j' ' ' ,' -''" . Bosox Only Club To Sweep Twin Ri Tuesday, June 1. 19s4 I y$g?$nf Tonight's Fight Big One Yankees Manage Split With Senate) 'f :.,' . J v t - iw ken piiu:; Alt For Cockell, Matthews 4 - ..... . . v -V W " iff ' (' J. N 'frv ."V'V-'M-V Associated Prp.i Swrn Writer The nexi 30 days should decide the fate of Boston In the 19",4 American League race, will the Red Sox bloom In June or are they doomed to second division? Alter a horrible prlng of Injuries and bad weather whi-h ic.-ced Lou Tnudreau to go wl'h i niuc-do line-up that didn'i, the new month finds the Rea Fl'"'i i F.ii.i. M"""' r: LONDON (AP) American heavyweight Harry Matthews tackles -British champion Don Cockell in a j lO-roundcr tonight with a iossible world champion-, ship fight the rich prize dangling before the winner, i That's the way British sports- - , writers, promoter Jack" Solomons I Th. 9in.i,.nri rku erf an ine nuuunui lwca'itic, r.ii :ut shsrt the holiday fest villi-:, washing out Cincinnati') rio:'b',--headcr with the first-place Milwaukee Braves and cuttn; n Chlsago-St. Louis twin hill to sin.tle seven-inning contest w; i by the Cubs 14-4 on six l-.oi.i runs, two by Hank Saner. Brooklyn bested l'hilacleli)'-' Phils 5-4 on Gil Hodges' l2Vi-Inning home run In n si r ' game. Pittsburgh split wllh New York Giants, w.nnliig 4-3 a!'. losing on three hits tj HuIjcm Qomez, 4-0. The only .significant shirt t.- -CO.-' f"., i his 30-pound weight advantage i NEED fAONE to wear down Matthews in their M V help mil clash last August in Seattle and is counting on similar tactics in ; tonight's return bout. ! Promotor Solomons si id hr : expects a crowd of 50.000 "if we i Bet good weather." j tl ( roam and Jack Huiiey. Matthews' manuKer. see the big fmht which Koes on abcAit 10 p.m. 5 p.m. KDT at London's outdoor 61.00U-so:it White City Stadium. "Thi" outcome of thi : fifi.t wi'l i li'vati" Hi:1 victor into such lnoniinniKc tint h cannot possibly be denied th ri-'ht to style himself a lo":(-il ctintentler for the world ch'ir.iDi'invhip" comments t lit.- widely-read lloxin News. fOrKKl.l. TIIIKlt - . X fc, 4' 'Vf ; - ( VO' -V- --. t .v., ,' J Rill,", MuKazine i-.UC.-i Cockell Double Wins Boost Indians In WIL Race lly Tli" C'A'mdi-'n The Spokane Indians re .prdl the most benefits from Memorial ! Day doubleheaders in th.. West- em International B a s e b a I 1 i third amont! the wpi lir eont nd- HOSTS IIAHIKS" on the Detroit Tigers make it hard to separate the players from the bat boys. There's scant ape difference between the thrae "bonus babies" and bat boys Francis Mi-Garry, 1G second from left i, a high-school student, nn J John Hobb, lil i second from right!, also a student. A year ago infii ldei Reno Bi-rloia, 19 (l;fti. wu.i u colli ve freshnian, and outfielder AI Kaliue, I'J ii-entiei, anil pitcher Hob Miller, 18. irivht), Wen- still in hieh school. ers. The tubhy Dri'.ish eh.tinp-i m jumped into (hat spot alter he defeated Roland LaStara in London March 30. The British .slungcr is a 7-to-4 favorite for the fieh' and th:'t ii, i,i Th BANK ol NOVA SCOT! Sox settling In for an 13-gari! home stand In friendly FenwaN 1 Park. Tlie o-n a three-game winning .streak for the first time this ea.-on. iney've ha droute-goi'ia oe! roi mances from their pitchers In two of their last three cou--H!S. And Ted William appar-.-I- i, rendy to start bustl'V out all over. ui -mil was the only club In either league to sweep a Mem. uriul Day doiibfeheadcr Mond-v. and the Sox did il In high st ,!-. Tlu-y buried Philadelphia A's 20-10 in the hl:'lieU-corlng display of the leaue a.ton. Hum tno'i-peil up 9-0 In the nlyhieap. flAMIi Alir.AII Cleveland Indium' .stayed -a pump ahead of Cliica tn In f v.-.l t' !!( by 'whiop'-vr .the V'hi'e Sox 0-3 on Jim Hegan's ei:;hlh-iiming home run after losing the openerH-4 us Bob Keegun pasted liU '.seventh victory in eight decisions.. The W...shli,glon Senator.', v.vo .