!!.,.! r . II.... T rr,l..n ih nl.iiusf here are Mr. and Mrs. William A. McChesney, makn.c ilv ir home at 310 Ninth Avenue West. The bride aMiiipn' t. Is daughter of Mr. E. Webster and Mrs. Margaret ' ,,K' K-kih is son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McChesney. Legion Au.viiiiry regular Wit U.IU UUII Ul 1UU. VUIUS- , 1 Uamkl.. .. Ill, IhO si, who was convene.- fcr Meliora n.-wjivii in yjn. iiiu. i n.vii vut "I first meellni? scheflulerl fur Si-n- ineellllg Thursday, Juno 3, 3 tion.?. (111 i tember 27 in the C ivic Centre. ; p.m. Legion Auriiloriuni. i ! r- , - The stalls decked with- Delegate to Convention J c i . tmam U.S. Driver Seeks Witness colorful streamers and Girl Guide motifs, while the pourers' table was centred with an ln-i geniously designed centrepiece I nmrtn hu Mr A T. Mivlihw uf Named by Royal Purple A Canadian nurse who agisted the iin'nr of a car accident in California last June is beii: .1 at the scene sought by the :.v, f :i ex, cutive, with nually with a special good deed wild flowers daisies, violets and I onr cl.icers returned, by the lodge everywhere. , In i ferns, which rested gracefully : ,p( ni'nvnl of a dcegute Prince Rupert the lodge will as- ! on a bed of moss. The flowers! !,,. t m:ci(. ii (Minvciiuiin sist a local needy family. . ','(', 1. t nii'ht's (neetin-.; ; Installation of officers will be twr Kup it Ixidtte No. 8, held at a session next. Monday c! !!. l:. .il I'm pic. night.. v t-ni r ffir-r re-el 'ct-; driver' of lha car. Bob Mead, Ukiah, Calif., tajdman, was convicted of drunk driving manslaughter hi connection with the taxi crash, in which two pasucngsrs were killed. He has written a letter to The Dally News and other Canadian newspapers, seeking the nurse. , Mr. Mead, who in his letter says "As God is my judge I was not drunk ... it was an accident I could not avoid." believes the nurse may be able to testify to his sobriety at the time. She is asked to write to him it 107 N. State Street, Ukiah. California, The accident occurred June 21, 1953, on Highway 101. r Mis h'ii'holas Gurvich were Interspersed with tiny china ligur.nes of eives and, gnomes. ' The tea table was convened by Mrs. H. Roos ani Mrs. W. 8.) Kergin, assisted ihe kitchen bv Mrs. S. Dickens. Uniformed Oirl Guides acted as serviteurs, under the direction of Mrs. W. Davidson. Guests were received at the door by Guide Captains Mrs. W. H. Hitchcock and Mrs. B. Wells, ;d iiiv.i! lady, Mrs. Roy Many Atlend It. iin iK-lalt royal lady ; I (i. i ti. t Hull, lady Pedersen Rites Mcintyre will I honored loyal f ice r.s re-eli', t-!i!i!:ci1 Funics.-. ttt. Pauls LuCirrun Church Mi I PinlSnl ! f3 TI H5 W. S. Kergin. filled In capacity Saturday ! assisted ry Mrs. afternoon .-jr the funeral service f'.r Lloyd Joseph Pcderse.i, 23, who did here M"v 25 as th result of a ear accident. Thrint.;;.o. o:. o-.iclnted Ki1. Mis Hud Ilurrie ch'ip-!!.":. K I .' ill a.; hi.,tori;,n 1. t," (,i.inist. r.ffi-crs nre lecturing lady SlnCii: secretary, n: civ.liictre.vt. Mrs. R. it the servl" for nh'ch h'ip"" A of less fhan mocf. people fhlnk Mi". ! sung were "Just As I Am" and . UisiT-ycar ti uslee :c IV, l v.;r ti-i- 1. 