-ati. e New Yurk Yankees moi- trouble than an lnvestint!t!;; committee, beat the world chain, plans 1-0 on Johnny Schmiiz' three-hit ter, and pushed these ;-unit ame Into extra imilnyt 1 --fc re bowing 7-6 In 10 pi P- Sh.ae forced home the wintlln I rim with a bases-loaded walk. Detroit rallied in t'n nhi!1) for a 7-a victory at liiiliinior , then lost 4-2 to the Orioles. the standings came In the Ame-lean League. B'uton moved froei seventh to sixth and Baltimore from elihth to seventh ns l'h:; adelphia dropped to last. BIG DAY The Red Sox's be; day Included 27 hits, five or them home runs. Mitt Boiling hit two. w:!-'lain.s, Jim Piersall and llar.y A tennis I'.ot one each. Willia-.a , ul.so got a double anil a single i'-fix ollicial tnne.t at bat. M'.f la "limes William i liici'-- .-' ? ! Bill Henry scatticcd sevrn In! i in si-cund-gumo .shutout, illi third complete game of th. y. ir. lii-.itoii '."t'-hi'i ' I'.avi l '-i':.- i.: ' nine i'i.ui.li te imi-i. A hunt, an i i iii', an ; i i I i !i' i-. ;; and Mickey Vermin'; single mo-li.ced the one run W.i-hr.: -t needed to beat New York in th-Oj-ner. Casey otcngel argue-.l .liat the bunt l.H bat'i .- 1! Id c Yost's cap and g-.t to : -d or'. (.! LasI Night's Fights Bv Th- AssortntHl 1- New York Lulu Perez, l:!7 Brooklyn, outpointed Mickey Mars, 127, Cleveland C0i. Krtio'tlvn Jackie Labua K,n' . Eat Meadows, N Y. oatpoitite I Jacques Rover, '03, France t!0i Kinsmen Hurlers Fail To Halt Rampaging North Star Hitters worries him. "They'll expect too- Leasue Monday. Softball Fixture Set Tonight "' A' . ".Crnrr.rT.-i A four-team girls softball it. ; much," said Cockell. "I'm happier when they call me the un-di-rdog. It makes me more determined to in and win." Th; kid from Seattle isn't wor. ried about being the underdog. "I've been boxing tco long to let that worry me," Matthews said. "I'm perfectly fit and full of confidence." The American wound up his training Monday with two milrs of roadwork and is down to his best fighting weight of 180 pounds. PLUS LIFE INSURANC! While other teams split, Spokane beat Salem 6-5 and 14-6 i.nd vaulted over Tri-City into sixth place in the standings. Trl-City whipped Lewiston 4-2 in the nightcap of a twin bill after bowing 13-4 in theopentr. Yakima clipped Wenatchee 9-2, then took a 12-6 drubbing. Rain idled Vancouver at Kd-monton and Victoria at Calgary. It took Spokane 10 innings to .subdue Salem in the opener in the Senators' home park. Bob AT NO COST TO YO It was a case of "two littl -, o line-' )at night at Algiana Park as the Kinsmen went down under a 20-5 .viella.-king ry North Star in Little League; Baseball. ; Kinsmen were down 4-0 at Hie end of the third when thev pulled their starting pitcher Richaid Hebb for Jim Robert. Roberts, however, got himself into a holej from which he never managed to get out. Two iniiir. ;s saw the North Stars pile up aim' her l'i. runs and although Ken Murray managed to hold them hitlers and rimless in the final frame, it was then too late. Although the insmen did load the bases several times it w.-s only in the fifth that aAything happened. That was on a homer by Johnny Olsen with two matag aboard. Doug Turner also scored in the same Inning when he walked and Voagan knocked iiim home on a single. The only other run came in the sixth when Teddy Holder slammed out inrouijh the hole between first and second for three Jagjs and came home on a single clout by Adams. North S'nr "ot their runs oi 12 walks, 12 hits, 2 men hit by pi teners, and o i.rors. ' The win could best be divided between starter Ray Oakey and Ted Cireless who relieved hlai. while the loss is charged to Dick Hebb, Kinsmen siarter. Cok-kell, who is more interested league gets underway toniahl at Gyro Park, Sheila Hicks. Booth Memorial High school girls physical cd teacher announced today. The teams, made un mostly of lil' h school girls are reinforced with teachers and a u-w outside players. First game tuniiht, slated fur 7 pm. will see the Rainbirils, eapiuined by Sue Martin take on a Grarle 12 team .skippered bv Joan Grimble. Umpiring chun-n will be carriei out !'. '-.';-.;i -rnno! oys. Mss Hick. :..nr! that, it is nht.