1 s liiii-yi ar i , u's'.ce Mr- Mi,-. ' -.4 ; I Pouring tea were Mrs. A. L. Holt by, Mrs. V T'rcbner. Mrs. II Powell and Mis. f II. Silver-sides. Mrs. J. Ft Denning was cashier In the absence of Guide Captain Mrs. D. F. Baldwin. ' The stalls were directed as follows: candy, Mrs. Basil S. Prock. ter; home cnoklni?, Mrs. R. Wood, plant stal, Mrs. B. E. Eyolfson; novelty stall, Mrs. R. Yarrnda. Oirl Guides of Fir:;t. Second and Third Prince Rupert Companias assisted at all stalls and in all departments. A.I : i"i; inner ninl, V'.,iiii ir.,.,i;,i ; outer 1 . t ciru . Mi: Nearer, My God, to Thee." Dur-i"i bui-ial rites at Fairview cemetery, hymn sung waa "What A friend We Have In Jesus." There were many floral tributes. Honorary pallbearers were H"-M,nrn Reuben Krist-ianson, Henry Dixon and Gordon Dixon, and active bearers were Kidney H;im!"n. A !' Johnny Lenuik, James Lenulk, Dun Bartko and Gerald Jonnson. I w." ,.-:.i.,iiii.. lu; i LkIv Hull w:;a n.imi'i tu t!ie dominion ton-ii- tu be livid July 19-21 at "i. B c, and Honored J , I people have.Vvfifh profite q fhey fhink fhey LM '!. anejoo big... J-f But how big is foo big? lb -find oirr, y uivirlj reported on ; -i t i onvt ! it. on ul : 0 nncd obser-il Purple Day toil lit marked an- 1 1 ilu lor JLiioii Popular btcamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday ul tl:l.ri p.m. For KETCHIKAN H I l)M:SI).Y Midnight sui-vey people rapped on doors i Hghf across Canada. s?ooi Many Readers OSLO ( i lie Norw(.;;ian press now has a total circulation of 1.71)0.0(10 copies among a population of 3.375 000. Current n-iwrts show Norway has abo'it 200 newspapers, including tiO dailies and 60 which appear ev-i ry scrond day , The total rireu-'fution roflipn'res with 000.000 b '-lore the Second World War. c, H')ITlttlK,ll Canadians fhink companies I'vU.wiii, rector at Gt. , S"M t m'Chnrch' who noil fur a rew post in ., i.oiioivil Saturday ( fimfiirt and Service it farewell. Fur rescrvni Ions write .ol , nil city or l iot Ofrice likeTmperial make 29 on each dollar rrili(f ll,lert, B c I OPTOMETRIST I'ri'd U. Dowdie :m Tlilrd Ave. W. PI, cue Green 960 of sales, vr -ii" ,! by Hi, nihers of the u1. A ;, ) I i c a ii Young S A .:,it u,l ion. P-ii'v. lit Hi,.. Iiuiiu- of Miss ' Ji hi. i..iw Mr. I.enunon ' " tmv.'limg clock, pre-''' ii-l ire:si(U'nt Bert "'' '" of the ; -r.iif mein-",t:" her mother, Mrs. ,,n:! "ii, v.i'ie hostesses for .ir. Mn tin- evening, two of llrlj"is took Mr. Lcinmon movies. Mosf of ihem fhink 1 CITY TRANSFER CRATINO PACKING STORAGE such companies are entitled fo, mate , 'arty planned nt the 'Tin "' liny liuetlnaf of the LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING my' . 7 ' 1 vfe-' "' H was also plan-''"nt'.e it bam dance June a 'I ' l l);,!! game at tills il,,,'i '!;, weather pcrmlt- about half that... l58on the sales dollar. I nrn Imperial's profit in 1953 was actually less fhan 8. less than a third of what most people thought we made. ";lnu-iits and dancing! I Phone VjU "ed the evening. I , , 3ULllll. Open a con of Pacific Milk and you'll 11 tiy VjL" it iee the exclusive golden lining that l 'siXy 2jC' 1" - 5 prevents tainting keeps Pacific 11 -wT . j 11 : AJ sweeter, fresher for your enjoyment! w II"'"!! UlL .v IMflXlil L -Vr VL ... IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BOB P LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Terrace, B.C. A'