-ned to .stage the game? twice-weekly, on Tuesday and Wednesday nii'hts. It the league Is granted Gyro Paik by the Parks board. A .schedule will be a.i-nounced later. For llicflrM limriiiCjii ini-lli.wli,f,.niniu,lli MHir.ininpuH.I, IliKiklt-l fLiunf full ,irlj,. )our ni-jrr-l Lrjmli, in farming than professional Donkersley tripled home the win- ningrun In the top of the 10th boxing, ended his training at the south coast resort of East bourns the same training camp he used for the LaStarza fight. AS SIMPLE PHONE CALL , y Xiutr I'urlitfr ' 1 III llrlpiitf I ! t tiHiittu Cruu jjjtjC Phone (JO Across the Town or the Nation. Rainy Outlook Boosts Chances Of Blue Sail Top Hurling, Fielding Seen As Gyros Rally To Win 5-2 Your BNS Manager i-'immI man to know, I Terrace lie is K. ('. S indon-r Sly. Lindsay's CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. ' l.aial anil Long Distance Moving Los Angeles Dickie Won", 138 1 2. Honolulu, outpointed Don Jordan. 137 ' Les An- elis 1 10 ' . Montreal -Paolo Melii. 150'j. Italy, stopped Emerson Butch -r, 14, itc.k island, Hi. Kit. Heads up hurling and fine fielding were combined to give Gyros a 5-2 victory over Moose The Indians reached three S?.- lem pitchers for 18 hits in the j nightcap. Dick Aubertin and I John Trautwein teamed in a ! six-hit effort for the winners. ! The double loss dropped Salem , into ninth place. At Yakima, the Bears pounded out six straight singles in th sixth inning of the first game producing four runs that Iced the game. Wenatchee had two big innings in winning the afterpiece The Chiefs combed four singles, a double and a walk foi five runs in the second and added five in the sixth on a double, a single, two walks and Tony ; Munoz' grand slam homer. ' I The Lewiston Broncs scored nine runs in the first inning and coasted to their first-game victory over Tri-City. In the nightcap, Dale Bloom won a pitcher's battle with Grumpy Guy Fletcher, former Pacific Coast League ace. Bloom gave up seven hits and Fletcher nine ' -f '.. .' . , -'-i " ? t ,( ... . -. it . . Daily No,'; CiuSSt' ill a Pony League fixture last while Moose were busy tagging out Kelsey at second after Fleming hit to right field. Big Gyro inning, which saw four runs scored, was the fourth T. Lindstrom walked, Hewitt singled and Glrbov got on when catcher T. Halverson let a third strike get past i rd Linclstrom scored Walt Oskie got nn with a f't-iaers choice which s.-orcd Hewitt. Smith jingled, n-i-ing Girbov an dadvancing O- kle who came in and beat the play at the I.ONLON (?--.A predi- ion of wirti spread showers today enhanced ilic Derby prospects of Canadian-!.wncrt Blue Sail and scrambled predictions of the outcome of Wednesday's flrst-ra;-iivj classic at Epsom Downs. The Ir-h-bred three-year-okl owned by Max Bell and Frank McMahon of Calsary, quoted at 20 to 1 in Monday night's call-over, likes a.ioft track. So riors R'.v.ton M'r.or. a colt named alter a house and nearly as bi a; one, which jest lest the favorite's position to Darius on the i night at Roosevelt Park, j Right haniier Walter Oskie's I chances for a no-hitter were J spoiled in the .second by his bro-i ther Bob who blooped one into -short risht field for a single. This one safety scored W. Andur-: son, Moose left fielder who had walked and stolen second. Bob j Oskie went on to second when right fielder J. Johnson muffed the pickup and around to third i on the throw-in. He scored on ! . , !; 'ne l:ule' s v" u'y as Tri-City evened the series at a I win apiece. plate when Halverson dropped the ball. Oskie gave up two runs on one hit, two walks and ho t,ti urk out seven. Halverson gave up five runs, three hits, three bases on bails and struck out nine. BRITISH F mPIKI S COMMONWEAUII GAMfS Reserve your tickets and accommodations by MAI L .Write now and relax! Vancouver will be bursting with excitement, exploding with color, BRIMMING with visitors when the world spotlight turns on the British Empire Games , July 30 to August 7 but you can make sure of a ringside seat at this great Commonwealth spectacle NOW by MAIL. Just send for the B. E.G. Information Folder and have your reserved seats and accommodation all ready when the biggest sports event in all B.C. history gets under way. Be on hand to welcome H R H the Duke of Edinburgh and Field Marshal Earl Alexander of Tunis ... to watch records broken in ' contests among more than 700 champions from 25 countries. Write for the B.E.G. Folder NOW -TODAY in u:e iwu iiiousanu guineas. Tlx- switch oc urred in the latest cull-over, which quote:l Darius at 9 to 2 as a ;ain-t Row-ston M.im.r's 13 to 2. That w. s before the predictions of rain. ItKSIST HI. I K SAIL There was stili inn- belliti ' Seals Climb To Top Spot . T. Halverson's gm-ir-d-out, t i second. Walt Oskie clamped !h, lid or the Moose team from then on, retiring the next two men to end , the Inning, and taking out the , next nine men in order, five of them by the strike-out method. ! Southpaw Wesley Kelly of the Gyro squad, who was put in for the top of tho sixth, also turned j in a fine ni-rformance, striking out the first two batters and , causing right fielder R. Irint li I flv out to third ba.'cinaii Ma 1 Fleming. B The. Associated Prest COME AND TEST OUR 1954 r si.ilii..-c to Blue Sail based on! jockey J( iiniiy Liingden'.s unfa-mili-iritv with th- haip turns and upiiili oiret his or the tr.cl:v I Ep:jom track. But the colt Is1 krxw:i as a tainloiij. suiver- an il Hie Dei by distance is 1 'V mites; ' LoM.'ilen, miis; prolific winner' on U.S. tracks, won't face Sir Gordon Ui hard.;, tin- only nu-.u in the w.iild who has boot.-d j more winners home. Sir Gordon San Francisco's Seals are th:-sensation of the Pacific Coast League, a distinction ably earned by .soaring from the cellar to kecqnd, place in three weeks. ;TWy arrived Monday by w.-y of a double win over Portland, 7-0 and 16-1, before nearly 20,-000 fans who poured Into Seals Stadium to welcome tire team home. They had won 18 of tlu ir HIS ROYAL IIIOHNFS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH ! The Ovrn infield showed hustl'' ! that would credit a more .scnio-' i league. Excellent pickups and I throws were registered by thitd busi man Fleming and second j baseman L. Hewitt. Hewitt ills. 1 accounted for two out.', bv .aiag-j King difficult c-itehes, and firs' Jiaa to ;-ive up In,-, mount on !ne 1 which-1;l'st 22 Ban11'- Queens colt, Landau, p-'omptlv lo.se In 9 ti, 1 call-over. lit- the ; The two additional victor! .s over Portland put them 6'-. Lon-ilen whose monkey-on-1- Rami-s behind the league-leading I baseman L. Girbov ma le the .stvle'ol ' 1",, of the when he took .stick riiii.m i..... u..i 1 -Hollywood Stars and burnnrd plu-y evening STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a too I i-comiiiiieal rar try our A-:t0 AUS TIN. A ronijili I.-car with a low priir of only $1195, that hicliiili'S foam rubber seals, li-allier upholstery, directional signals ami lii-aler-ilefroslrr unit. turf writers gasping. -alloned his Oakland Into third place. . I Run nipirn nnH SniTinipiltn nrl- 1 J ( - ' J, uerov mount. Blue Sail. at. En- . . vunced to fourth place, which i Sum Downs today and pronounced himself "satisfied." "I like the course," said Long-den on dismounting. -T think we've got a good chaiiu: .tomorrow." . , . they share, the Padres conquer- ing Oakland 6-4 and 2-1 and the ISolons edging Hollywood 1-0 r.nd ! 3-2. J. Lozrick's high fly ball on the run near the Moose dugout. Gyros five runs came on three hits, one error and three passed balls, one of which allowed a run to score and another that allowed a runner a life at first. Gyros scored once in the first when leadoff battt-r Rilly Smith walked, went to second on B. Kelsey's single and came In to score AUTO SERVICE . ;;'v In Seattle the rain held off long enough for the Ralnlers to win the opener, 3-1, from Los Angeles, but the second game was called after half an inning. Remembc. When !-) By Tilt t ,- ilau Prrs Lou Gehrig, then 21, took over at first base for New York Yankees 29 years ago today to begin his "iron man" record In modem baseball. In 14 years after 1025 FOR RESERVATIONS Thlt dvertisemnt 11 not on Lou played In 2,130 consecutive . . . mail coupon now or displayed by the Liquor Control Potid or by trie Government of British Columbia He died games for the Yankees, in 1941. - si . To: Bo Office, British Empire Camel, 658 Hornby Street, Vancouver 1, B.C., Canada ISt- it Mr ROOFING ,cn''w your rf i,h Asphalt Shingles RENOVATING mm House interiors FOUNDATIONS Work or All Kinds . Estimates fliven on Work GREER & BRIDDEN DRYER $329.95 PLEASE SEND B. E. G. FOLDER TO i NAME : - WASHER $419.95 New Low Terms GORDON & ANDERSON ADDRESS VANCOUVER, B.C. Phone 909 II VI ITU) 213 First Ave. West Phone 46 JULY 30 - AUG. 7, r